Part 75: Mission 21 - An Assassin Dispatched - Part 3
We need some inspirational music for this time. If you know what happens in the V Gundam story, it may not work but

Now, the game will not allow us to go after the Combined Primeval when its in cutscene-power mode; as such, we need to focus all of our attention of the Brain Primeval.

Not much but I guess it works.

Kazuma shows how its done, though.

Enemy Phase!

Oi, oi. When given the choice to pick Ryouko, you go after Gai?

It just occurred to me: what would be the effect of a meteor that large hitting the moon? Hmm

Once Brain takes some damage, Ruri detects an approaching swarm of Radam.
Gort thinks this is actually good, seeing how the Zondar and Radam are at odds, they can at least distract the Combined Primeval; that idea falls short when Ruri detects that the Radam are making a beeline for us Prospector figures they deem us a bigger threat than the Primevals.
Yurika orders Minato to evade their attack but its no use as the Radam are much faster than the Nadesico.

As one of the Radam closes in, Yurika screams out for Akito...

...Who shows up as if on cue.
He shoots down the Radam Mother and reminds Yurika to keep calm she has her Distortion Field to handle these attacks.
Yurika is aghast that it really is Akito and Noal is damn surprised that hes, indeed, still alive; Kouji is also impressed, proclaiming Akito to be the Immortal Cook!
Akito doesnt really understand how it was that he managed to survive, though.

More importantly to Uribatake, his mech is set up with the latest in low-gravity gear: the "Moon Frame".
More important to Megumi, why did he wait one week before returning to us? Akito tells her that they can discuss details later but even he isnt fully aware of what happened.
Regardless, Yurika says she always knew that her prince would come back she promises to give him a hundred kisses and isnt about to let some Zondar and Radam stop her!

Ines is privately glad that Akito succeeded, but figures that Nergal isn't going to let him be from now on.
Indeed, Erina already seems very interested.

Heres a convenient thing: those Radam that showed up made for such a tasty target that the Combined Primeval decided to MAP them (I was even trying to set up my group to draw that out but this is even better).

A couple of Radam go after Mao.

I didnt expect the Radam to show up now so she didnt have Focus; thankfully, she dodged both attacks.

This kill gives her a level and teaches Multicombo L1.

It also gives Heero the last morale he needs to get serious.

Player Phase!

Mike is too far away to use the MAP Disk P, so I bring him over and raise Akitos morale a bit.

This was actually great because it levels him up and boosts his Hero skill to level 3!

I was hoping to reach one of the Radam to the north but it was just out of range.

Still, its good.

More morale for Getter, I guess.

As most MAPs are ammo-based, they can be used with relative impunity.
Also, I had totally seen Mao there and knew she was going to dodge!

Brainiac needs to get dropped now. Lets send Kouji over with some assistance from Kazuma.

Thats also good, for a support.

Seeing how no further help is needed on Brain, Kazuma might as well fly over to the Radam and chain all of them together.

This, finally, gives me the chance to show off Gais MAP and how obscenely powerful it is.

That Mother that lived with a sliver of health gets dropped quickly by Mao.

Duo is very behind on levels, so lets give him a lil help before sending him after Brain.

Good man.

*Aria gets shot*

*Beep, beep, beep Boop!

Either way, Zechs thinks that we should try attacking the Combined Primeval again with that weapon but J says it still wont work; Gai thinks hes being pessimistic, seeing how the cannon easily destroyed the other Primeval but Ines agrees with J on theoretical grounds.
Any superficial attack, no matter how powerful, will simply be healed; the only way to stop it, is to separate the regenerative organ, Liver, from the rest of the body.
Ruri reports that Omoikane and Tomoro have finished their calculations and have pinpointed a 10cm area where Liver would be located if we can bypass the enemys barrier and strike there, it should destroy it.

With that in mind, Gai prepares to use his Gatling Driver to open a path and asks that we fire everything into the hole thatll open.
However, with the energy available, the gravitational lens will only open the hole for a small while and hitting a 10cm target with everything we got is a damn difficult task.
Still, its our only option right now.

Everyone gets in position but the Combined Primeval figures itll be impossible for us to defeat Liver.
Gai answers back pointing out that were Wärter there is nothing impossible to us!

Our weapons are fired but it wasnt enough.
The attacks were contracted as they passed through the gravitational lens and stopped on Livers barrier if that wasnt enough, then theres no way for us to break through it

This increases power output a good 300%, more than enough break the Combined Primevals regenerating parts.
This breaks the crystal, but D-Boy promises to always carry Goddard in his heart for as long as he lives.
Now without his regenerating powers, our people get ready to throw everything we have at the Primevals.

Meanwhile, Aria figures her role is over for now, but promises Mihiro she'll come to see her again.
No time to worry about her, though, as the Combined Primeval is now pissed and says that, even without his regeneration, he still has enough power to defeat us and promises to teach us about our powerlessness.
Gai takes him up on his offer, saying that the true fight begins here!

Things are so much better now, hm? We dont have a whole lot of people to move now so lets just use the last bit of time we have before going after the the Primeval to clear off the remaining Radam.

Thank you, Sousuke.

Theres still Blade and his tek-lancer isnt beefy enough to do nearly 6k damage.

Itd be a waste to use J to take out such a weakened enemy so

The damage went away right as the picture ran but thats kind of a moot point here, no?

Enemy Phase!

Oh? Hes actually using his MAP on us I think thats a first for me.

The Mother has recovered a bit and made the mistake of going after J (who still has the option to call a support defend from Kouji).

Not that he needs it, though. J can open his own ES window as ANOTHER type of Mirror-Image effect.
A Radam Monster also attacks and has the same end.

Player Phase!

Time to work on the Combined Primeval.
Normally, I wouldve used Disc X here but Mike has decided to screw me over and stay 1 point away from being able to use the damn thing.

Still, it serves to halve his mobility (and his aim with it) and take away the Zondar Barrier.
With the debuffs set, lets bring in the big guns hit the music!

Js deliverance of karmic justice earns him a level and Multicombo L1.

The Combined Primeval is worth 4 (!) levels, a Hybrid Armor, a Mars Donburi, a Max SP+10, and a Gunfight +1.

Bless learns Valor and Commander L2, Akane learns Invincible and Horis learns Assail (once cast, unit is able to use pre-movement attacks after moving).
Also, Golion wasnt invited to this party but they do have things to say:
-Golion Vs. Combined Primeval-

The Primeval yells out that its impossible and that he cannot die he explodes soon after.
Blade thanks Goddard, saying its due to him that we were able to win today he then bids farewell to his old master.

All Zondar and Radam troops are destroyed and all that remains is for Arma to purify all eight Primeval cores that are around.
He quickly deals with six of them, only Arm and Stomach remaining.

However, Stomach quickly transforms himself into Kaidous mother and, when he hesitates, both Primevals flee towards a nearby base.
Our people dont understand what happened and Mamoru tells us about Kaidous adoptive mother; Gai gets very angry as he realizes that the Primeval seems to have absorbed her but J quickly calls Kaidou over so they can pursue.

Inside the base, J finds Stomach and corners him; however, Stomach isnt concerned and points to Arma; Stomach can feel his hesitation, saying that he cant bring himself to kill him and his mother.
Kaidou knows that, if the Primeval fused with his mother, her consciousness would be gone, but he still hesitates.
Gai and Mamoru catch up, Stomach quickly recognizes Mamoru as Cains destructive machine; they remember EI-01 saying the same thing but Kaidou says that Mamoru isnt a machine: he is Cain's child, born on the Green Planet.
Kaidou also mentions that he is also a destructive machine but created by Abel, from the Red Planet.

Stomach sees the legacies of both Green and Red Planets from the Trinary Solar System, G and J, and wonders how theyve both still fighting long after mechanization has taken their planets.
It was only Latio (that's Mamoru)'s special powers that kept him from being Mechanized along with everything else on his world: the power of the anti-Mechanizing circuit, the G-Stone.
The J-Jewel was created by Abel as a copy of the G-Stone, along with a living weapon with a stronger version of Latio's psychokinesis: Arma.

Abel also created the Soldato series and their J-Ark mothership, but all their combined might couldn't stop the Zondar.
Arma and Latio, the custodians of that which was built on the Green and Red Planets, managed to escape - but both are crippled in their own ways.
Mamoru is currently in panic, crashing the newly discovered truth against the past years of his life, as the human son of Isamu and Ai Amani.
Stomach continues, saying that Latio not only lost his memories but also had much of his full powers sealed, while Armas weakness is his attachment to the people of Earth.
J tells Arma to stay back and hell fight the Primeval but its no good even if J wins, unless Arma purifies Stomachs crystal, hell just regenerate.

Kaidou soon gets pissed off and moves to attack Stomach; Mamoru tries to stop him, saying that hell kill his mother.
Kaidou argues that he was never an earthling in the first place, ergo this woman is not his real mother; regardless of that, Mamoru says that itd still be too sad for him to do this even if theyre not blood related, that doesnt chance the years and memories theyve shared!

Right then, Taiga appears and quickly gives a present to Mamoru: a G-Stone Pendant!
As soon as Mamoru wears it, a great light comes forth and Mamoru feels a surge of power within him this pendant helps him unlock his full powers and enables him to finally sense the Primevals!
With that, both him and Kaidou unite their powers to purify Stomach if they do that, they can even save his mother.

As the Zondar Metal dissipates, a confused woman lies on the floor.
She asks for Kaidou and he quickly tells her that hes here and everything is alright relieved, she passes out.
While that happens, J is surveying the scene and notices that Arm is still missing; Gai asks if hes leaving already and J says that his mission is the capture of all the Primevals.
He cooperated with us today but he wont do any more than that; regardless, Gai knows their goal is the same and hopes theyll fight together again.
As for Kaidous mother, Taiga promises to see her safely back to Earth as hell be going with J after all, his mission isnt over yet.
Mamoru understands and also hopes to see them again, his friend from Earth; as he leaves Kaidou quickly thanks Mamoru, for helping him save his mother.

As for the pendant, it came came from Mamoru's adopted parents; as Taiga found out, all the Stomach said was true about his past.
That said, there's no reason why Mamoru can't continue to think of his parents as parents from here on out and the kid agrees.

Akito struggles to explain what happened to him; basically, when he came to after going through the ES Window, he was on the lunar surface... ten days ago!
All this is according to a passing garbage man who rescued him, who said he's been asleep for that long once he found out that our people were fighting nearby, he went to Nergals HQ and picked up an Aestivalis to come help us.
This would have to mean that Akito actually traveled backwards in time, and Ines sadly says she isn't authorized by Erina to explain here how that might be possible .
She is willing to give you a hint though, since it seems her own private theory has been proven.

She congratulates Akito for being the first Earthling to survive a Boson Jump unassisted, and says that the rest will have to wait until everyone goes to Nergal HQ on the moon.