Part 44: Mission 11 (North America Route) - Seeking The Heart - Part 2
Welcome back, folks. Last time, half of Wärter came over to North America to rescue D-boy from Corbetts clutches.Getting here we find the base under attack by Tekkaman Evil, Balzac is killed, Orgun shows up and attacks us and D-boy has gone full-angst mode.

Its still the enemys phase and Orgun decides to take a stab at Bless.
Ill just have him defend because he doesnt have a good hit % against him.

Evil has gained a lot of morale from the Radam we killed and gets ready to blast Fuuryuu with a PSY-Voltekka.

Thankfully, it misses or that wouldve probably been a kill.

Player Phase!

That Radam Mother there is a prime target for a Volgoff/Kazuma combo.

Mike fails to kill a monster in one go but Noin is there to lend a hand (Maybe I should stop being so unfair towards her naaaaaah).

I cant resist an opportunity to MAP someone.

Only one kill but it leaves all other mooks ready to be cut down.

The rest of the family levels up and Horis learns Guts.

Hyoryu weakens the mother a bit more and Enryuu takes her down.

Fine, I guess youve earned a little bit more time in the spotlight

I was hoping for a crit but thats decent (Yow using Balzac has really made me lower my standards).

Kazuma goes in to bounce his attack off a Monster and into a Mother -it works rather well.

The scene shifts back inside the base, where Gai gently tells D-Boy to come outside.
He doesn't intend to force him to fight, and notes that both of them received bodies with warpower they never wished for, him with his cybernetics and G-Stone and D-Boy with his Tekkaman powers.
Gai asked himself long ago whether his powers weren't in fact given by God for the defense of those Gai holds dear; he admits that maybe God doesn't exist, but he's still decided to believe anyway - so that he can keep going forward and keep winning over the weakness of his own heart.

Gai wants to start by leading D-Boy outside, but this gets abruptly halted by Pizza, whos come to collect D-Boy's body for the Zondar.
When Gai asks, Pizza explains that the Tek System is one of the greatest impediments to Mechanization, and analysis of the Tek System would allow them to turn the tide against the Radam.

This is an interesting statement to Gai and Aki, since it proves the Zondar really are trying to mechanize the world and, as Leo theorized, that the Radam and Zondar are indeed enemies.
Pizza says that this planet must be Mechanized before the flowers of the Radam's trees bloom, and orders Gai to hand D-Boy, whose eyes are already dead, over hell no longer fight as a Tekkaman and is of no use to us.

Even if he can't fight, D-Boy is still Gai's comrade, and he isn't the sort to abandon his comrades.
He tells D-Boy to remember this: your people don't need him because he's a Tekkaman, but because he's a comrade who's fought by their side.
Aki says that, just like Hyuuma, Duo, Heero and Noal, Gai is also fighting to protect D-boy.
Pizza is more than willing to defeat Gai before claiming his prize and charges after him.

As D-Boy ponders if he can be someones comrade, Aki helps by pointing out that even if he'll become a devil in thirty minutes, he'll still have his human heart.
The battle outside is threatening the buildings structure and pieces of it are already collapsing near them.

Amidst the rubble, Aki tells D-Boy to give her his 30 minutes, not caring if he kills her in the process afterward.

Outiside, Evil finally spots the two of them, having looked long and hard for his "older brother".
He sneers that the human D-Boy's with is the spitting image of their dead mother if he cares so much for her, Evil promises to kill them both!
Right then , Hyoryu and Enryu get in the way, being mightily beaten down for daring to get in Evils way.

The Chinese dragons are puzzled why, again, their brothers would put their own bodies on the line to protect others - is that their mission?
No, it's because D-Boy is their comrade, long before any mission is assigned.
Hyoryuu tells D-Boy that even though their bodies are robotic, their hearts are no different than a human's.
Fuuryu and Rairyu seem confused at such notions.

Yang orders them both to attack the Tekkaman while hes distracted but they now hesitate, aware almost for the first time of the potential damage to the humans at Evil's feet.
Evil, furious, starts charging his Psy-Boltekka to blow them all away, and Enryu and Hyoryu are too damaged to use the Eraserhead properly.

They'll try anyway, unwilling to sit by and let all their comrades be destroyed.
Evil says theyll never stop his Voltekka with such battered bodies.

Evil care anything about Blades power as he still plans to kill everyone here.
However, more people are on the scene and start shooting.

Heero and Duo aren't the sort for Evil to easily kill off, much less Hyuuma with his suit.
Now's the time for D-Boy to transform, and Noal has Milly dispatch Pegas.
Hyuuma then demonstrates just why he goes around with a mohawk, *throwing* his suit's mohawk-shaped headguard as a boomerang and stopping Evil in his tracks.

Evil is livid that Blade managed to Tek-Set and D-Boy has finally figured it out: he's not the devil, the Radam are.
Evil tells him to shut up, prepping another shot of Psy-Voltekka to blast Blade - this is especially bad because the Eraserhead hasnt had time to recharge.
However, Milly tells D-Boy to grip the supports installed into Pegas: its a new modification given as a present from Freeman the High Coat Voltekka.
This time, its Evils attack thats neutralized via a combination of Pegas built-in Fermion Cannon to power-up Blades attack.
Of course, Evil isnt about to let his brother be victorious.

Either way, Blade calls him over to fight, having been fully awakened by something Evil has lost: heart power.

When Gai emerges, D-Boy tells him that if God gave Gai his powers, D-Boy's were given by the Devil himself.
But since he's still a human, he'll use them for good and Gai knows that, as long as Blade holds onto that thought, he will not be beaten.

Pizza realizes that, with Blades renewed warriors spirit, his only hope of claiming his body is by force.
He deploys and wishes to continue his duel against Gai but Chouryujin and Gekiryujin also join in, claiming that the lives of many people depend on Blades protection and they wont allow him to pass!
Gai says that, when enemies present themselves, those truly powerful rise up to protect what is important; Gekiryujin now understands this and Gai proclaims them to be HEROES!
Gekiryujin likes the sound of that and Chouryujin calls his brother to show their power to the Zondar and the Radam!

Upon seeing all this, Orgun vanishes.
Kazuma's theory is that he's scared shitless of D-Boy, but Michi seems to have other ideas...
Now, heres where that small issue I mentioned above comes into play. There are 6 Radam left in the stage and, even though Blade just used a 120 morale attack, hes still at 100 (same with everyone else that just popped up) which means well need to do some morale management.

Im gonna get both our groups together, not only to make it easier to deal with both bosses but to feed the remaining Radam to the other fighters (especially Gai and Blade).

Enemy Phase!

The nearby Radam will still come for whomevers closer, of course. Kazuma will be dodging everything since his morale is skyhigh.

Both bosses rush after their respective targets but dont attack.

Player Phase!

The top group starts moving towards the bottom one.
Along the way, Mike switches back to Cosmo Robot form to heal the Valstork a bit.

Noin pays him back for that Support Defend with some repairing of her own.

At the end of the turn, everyones pretty much together so well being working on the Radam next round.

Enemy Phase!

A couple of Radam Mothers go after the Valstork but theyve enough HP to survive an attack.

Two Monsters attack Volfogg, I decide to try my luck and weaken one a bit - Volfogg gets a crit and oneshots it

Pizza finally reaches Gai.

Eh, thats actually good.
Gai gets 2 morale when hes hit and 2 more for each of his hits that connect.

Player Phase!

Gai needs much more Morale than Blade so he rocks out with Mike for a boost.

Bless spots a full health Mother.

Sniping is always good.

Noal is, at least, a likeable character so hell get some screentime.

Normally, I would bitch at the low damage but thats actually good to prepare this Monster to be fed to someone that needs the morale.

Both Blade and Heero pick a target and take them out for some morale.

And Gai nabs the Mother that Bless weakened before.

Now, lets be very careful. Volfogg, go over there and weaken that Mother a lit-

Damn it, Volfogg! Stop being such a crit-machine and share the morale!

Enemy Phase!

Pizza comes after Gai with those Pink Bullets he used before but this time Gai has both more morale and a wee bit of Prevail active enough to block out the damage.

Player Phase!

Gai is nearly set in morale so Mike goes give Blade a boost.

The gods of rock approve and give Mike a level (giving him Invincible and Hero L2).

Noin doesnt have anything else to do so she heals Gai a bit.

I make a quicksave and send Noal in to WEAKEN the Mother.
Thankfully, there are no surprises here.

Blade swoops in for the kill.
Do note the position that Blades in, I had to set those 3 units in front of him to prevent Evil from getting inside his High Coat Voltekka range (same deal as mission 10).

And that gives him the last bit of morale that he needs. Next turn, well deal with Evil first.

Enemy Phase!

Blade doesnt have Strike, so he simply dodges Evils attack.
Afterwards, he stops at our robot-barrier and is 3 spaces away from Blade.

Pizzas attack will give Gai the last bit of morale that he needs.
For whatever reason, I had Bless on support defend even though Im pretty sure that Gai couldve blocked out the damage.

Nevertheless, that fight gives Gai a level and he learns Spirit (right when he no longer needs the morale thanks, game).

Player Phase!

Lets open our salvo by weakening Evils stats a bit; hes still pretty much the same he was before but with a wee bit more HP.
Mike steps up to Disk M (to reduce his mobility) him with an assist from Bless.

Ive been wanting to do this for a while: time to see Volfoggs strongest attack in its full glory.

Yeeeeesssssss! Volfogg gets a level and learns one of the most useful spirit commands in the game: Confuse (かく乱).
This baby costs a whopping 70 SP to cast but its incredibly useful in that it cuts ALL enemies hit rate by half; perfect when dealing with high accuracy/prevaild bosses or when surrounded by a lot of accurate mooks.

With Mike taking away from his Mobility and Volfogg taking away his Accuracy, Evil wont be able to hit the broadside of a barn. Heero capitalizes on this with some help from Kazuma.

Very good.

Duo deals some iffy damage (Volfogg is really giving him a run for his money).

Kazuma strikes a good hit before getting hit by a 17% attack.
This game, I tell ya

Noin heals him up a bit.

Noal is still looking for PAYBACK and fires his Fermion Gun.

Gai will take a small shot at Evil but, just to be safe, Ill have him cast Invincible.[/i]

Alright, thats good enough.

Blade gets Blessd for extra money and is in range to blast Evil. I forgot to Cheer him with Mihiro or Mike, sadly.


Evil is worth a Large Generator, an Infight +1 and a truckload of cash.

A sore loser, Evil flies off, but not before telling Blade that he'll have to make it through the other Tekkamen, who are now awakening, if he wants to see him again.

Does this mean that Miyuki is among them?!
Now, I wont even bother doing an analysis on Pizza because hes quite weak. Hes got the standard Zondar regeneration of HP and EN but thats about it.
Hes not dodgy for a guy that screams speed, hell prioritize his ranged attacks instead of his point-blank, strongest one, his armor is weak (which means youll easily pierce his barrier) and his only Pilot Skills are Counter and Prevail L3.

Not a whole lot of people available to take on Pizza so Ill have Chouryuujin tag him with his Double Tonfas.

Gekiryuujin swings over to prove that Optimus Prime knows Kung-Fu.

Bruce Lee would be proud.

Enemy Phase!

Pizza is still chipping away at the wall that is Gaogaigar.

Player Phase!

Before we end, I figure thisd be a good opportunity to show off the combined attack of Chouryujin and Gekiryujin (aptly named, Chouryujin/Gekiryujin Assault).
Ill be reloading after this kill, though, as the brothers dont need any more levels.

Kazuma nearly goes overboard but leaves Pizza barely alive.

NOW, for one of the biggest reasons why I went through the trouble of boosting Gais morale up so much: lets, finally, see Hell and Heaven in proper fashion.

Pizza is worth a Learning OS and a Max SP +5.
I wasnt able to get Blade to fight Pizza but heres the dialogue that they have:

Pizza abandons the Zondar as its core is removed and he's man enough to admit defeat to Gai...for today.
He tells Gai not to die until they can consummate their duel and flies off, leaving Mamoru to explain about the Zondarian commanders to your people but Gai wonders about the conflict between the Zondar and the Radam what could they have been planning with the Tek-System?

The Federation base is pretty much wrecked, with the proud Sol Tekkamen and their prouder leader splattered all across the landscape.

Fuuryu and Rairyu thank you gravely for teaching them that with a Hero's heart, they can never be defeated.
Enryu and Hyoryu tell their Chinese counterparts that as of today, they're now their comrades.

Corbett pops out and tells the walking garbage piles not to presume to speak about the disposition of army hardware.
Fuuryu and Rairyu are still property of the Federation and, as such, the army gets the final say on where they get deployed to.

Yang, not too far behind, in turn informs Corbett that the Chinese Aerospace Research Division was only assisting the military - not subservient to it.
Corbett doesn't take kindly to this new "betrayal", but Yang says this is the perfect opportunity to take up his doubts about the military's way of doing things with his direct line to Supreme HQ.
After all, Corbett not only lost Balzac's whole squadron, but values his masterpieces as nothing more than trash.

Before stalking off, Corbett can't resist informing all of you that you'll come to rue this day: the military, and ONLY the military, are the guardians of order on Earth.
Noin notes that if the military was doing its job properly, the Wärter Corbett hates so much wouldn't even have been formed.

Yang confides to Liger that he too has learned something from this battle: that his super-AI-powered robots derive their strength from none other than their hearts.
While nothing is impossible for those hearts, the Symmetrical Docking took a mighty toll anyway, and the two will be down for repairs for quite some time but Hyoryuu and Enryuu say theyll always have a spot on the team.

Noal's sorry to interrupt D-Boy's contemplation of the four brothers, but he's got a moral obligation to deck D-Boy one for the events leading up to the battle.
D-Boy apologizes, and is ready to get pounded, but Bless stops Noal by saying that it was Aki's power that really brought D-Boy back to his senses today.
Of course, he notes, women have always been adept at directly conveying their feelings, which Duo intimates might have something to do with Hawk-Eye's past.
But Bless hustles everyone off before any further discussion, and Milly will now tag along as part of the Blue Earth's crew, to compensate for those times where Noal is out on the Sol Tekkaman.

Liger gives her a disk, containing some data Freeman asked him to work on.
He adds the message that he'll think about a countermeasure for whatever it is.

Back at G-Island, Hyuuma is reporting on the mission and is only a little sheepish over leading from the front in his ID Suit.
Still, he thanks Freeman for the hacking assist and says that the youngsters are now feeling real bad about doubting him.
Freeman shows little joy at the fact, though, hoping only that this will start them thinking about what's going on behind the scenes of this unfolding drama.
Meanwhile, the GGG not only protected the Photon Power lab from the Mecha-Beasts, but were rejoined by the not-dead Kouji and his new Mazinger, named Mazinkaiser.
And don't forget about Shin Getter Robo, also integrated into the Wärter.

The full debriefing will wait until the Valstork returns, and Bless requests that GGG warm up the baths for him.
This leaves Freeman and Taiga to ponder Balzac's fate...though Balzac himself fell, the potential demonstrated by the Sol Tekkamen was more than enough to convince the military to mass-produce them to take on the Radam.
It will be a very delicate balance the Wärter must maintain between military effectiveness to protect the masses, and military threat from the domination of a few.
Just then Tessa calls in, wanting to discuss something Mao brought to her attention...

Inside a Federal lab, I-ZACK asks Michi what's troubling her: it's that pulsed transmission from "him".
Though I-ZACK only has 40% of it translated, he can estimate what it's about : a weapon.

Michi very much doubts she can take any message from him without a grain of salt, after seeing Orgun's power demonstrated before her very eyes.
She's very frightened of this weapon being used for evil upon completion, and has already made up her mind to bet on your people, who don't lose their hearts even in battle.
This mission is among my favorites along the game due to the way Gai to help D-boy with his own past experience.
I'm gonna be keeping this route because, due to our kill of Evil, we made around 20k more cash on this mission than on the other.
See you all next update!
Edit: thank god, this post created a new page. I was getting scared that if page 10 got any bigger, it would've crashed the internet.