Part 59: Mission 16 - Two, Enclosed - Part 2 (Includes Boss Analysis #4 - "Four Zondar Kings" Edition)
Ho-hum. Weve some crazy shenanigans happening in Tokyo: the Zondar have taken over and set up a big fuck-off barrier while they get their Metal Plant going once its done, the entire world will be mechanized.Thankfully, Kazuma and Blade (with some help from the pragmatic Tekkaman Evil), manage to disrupt Primada and Polonaise just enough to tell the rest of Wärter how to break the damn thing.
Now, all Four Machine Kings are present, determined to risk everything in order to see their plan come to fruition.
Alright, lets begin this update by having Boss Analysis at what the four are packing:

They are all rather similar to each other: all have a decent amount of HP and Armor (Primada being the weakest, Penchinon being the bulkiest, Pizza is the stronger attacker and Polonaise is the average one).
They all come packing 1 medium-ranged (1-6 usually) attack and a MAP version that hits in front of them (Penchinon being the exception where he has 2 long-range attacks the longest being 3-8 and a target-able Area of Effect MAP) but they tend to be inaccurate.
Of course, as Zondars, they still have that 10% HP Regen but that only amounts to around 3.5k-ish per turn.
As for their Pilot Skills:

Nothing amazing, really.
They all have Prevail L2 (Pizza having L3) but Penchinon and Pizza have the added bonus of having, respectively, Hit & Away and Counter.
Conclusion: After such a build-up, this may actually be a bit underwhelming; the 4 Kings are spread out enough that you can deal with them one at a time and none of them can handle that kind of attention.
If they were close enough to each other it mightve been a bit challenging but, as it is, they still cannot fill Gaurons shoes.

A good thing to note is that your units enter this battle at 120 morale, so you dont need to worry about managing kills. Nevertheless, Getter needs a lot of morale so Mike gets to work on him.

Stoner Sunshine DOES require 140 morale to use.

Up next, Ryouko is one of the few units that can get in range to attack something.

Not bad.

Izumi can get close enough to finish the job.

Heero deals some surprisingly high damage with his piddly Vulcans. I guess those gunfights are paying off.

Now, Im gonna keep Blade attacking Primada to stop her from regening the damage she took before. Im also moving Gai over to not only attract mooks away but to help out on her.

Enemy Phase!

See this here? Nearly all those nearby mooks are gonna go for the Valhawk but, unfortunately, theyre all gonna be too far away to be hit with Heat Edge Exploder and theres only one round left of Beam Shot Launcher.
As such, unless specified, just assume that Kazuma dodged them all.

This Bushnell likes to be different and tries his hand at Blade who does not appreciate the gesture.

A Garada is also feeling ballsy.


Now, closest to Penchinons group, this Mistral spots Golion. I wonder if Hikarus support defense will completely block out the damage ?

Nope. Still, it was a pretty small hit.

Heeros friend comes over and decides to attack Mazinkaiser of all things.

Nope, still not Z2s Beam (also, that was some pretty pathetic damage from the Savage I didnt even cast Iron Wall!).
A Serpent attacks from afar and takes a Giga Missile in return.

All these fights bump Kouji past 130 morale. I am now become death

Finally, this Doublas thinks hes so clever at sniping and forgets that Blade can still Crash Intrude his ass.

Polonaise makes use of his decent range to ram Gai as he goes after Primada doing 21 damage past the point where itd have been blocked by Protect Shade

Primada wastes her regenerated health by going after Blade.

And Penchinon decides that hes the best target to attack as well even though he couldve moved in closer to hit our less dodgy units.

Player Phase!

Kurz gets to deal with that Mistral that went for Golion.

Good, good.

More Rock N Roll for Getter.

Hayato then proceeds to obliterate Blades Doublas.

Like so.

Bushnells are always a prime-target for our crit-machines.

Good man.

Heero disappoints me and leaves a Birdman barely hanging on

Still, that gets the Zero System going.

Akito gets the job of taking the weakened Serpent.

Goddamn it. Hikaru, get over there and clean up that mess!

Now, remember all those mooks on the left side that I said were making a beeline for Kazuma?
Theyre close enough that Bless can MAP the shit out of four of them.

I couldve used Fighting Spirit but I figure its best to save that for the bosses; as is, only the Birdman got dropped.

Golion finishes that Serpent if only to stop it from sniping at our nearby Supers.

Air Force mode doesnt do much when all enemies like to attack from afar and youre out of Beam Shot Launchers.
So, lets have Kazuma switch to Cross Combat and get up close with a 3-way chain attack from the Mistral, to the Bushnell, to the Serpent.

Very good.

Ryouko weakens what, I think, is the last full-health mook on Penchinons side.

While at that, Izumi finishes off that Birdman that Heero failed to oneshot.

Kouji then sets out to show these kids how its done!

Hell, yeah!

Meanwhile, Gai has made it close enough to Primada to start slapping her around some.

This time, though, he had Invincible cast.

Blade keeps the pain going.
Well deal with both her and Penchinon next turn.

Enemy Phase!

First things first, a Taurus goes for Kazuma (as expected) but this time I have ranged attacks ready.

Im just going to ignore that at least this Savage had the decency to get critted and die in one go.

Also, that Serpent that Kazuma chained before has decided to go after Big Daddy.

Big mistake.
The weakened Bushnell and Mistral also attack and get wrecked.

Make good use of that last shot, kid

Thank god.

Another Taurus breaks away but fails to consider that Golions (ridiculously named) Feet Missiles can hit him over there.

The RNG gods have taken the day to mess with Kazuma; nevertheless, a kill is a kill and the lowered-ish HP will trigger a slight Prevail boost.
Plus, a Doublas also takes a small hit but, since Im trying to conserve EN, it was just a Vulcan attack.

This Bushnell decides to be clever.

That shit dont fly with Gai!

Primada has gotten tired of Blades Lancer and decides to MAP both him and Kurz.

She shares a Ramming MAP attack with her husband and it looks hilarious to watch them roll over our guys like a bowling ball.

Nevertheless, its accuracy is no good and misses everyone (MAPs will always hit during the scene but can still miss afterwards).

Penchinon has been playing Advance Wars and knows the value of Artillery Fire.

It only hits Kaiser and the Nadesico for mild damage.

Player Phase!

Sousukes too far away to hit any of the bosses so we might as well have him finish off the Bushnell.

Sadly, without the Lambda Driver, theres no awesome dynamic finish

Due to that MAP attack, Primada hasnt lost her regened HP so Kurz snipes at her.
This lets me show our first encounter with Boss AI: if a Zondar King is attacked outside of its range, itll actually defend/evade.
Mooks will just sit there and take it on the chin but bosses will actually take actions to survive.

Blade is close enough that shell take the brunt of his Voltekka. Im saving the remainder of his SP but he dodges even without focus.

Time for the ol switcheroo.
Mike gets swapped for Sayaka so we can get Bless going on Heero (alongside a Cheer from Yurika).

With all that done, the first Zondar King falls to Wärter.

Im still amazed at the fact that Heero flies to space only to drop back into the atmosphere.

Primada is worth two levels, a Servo Motor and a Counter.


Penchinon is next and well take the opportunity to nuke his aim to hell with some ninja awesomeness (remember to stay in his attack range or hell defend).

Next, Kaiser gets in position to bring the pain.


Next, its Getter 2s turn with some Shin Getter Vision.

Good, good.

Seeing as how Penchinon is the bulkiest of the bunch, throwing Supers at him is the best way to be rid of him in one turn.

Halfway down. His Prevail is gonna start acting up to boost his defenses.

Might as well have Duo join in with an assist from Ryouko.

Duo gets a much-needed level and learns Fighting Spirit.

Might as well have Akito join in on the fun.

His damage is lacking, though, and Im once again reminded of how much I miss Gai Daigouji.

Gai can also get close enough to smack him around some.

Ryouko and Izumi also bring him down a wee bit more.

His HP is low enough that Hikaru can take him down with the Melee-Version Formation Attack of the Nadesico girls (Hikaru also casts Lucky for extra cash)

Penchinon is worth two levels, a Booster and a Support Request +1.


With that side clear, we turn our attention west-ward, where Kazuma is holding the line like a pro (when hes not getting screwed by the RNG gods).

Nearby, Bless gets repaired by Sayaka.

Enemy Phase!

Kazuma gets rushed by a Mistral, a Doublas, a Taurus and this Garada.

Both the Garada and Mr. I survive with 6 HP get taken out.

That Doublas that got hit with the Valhawks Vulcan moves over to greener pastures and sets his sights on Kurz.

Greener pastures on SRW games are just different forms of pain, though.

Uh oh. Pizza has grown tired of waiting and decided to deal with this youngun.

I love how, after missing his attack, Pizza just sits there for a second giving you the evil eye.

Player Phase!

Seeing as how he seems to be having an off day, Akito will deal with that Doublas.

I knew you could do it.

And Kazuma takes down the other Doublas. Im fairly certain that well be seeing some changes in the Top Ace chart at the end of this mission.

Enemy Phase!

The last mook decides to suicide against Kazuma and I dont really care to have someone else waste an attack to do it on our turn.

As our group has approached, Pizza sees an opportunity to use his MAP attack.

Meh. The Valstork can handle that kind of damage (everyone else dodged).
It was right now that I noticed that Polonaise hasnt budged an inch since his rather poor attempt to attack Gai at the start of this update.
I guess hes had an emotional breakdown seeing his wife blow up and is crying in his corner.

Player Phase!

Might as well Scan Pizza so that he doesnt make any surprise dodges when his Prevail kicks in (even though his mobility is pretty crap).

Kurz, with an assist from Mao, does the opening salvo.

Pizza has the 2nd weakest defense, only ahead of Primada, so this wont take long (even with his L3 Prevail).

Moving in closer, Mao nicks his health a lil bit more.

Time for Big Daddy to show his stuff. Fighting Spirit, Strike and Invincible are cast just to be a jerk to Pizza.

Very good.

With Mao and Kurz right there, you couldve probably seen this Uruz Strike coming.

Blade will follow that up with a Voltekka shot.

Just a wee bit more

The Three Angels are close enough to pull one for combined attack.

There. Thats perfect.

Gai gets a Cheer from Mihiro (sadly, Sayaka doesnt have the SP to cast Bless again).

And we move in to finish him with HERU ANDO HEVUN (were not in range for Goldion Hammer)!
Fun fact: this is the normal version of the attack, without the core-yanking, but, if you look a few missions back, when I finished Pizza off in this fashion, Gai did pull out his core (I guess hes just tired of the guy).

Pizza is worth 3 levels, a Chobham Armor and an Infight +1.

Gai also learns Fighting Spirit.


Seeing as how Polonaise didnt care enough to help his friends as they were being killed, we start moving in on him starting with Kazuma.

Also Golion, whos close enough to melee him.

Being the average one, his defense will not last him very long.

Shin Getter 1 is the last unit that can reach him but its enough for a Getter Beam.

Not bad at all.

Enemy Phase!

One more MAP attack sure.

It hits both supers for negligible damage.

Player Phase!

Hes regenerated a bit but its nothing we cant handle now.

That takes away all the HP he got back on his turn and then some.

Koujis up next and Kazuma is close enough to assist.

I remember being intimidated by this mission my first time around but now I see what a breeze it is.

Normally Blade would be too far to hit but, thankfully, Pegas has Snipe.

Once again, Kurz attacks while assisted by Mao.

Followed up her own potshot.
This is my preferred method when using the Uruz squad against bosses: Kurz attacks with Mao while moving up with hit & away, Mao does an attack of her own and Sousuke moves near them both for an Uruz Strike.

An Uruz Strike will not be necessary, though. Lets do the final bit of softening up the same way we started.

Boom. Thats right where I need it.

I still want the cash, so lets finish him off with Shin Getter with Lucky and Gain cast.
However, after a previous convo in the thread, Ive decided to change one thing, in honor of songs that SHOULD have been in SRW games but, for whatever reason, have not.


Polonaises worth a level (ONLY ONE?!), a High Performance Radar and a Prevail +1.


All the Zondar are confirmed destroyed and Gai asks about Mamoru; Shihomi is still receiving the signal from his tracking device, indicating he is near the Tokyo Tower.

Sousuke remembers Mamoru talking about his bad feeling; right then, as our people get in touch, the last transmission we hear from him is a terrified scream.
Gai charges into the tower after the boy and Bless orders both D-Boy and the Mithril mercenaries to follow inside and rescue him.

Beneath Tokyo Tower is a vast, hollowed-out cave but, despite being incommunicado, Mamorus signal is still transmitting.
As our people advance towards the signals location, a figure steps out of the shadows.
