Part 56: Mission 15 - Five-Colored Chains, Gold-Colored Hero - Part 2 (a.k.a. the one with HIKARI NI NARE!)

Eeeh Id rather not have to do this but this is too perfect to pass on (and, truth be told, theyd all go for Blade on their phase).
All other units move closer to start working on Sword next.

Enemy Phase!

Tekkaman Sword/Bo-staff moves first and keeps attacking EI-15.

Axe once again goes for Blade and I remain too stubborn to realize that hell probably regen everything again.

The one Mistral that survived Blades MAP wastes his good luck by doing a suicide run against Axe (and he misses).

The Doublas, however, gets a Crash Intrude as a prize for coming too close.
Along with that, another Taurus and Doublas get smacked around.

EI-15 decides that attacking Sword aint gonna work, so she sets her sight on Golion.

Sadly, for her, Suzuishi had Alert going and he gets kicked around some.

As I said above, Sword is the dodgiest of the three Tekkaman. So lets have Mike (with Strike and Invincible) wreck her mobility with the power of ROCK (and an assist from Bless).

Very, very nice.

Now, those mooks back there are really getting on my nerves and I dont want Blade hogging any more experience/kills. Big Daddy will handle the rest (paired with Strike/Fighting Spirit to make sure they all go).

Bah, how come those Mistrals are so bulky? Everything else dies, though.

Either way, they all get a level and Akane learns Fury (next attack will bypass the targets defensive measures and support defends).

Only 3 Zondar remain so Gai takes one.

With Mikes wonderful debuff in place, Kazuma needs only Focus to 0%/100% Tekkaman Sword.

Her Prevail knocks the damage down some but shell go down quick enough.

See that? Even Kurz has no issues getting perfect numbers against a Semi-Prevaild Sword. Mike is the best!

Thats good enough.

Now, despite the week-long training session with Kogane, Fahra joins at level 1 so she needs to play catch-up. The best way to begin is with a Cheerd victory against a boss - Kurogane also casts Lucky for

Sword cryptically calls out to a Kengo before she dies. I wonder who that is

Either way, thats 2 levels for everyone (Kurogane learns Daunt lowers targets morale by 10) and 4 levels for Fahra; Sword is also worth a Flight Unit.[/i]

She answers Blade's worst fears: now that all these Tekkaman are revived, Lord Omega's plans are in motion. This whole planet will be Radam fodder in short order.

We, probably, will not be able to kill Axe this turn but we might as well start witling him down.

Remember to keep the Nadesico folks close to each other. Sending Hikaru in first will allow Izumi and Ryouko to get near her before going for Axe.


Ryouko follows up with a Distortion Attack of her own (emptying her energy reserve outside of the Nadesicos beam range).

Izumi does what little she can being so far away.

Seeing as how Axe is living for at least one more turn we might as well take the time to clean up the remaining Zondar. Blade weakens the Garada with his Teklancer.

Heero then moves in for the kill with his Machine Cannon.

The better part of this victory is that it pushes him over 130 morale and turns on the Zero System.

Shin Getter is our last unit and its rather too far away to finish a mook.
So, he might as well fire a Getter Beam at Axe.

This is one of the times where I find myself wondering how much damage that wouldve been if the size modifiers werent broken (Axe is SS, Getter is L).

Enemy Phase!

At least Axe is tenacious; he keeps going after Blade.

What an unimpressive Voltekka that was Even Dagger had a cut-in and he died so early!


Finally, EI-15 decides to go after the Nadesico and gets Gravity Blasted for his troubles.

Player Phase!

Alright, lets get this over with. Golion weakens Axe just a wee bit more.

Everyone levels up, except the one that needs it the most at least Kogane learned Invincible.

Since Im trying to maximize my cash inflow, Ill have Getter take the kill with Hayatos Lucky and a Cheer cast.

Everyone nabs 2 levels and Hayato learns Focus (yeeeesssss).
Axe is worth a Dust Filter (raises ground terrain rating to S).

He chuckles and tells "Young Master Takaya" that he only came here today to catch a glimpse of his face. The next time they meet, he'll take his whole head!
Mind, Kouji and Sousuke had stuff to say to the Tekkamen but never got around to doing it:[i/
-Kouji Vs. Any Tekkaman-

-Sousuke Vs. Any Tekkaman-

[i]EI-15 is no problem at all. However, before we deal with him lets take the remaining Garada (must get all

Now, finally, Ill take the time to properly show off the last one of Kazumas moves (and its dynamic kill).

With all that done, lets turn EI-15 into the dead-est thing this side of the equator. Volfogg sets out to crack its barrier with an assist from Kurz.

That wubwubwubwub sound from the ECS/Holographic Camouflage is the happiest sound in the game behind the Open Get noise.

Sousuke, Mao and Kurz are near each other. You know what that means!

Yow, thats actually some pretty impressive damage.

FYI, EI-15 drops piss for money so dont waste a Bless on him. Ill just use my final Cheer cast and let Kouji take him out.

Oi! That did less damage than Uruz Strike what the hell?

Either way, EI-15 is worth an A-Adaptor, a Cartridge, and a Support Defense +1 (and no levels *grumble*).
Also, Blade did have something to say to EI-15:

Miyuki's signature is fading fast, and Gai gamely readies himself for Hell and Heaven.

But Mikoto screams for him not to, frantically saying that he's sustained more damage in the battle than his body can handle.
Try the technique, and Gai and Gaogaigar will surely disintegrate due to the shock created when the G-Stone's offensive and defensive powers are merged in an instant.

Miyuki is safe in Gai's hand, and our people marvel at the incredible power Goldy brings to the table: a gravitational wave that can turn an enemy into pure light.

Penchinon is furious that we've stolen his sample, but he's got bigger problems to worry about when Big Volfogg sets off in pursuit.
Penchinon vows that the next time they meet will be Volfogg's last, though of course he won't say why.
D-Boy tells Gai that he's in his debt, but Gai says that today's victory belongs to all - especially to D-Boy, whose cry made it possible.
And it's now clear that Fahra has found her place on the battlefield.

Indeed: no amount of wishing could bring Shirogane back.
Therefore, Fahra needs to fight not for his sake, but for her own - to be a comrade in her own right.
She's now found her resolve, both as an individual and as the leader of the Leo Union, to bring the fight to the Galra.
What she doesn't know is how the Blue Lion came back to life; it's clear you don't know everything about Golion yet.

Fahra privately suspects that it may be somehow connected to who or whatever is furnishing Mamoru his powers.
But if so, what was that goddess-like image they saw?

Gai is doing just fine, thanks to Goldymarg making it.
Goldy's official name is the "Gravity Shockwave Generating Tool", the ultimate in the Tool series and designed specifically to protect Gaogaigar.
Goldymarg's somewhat brusque personality was modeled on Hyuuma's personality at the last minute: brave to be sure, but perhaps a bit simple in the head.

Apparently this is the sort of manly robot Akane likes, and she's rather too eager to give him a full body oil job.
As for Miyuki, she's completely free of the Zondar Metal and been taken aboard the Nadesico, suffering from extreme weakness.

The cat is now out of the bag about D-Boy and his family being converted into the Tekkaman that weve been fighting.
His proper name is Aiba Takaya, and Bless figures that D-Boy never actually lost his memory in the first place.
He asks quite firmly what happened aboard the Cygnalite Project's ship Argos, one of the vessels investigating the black hole X-1 in the Cygnus constellation.
Ruri explains that this was mankind's first major interstellar expedition, with which contact was lost quite some time ago.

Noal points out that D-Boy doesn't look very willing to talk about what he knows, but Bless is quite firm that he will have to do so as soon as they reach the GGG American base.

Pasdar is upset that Penchinon failed to get the Tekkaman, but Pizza and Primada tell him not to worry: their plans are already in their final stages.
Pasdar isn't convinced: the Tekkamen and their ability to resist the Zondar have been evolving over the last thousands of years.
They constitute a major unknown in the plan.

Polonaise figures he's got just the thing: something he and Primada will construct that no one and nothing can possibly withstand.
Pasdar tells them to hurry: the final stage of the plan will begin as soon as they're ready.
He tells all the weak-hearted people of Earth that the time is fast approaching for them to receive his power...