Part 67: Mission 19 - Clash! Devil Vs. The Lord of Hell - Part 2

*Danaan emeges*

Bless you, Tessa; the Kaiser Scrander makes Mazinkaiser an even bigger beast.

Koujis already moved this turn, though, so itll be Izumi leading the charge.

Followed shortly by Hikaru.

Eh thats fine, I guess.

Volfogg is in just the right range to attack and grab an assist from Ryouko.

He levels up and gains Hero L3.

Blade, Golion and Ryouko attack the Garadoublas.

It leaves him just right to be fed as a morale-booster for Getter.

Hmm. I didnt even need to attack with Ryouko.

Nevertheless, the remaining troops will go for Venus A, starting with Kazuma.

Next, its Hyoryuu who will be grabbing an assist from Enryuu.

Very nice. Enryuus gun and cannon attacks inflict the same damage reducing debuff as Golion.

Using Enryuu to pull the combination, Chouryuujin does some extra damage.

Sousuke and Heero move in closer and attack as well.

This is closely followed by Duo.

They never crit when I actually want them to

Taking advantage of the command aura, Trowa can move close enough to fire his Gatling Guns and have a good chance to dodge.

Good, good.

Tetsuya, with Iron Wall, moves close to hit with Breast Burn. Hopefully, hell attract that group to the left.

Also, I wonder if the Danaan is strong enough to kill the Venus ?


Enemy Phase!

And my plan fails completely. Tessa being so close by makes a pair of Ashuramazingers and a Galra Fighter go for her (and I didnt use Iron Wall).

At least the right-most Fighter decided to play along.

Not bad. Anything goes to get Tetsuyas morale over 130.

Off to our right flank, the enemy wastes an attack on Ryouko.

While the Fighters can go farther and reach the Nadesico.

Its still a wasted attack seeing how Beam weapons have a damage penalty against Distortion Fields.

One more Ashuramazinger gets punished for going after a pilot with focus and a friend bonus.

Uh, oh. This Fighter is being sneaky and went after Golion!

For shame.

The Venus regenerates 20% HP per turn so its actually good it went after a unit that can take a good chunk of that in one hit.

Finally, Sadak tries to snipe at Kouji but these wings give us the necessary weapons to fight back.

Also, how does the Kaiser stay up in the air while its wings are flying off?

Player Phase!

The Venus can already be killed but lets give some screentime to a couple of folks that havent seen much action lately.

Quatre gains a needed level and a Hovercraft.

Kouji apologizes for having no choice but to destroy Venus A but Sayaka takes it quite well, sure that it can be reborn in its rightful form now.
The main thing is to be sure to wipe out Dr. Hell.

Indeed, it is. So lets keep going and send Volfogg over to the Danaans side to weaken one of them Ashuramazingers (Volfogg still has the Water Jet equipped so hes ideal for this).

Trowa still has an A-rating in Water but the low crit rate and unupgraded weapons stop him from finishing the job.

Which leaves us with Sousuke and his Monomolecular cutter.

Very good.

Water battles always call for some Getter-3 action.

Duo I am disappoint.

Well leave it to Tessa to finish the job.


Bless takes this time to have a potshot at YET another Ashuramazinger (you at least need to give Dr. Hell props for realizing that hordes of Garadas and Doublas werent cutting it anymore).

Hikaru nabs an assist from Izumi and leaves said Ashuramazinger in the red.

Well go back to that guy soon enough. First off, time for some Double Distortion Field Attack (so to speak ).

Very nice.

Now, we capitalize on the side-by-side weak enemies and make our first use of Ryoukos new Combo skill.

Heero still needs to get that Zero System going so he takes the other Fighter.

Which leaves Chouryuujin to take the last Ashuramazinger.


Weve just about cleared the first wave of mooks, so lets start the 2nd one by sending Kazuma over.

Thank you for the crit, boy.

With Kazuma set to soften up the western group, Blade can go work on the eastern one.


Well, I suppose someone needs to take down that last Fighter and its right in Golions way.

Well, seeing how that weakened Garushia is right there

Tetsuya fails to do the same but its understandable seeing how his morale is still low-ish.

Enemy Phase!

The first Garadoublas wastes his attack on Kazuma.

The 2nd goes for Kaiser, dealing piss for damage, and getting boomerangd in return.

Everything goes according to plan on the western front. All four mooks go after Kazuma.
Three of them get around half their health taken.

The remaining one

Shame onto those that are killed by Vulcans.

Oh, I had completely forgotten about this Fighter way down here.

Still, no problem.

Now, on the eastern front. That Draco goes after Blade and gets lancerd.

The dumber Garushia goes for Mazinkaiser and allow me to show off Kaiser Blade.

Its weaker than Fire Blaster but it is 10 EN cheaper and 1 range longer, too.

Blade slaps the other Garushia away.

Sadak snipes at Golion, who has no choice but to defend.

Last picture didnt run but it was some 1700 damage.

Player Phase!

Volfogg takes it upon himself to get the western Dracos HP into killing range.

On the other side, Heero is in good position to snipe at a Garushia.

Good man.

Advancing, Ryouko shanks the eastern Draco for some decent damage.

Seeing how Kouji went through the trouble of severely weakening that Garadoublas, we might as well try to finish it off (else itll regen some).

I was hoping that Izumi would kill it but, either way, Hikaru was nearby.

There we go.

Good news, too: that last kill bumped Sousukes morale to 120!

Lets not waste it and take this opportunity to show that awesome Monomolecular Cutter dynamic finisher.

The Danaan cant really go anywhere else aside from that bay but it can still fire missiles at most enemies.

This allows Tetsuya to grab a cheap kill from the weakened Death Hell.

Duo keeps at his usual job as a mook-softener.

And Golion swoops over to finish it.

Ho-hum I didnt even need to have Duo weaken it.

Chouryuujin cant move in to use his Tonfas but his guns are available.

Thats good.

Kazuma is close enough to take the kill.

Only a few mooks remain.

Blade quickly kills the Drago with a Pegas Combination.

And Kouji draws first blood from one of the other 2 Garadoublas.

Enemy Phase!

The Garadoublas goes after Bless, whos protected by Yurika.

Urk so close.

The other Garadoublas comes in close after the Valstork, so it can only counter with its torpedoes.

With no protections left, Sadak takes a decent shot at us but takes an even bigger shot back.

Player Phase!

This Garadoublas annoyed me, so lets take him out in humiliating fashion.

That was actually not bad damage I guess those Gunfights are paying off.

Heero gets enough morale to activate the Zero system.

The other Garadoublas will die easily.

And hell supply the last bit of morale needed for Tetsuya.

There it is.
That leaves only Sadak to be dealt with but who here thinks Dr. Hell doesnt have a trick up his sleeve?
Theres still some work to be done in this mission and I think this update is already quite long.
Ill get Part 3 going quick-like and it should be up either tomorrow or Sunday.
See you all then!