Part 200: Mission 54 - With Unforgettable Memories in Our Hearts - Part 2

Enemy Phase!

The Database is really throwing everything at us, bringing a mixed posse of Zaft, Successor and Federation units to the battle.

Golion still had Alert, so that Sekishiki wasted his attack.
The Stern Kugel, Serpent, Denjin, Sol Tekkaman and Birdman also attack the latter two get killed in one go.

All those kills get the Zero System running.

Gaogaigar and Valzacard draw the attention of, respectively, a Majin and Tetsujin.

The eastern group all gun for Dearka.

At least the M1 Astray and Strike Dagger didnt dodge.

Sinclyne goes after Valzacard who is under Gais watchful eye.

Sinclyne isnt as resilient as daddy-o but you should still approach him careful due to his units raw power.

Ashura does a chain-attack on Gaogaigar, Valzacard and Golion, dealing piddly damage to all of them.

Creuset charges forward to do another chain attack and shows some not-unimpressive numbers against Prayer.
To avoid tempting the RNG gods, Ill have him dodge.

Heeey, theres Valzacard shield he just yanks a part of the Arm Arcus from his back-pocket or something!
By the by, that last attack hit near Akanes room and shes pissed at Kazuma that itll be all messed up (to which he answers that her room is ALWAYS messed up).

Player Phase!

We need to do something about Creusets accuracy, so Ruri casts Confuse.

Gai pops a chain-attack, killing the Stern Kugel.

This also makes Blade get serious.

Next, Heero teams up with Kouji to wreck the Denjin.

Akito will need to drop this unit sometime, so he might as well do it when I can show off its dynamic finish!
Impressive, no?

Orgun chains four units together, killing the Sekishiki, and some collaboration from Kira and Athrun downs the Majin.

Both Tetsuya and Athrun trigger their powers.

This CGUE isnt going to come to us, so well send Ryouma to do something about it.

Good show.

Lowe and Gai Murakumo both down a mook and Kira triggers his own SEED.

Now, for the last of these annoying Successor units.

No more!

And Tetsuya takes down the last one.

Im still conserving my SP, so we cant down any boss this turn.
However, to curb Sinclynes power, Sousuke calls for an assist from Enryu, while Golion melts Creuset.

No risk in tripping Creusets Prevail if his weapons arent going to do any damage, so

How does that piddly shield block Blades Voltekka?!

Son of a bitch block this!

Thatll learn yer.

Unlike the previous battle, its the Zaft folk to have words against Creuset (had we recruited Yzak, Nicol and/or Canard).
Oddly enough, Muu has nothing to say this time but Ill post the others at the end of the update.

Be better than that, Athrun.

Better, indeed.

Now, to further increase Sinclynes hatred of lions.

Good man!

Finally, Valzacard takes a cheapshot at him and dodges the counter.

Enemy Phase!

Of all things to attack (or chain-attack), Sinclyne completely wastes his move by going after the Nadesico.

Ashura has an old bone to pick with Kouji.

I greatly misspoke in the thread when I said the King of Hell was dangerous (I couldve sworn he got a major boost) he is a bit bulky with his Barrier but his HP is very unimpressive and his attacks are, by far, the weakest.

Creuset wastes a perfect MAP opportunity to do a chain-attack and then he promptly misses everyone INCLUDING TETSUYA AND KOUJI!

Player Phase!

Another Confuse, just to be safe.

Lets get rid of Akitos armor, too.

Alright, now were good.

As I mentioned in the Unit Analysis, Gai Daigouji and Akito can still do their Gekigan Flare if you get the Black Selena down to the Aestivalis.
Lets have a look!
By the by, the Double Gekigan Flare dialogue has a known quirk in that, as you keep using the attack, Akito will slowly start to get hot-blooded again; heres the first one:

These bosses aint gonna kill themselves, so lets get to work.

Sousuke, this is not the time to start missing!

I quickly decide that, to avoid a potential headache, Ill just cast Strike with everyone thatll attack him.

Creusets not gonna last long.

Give him what for, Heero.

As his Prevail starts acting up, I reckon we can afford some valor casts from the units that havent used any SP.

Like Lowe!

Now thats better.

Orgun doesnt need valor when he can count with some support from Athrun.

Almost there.

Also, Kira doesnt need to kill this guy for a third time but he can still make himself useful.


Athrun takes another punch at his old boss and were good.

Why dont we have Prayer make this a symbolic victory?


As Creuset goes down, he cries out that he can see the end of the world, everything going down in flames.
Kira yells out that neither he nor the rest of Neo-Wärter will allow that to happen but Creuset isnt listening, instead ordering humanity to wait a bit longer and receive its judgment.

Muu sighs that, even at his last moments, Creuset kept spewing his hate speech.
Prayer wonders, however, why Creusets twisted hatred interested The Database so much

Kouji will make Ashura even easier once his armor is rusted away.

And some Genichirou help for good measure.

Do your thing, Tetsuya.

Alright but before we take him/her out

Lets quickly turn our attention to Sinclyne.

Hell have the painful honor of being on the receiving end of our strongest units.

Youre up, Gai.

Just a wee bit more.

Blade covers the gap with a quick Double Reactor Voltekka.

Time to wrap this up, Kogane.


Sinclyne, once again, yells out that he is the Galra Emperor and refuses to be defeated in this place.
Kogane, however, tells him that its over and that the Galra have been completely defeated by our combined powers.

Inference then calls over and asks Sinclyne whats wrong.
He reminds Sinclyne of his betrayal of Dai Bazarl and, after all that, THIS unsightly display is the result that he presents?
Inference had hoped to learn more about the father-son dynamic from watching him but figures further study is pointless he bids Sinclyne goodbye and cuts the transmission.

Sinclyne lashes out, damning Inference, Golion and the Earthlings before exploding.
Kogane proclaims that this marks the end of the Galra and that the cause of the Leo Union and Altea is now complete; Fahra thanks Kogane but she knows that this is not over: she now pledges their strength to help their allies fulfill their own mission!

Amidst all that, Kazuma wonders what Inference was talking about with that father-son dynamic talk.
Aria seems to have realized something

Now, for the last one.

Ashura once again begs Dr. Hell for forgiveness but this is as far as he can go.
Dr. Hell cries out in disbelief, saying that Ashura cant possibly be suggesting that someone with his supreme intellect would rot away in a place like this!
Kouji, however, says that its a very appropriate final resting place but a man that sought to sell out Earth.

As the King of Hell explodes, Kouji bids farewell to his nemesis this time, their fight is really over.
Tetsuya only sighs at the thought of a man being so overcome by his own curiosity that he would assist in the Earths destruction just to sate it truly, he and The Database were cut from the same cloth.

Akito figures that their defense line is broken and wants to charge in but Kazuma tells him that its not over yet.
He orders Applicant to come out and face them.

He quick does so, saying that he hopes Kazuma is ready.
Aria quickly notices that hes not piloting the Arm Storer and Applicant says its a new mech called the Valarm.
This is his personal mech, created from a combination of Es and Earth technological knowhow.
Horis figures that, in other words, it's the product of the same synergy that created the Valzacard.

That suits Kazuma just fine, though, as he shouts to Applicant not to complain if he gets beaten on this level playing field.
Renée and Gai remind Kazuma of how he promised to Papillon that hed try talking to Applicant, though.

Sorry to lay a cliffhanger here but this update is already long enough; next time, well have our final battle against Applicant and move into the Databases fortress.
Before we close off, though, here are the convos for units that we didnt get (or deploy):
-Yzak Vs. Creuset-

-Nicol Vs. Creuset-

-Canard Vs. Creuset-

And, of course
-Bonta-kun Vs. Creuset-

Ill leave you on that lovely note.
See you all next time!