Part 61: Mission 17 - Farewell to the Heroes! The Last Great Battle for Tokyo - Part 2
Alright, lets get going straight from where we left off: Orgun really could deal with all the Radam but I still want to nab those two items that Evil is carrying.As such, Im going to send Blade and the Uruz Squad down there with the Valstork to see if its possible.
The remaining part of our group will make a beeline for Pasdar after dealing with the two other Zondar.

In case you failed to kill Evil in Mission 10, this is your 2nd chance to do so. Of course, it's complicated due to time limits but if you can, great.
If not, you'll have your 3rd, and final, shot at the secret later on.

Its currently the enemys turn and EI-28 opens up against Golion.

Ouch. Still, we have Seidous SP if Golions HP gets too low.

EI-29 goes for Kouji whos in better position to take a beating.

With its crappy accuracy, the MAP only hits our Supers and Getter had Invincible cast.

Silver-lining, eh?
On the Radam frontline, Orgun is getting swarmed by every single one of them. The result is always the same:

Nothing different than whats expected.

However, a Monster and a Mother get lucky.

It doesnt matter, though.
Then, its Orguns turn to attack:

Thats actually not bad with near 90% damage taken, Orguns Prevail is gonna give him a nice stat boost.

Player Phase!

First things first: Seidou casts Guts and Kouji received a Trust from Shihomi.

Even though Im sending Kurz down after Evil, it doesnt mean he can help soften EI-29 up (with some side assistance from Izumi).

Then its Hikarus time to shine.

Very good.

Izumi also introduces EI-28 to her distortion field.

Then, its Mikes turn.

Not bad.

Akito moves in for the kill with an assist from Ryouko.

Another level up and he learns Prevail?

The rest of the group spends their turn getting close to Pasdar; Im trying to set them up to maximize as many assists as possible.

Enemy Phase!

Another MAP from EI-01 but it only affects Kouji and Yurika.

Dodging that attack gave Heero the last bit of morale he needed, though.

To avoid posting a crapton of pictures of Orgun wrecking every single Radam nearby, Ill just post this one above and give you the death count: 6 Monsters and 1 Mother dead, all others severely weakened (except 2 who were far away) after counter-attacks and a MAP Ahnk Attack (which I could not get on camera because the game does not let me switch battle modes! ).
Evil missed Orgun and was hit for around 3k damage, mind.

Player Phase!

In just a few minutes, Ill come to a realization thatll make me kick myself a bit.
For now, Sousuke will go for the weakened Mother with some help from Kurz.

Good, good.

Kurz then takes assistance from Mao and they finish off another Mother.

One of those two Radam that were too far gets softened by Mao.

Blade weakens the last one.

Kouji gets a heal from Fahra
and HERE is where the creaky gears in my brain clicked and I realized that theres no way Im going to kill Evil in time and that Blade and the Uruz Squad are going to be stuck down there without means of coming back quickly woops!

Youll understand what I mean in a bit. Just know that you neednt attack EI-01 right now (itll just waste EN/Ammo) just position yourself nicely, cast defensive measures and sit tight for one turn.

With all that in mind, Mike boosts Hikaru morale past 130 so that only leaves Ryouko with a wee bit of morale needed to get the Melee Formation Attack going (and shell get morale once those last Radam die).

Not attacking Pasdar doesnt mean that you should subject yourself to some cheap damage from his MAP. Volfogg will nuke his accuracy before we end our turn.
Everythings in place.

Enemy Phase!

Ya know, I might as well show off his MAP since its pretty much the last time well get to see it as were all too close for him to use it as a counter-attack (I think).

Orgun is attacked by the one Monster that survived his MAP and Counter-kills it.

This other one decided to be a nice guy an attack Mao.

Sadly, shes not very prone to lucky crits (especially with her 40mm Assault Rifle).

Another Monster, however, goes after the Valstork.

There we go.

Evil tries to chain-attack Mao and Kurz but hes not being very accurate now.
Finally, I managed to get Orguns Ahnk Attack on camera this time!

Player Phase!
The story advances whether you deal enough damage to Pasdar (and hell heal it all) or on turn 5.

Evil yells out that its useless to resist for the Radam Trees grow more with each passing moment.
Kurogane wants to simply burn down the menacing Radam trees but Fahra stops him lest those already inside get killed too.

D-Boy says they might be better off dead than controlled by the Radam, and is willing to play the role of demon if that's what it takes to stop the Radam.

Rapier then strides onto the battlefield, telling D-Boy to wait.
Evil is surprised to see that Miyuki, an incomplete Tekkaman, is still alive and she yells out to Shinya, that shell stop the trees blooming herself.

She delivers a present from Liger to Mike: Disc X!
Mike is overjoyed to receive it and gets to playing it right away.

Its amazing power starts destroying the Radam trees, leaving the people inside unharmed.
Ines explains that this works via a Solitary Wave *precisely* tuned to match the subatomic frequency of its chosen target, much like an electric stove that only heats the water on it.
It is this incredible feat of engineering that motivated Freeman and Liger to be all exchanging data in the shadows they had to find the right frequency to affect Radam biology.

Rapier shouts to Evil that his trees are no more and that hes next, but he reminds her that there are Radam trees all over the world: it'll take more than this to stop the invasion.
Blade tries to charge at him but Evil says their fight will have to wait until another day at least until after Blade has dealt with the Zondar and leaves.
This is why I wouldnt be able to kill Evil to get his stuff. He shows up on turn 3s enemy phase and runs off when you either trigger the story through damage to Pasdar or turn 5s player phase.
Youd need to leave the better part of your team over where he spawns to kill him in that time frame (or be on a new-game+ and have over-upgraded units).

Hyuuma calls in and tells us to leave the rescue of all the people who the Radam trees took to him and to stop EI-01.
Rapier insists on fighting alongside her brother to protect Earth and, while Blade agrees, he tells her not to overdo it.

*Pasdar recovers all damage received*

Holy shit, click this link NOW! This song will play out for the remainder of the stage and its all awesome!

*They move closer to Bullet-X*

First off, the good news: Gaogaigar, Volfogg and Chouryuujin have skyrocketed up to 200 morale and will completely wreck EI-01.
Bad news: only Gai is in range to actually do anything
Shamefully, well need to deal with EI-01 without the other 2 because, if we wait a turn, hell start to regen (and you need around 2-3 attacks to deal some 8000 damage on Pasdar).
We wont be able to take away the Zondar Barrier but we should still be fine.
Now, hit the music and lets do this!


Of course, Blade and Sousuke did have lines against Pasdar but, due to my tactical faux pas, they were unable to join in; still, heres what they had to say:
-Sousuke Vs. Pasdar-

-Blade Vs. Pasdar-

Now, time for the coup de grâce. Gai uses Fighting Spirit for maximum overkill.

EI-01 is worth a level (stupid overleveled penalty ), a Super-Alloy Z, a Trident-yaki, and an Initial Morale +2.

*Golion roars.*

Taiga extends a warm welcome to Gai and everyone else of Wärter; with the destruction of the original Zondar, from two years ago and the annihilation of the Tokyo Metal Plant, the Zondar menace is basically over.
Mikoto thanks Gai for ending the nightmare that started two years ago with the crash-landing of EI-01 and the deaths of her parents.

Gai in return thanks her for being with him all this time - without her, he doubts he could have gone on fighting this long.
Meanwhile, Bless is thanking Liger for his work, as Mike and his Disc X really came through in the end; Liger wastes no time before gloating about Mike as his masterpiece and prodding Leo if hes willing to acknowledge his genius.
Leo begrudgingly admits that they couldnt have taken out the Radam trees without him but there are still many more trees around the world, as Evil said.
Liger says that both anti-Radam and anti-Zondar disks are now in production to counter that, though this effort requires incredible amounts of time and labor still, Liger insists that itll all work out in the end.

Freeman apologizes to Taiga for leaking the Radam data to Liger, but Taiga quotes him an old saying by way of showing there's no hard feelings: "Before you can fool your enemies, you must first fool your friends."
He knows full well that Freeman was actually running a bait-and-switch, keeping the military distracted with the Tekkaman data while he and Liger got the actual work done and created the Disc-X while they werent looking.

As for Miyuki, shell be going back with Liger to GGG America.
D-Boy asks if shell be OK and she says her body is stabilized thanks to Liger's scientific knowhow; however, just because we stopped the Zondar and the trees in Tokyo, doesnt mean were in the clear.
As such, she wants to help with the mass- production of Disk X and the plan to wither the remaining Radam trees all over the world before they too start to bloom.

D-Boy tells her to leave the direct Radam combat to him, and she cautions that her Radam memories tell her of a new foe to come: the "Master Program".
She's not sure what that means but it seems to strike a chord with Leo and Taiga; either way, D-Boy will remember her words and will keep an eye out.

Kaname finally regains consciousness in the Bay Tower infirmary, having missed most of the action with the Zondar and Radam.
Kouji and Sayaka quickly give her the summary of what happened and Sousuke says that the victory is basically thanks to her information, that helped them break the Zondar Barrier.
She can't remember anything from around the time she blacked out, though.

Sousuke tells her that the colonel wants to talk to her tomorrow, and asks her to make some free time.
Kaname reluctantly agrees, still not knowing who Tessa is, and accepts a little gift from Sousuke: a pair of earrings.

Ryouma and Hayato are impressed at Sousuke, wondering if he accompanied the girls to the Tokyo shopping trip only to buy these.
Sousuke denies, saying that hes made them by hand, making Hayato proclaim that the boy has further impressed him even Kaname doesnt know what to say.

However, she stops in her tracks when Sousuke warns that the explosive in them could blow a lightly armored mech like an AS clean away if she's not careful.
He tells her that he was furious with himself for this latest mess, and figured he had to ensure Kaname was better protected.

Kaname responds by decking him squarely with a get-well bouquet.
At least it proves to Sayaka that she's physically alright; Sousuke doesnt understand why shes angry and thinks its because the earrings have a common appearance he knew he shouldve made them in the shape of pink hearts!
Kaname calls him an idiot and demands to know what kind of alternate universe has high school girls wandering around with explosives hanging off their ears.
She storms out, saying that she doesn't want to see Sousuke for a long time, and Hayato figures that maybe he was too hasty in raising his esteem toward Sousuke...
Sousuke wonders if he should have made a ring instead, and Sayaka lightly suggests that that could have made things radically worse yet.

Ryouma counsels Sousuke to make up with Kaname quickly, before your next tribulation arrives.
In outer space

Whew alls well that ends well.
Still, we leave this mission with a big problem solved and several questions: whos the mysterious girl? What does Orgun want? Whos the figure in space gathering information?
See you next update where we will (not) find out!