Part 91: Mission 25 - The Battle for Jupiter! Ultra-Gravity Arm - Part 2
Alright. Were currently surrounded by the entirety of Sinclynes invasion fleet and all the remaining Primevals in the galaxy.However, I have no fucks left to give because weve just gotten THE POWER (!) and have a miniature Buster Machine 3 inside all our GGG units.
All I can say now is:

The GGG units will deal with the Primevals, starting with Gaogaigar.

Mind you, THE POWER has given them Trombe-Override status and Ultimate Brave Robot Battalion will be playing for the entire stage.

Take that as our civilized greetings, fucker.

Mike sets himself up for a future MAP Disc X but for now, itll just be a regular Disc M on ZX-26.

Gouryuujin and Genryuujin were set too far away due to Ulf, so Volfogg is the only one left with an attack.

Not bad at all but Murasame Blade chose the perfect time to not get a critical

Everyone else will focus on the Galra Battleships (I could take Sinclyne out right now and force their retreat, but I want some

Kurz and Mao get to work on softening our first target.

With both of them in position, Sousuke calls for an Uruz Strike with an Support Request to Tsukumo.

It wont be long before we deal with all of these, see?

For the other ship, we have BOSS POWER!

Good man.

Akito nabs an assist from Hayato to take away half of its remaining HP.

This sets him up to pull a Double Gekigan Flare with Gai (Daigouji)!

Ergh I wanted to use Valor with that.

Oh, well. I reckon a Double Rocket Punch should suffice.

or not. Where are all my crits today?

Tetsuya is forced to move on over to finish the job.

I dont feel like taking any more chances, so I send Ryouma over to kill the other one.

Kazuma flies over to Mr. Super-Long Range and slaps him around some problem is, he only has that one attack and hes got the clever AI that defends when he cant hit back.

Blade fires a Voltekka at one of the remaining ships but the important bit is that I use his Hit & Away to set up a MAP on three of them.

Golion needs to sit around a bit before taking out Sinclyne, so lets have him wail on the Death Hell.

Stop resisting and die, asshole!

Enemy Phase!

Both regular ships go for the Nadesico. The first one misses due to Alert and the second gets a small hit in; both get shot back by the Phase Transition Cannon.

Sinclyne also tries going for the ship.

Then they proceed to not-disintegrate his ass

Eh, one of the generic Primevals (north of Arm) guns for Gaogaigar and I forgot to take a picture of the pre-battle numbers.
It wont matter, though, as none of them will be here very long.

ZX-07 takes the worst possible option for his target and suffers for it.

Im letting Bless tag along because I plan on feeding him some kills. Hopefully, enough to get him to level 30 in order to learn Rouse (thanks for reminding me, Dis).

Following the above generic primeval, all other northern ones move in closer.
A couple get close enough to attack Gai but yeah.

The southern group, however, seems to prefer Genryuujin.

I have no qualms against spamming Thunder Blizzard because, as I said before, GGG units recover all HP and EN at the start of our turn.

Choosing Mike will not make this any less painful.

Nope, not even Mike can override the song.

Arm once again goes for the Valstork but I was ready.

*King J-Der deploys.*

Player Phase!

Only one small thing to do before I really go to town.

Now, lets have Gai toss a Valord MAP right in the middle of the pack (with Cheer and Bless, mind).

Boom. Everything but that one Primeval dies horribly.

Gai gets a level out of it, along with a crapton of cash and a Pierrot's Mask (from ZX-26 boosts critical ratio by 20%).

Kurz takes a small potshot at ZX-19 to get him down a lil bit more.

Which opens the way for another MAP.

Only these two small primevals live and theyre hanging by a thread.

Aw, so close. All those kills give the family 2 levels, another huge pile of cash and a Multi Lock-On System (from ZX-19 increases hit ratio by 20%)

Keeping our MAP spam going, Mike gets the three farthest away down to around half HP and kills the one that attacked Gai before.

Moving along, there are plenty of full-health Primevals down there. The brothers will deal with them, starting with Genryuujin calling for some help from Heero.

Away with you.

Gouryuujin parks right near the other brothers, and whacks another Primeval upside the head.

Now, to deal with the Galra. Blade gets his Valor going and takes aim


Tetsuya will take one kill and, this time, I remember to show off his stronger, non-combination, attack: Great Booster!

Gai (Daigouji) will also make short work of the other battleship.

Good man.

Kouji goes waaaay overboard on the damage (yeah, yeah mea culpa) but still leaves Sinclyne barely alive.

Whoops, I nearly forgot to show off Sinclynes tricks before killing him off:
- Break Morale Limit (i.e. his morale goes up to 170)
- Prevail L4
- Support Attack L2
- Commander L2
Had he a better unit, he could be a threat as his stats are actually quite high and his skills are impressive as is, just go to town on him and use some kind defensive measure to avoid taking some powerful-ish hits (especially once his Prevail gets going alongside 170 morale).

Kogane gets Fighting Spirit going, Kurogane casts Lucky and Fahra uses Gain.

Sinclyne is worth four levels for everyone and a Super Alloy Z.

All the level-ups taught Prevail L5, Multicombo L1 and Valor to Kogane and taught Vigor to Suzuishi.

With no choice, Sinclyne angrily orders a full withdrawal from the Solar System.
Suzuishi pokes fun at him running away after all his previous bravado on top of all his faults, hes also a liar; the team gives him and Honerva a message for his Dai Bazaal: we will never be defeated and well certainly defeat the Galra and restore peace to the galaxy!
Sinclyne submits for today but promises to pay them back tenfold then next time they meet he bids us farewell and leaves; Tsukumo thinks Sinclyne to be a poor loser, judging from his angry threats as he retreated Gai Daigouji agrees, thinking a crown prince would have better manners!
With his retreat, the Galra have been pushed off our Solar System for good but is only a temporary victory; until theyre truly beaten, the Golion team cant afford to lose here!

Enemy Phase!

If attacking Gaogaigar is the worst available option, this is the close 2nd.


Genryuujin tries but the Primeval manages to survive his Wanrei.

Mista J doesnt fuck around like that, though (especially when you take into consideration that King J-der mirrors his Unit Upgrades from Gaogaigar).

I had used Iron Wall with the brothers, so they have no problems getting mobbed like that.

As for J

He doesnt need Iron Wall. He either evades the attack with an ES window or blocks it with his Generating Armor (incoming damage reduced by 1400).

The GGG pain-train doesnt stop. The next primeval is gonna get a dose of Gouryuujins Dragon Scroll.

No problem at all.

Finally, the last one, once again, attacks Genryuujin.

Easily dealt with a Wanrei.

Arm is still wasting his time with the Valstork.

Player Phase!

Time to end it. Using Iron Wall, we should be able to negate the brothers suffering from Disc X.

As a bonus, Mike also cleared the two surviving Primevals.
Time to bring Arm down to the ground hit the music!

Being Genryuujin (Phantom Dragon God), he gets his own version of Hyper Jammer with Aurora Illusion.

Finally, lets take this bastard down. Cheer and Bless are cast (as is valor, of course!).

Arm's worth a level, an EN Megachip, a BP+2 and an Infight +1.
Heero didnt join us today but he did have stuff to say to Arm:[/i]
-Heero Vs. Arm-

Arm cannot believe that theyre to be defeated on this place and J tells him that its over: the Master Program will be completely eradicated today!
Swan confirms the destruction of all Galra and Primeval enemies all the cores are safely inside King J-Der, awaiting purification.
There's still a question of what to do about Ulf, though.

That is, until Golion glows again and starts acting on his own.
He moves near Space Ulf and Ruri detects a massive Boson Jump field being formed over it; Ines realizes that Golion is using the Unit from the martian ruins to Boson Jump Ulf back whence it came.
Raibul doesnt understand how it has such ability, though; Leo wonders if its just a coincidence that Golion is reacting to the machinery of the Ancient Solar Culture but Mamoru doesnt think so.
That Goddess that we saw today manifested itself when Mamoru touched the Blue Lion.

Ines finds it all very interesting, as this seems to indicate a theory that the Altean, Green Planet and Ancient Solar Culture share some sort of connection.
Regardless, Ulf is quickly jumped away and Suzuishi hopes they never have bump into that thing again; Seidou thinks today was a really amazing day and Kogane says that theyve now learned that Golion conceals powers they werent even aware of theyll need to keep working to unlock those secrets.

With all that, J asks Arma to wrap things up the joins powers with Mamoru and they purify all collected cores in one go.
Now, all Primeval Cores have been converted into Zondar Crystals but

*Aria moves over to Jupiter.*
