Part 193: Mission 52 - Warped Sun - Part 2

Blade and the others have joined mid-battle but all come at base morale; thankfully, weve an endless swarm of Eviluders to mitigate that.

Gotta get the morale up quickly these are not the numbers I want from Blade!

Kira also needs to get his SEED on, so he might as well take that kill.


Professor weakens the new Eido II a bit, using Iron Wall just in case the Eviluders decide to gang up on her.

Well let Yurika take this kill.

Ah thats some Yurika-esque damage right there.

Since these damn Sol Lords closed in on Valzacard, they were actually inside EXA Nova Shoots blindspot.
As such, Aria casts some Zeal and we bombard them after moving to a better position.

P-Vater has the most HP left, so well focus on him first.

Its really hard to capture it on screenshots but P-Vater is using that Pile Driver to create a sonic boom.

Thanks for activating the Zero System NOW, Heero.

Ruri and Ryouma take assists from Lacus to add up on the damage.

Tetsuya should be able to cover the rest.

Barely but it worked.

Next in line is Percurio and Golion takes swing at it.

Orgun will follow it up.

Guess I shouldve used Valor

Either way, Kouji takes away a small bit of his remaining HP.

Hiver is just in range to take him out.

A good thing is that all these guys have boss-level cash prizes make sure to use Bless on every kill!

Ptulone is up next.


This should do it.

Good man.

The Eternal moves away from the Database troops and heals Kouji.

Enemy Phase!

Puranus and Ruri exchange blows.

ALL Database troops converge on Hiver who weakens all but the Reuses (that wouldve required spending much EN on Reactor Voltekkas).

Palparepa and Abel start stealing MY KILLS!

Faux-Big Daddy pops both attacks on Hiver.

As you can see, Applicant is equipped with a Barrier L Generator which reduces all incoming damage by 1400 at the cost of 10 EN per use (but consider that he has EN Regen, so ).

Most Eviluders attack Palparepa and Abel (and survive) but this one is not so lucky.
Attack my guys, damn it!

Player Phase!

Valzacard and Orgun bring Puranus down to her last legs.

Might as well give this last kill to Ruri as Harry will probably learn his last spirit.

And I was right! They both gain 4 levels and Harry learns Renew.

I will now split my troops: The Supers will deal with Abel and Palparepa while most of our reals will converge on the Database (Blade, Kira and Rapier are too far away to do that, of course).

Following Gais chain-attack, Lowe will chain his mooks plus Applicant.

But I underestimated the Stomas bulkiness and they barely survive

Yumi kills them both and deals slight damage to the rest.
Up top, Blade falls just short of oneshotting an Eido II.

Show them how its done, Gai.

Hell, yeah.

Kira quickly kills the new Eido II.

This gets Lacus into SEED Mode.

Enemy Phase!

Another three Database mooks and Applicant go after Yumi, who further weakens them.

This one Reus has the bright idea to attack Valzacard instead.

I better start watching my EN!

Another also tries to attack the Nadesico but Kazuma is there to protect it.

Screw you!

Thankfully, Palparepa charges after J and co.

Ha, ha!

This Eido II suicides against Pia Decem and the problem with that is

More Eviluders spawn and they see a bunch of battleships just sitting there.

With SEED going, Lacus can actually pull decent damage.

My guess is that the Eviluders realized that, as they immediately decide to converge on Yurika.
Five of them attack and take not-so-impressive damage in return Yurika got covered by Gai a couple of times but he cant support defend forever.

Also, I totally forgot that Rapier knew Support Defend whoops!

You motherfucker you

Player Phase!

I have Rapier attack a couple of Eidos in hope that shell kill one.

Problem is, Rapier has quite low attacking stats
We can minimize that with BP but, for now, she wont be doing much.

Fine. Kira and Lacus take them both down.

Get to it, Blade.

Damn it, whats wrong with you today?!

Gai and Hayato, thankfully, act as expected and oneshot their targets.

Just in case Applicant gets creative with his MAP, I have Suzuishi cast Confuse.

Also, we cant take Palparepa out just yet so we might as well melt his weapons.

Good, good.

In the Database front, Heero kills the last Stoma while Lowe has Prayer help out via Support Request.

This one Reus is pretty close to dead, so we can divert a couple of units to finish the job.

Aw, so close.

Still, Ruri takes it down while Kazuma stabs a Deceiver.

Only one of these folks left.

Thanks, Gai.

Back up top, Murrue and J busy themselves with killing weakened Eviluders.

Enemy Phase!


What a helpful Reus.

I didnt realize it until now but Eviluder reinforcements are tied towards the overall number of enemy units it doesnt matter if they are neutral or not!

Palparepa tries chaining into J again but, with his weapons melted, not even the Archangel takes damage.
Down below, Applicant tries MAPing but Confuse makes it so only the Nadesico gets hit.

Eviluders attack everyone.

Due to their high HP, however, only Hayato and the Archangel manage to nab a kill.

Player Phase!

Alright, enough playing around Waltfeld casts Rouse to get Blade to Blasterize.

Well open up with Kira, taking a support from Rapier.

She really needs to get a boost to her Shooting stat.

Ryouma teams up with Kouji to do some real damage.

Next up is Blade, wholl grab an assist from Lacus

Now thats more like it.

Golion does a bit more damage and then were good.

Take him out, Gai.


Palparepa is worth an Auxiliary GS Ride, a BP+1 and a Counter.

He still can't figure out how we could have so much power - power that can even overwhelm a god.
Kouji doesn't give a damn about gods or devils - all he knows is that our people won't lose to the likes of him.

Our ships pull back and, while Im at it, I have Re-Home heal the Eternal a bit.

Only one left to move up here is J so we might as well have him deal some starting damage on Abel.

Of course at least I had J cast Alert beforehand.

While we cant wreck Abel until the next turn, our people next to Applicant are more than capable of taking him out now.

Since we cant take away that Barrier, lets just break through it.

Thats how you do it.

Orgun and Gai Murakumo keep the pain going, quickly reducing the Arm Storer Finis down to critical.

Yeah, I completely forgot that there was a Reus left by Yumi.
Still, well have Kazuma wrap things up.

Applicant is worth a Barrier L Generator, a Gunfight +1 and a Hit&Away.

He grudgingly admits that it may be time to revise his opinion of Kazuma.
Kazuma doesnt care about that, though: what he wants to hear out of him is the location of The Databases main base and Sousuke wants to know where theyre keeping Kaname; Applicant will reveal neither, as they cannot afford to lose Kaname before the data collection from her head is complete.
Once they finish that, there'll be nothing left to record in this system - thanks to a certain collaborator, they were able to acquire massive amounts of data in one go and their timetable was sped up (despite our interference).

Applicant says that, once the last bits of data are recorded, theyll then leave and let the Sol Lords finish their regeneration project, bringing about their own task of destroying the sources of what they've recorded.
Kazuma asks how the hell Applicant can do that to the lives of his trillions of his fellow people but, once again, Applicant answers that hes not Blessfield Ardygun.

As he leaves, Kazuma ruefully says that he already knew that but what surprises him is that there doesn't seem to be even a shred of his father left within Applicant.

Enemy Phase!

Pia Decem goes after J and they both miss.

Eviluder time yawn.

Leave me alone I just want to finish this long-ass mission!
A total of six Eviluders go after Golion and, seeing how half were weakened, he kills them.

One Eviluder goes after Shin Getter and gets killed.
Four go after Gai and he kills them, too!

Player Phase!

Alright, you. DIE!

I couldve reduced his armor but its not necessary.

Weve all our super robots up here, so itll be over soon.

Damn, Im surprised Kouji was able to outdamage Gai even when Pia Decems Prevail was running.

For the sake of maximum

Get to work, boy.

Of course, Eviluder reinforcements appear and while I could spam Zeal to get more MAP kills, I just want this to be done with.

Golion takes a quick shot at Pia Decem and were in the clear.

Lets finish this one with our newest trick: Blade and Rapiers Double Voltekka!

Pia Decem is worth a The Carpenters, a Prevail +1 and an Infight +1.

Nah. Rather than a 70s pop duo, these are more like a mass of small repair robots that GGG uses whenever their fighting destroys a city (in here, they give a 10% HP Regen).

Rather than fight to the last, Abel decides that its best to have Pia Decem retreat for now.
Renée yells out for someone to stop them if we can bring the leader down, well stop the Sol Lords! Pilnus interrupts the lion kitten, saying that her lesson has only just begun.
As they leave, Boss and Sayaka think that the Sol Lords have fled after taking this much damage, but J and Kaidou know they'll be back any moment.

All the main enemies are dealt with and Horis informs Shihomi that the GGG Warships have finished collecting data: we can now figure out Pisa Sol's exact location!
Ruri calls everyone aboard the ships, so they can Boson Jump to the spot Yurika is very impressed at how Captain-esque Ruri is sounding and Ruri requests her help to navigate the jump.

*Genesic Gaogaigar starts exploding.*

*All Eviluders converge on Gaogaigar.*

Well, this mission took much longer than I expected.
Think we can get a new page before we move on to mission 53? It's quite a long mission but it's also AWESOME!

See you all soon!