Part 203: Mission 55 - Set Sail To an Endless Future - Part 2
Alright, now the mission really starts; before anything, lets have a look at Inference and Scientia:
This thing hasnt gotten any less intimidating since it first appeared: its got a shitload of HP by this games parameters (200k) and decent armor (1900) again, the armor would probably be higher if it wasnt set taking its 2L size into consideration.
Inference is a final boss worthy of the title, too, as every single one of his stats are through the roof easily rivaling or even surpassing our best pilots at their respective specialties (Akito and Gai at melee, Kira and Heero at Shooting, etc.).
Its got a 30% EN Regen and, like any Database units, its immune to debuffs so there wont be any Armor or Attack Power reductions to ease the trouble of dealing with it.

Also like the other Database units, Scientia is loaded with debuffs: both MAP and regular version of Salus Lumen apply Mobility Down and Sanctio Hasta, his strongest attack, applies Armor Down.
As expected, all his attacks are ridiculously powerful and that Sanctio Hasta WILL hurt anyone it touches (itll probably kill a real robot outright, unless you cared to boost its HP/Armor) and its got a massive +55% critical ratio which, when paired with Inferences massive Skill stat, means he has a pretty good chance of doing more damage than expected.
Inferences AI seems to prioritize the raw power of Sanctio Hasta over his MAP but, of course, you shouldnt try your luck (its accuracy isnt all that but Inference has Gunfight to boost it).

As for Pilot Skills, Inference takes a lot of tips from Applicant and then some:
- Counter
- Break Morale Limit
- Double Movement
- Prevail L9
- Infight L9
- Gunfight L9
- Support Attack L4
- Commander L4
Like Applicant, he is not above using his Double Movement to focus fire on a damaged unit but when you consider the damage his Sanctio Hasta does while also applying an Armor Down debuff, youre looking at a potential 7-8k damage on any unprotected Super which means its quite possible to lose someone if you get unlucky and have that unit be ganged up by the mooks.
By the time Inference deploys, its unlikely that youll be ready with morale so Confuse is king while you quickly build it up as always, if you cant take him out in one turn, avoid tripping his Prevail too much.

Starting off, Suzuishi casts Confuse.

Golion steps to the side, damaging one of the remaining Opus and Gai Murakumo finishes it off.

Tetsuya gets Mazin Power running.

Well now work on one of the other Arm Arcus.

Good, good.

Akito takes another swing at it and thats it for this turn.

Enemy Phase!

Kouji is attacked by a couple of Reus and the western Arm Arcus.

He summons Tsukumo to take the first hit before countering.
While Kouji managed to dodge the Arm Arcus, that second Reus did tag him and reduced his range.

Two Gais get attacked and punish their targets.

A couple of Stomas get clever and attack Heero from up close.

Eh, its fine.
Whats more important is that it got the Zero System running.

The last Stoma guns for Kazuma who dodges and responds in kind.

Inference picked a good target for his first attack Jll be able to handle that damage just fine.
Weve seen his Salus Lumen before but lets have a look at Sanctio Hasta.

Two for two, thanks.

Alright, that works.

Player Phase!

More morale is required so Kira takes some help from Athrun and finishes off a Stoma.

This gets Blade to Blasterize.

The mooks set themselves up for a nice MAP, too.

Valor wasnt used but the important bit is that it weakened all mooks Inference also took a wee bit of extra damage.

The Reus havent lined up for a chain-attack, so thisll take a little longer.

With an assist from Genichirou, it goes down.

Orgun downs a Stoma while Hayato teams up with Sousuke to deal some big damage on the Reus that didnt get MAPd.

The kill makes Athrun get serious.

Akito better purge that Unit so we can use Double Gekigan Flare later.


Another MAP, this one from Yumi.
She kills a pair of Stomas while also weakening three Reus.

Enemy reinforcements soon deploy on both sides of the city.
The Master System is probably powering their production plants while fighting us Shihomi says we need to focus on taking Inference down.

Yeah, adding another annoyance to the pile, this mission has endless reinforcements.
We still need some more morale, so Golion takes a Stoma down.

Gai Daigouji will attack the eastern Arm Arcus.


Gaogaigar handles the other.

Ruri casts Confuse and the people that are good on morale turn his attention to Inference Athrun starts.

Next in line is Blade, who had saved enough SP to afford casting Valor, with some help from Kazuma.

Much better.

More important for Kouji is to cast Iron Wall as his damage will already be good enough.

Jeez even with all that, Inference still did some decent damage.

Kazuma never needs to worry about SP.

Inferences Prevail is already acting up nicely.

We wont be able to kill him on this turn, so Im just gonna attack without wasting much SP.

Yeah, sure.

Can you do better, Sousuke? Ill even throw some support from Rapier in there.

Eh a little bit better.
Once Scientia is brought below 50%, an event triggers.

Both Tetsuya and J gang up on a Reus but it barely survives.

Heero downs a Stoma and triggers Kiras SEED, though.

Enemy Phase!

The Nadesico is ganged up by a lot of units but I had Iron Wall cast beforehand: seven units attack it, Tetsuyas Reus gets killed and a couple of Opus are weakened.
Speaking of Tetsuya, one of the new Opus attacks him and barely survives.

Meanwhile, Inference has decided to attack Golion with both his moves.

Golion also had Iron Wall cast!

Player Phase!

Its Tomorus turn to contribute to the Confuse spam.

Now were really gonna turn our attention to Inference.

Well save the Valor usage to the multi-pilot people.

Youre up, Kira.

Hey, not bad at all.


Nearly there.

Akito cant call for a Gekigan Flare yet but he can set himself up for Gai Daigouji.

I find it funny that this attack did more damage than Orgun and Kira it says good things about Akitos massive Melee stat.

Next in line is Prayer.

Give him what for, Yumi.

Alright, we can afford to diverge our focus a wee bit now.

Gai Murakumo moves forward a bit, setting himself up for Lowe, and takes a few jabs at the approaching mooks.
Also, that Opus surviving with 35 HP was bullshit.

Lowe certainly has the SP but its all good he can keep it saved.

Now we bust out the big guns.

Im keeping a portion of Benkeis SP saved for an emergency Bonds cast but he can still cast Valor.

Good man.

Just in case, Im gonna have Kouji contribute a bit more.


Only one more attack before we wrap it up.

Heeey! We even got a crit there.

Gai can take the kill because why not?

Critic starts panicking, saying that our power exceeds expectations.
He tells Inference that they've got to escape, even if it means destroying the entire star in the process they can retain functionality as long as Scientia endures.
Inference says nothing, and Critic frantically orders him to make a decision.
YOU COMMAND?! So, the False Critic has finally shown his true colors!, Inference says.

Right then, another tremor spreads through the area: just like the one that preceded Scientias appearance.
What could they be doing now?

A golden light emanates from the northern area, empty until now, and then we see it

Final boss music!

Out comes a golden mech, even larger than Scientia.
It's called Sapientia, Inference's true trump card and Critic is aghast that such a thing exists when he wasnt even consulted about it.
Of course he wasnt Inference made sure that it was built in secret; Critic doesnt understand why hed do that and Inference laughs that Critic is STILL taking him for a fool, hoping that hell believe anything he says.

Inference keeps laughing, saying that the False Critic has finally slipped and shown his real self to the whole world.
Inference also proceeds to criticize Critic, saying that his acting was so lousy that he had already figured out that he had developed emotions even before him.
As Recorder, before gaining his own emotions, he was being easily manipulated by Critic and is sure that he wouldve tried, eventually, to seize control for himself.
Critic huffs that, after 3000 years, Inference has finally figured him out; regardless, he has been a useful puppet for this whole time.

As Inference became aware, he started building Sapientia in secret.
However, with emotions, Inference could no longer ignore or deny all the atrocities that were committed in his name those were the facts that were in his heart.
Now, he plans to take Critic out to at least get some closure on that!

Critic tries to stop him by saying that, if Inference destroys Scientia, hell be destroying himself as well; plus, he adds that this isn't what his father, Applicant, would have wanted.
Inference yells at him to shut up, saying that hes sick of Critic using Applicant as a way to control him!
Whats more, he calls the False Critic not only a sleazebag but also a fool Inference is the Master System of the Scribes of Knowledge and hes long since transferred himself into Sapientia!
Critic is the only program left inhabiting Scientia and Inference commands him to get prepare himself!

Only one more part to go next time, we finish everything (until the new game+ missions); before we end this update, though, theres one more thing:

See you all soon!