Part 27: Mini-Skits for Temple of Lightning and Colette's Kidnapping
Mini-Update 3: Skits for Temple of Lightning and Colette's Kidnapping
You might notice the background. The skit viewer is located on an island. We'll talk about it later.
Skit #235: Born as a Half-elf...

:'s ironic.

: My human blood spurs my intellectual curiosity, and my elven blood provides me with the years I need to satisfy it. It's almost as if I'm acknowledging being happy that I was born a half-elf. Even though, up until now, I've never once thought such a thing before....
Skit #233: Pact with Volt

: ...What do you mean?

: According to what I've read, the words Volt speaks are extremely unusual and indecipherable to humans.

: If that's true, that would mean the ritual of the pact can't succeed.

: Yes...I hope I am able to translate his words.

As a half-elf and a scholar I'm sure you can translate it well.
Skit #230: Presea's Wish Tag

: ...Don't worry about me. Colette's the one we should worry about.

: It's okay. She's got strong luck. She'll be fine. I guarantee it.

: Sheena's right. If you're depressed, Colette will get worried about you.

: ...But it's my fault. I don't think I can forgive myself until I rescue Colette.

: ...Well, then, how about making a wish tag?

: A wish tag?...

: In Mizuho we write a wish on a wooden tag and offer it up to our god. Our god isn't the same as Cruxis' goddess. How about it? Want to try making a wish?

: ...I'll try it.

: I'll help, too. I'm good at that sort of detailed handiwork.
Skit #231: Wish Tag from Sacred Wood

: It's nothing. It's...

: It's certainly not nothing!

: Ah, it's just...I thought I'd make my wish tag from sacred wood....

: You went to get sacred wood? It doesn't grow anywhere except in the poison marsh....

: ...Sacred wood is...a holy wood, so... I thought it might be more effective.

: You mustn't push yourself so hard, Presea. If you fell ill, it would make Colette sad.

: ...Presea's just so cute.
Skit #232: When the Wish Comes True

: ...It's amazing. It has an angel carved into it.

: You went to all that trouble of getting the sacred wood.

: So I carved it with all my heart, wishing for Colette to come back. And because of that, I haven't slept for three days.

: It looks great. Now, write the wish on it.

: Yes.

: Yeah. We wish for Colette to come back safely...It's done.

: When your wish comes true, you break it and set it adrift in a river. Until then, take good care of it.

: break it?

: That's right. That's how you use a wish tag.

: Why didn't you say that to begin with?! And I spent all that time on it....
Skit #225: I'm Not a Kid

: Uh? Wh...where?

: I'll...fix it.

: Th...thanks.

: ...You're...still a child, it seems.

: What? I...I'm not a child! I'm grown up, too!

Ah, the tragedy of a child warrior, forced to grow up before his time by murder and death all around him.

: ...Ah? Oh...right. You're an adult. Okay, Genis. We can call you that.

: Hey, you're treating me like a kid again! It's not like you're any older than I am!

: Ah...right...