Part 173: Mission 47 - The End of The Black-Clad Avenger - Part 2
Alright, its about time we dealt with Kusakabe for good Ill be making use of as many Support Requests as possible to bring in people that have lines against the guy.Lets do this!

By the by, Astray Double Blade changes when Lowe is using the Powered Red.

Kusakabe is worth a Super Alloy Z.

Ryouko also learns Prevail L5 and Support Attack L3.
Sadly, since Sousuke was in his Bonta-kun suit, I couldnt trigger his dialogue:

Ruri warns Kusakabe that its over and, once again, asks them to surrender.
The Successor troops tell her to shut up and are prepared to die to the last man to defend Kusakabe.
Kusakabe, however, asks her to guarantee the safety of his men before he does so; he tells his troops that their cause was lost the moment their grand Plan Kou failed, and concedes defeat gracefully.
As the Kagura Zuki powers down, Harry wonders if its over but Ruri says not yet, just as Minato detects 7 signatures Boson Jumping over.

As Ruri expected, its Hokuten who is determined, as one of those who dwell in the shadows, to not see the light return to the world.
Wufei sees that all Hokuten has been doing has been for his own sake, not for his beliefs or Kusakabes mission; he takes it upon himself to end Hokuten but Ruri says someone else will deal with him.

The rest of our units spend some time closing in while Mike lays down the beat for Golion.

So there.

Enemy Phase!

Hokutens cronies are caught in his Command Aura and are quite effective (his Command skill is maxed out and offers a huge accuracy/evasion bonus).

So much so that two Rokurens and Hokuten attack and dodge the counter while putting a decent-ish dent on Valguard, Golion and Gaofighgar.
Nothing dangerous, though.

Player Phase!

To compensate for their accuracy boost, I have Lapis cast Confuse.

The RNG is still stacked against me, as Gai Murakumo misses twice (thank god Kazuma assisted him or I wouldve been pissed).

Carve em up, Lowe.

Good man.

Ryouma chains the three again, killing one of the Rokurens.

The kill yields a level up and Hayato learns Prevail L6.

Bonta-kun can take care of another one.

Two down.

Kazuma pops his Valored MAP, dealing nice damage to three other Rokurens and Hokuten one of which was the third kill.

Ryouko chains them up with a support from Izumi, taking our fourth kill.

This one here is still full, so we send a powerhouse his way.

Good man.

Fifth kill!

Enemy Phase!

As the Rokuren wastes an attack on Gaofighgar, Hokuten has decided to ignore Akito sitting RIGHT THERE and chains our damaged folks.

Great Mazinger and Golion are halfway dead but they both have a massive Prevail running.

Player Phase!

Bonta-kun calls for a support from Kira and the last Rokuren goes down.
Now, lets have a quick look on Hokuten:

Hokuten is dangerous but not resilient, thats for sure.
Even though he has good armor and the Distortion Field, his HP is way too low to be a major problem; mind you, even with low HP, he still has an impressive amount of stats on everything (his Skill stat is HUGE, so you better attack with something that he cant parry).
Hes got no MAP but, as you saw, he loves to chain-attack and his powerful attacks can be very accurate unless you set up defensive measures (Confuse helps a lot).

Hokuten is carrying just what youd expect from a high-damage type boss:
- Sword Cut
- Counter
- Break Morale Limit
- Prevail L9
- Support Attack L4
- Command L4
- Multicombo L2
Now that they are all down, just focus on him and that 32400 HP will vanish in the blink of an eye, with or without Prevail L9.

Hell, I wont even use Valor just to make sure Akito can take a shot at the guy.

Oh, dear Gai is getting close to hyper mode!

Get in there, Akito!

Damn, boy you really need to get some upgrades.

There was no way Akito could kill Hokuten with what little upgrades and morale he has, so lets give this to Tetsuya as hes lagging behind on levels.

Boom, bitch.

Hokuten is worth an Anti-Beam Coating L, a BP+1 and a Morale Limit Break.
Kira and Sousuke had lines against him but I ran out of support requests:

Theres no time to celebrate, though, as Aria has snuck into the base during the confusion and orders Kaname and Tessa to come with her!
From above, also, Carret detects an incoming attack from Database troops.

Kusakabe is taken by surprise from the attack and Ruri orders him to get to safe distance, as his fortress isnt in shape to handle this attack.

Aria quickly comes outside to taunt Stupid Kazuma that shes taken both Whispered.
She also gives Applicant the sign to move.

Applicant rushes to the ruins to grab the Boson Jump unit (still an object that they desire to study), with Yurika still attached to it.

Ruri orders Minato to intercept them but the Database troops attack is pinning us in place!
No one can get there in time and if no one does anything, were going to see all three missing women kidnapped again.

It takes Ruri and Akito crying out to Yurika to rouse her from her slumber, and she Boson Jumps herself and the entire Boson Jump Unit into the Nadesico's hangar.
Ruri thanks Yurika for her help
Applicant isnt happy about this but is willing to accept the success of one of their objectives with the capture of the Whispered.

Kazuma furiously shouts at them to halt and Applicant responds "No one halts when told to; if you've got time to yell, follow instead", one of the many Trailer maxims.
With a spiteful little "Bye-bye" (and a wish to see Mihiro again) Aria and Applicant vanish.
Akito tells a very frustrated Sousuke not to give up hope yet; better is to demolish the remaining bad guys and then follow.

Just when this mission didnt seem long enough at least there are only twelve mooks to kill.

Enemy Phase!

The Reus and Stomas move in but only this one gets in range.


Mind you, the Opus jump right into the fray, attacking Hikaru, Ruri and Ryouko.

Their right flank decides to gang up on Lapis, though.

She takes a bit of a pummeling from the three but shell make it.

Player Phase!


There. Two dead Opus and some very damaged Reus.


Gai Murakumo teams up with Kouji to bring another Reus down.

While Izumi and Hikaru are doing their thing on a Stoma.

Take him out, Gai.

Good man.

Volfogg takes another Opus only one left.

Did you know that the new Phase Transition Cannon has a dynamic kill? The old one didnt and I never bothered to check on past playthroughs!

Full health? Fuck you!

Hell, yeah.

Thanks Gai³.

To show things off, lets kill the last Stoma with the Formation Attack Shooting.

Finally, Golion wraps things up (thank god ).

Akane asks Carret about Applicant and Arias location but, of course, their signal was lost in the confusion.
Shihomi calls everyone aboard the Nadesico so we can regroup and think of our next step.

All except for Akito, who has Lapis stay with us from here on.
Lowe and others tell him that he doesnt need to be like that anymore - theyve rescued Yurika and both of them can return to their normal life.
Gai Daigouji also wants his old buddy back, they can fight together just like the old days!
Akito, however, claims he's not entitled to take off his black threads and rejoin society; he blames his own powerlessness not only for Yurika's dreadful state, the same lack of strength that resulted in the deaths everyone at the Utopia colony, like Ai-chan.
Ryouko says that he cant blame himself for all that but Akito says that had he been able to protect them, this wouldnt have happened.
Ines for one isn't impressed that, after all this time, Akito still doesnt understand a thing.

She reminds him of what Erina told him: Boson Jump isn't just teleportation, it's time-space travel.
Suzuishi doesnt think this is the time for her to start explaining stuff but Kogane shushes him; Akito doesn't see what she's getting at, but Ines begins reciting the self- introduction of a little girl from Utopia Colony's Rainbow elementary school: first grade, room 5-12.
Favorite person: mommy. Favorite food: spaghetti. Favorite story: Cinderella.

She asks Akito to greet her and, as she says that, a Boson Jump signal appears inside the Martian Ruins and out comes a little girl.
She introduces herself to Lacus as Ines Fressange, but people call her "Ai".
She looks around, confused, and wonders where the nice guy who gave her the orange is.

Ines tells her that she'll get to see that nice guy, if not now, then one day.
She urges the girl never to forget his face, or voice; Ai in return hands over some kind of memory plate, saying she was asked to hand it over and Ines thanks her, saying its very important.
As she does that, Ai says she needs to go and Boson Jumps away.

Akito is stunned that "Ines" is actually "A"... or "I", as Ines elegantly points out.
It turns out she was caught up in Akito's original Jump off of Mars, when escaping the Jovian attack, being tossed backwards in time all the way to the people who made the Ruins.
They sent her back to your time, but to 21 years ago in the Martian desert and sans memory; a Nergal employee rescued her back then, and it took until her participation in the A-Class Jumper trials for her memory to return.

Overcome, Akito flees the scene.
Tsukumo intones that there are some lost things that can be retrieved, even if some of the intervening time can't.
He, however, is positive that Akito will return to us someday.

New Years day has finally drawn to a close, with some good (no more Successors, Yurika recovered) and some bad (Database grabbed the Whispered) together.
Speaking of The Database, they're probably set as our next target.

But first, we've got Yurika to wake up and Ines takes care of that.
Yurikas first observation is that everyone's aged, which might have something to do with all the stress about her that's been going on; David and Yumi know that itll take some explaining for her to understand all that happened during her year-long hibernation but figure shell be OK.

Yurika says that shes been dreaming of Akito all this time and asks where he is.
Ines tells her that hes not around and she'll have to go to Earth to chase after him; but how? The Nadesico and all other ships are staying in space to focus on The Database

Fortunately, there's a spare Jump-capable ship handy, piloted by Lapis Lazuli whos talking to Ruri.
Born in Nergal's labs, she tells Ruri that she was once Akito's eyes, ears, hands and feet.
Akito ordered this girl, so similar to Ruri herself, to stay behind, by which he meant "to help us out"; Yurika can of course handle the Jump navigation, and Lapis vows to protect the woman who is obviously of such great importance to Akito.
Lacus announces that she'll accompany them, determined to continue fighting her "fight" back on Earth by extending her songs to more people who need them.

Gai Murakumo says that her late father would be pleased but Lowe asks how would he know the man?
Gai knows since it was at his behest that Malchio hired the Serpents Tail to keep an eye on the usage of the Neutron Jammer Cancellers; Lacus thanks him for the words, saying that shell work extra-hard to be worthy of that approval.
Lacus tells Kira that she'll look forward and work toward the day when Plant and Earth can get a little closer.

When Ryouko asks, Ruri says that shes sure that Akito will return, and if he doesn't, she'll chase him down herself.
After all, she's got something to give him, and something to return to him.
Him, her precious friend...
Were getting there soon.