Part 90: Chapter 48 upgrades
Let's rush a bunch of upgrades for ZEUTH!

Daitarn 3 (Banjou Haran)
Prevail L7+2
Attack Again
EN Save
SP Up L5
Sense - 20
Snipe - 15
Spirit - 35
Guard - 20
Valor 40
Daitarn Snapper (4 EN, mobility)
Daitarn Missile (8 ammo)
Daitarn Cannon (6 ammo)
Daitarn Hammer (8 EN)
Daitarn Javelin (16 EN)
Sun Attack Storm (28 EN, 120 Will)
Sun Attack (64 EN, 130 Will, armor)
Ace Bonus: Gain 30000 G funds after finishing a scenario.
Full Upgrade Bonus: Movement +1.
Custom Bonus: +50 Mobility.
Banjou, is there anything you can't do? Move quickly, as it turns out; even the Dai-Fighter has an average-ish move of 7. Still, Banjou and Daitarn are an unfair combination, even if his sidekicks aren't around because no one seems to care for Watta and I don't care that much for Kappei.

Zeta Gundam(Camille Bidan)
Newtype L5
Counter L5
EN Save
Attack Again
Vulcan (10 ammo, mobility down)
Grenade Launcher (6 ammo)
Beam Rifle (10 ammo)
Beam Saber (4 EN)
Beam Confuse (16 EN, 110 Will)
Hyper Mega Launcher (32 EN)
Beam Saber Hyper (40 EN, 130 Will, Newtype L4, barrier, size)
Ace Bonus: Deals 1.2x damage with counterattacks; critical rate +20%.
Full Upgrade Bonus: Crit rate +10.
Custom Bonus: Adds Biosensor trait.
Camille's Zeta can't move too fast either, but I want to see how hard he criticals with his jacked-up Skill and Ace bonus's flat crit boost. Oh yeah, and upgrading the Zeta unlocks its unique mechanic! The Biosensor's in-game description cryptically states that it activates at Newtype L5 and 130 Will and "powers up the robot." You'll have to go to the internet to find out what it really does: +10 to mobility and accuracy, a +200 damage bump to the Hyper Beam Saber, and when activated, it also creates an additional effect called the Psyco Field, a 2000-point barrier (not the reductive kind, I'm afraid).

Nu Gundam (Amuro Ray)
Newtype L6
Attack Again
Hit & Away
Offensive Support L2
Chain Attack
Focus - 15
Mercy - 10
Sense - 20
Assail - 25
Valor - 30
I-Field Delta
Psyco Frame
Vulcan (10 ammo, mobility)
Beam Cannon (8 ammo)
Beam Rifle (10 ammo)
Nu Hyper Bazooka (6 ammo)
Beam Saber (20 EN)
Fin Funnels (6 ammo, 105 Will, Newtype L1, barrier, size)
Ace Bonus: +10 mobility and accuracy when piloting a mech named "Gundam."
Full Upgrade Bonus: Range +1.
Custom Bonus: Gains Psyco Frame trait.
Amuro's Nu is in the same boat as the Zeta, and the Psyco Frame looks the same as the Biosensor, vaguely enhancing the Gundam when the requirements are met. I looked it up for you again; it also increases the Nu's agility, then powers up the Fin Funnels - by 300 damage, 10 accuracy, 20 critical, and a square of range on top of the range extension Amuro's Newtype levels are giving it. I've done my best to make Amuro into a good sniper archetype.

Destiny Gundam (Shinn Asuka)
EN Save
Focus - 15
Accel - 15
Sense - 20
Fury - 25
Drive - 55
Soul - 50
VPS Armor
EN Regen S
Double Image
17.5mm CIWS (8 ammo, mobility down)
High Power Beam Rifle (8 ammo)
Flash Edge II (4 EN)
High Power Long-Range Beam Cannon (28 EN)
Arondight (32 EN, 110 Will)
Ace Bonus: Evasion +15%. Deals 1.1x damage with counterattacks.
Full Upgrade Bonus: Range +1.
Custom Bonus: +300 attack to all weapons.
Nothing special about Destiny. It's still fast and scrappy. Shinn's an exception to the thing about "Fury" not being appopriate for most pilots who know it, though.

Big O (Roger Smith, R. Dorothy Wayneright)
Hit & Away
EN Save
Strike - 20
Invincible - 15
Spirit - 40
Fury - 25
Accel - 20
Sense - 20
Analyze - 25
Snipe - 20
Bless - 50
Exhaust - 40
Arc Line (10 EN)
Plasma Gimmick (64 EN, 130 Will, MAP)
Smash (-)
Missile Party (8 ammo)
Crom Buster (25 EN, 110 Will)
O Thunder (60 EN, 125 Will)
Sudden Impact (4 ammo, 130 Will)
Ace Bonus: Will penalty from the Negotiator skill is -5.
Full Upgrade Bonus: Range +1.
Custom Bonus: Gains Plasma Gimmick weapon.
And back to robots that regain a fragment of their former glory; the Big O's Plasma Gimmick is a simple MAP attack that hits all enemies within three squares, and that's it (although it should trigger the Negotiator penalty on every enemy in the blast, too). It feels weird that Roger's behind on Spirits, but Dorothy's set definitely makes up for it. Also, I think he's going to get Soul.
Just two more - I'd say the best, though?

Sol Gravion (Touga Tenkuuji, Eiji Shigure, Runa Gusuku, Mizuki Tachibana, Eina, Leele)
Counter L6
Will+ (hit)
Prevail L9
Attack Again
Focus - 15
Spirit - 35
Sense - 20
Faith - 50
Accel - 15
Invincible - 10
Valor - 35
Vigor - 20
Trust - 30
Fury - 30
Scan - 1
Snipe - 20
Analyze - 20
Panic - 60
Gain - 29
Attune - 30
Exhaust - 40
Guard - 25
Luck - 40
Rouse - 50
HP Regen (M)
Sol Graviton Missile (2 ammo)
Sol Graviton Crusher Punch (8 ammo)
Sol Graviton Cannon (8 ammo)
Sol Graviton Bringer (10 EN, barrier)
Sol Graviton Screw Crusher Punch (2 ammo, barrier)
Sol Graviton Nova (40 EN, 115 Will)
G Gladius Attack (50 EN, 125 Will)
Heavy Gravity Sword (90 EN, 130 Will, barrier, size)
Ace Bonus: Touga, Eiji, Runa, Mizuki, Eina, and Leele's maximum SP +10.
Full Upgrade Bonus: Crit rate +10.
Custom Bonus: Adds HP Regen (M) trait.
With Touga being a calculating ace pilot in the seat of a terribly destructive super robot, I've always felt he's a good choice to do the Attack Again/high Skill thing with. He still needs Prevail, but Sol Gravion heals itself now. There's no reason not to deck out Sol Gravion though since it's got a full hand of fantastic Spirit lists (Runa's going to get another copy of Valor, by the way).
Notable about Sol Gravion: with enhanced range, it now has a powerful (P) attack with a range of 3-6 in the G Gladius Attack.

Aquarion (Apollo, Pierre Viera, Reika Kou)
Psychic L4
Prevail L7
Spirit Block
EN Save
Hit & Away
Attack Again
Psychic L5
Prevail L5+1
Offensive Support L2
EN Save
SP Up L4
Psychic L5
Counter L5
Defensive Support L2
SP Up L8
Offensive Support L2
Chain Attack
Guts - 30
Strike - 15
Spirit - 30
Invincible - 15
Valor - 30
Guts - 20
Invincible - 15
Luck - 40
Faith - 45
Assail - 30
Valor - 40
Gain - 20
Focus - 15
Accel - 15
Attune - 30
Rouse - 45
Bless - 50
HP Regen (M)
Element System
Ace Bonus (Apollo): Deploys at +20 Will.
Ace Bonus (Pierre): +25 Defense.
Ace Bonus (Reika): +25 Skill.
Full Upgrade Bonus: Crit rate +10.
Custom Bonus: Adds HP Regen (M) trait.
Aquarion should be self-explanatory; Reika's skill is boosted, as is Pierre's Defense. It has the same Custom bonus as Sol Gravion. They both get better - at least, more interesting - ones in the second half. On the other hand, they're both gone in Z3.
That makes 21 fully upgraded units. I'm reserving a slot for another to come soon. This leaves an awkward two slots to fill for the final battle, and I'd like input. Now, I'm not going to mandate it to be a main character, in case literally everybody wants Karen to nuke him in the face, but just know that she isn't going to get any special lines. So for the record, the ones who are, and are not already set to go, are: Watta/Trider, Toshiya/Godsigma, Marin/Baldios, Jiron/Walker Gallia, Kei/Orguss, Quattro/Hyaku-shiki, Garrod/Gundam DX, Loran/Turn A Gundam, Kira/Strike Freedom, Gainer/King Gainer, and Renton/Nirvash.
Also, I've promised myself to get a proper update out sometime this week. It might be the first of a two-parter.