Part 183: Mission 50 (Plant Route) - The Spiral of Hatred and Fate - Part 2

This battle is made of nothing we havent seen before, so just make sure you kill the Dominion in five turns (though you have more than enough time to kill everything).

All mooks are either Serpents or Strike Daggers and while theyre a bit beefier than before, that wont do much against us.

Kouji doesnt give any fucks about boosted HPs and takes a Serpent down in one go.

This gets the Zero System running.

As Elijah moves closer, I have Re-Home repair the damage that Canard did.

I also made the mistake of using Kiras Hit & Away to send him (and Lowe, Gai, Kazuma, Heero

Its fine, though.

Enemy Phase!

A pack of four Strike Daggers goes after Hayato they are left in either critical or low-ish HP, depending on their chosen range.

It is Kouji that proves himself as a mook-magnet, though.

Along with this Strike Dagger, two more of those and a Serpent go after him none survive.

Athrun gets his SEED going with all those kills.

Right on time to kill a mook of his own.

This one kill gets Kira and Tetsuya to activate their buffs.

Player Phase!

Like I said above, Valzacard is VERY far away and would take a long while to get closer to the Feds.
With that in mind, we cast Zeal and Accelerate and zoom right over!

Using Assail, we can take a shot at this here Dagger.

Aw, shouldve used the sword.

Lowe sprints ahead and slices a Serpent in half.

While Golion needs to use Snipe to reach something to attack.

Thats good.

Wufei takes down another Dagger and injures a Serpent with a chain-attack; Prayer tries to follow up but lets it barely hanging.

Cagalli can deal with it, though.

Damn it, Girl!

Elijah downs this stubborn Serpent!

Enemy Phase!

Trying to snipe, eh?


The Archangel is attacked twice by weakened Daggers and does not disappoint.

Two kills later, Murrue takes a level and learns Prevail L5.

Git outta here.

Uh, oh. Here come the druggies!

That works well enough.

One more time.

Crazy whippersnappers.
Mind you, Shani simply moves in closer.

Player Phase!

Heeey, its our old friend Ed! Maybe hes had time to think since our last battle in Orb? Lets find out!

Yeah, we get an extra helper! Ill put him to use in a bit.

These kiddies had the decency of lining themselves up for a MAP which Prayer is happy to oblige.
Hm, that didnt do much but do you know what will?

Now, I could bombard them again and kill all three druggies but we should share the experience around.

Shani is the only one thats still healthy-ish, so well have Ryouma deal with that.

Good man.

I TRY to have Duo take kill Orga but he misses, so screw him.

Golion it is.

Thats how you do it.


Moving ahead, Wufei weakens Clotho a bit more and Kira cuts the healthier Agamemnon down to size.

If I was in a bigger rush, Athrun is in position to MAP every single enemy left.
Since Im not, though, Ill just have him kill Clotho.

Didnt even need to use Valor.


Elijah and Tetsuya take one of the ships down

And Ed will handle this one.

Im guessing that he takes upgrades after someone (probably the Red Frame) but I dont know for sure.

Youre the only druggie left, kid.

And thats that.


Before we deal with the Dominion, Re-Home repairs the Archangel a bit.

Enemy Phase!

Yeah, I expected as much.

Nothing major, though.

Player Phase!

As usual, we open up with Golion grabbing and assist from Kouji to wreck the ships armor.

It probably wouldnt feel right if we didnt allow Murrue to take a shot at them.

Not bad.

Give em what for, Lowe.

Almost there.

Might as well let Ed stick it to his old boss.

Alright, that should be good.

Ill let Kira grab this kill.

How do you like them apples, jerk?

The Dominion is worth an EN Gigachip, a BP+1 and a Support Request+1.
As expected, Muu also had a line against Natarle:

Azrael asks what the fuck is Natarle doing and she is sounding the retreat: further combat is impossible and theyll just have to let us deal with Zaft.
Azrael is sick of her questioning his orders, and grabs a gun he's had hidden to underscore his point.
Natarle asks if he plans to take over her ship with that little piece of contraband weaponry and Azrael responds that this is no takeover - it was her job to follow his orders from day one, and she's the one who resisted at every turn.
He proclaims that they can still turn this around when Corbetts ships arrive with the missiles.
The Fermion Missiles will still bring them victory against both Neo-Wärter and the Coordinators but Natarle yells at him to stop, to which he yells at her to shut up.
Inside the Dominion

*A gunshot grazes Azrael.*


Back outside

*The Archangel moves up to the Dominion*

Inside the Archangel, Natarle asks her old captain if she had been wrong the whole time.
Murrue considers carefully, and tells her that she's not sure.
What Murrue is sure of is that Natarle was a fine soldier, and Natarle's next duty will be reporting all of this to the military - laying bare the selfish motives of Azrael and Corbett that allowed such an insane mission to be authorized in the first place.
Without those two, however, Blue Cosmos should lose power and the Army should recede back to UN control in short order.

What remains is taking out Genesis, and Ed offers to ferry Natarle from the battlezone to make that report.
Lowe will trust Ed with not only that but hes sure that his testimony will also be invaluable in bringing the entire truth to light.
Murrue sees Natarle off, saying that she hopes Natarle will open the eyes of others to their own humanity and Natarle hopes that her testimony will help the Federation rebuild she does look forward to meeting us again in better circumstances.

When Kazuma asks, Gai says that this was all the tip of the Iceberg - his mission is not yet finished until.
The person pulling the strings - his main target - is yet to be uncovered, and the way Gai sees it our people are still the most expedient way to find whoever that is; besides, Gai isn't so single-minded a merc that he lacks a personal interest in seeing the fruits of our team's quest to restore peace.
Kazuma agrees with that and, when this is over, he says he just might teach Gai about being a Trailer.

Patrick receives the news that our actions have halted the Fed army and the soldier asks if he should stop the Genesis charge.
No, because Patrick thinks this is precisely the chance he's wanted to wipe out the Naturals in one go; he orders the Genesis' firing sequence to continue, with Creuset dispatched to keep our people from reaching Jachin Due.

Creuset's main target is to be National Criminal Lacus Klein.
Patrick fumes to himself about how the Naturals are trying to coddle him like they did Siegel Klein - HIM, one of the Coordinators who are the rightful successors to the universe!
Creuset sees that the final battle is quickly approaching and he is more than eager to fight Neo-Wärter to decide the fate of it all.