Part 198: Post-Mission 53 Intermission (Includes Unit Analysis #25 - "Late Arrival" Edition) and Mission 54 - With Unforgettable Memories in Our Hearts - Prologue
The second-to-last intermission are yall excited? I know I am!Before we start, as usual, lets check the top aces:

Holding Kazuma back to let others gain morale stopped him from catching up to Gai while he was absent only one mission left to see if hell catch up.
Skill Parts:

Tetsuya grabs Infight, bringing himself to L3.

Sousuke gets Break Morale Limit because I figured itd be the best way to close the power-level gap between him and our strongest units.
Even if the Lambda Driver doesnt get an added bonus, the 20 morale will give him a boost.

Orgun gets the Gunfight because why not? Both his best attacks are Shooting.
He also takes the Ignore Size Modifier just to take it off the list.
Unit Upgrades:

The Black Selena borrows upgrades from Akitos old Aesti the one weve been unable to upgrade since the middle of the game.
Needless to say, he needs a major boost to catch up so I spend half our cash giving him three points in EN, Mobility and Weapons.

Gai Daigouji gets some more EN and Weapons just so he doesnt feel left out.

I also boost Busters weapons a bit.

Both Blade and Hiver upgrade their EN and Weapons.

Finally, the lil cash left gives Gaogaigar more EN.
Unit Parts:

Lowe replaces his old A-Adaptor with a shiny S-Adaptor no matter the terrain, Lowe is going to fuck shit up!

The Black Selena takes both a Booster and the P.A.S.F.U: what this part does is recover 1 SP per square walked.
Akito can walk 10 squares with his High-Maneuverability Black Selena so thatll get him 10 SP back if he keeps moving, meaning he gets a near free Focus use.
Mind, normally I wouldve given him something else but there wasnt anything worthwhile, so he takes that.

Just for the heck of it, Gai Daigouji takes the Pink Haro (ピンクハロ) and will get us 100G for every square he moves.
This is something that the game shouldve given us WAY earlier because, at this point, 100G per square is nothing (most missions end in around 6 turns, that means we make 800 bucks per turn IF Gai moves through eight squares this adds up to 4800 cash per mission, give or take, which cant even give one upgrade in EN).
Now, before we move on, lets take a look at Mr. Im too angsty to join at a reasonable moment:

Akito has gotten a whole lot stronger since the middle of the game: the IFS Skill propels him to outright beat Gai Murakumo at stat pileup which is pretty damn impressive (and he's one of the top melee attackers in the game).
The Black Selena, as you may have noticed, is also the only Prince of Darkness unit that actually has different frames: The High-Maneuver Frame, the regular Black Selena and the Aestivalis Custom Akito-Type you can switch forms in battle by either selecting the Purge option or by using a purging attack (it also has the added bonus of restoring your HP and EN).
All forms are made to be very dodgy and they all have a 10% EN Regen, except for the Aesti that recovers its EN like any other.
Akitos Skills and Spirits are pretty much unchanged but he has dropped Iron Wall and Sword Cut in exchange for Strike and Counter.

Weapon-wise, all forms of the Black Selena are a bit limited having, at most, a medium range and a close range attack; both High-Maneuverability and regular Black Selena have an armor purge attack thatll transform them into the next form.
By itself, the unit isnt all that but where it does shine is the fact that, while in the Aesti, Akito STILL has his Double Gekigan Flare attack with Gai Daigouji and its pretty powerful (stronger than Sommer/Vesnas Double Voltekka and even Astray Double Blade) add in the fact that theyll both be recovering their EN from the Nadesico and this is one of the most efficient combined attacks available.
Conclusion: By itself, the Black Selena is only good but its real value is pairing it with Gai Daigouji to greatly increase both units power; youll probably want to deploy Akito in the High-Maneuverability frame so he can zip across the battlefield easily and then purge the armor once you get in the bosses face.
It works well as a mook hunter and it can more than pull his weight against bosses with Double Gekigan Flare IF you have room for both units, they easily get a recommendation.
Huzzah! That was the last unit analysis in the game!
Now, lets move on with the prologue.

Mission 54 - With Unforgettable Memories in Our Hearts

We cut to Plant airspace, that is now being attacked by Database platoons.
This area is being defended by a blended force of Federation and Zaft troops, with Yzak in charge and he orders to stop their advance right here lest they bring the attack directly to Plant.
Morgan is ready and warns that we wont be having reinforcements from the Federation, all troops are busy detaining attacks on other places.
Ed finds himself wishing that Neo-Wärter was here; however, Jean relates that weve been missing since the end of the battle against the Eviluders and Sol Lords.

As such, it falls on them to hold the Database at bay and hope that were fine.
Mikhail sees a unit ahead that looks like the commander, so Yzak orders everyone to focus on it in hope that itll disperse the other troops.
Ed is quite confident, though, saying that this group is made of Aces from the Federation, Orb and Plant no way theyre gonna lose here!

SEED and Astray/MSV units inherit upgrades from both the Freedom and the Red Frame, so theyre all capable of standing their ground.
For the first turn, everyone moves forward.

Enemy Phase!

Yzak has a friendship bonus with Shiho so, even though he gets swarmed by some mooks, hes able to avoid the hits.

Of course, hes still not very strong
A total of two Reus and two Stomas go after him and suffer small hits.

Morgan is attacked by a couple of Opus and forces Miguel to support defend him against a 22% attack still, its no big damage and the Opuses are nearly dead.

Shiho is also attacked by one Opus.

Shes fine.

Player Phase!

Shiho alerts everyone that she detects one unit entering the battlefield: the Gold Frame.
Ed recognizes the unit, the same one that helped him and Natarle protect Plant from the Eviluder assault while Neo-Wärter stopped Genesis.

Jean had been expecting her to arrive and Mina Sahaku says that if she allows her world to be destroyed, things wouldnt be looking good for her nation.
She says she intends to defend the world in her own way, and wonders if Gina is laughing at her right now.

However, she has learned one thing: this world is created by the efforts of individuals.
If she wants to have a country to rule, she'd better take to the battlefield and defend the individuals who populate that country.

Jean is piloting a customized M1 Astray but its still not all that powerful.
Since this part is going to be over soon, Im gonna start spamming Valored attacks to speed it up.

Good man.

Morgan quickly finishes off one of the weakened Opus.

While Ed sets up a chain-attack.

Not bad at all.

No more chain-attacks possible, so were gonna start abusing support attacks everyone in here has at least Support Attack L1, so they really want you to do this.

Here we go.

One final Opus, so Mikhail will take him out.

Good, good.

Yzak takes a support from Shiho and they destroy another Reus, while the girl herself wrecks a Stoma.

This one Reus is the only unit at full health, so Mina will intercept.

It wont last long against us.

Enemy Phase!

Said Reus tries to snipe at Morgan.

The Stoma also goes after him and takes a nice hit.

Oh, yeah. Alongside the Arm Storer Finis, the Database is now mass-producing Arm Arcus Finis.

They carry all those nice debuffs that Arias had, paired with some nice stats all around (they got 22% on a Focusd Morgan, inside Yzaks command aura and with a friendship bonus with Ed).

Player Phase!

Ed and Jean cast valor/soul and take out the remaining mooks.

Now, to quickly take care of the Deceiver.

Its not difficult when you can just go all out.

No need to have Yzak kill it, I just want a wee bit more damage done.

Alright, perfect.

Did you know that the Gold Frames Maga no Ikutachi attack has a dynamic finish? I wonder if it was present in Ginas version or if its exclusive to the Gold Frame Amatsu Mina.
Have a look.

No sooner does the commander die, Morgan detects another wave of enemies approaching.
Mikhail says that Zaft reinforcements are still getting ready and wont be here anytime soon; Ed says that they all agreed to be prepared to do what was necessary, though

Mina also warns them to take evasive maneuvers: she detects the signal of a cannon attack coming their way!
The attack easily wipes out the Database troops and Shiho recognizes it as a Gravity Blast.

Yurika thanks everyone for their work but proclaims that we are back!
George sighs that the trip back took so much longer than it shouldve but Ruri says it couldnt be helped: the battle at Venus did some heavy damage to the Nadesicos Jump drive.
Yzak is quite relieved that were still alive and Mikhail is honestly impressed at our return.
Mina thinks that our return is just whats needed to change the current state of this battle and knows that theres now hope for this world to endure.

It's February 12th and Kazuma recounts the result of the battle of Venus to the log.
Gaogaigars Goldion Crusher has completely destroyed Pisa Sol and the light from both the sun and the attack allowed Orgun to charge his Grand Cross Attack, neutralizing the Antimatter Cannon from Zomar.
Though the Sol Lords have reverted back to dark matter, the Eviluders actually survived, and have retreated back into Space with Zomar.

Kazuma's heard from Kumi that the Eviluder leader, Miku, has learned from Orgun what it is to have a heart, and that they will likely rethink their beliefs that might makes right.
Due to damage on the Boson Jump drive, the trip back from Venus took way longer than it should (10 days!) and the situation around the Earth Sphere has greatly degenerated.

Regardless, we can now concentrate on The Database, who have initiated attacks against Earth, Plant and Lunar structures.
The fact that they are now actively movind to destroy us seems to suggest that they've finished recording all of Earth's culture.
People are still unsure where they're coming from, and until that location becomes clear the best we can do is rest and repair their machinery.
When the time comes, it will be the beginning of the final battle for Earth that began with the Lizard War.

Of course, the upcoming battle will also have a special significance for both Kazuma and his family.
They have no choice but to beat Applicant and Kazuma, for one, isnt planning on losing.
Aria then comes in and tells Kazuma to come with her theyre being summoned to the infirmary.

Its Papillon, who is quickly fading away and returning to dark matter.
Still, she knows nothing lasts forever and, just like Palus Abel and the other Sol Lords, a Replijin like her is unable to survive now that Pisa Sol is destroyed.
She tells her grieving friends that she was ready for this and asks them not to cry; she'll live on in their memories.
However, there is still one more important thing that she must do just then, the door opens.

The Database has been very busy in the past ten days, attacking the Federation and Plants most pivotal bases and imperiling civilians everywhere.
What's less clear to Michi is how they could have recorded everything from Earth culture in a single year.
It seems impossible but we heard confirmation from Applicant himself during our last battle.

The only likely explanation that Tessa could think of are the two Whispered they've had access to: Kaname and Leonardo from Amalgam.
Hyuuma yells out in frustration that these fuckers are trying to wipe us out and we STILL cant find their main base; Freeman tries to calm him down saying that were doing everything that is possible but things arent looking good.
Shihomi relates how Regulate, Omoikane and Isaac are running simulations but none are yielding results; Michi asks Kumi if she can see anything theres nothing conclusive: she can only see fragmentary images of a deep, forgotten inescapable abyss of death.
Freema will assist with the simulations but, as Taiga points out, were quickly running out of time if we are to defeat the Database before they cause more destruction where the hell are they hiding their stronghold?!

It is then that Tessa rushes in yelling that she knows where to find it!
Its located on asteroid 134340, the forgotten planet Pluto! Taigas jaw drops as he realizes that, since that area is so far away from Earth, its not usually observed a blind spot right under our nose!
Lady Une, however, asks Tessa how she was able to come across this information and she reveals that its due to Kaname; she risked destroying her mind in order to resonate with Tessa over such a long distance and pass the message along.
As Freeman realizes, Tessa also risked her life by receiving it but Tessa figured it was worth the risk in order to provide hope to the rest of humanity.
As Liger thanks her, promising that our people will not waste her courage, Taiga gives the order for everyone to prepare for launch and to head to Pluto ASAP!

Inside the Database stronghold, Critic sees Kaname apparently taking a nap and snarls that she seems to be a weirdo even among Whispered.
Kaname opens her eyes, and asks if he doesnt have a job to do other than yapping her ear off with insults to her and her fellow Earthlings.
He answers that he IS "Critic" his duty is to criticize.

She asks, if he's such a critic, why didnt he do something about Inference giving orders to attack Earth?
He claims that his duty involves only providing suggestions to Inferences directives; Kaname is dubious, saying that its clear that Critic is hiding his treachery under that serious face and asks if he thought she wouldnt notice how he manipulates Inference.
Critic gets really quiet but the talk is interrupted as Inference walks in, announcing that he has no more time to listen to Kaname's provocation.
She still has one thing to say, though: stop the attack on Earth NOW.

Inference relates how they have little under 99% of data recorded from the Earth civilization.
Critic figures that remaining data is worthless and that they should proceed with the elimination of Earth.
Inference smirks that he's glad for Critic's support, and Applicant is silent as always.

Kaname yells at him to stop standing there and say something to those two.
However, Applicant says that he's a mere observer and has no authority to oppose the control programs' mandates.
Kaname says that that hes still a copy of Bless and is sure that he wouldn't stay silent in this situation; still, he maintains that he's Applicant, not Bless.

The conversation is interrupted as the alarm starts blaring: Neo-Wärter is approaching.
Both programs are baffled at the impossibility of this turn of events but it cant be a coincidence: the odds that they would simply stumble upon their stronghold are near zero.
Inwardly, Kaname thanks Tessa for getting her message.
Critic orders Applicant to take the defense forces out immediately, but Inference orders him to stay put and protect them.