Part 79: Mission 22 (Mars Route) - Returners From the Past - Part 2

Alright, weve got a crapton of Eidos (the Eviluder mooks) and Detonator Rang to deal with.
Seeing how most of our folks are away, well start on the weaker ones.

These things may not seem as resilient as before (seeing how weve several new tricks) but they can still avoid a one-shot if it doesnt crit.
Everyone that still has their move comes in closer.

Enemy Phase!

See? Even Beam Shot Launcher can kill an Eido in one go if it hits well.
As before, Im just going to cut the repetition and give you the summary: 3 other mooks attacked Kazuma, 2 lived with 600-900 HP left and the other sniped, out of attack range.

As for the one we attacked before, it was tagged with the Mook Mark-o-shame.

Both of Kazumas kills make Kouji engage God-Mode.

The rightmost group starts moving. The first Eido is in range to snipe at Gai but

We all know that shit dont fly.

Golion has used nearly all of his missiles so were forced to counter with Fire Tornado (the debuff wont help much as that thing will die real soon).

This other mook is a nicer guy, though.

All other Eidos come closer but Rang and his group stay put.

Player Phase!

Golions friend is just what Mike needs to start using Disc X.

The rightmost mooks that moved in made the mistake of staying too close to each other.
Bless response will be swift.


Orgun, using accelerate, zips on by to have words with Rang.

As you can see, Rang is quite beefy.
Help your friend, Blade!

The damage picture didnt run but it did some 4k damage.

I guess I was wrong when I say oh-so-many missions ago that Noal wouldnt be showing up anymore.

There. Dont say I never did anything for you.

Rang is impressed with the variety of weapons in this star system and figures this battle will be very enjoyable.
Orgun, having now seeing the Head Detonators power, fully understands that Rang greatly surpasses him.

It is then that the alarm sounds: an asteroid is falling through the atmosphere or, rather, it is slowly LANDING on the planet.
Kogane is dubious but Fahra confirms, the asteroid is slowly descending towards us as if intentionally!

As it lands nearby, Kazuma wonders what the hell when the Asteroid grows an arm and Mamoru quickly points out that its a Primeval.
Its, indeed, Arm and hes actually surprised that we came so far from Earth though, this is actually good for him.
Blade and Gai quickly realizes that he fled here to heal from his defeat on the Moon and, while he was at it, fused himself with an asteroid.

His size has greatly increased and Arm quickly demonstrates that his power has done so as well, blasting us with a massively powerful gravity wave.
Rang recognizes one of the 31 Machine Primevals and realizes he's got to inform supreme commander Zoa about this turn of events; Orgun actually sounds worried by the possibility that the Zomar is coming to this star system.
Rang informs Orgun that he's just gotten a stay of execution - assuming he can survive the Primeval, of course
If he does, Rang vows to come back to take his life.

As Rang leaves, Arm is a bit surprised that the Head Detonator is here but decides to worry about him after hes done destroying us.
He calls us to fight him and to tremble in fear before his power!

Oh well, I guess I shouldve gone after Rang first; well clear the rest of the enemies first and then deal with Arm.
Before anything, though, Boss and Aki heal Golion.

This gives the girls another level and teaches Milly Snipe.

Sayaka needs to do something, so she heals what little damage Gekiryuujin had taken.

If all goes well, all these mooks will make a dash against an Iron Walld Kouji on their phase.

Thats one.


On the left side, Kazuma is hard at work tenderizing the remaining two Eidos.

This opens the way for a Shin-Getter double kill.

Yow, these things have weaker armor that I imagined if they took that much damage from a crit.

Golion takes the last unit of the rightmost group.

And Gai also hops down to Koujis group, taking one more kill.

Enemy Phase!

Kouji still has the favor of the RNG gods, I see.

And heres the last one.

You dont fuck with Kouji even if you can hit him.

Player Phase!

As the fight continues, Yamasaki figures that things arent going well for us and starts thinking of a way to escape if this keeps up.
Arm loudly boasts that itll all be over soon and blasts us with another gravity wave.
Gai lies aghast before Arms destructive power.

Gekiryuujin yells at Arm not to get cocky and charges after him; Arm calls him an idiot, asking what can a single unit hope to do against him?!
He easily swats Gekiryujin aside.

*Fuuryu and Rairyu separate*

*Arm moves closer to the ruins*

Fuck. Yes. With THE POWER activated, Gouryuujin and Genryuujin will constantly stay at 250 morale(which means they will completely wreck Arm whos still at 100).
However, I did promise I would try to show off Mikes Disc X, so Im going to simply use this turn to get our guys closer and not attack.

Enemy Phase!

Arm couldve gone after anyone and he chose Bless

Not bad damage but nowhere enough to endanger the Valstork.

Player Phase!

This fight will not take long at all, especially after this.

Not only was that decent damage, that attack took away Arms barrier and reduced his Armor by 30%. Lets see how a Valored Goldion Hammer does against him now, yes?

Of course, theres still dialogue to be said between folks so lets go back in time and make it seem like Arm stands a chance.
Music, please!

Lets end this in style with Genryuujin/Gouryuujins combined attack: Maximum Tou-Long.
This attack is, by FAR, the strongest one weve seen until now with an incredible 6680 attack power (to put that in perspective: Goldion Hammer has 5950) it will not beat Gais damage as the brothers dont know Valor yet, though.

Arm is worth 2 levels, an EN Chip and an Prevail + 1.

Arm cries out at their fearsome strength - THE POWER
He quickly runs away, mumbling about unlimited power existing in Jupiter.

Orgun claims that, once again, he has seem the strength of our hearts.
He notes that this energy, The Power, which answers the call of its user's heart, is what he's been seeking.
When Blade asks, he says that there is, in this star system, something the Eviluders have forgotten, and D-Boy is the one who is bearing that thing back to the Radam.
He leaves, promising to Blade and Wärter, that theyll meet again.
Genryujin, inwardly, tells Orgun that he understands his words; Gai praises the four brothers, saying that this victory is due to them but Gouryujin says the fight isnt over yet!

Its the Galra, bearing down with a very large fleet.
Seidou doesnt understand where they got all these numbers: they only had a stipend left after their losses on Hell Island; does this mean a new Earth Invasion Force has been sent?
A voice from inside the command ship, confirms her words: Dai Bazaal's son, crown prince Sinclyne.

This Evil Prince doesnt impress Kazuma, who figures he only got his position by riding on daddy-os back but Kogane warns him not to underestimate Sinclyne.
He got his position through raw ability - as the Golion crew saw with their own eyes while he led the conquest of Altea.
Sinclyne did not expect to see Fahra really piloting Golion but says her poise impresses him more and more.
The Galra quickly opens fire on our battered troops who are in no position to resist after our fight with Arm; Gai asks for Genryujin and Gouryujin to help us again with The Power but it seems theyve reached their limit: The Power that was stored has run out and theyve no choice but to release the combination.
It seems like theres no way out for us but

A bombardment quickly strikes the Galran troops: it's those Jovians, with Genpachirou keeping their promise to aid us.
Bless is glad to see that the principles of spacemanhood aren't dead among the Jovians; Genpachirou tells Wärter to retreat and let them handle things from here.
Sinclyne quickly gets pissed at the Earthling reinforcements and, before things get any worse, Bless has everyone pull back.

Yamasaki finds this an amusing turn of events, and lucky in the sense that it got our people out of the picture.
After all, as that buried robot showed today, the Ruins are nowhere near done showing their treasures to him.

After our people are at a safe distance, Bless hears from Genpachirou that the Jovians won't allow us to further investigate the Ruins.
Even if our orders were to investigate, the fact is that the whole planet is currently under investigation by the Jovian Union and Bless isn't willing to try and force our way in it seems pretty obvious that the Jovians dont want us finding whats really hidden in those ruins but there isnt much that can be done now.

Bless prudently withdraws for now, warning Genpachirou to beware of the Galra fleet, still lurking somewhere nearby.
Genpachirou thanks him for the warning, and adds that he personally hopes to visit Earth one day, once true peace is established.
As he hangs up, Bless can do nothing but praise the enemy's acumen.
At this rate, there's no point in heading to Jupiter - our course must be back to Earth.
At least we got Chouryuujin back, making our Martian visit not a total bust.
If this talk of a peace treaty is any indication, we can expect affairs on Earth to be pretty confusing upon our return...especially with the Marimea army still at large.

As our team travels home, Sayaka is thinking on the information of how the Jupiter Union folk are the descendants of the century-old colony mission.
Their ancestors were colonists no one wanted on Earth, or even on Mars, where they ventured first; it's a pretty sad story, which turned dangerous once they found alien tech floating around in Jupiters orbit.
What went around has indeed come back around, in the form of a Jovian army fighting for its own version of Justice.

The one odd thing is their mode of speech, laced with melodrama and high-sounding ideals.
It seems that one of the only forms of entertainment available to the Jovians was a recording of Geki Ganger - which with time has become something like their religion.
The person who brought them the disc was none other than George Glenn, or at least someone who was part of his team.
This presumably means that Glenn and the rest of the Coordinators have known all this time about the people living near Jupiter.

That they didn't tell the government is probably out of sympathy, since both the Jovians and the Coordinators were ostracized from Earth for who they are.
Heck, Glenn probably even hoped that the Jovians would one day become Coordinators too; not in the sense of genetic modifications, mind, but in the original sense of the name, as people who could "coordinate", or perhaps "regulate" from afar any fighting that would come to Earth.
Hayato smirks at the irony: kick someone off your planet, then task them with managing your wars?
Hopefully, this can all be put behind us from now on and Kazuma wants a big party back on Earth to celebrate the newfound peace!

Mamoru comes in, relating that the brothers are all back in one piece, but THE POWER seems to have vanished entirely and, without it, Genryuujin and Gouryuujin can't combine.
Noal is damn interested in that power, thinking it could be just the thing to push back the Primevals and the Radam problem is, its located in Jupiter which is very out of the way but maybe we can make a pitstop there sometime and get enough energy to beat our enemies?
D-Boy doesnt think its that simple, though since, by the end of last battle, the brothers couldn't regulate The Power completely, causing their overload it may be that The Power is too great for man to control and, were it misused, could lead to the destruction of, at least, the user and, at most, all of mankind.
As D-Boy well knows, there are plenty of dangerous things mankind shouldn't meddle with in the universe - things of incredible destructive power - and this The Power may well be one of them.

Aboard the Galra command ship, Sinclyne has now had a taste of the power that repulsed Sadak, and he's not impressed.
Honerva tells him not to underestimate the power of Golion or his companions but Sinclyne isnt worried; he is the crown prince Sinclyne, the one who conquered Altea and he will send both Golion and all its Earthling friends to hell with his own hands.

Honerva tells him she's looking forward to watching him succeed, for the Emperor's sake.
Sinclyne privately sneers at that For the Emperor business; hell go along with it for now but he has his own plans for the Galra Empire when this is all done.
Theres still some more story after this but it consists on stuff that involves the events on the other route split, mind.
Ill show it after I clear the rest so everyone gets the whole story.
See you next time!