The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 73: Myorzo

Last time, we were about to enter Myorzo, the hometown of the Krytia.

Watch the cutscene!

Hey, look...!

They're all Krityans...
A-are they welcoming us?

Female Krytian A: Well, well, so it was you who called on Myorzo?
Male Krytian A: And what is this? How strange. What curious ornaments you wear.
Hey, it's not polite to stare, you know.
Female Krytian B: How were such children as yourselves able to come here?

It's Ba'ul. Have you forgotten him?
Female Krytian A: Oh, you're the one who descended to the earth some years ago, right...?
Female Krytian B: ...I believe... Judith, yes Judith was your name. There was something you had to attend to, and...

Male Krytian B: Please, feel free to do as you wish.
Female Krytian B: He may be out for a walk again, though.

Okay, so they're a bit weird.
That's actually called "rude."
You're one to talk, Rita.
All Krityans are pretty much like that.
Like what?
Oh, easygoing, unafraid. We are dreamers and optimists, for better or worse.
So is the elder like that, too?
How should I put it...? He's the perfect elder for weird people.

This should be interesting...

Skit: Meeting the Kritya
The Krityans are different than I imagined...
Oh man, I totally agree.
What's so different?
You know, more like... I thought they'd be more like you, Judith.
Yeah yeah!
I'm seeing far less skin than I expected.
I mean, come on.
So that's what the two of you were looking forward to?
What're you looking at me for?!
I was talking about her personality!
Seriously, let's have some decency here.
Is it me, or are you a little disappointed too, Yuri.
It's you.
Ahh, men!

Myorzo is a fairly small town with not a whole lot of interesting things.

Right after entering we run into another cutscene.

Looks like the Krityans really were the ones who created blastia in the first place.
...Yes. Seeing all this blastia makes it very easy to believe that.
It sure would be nice if we happened upon a way to do something about your power, Miss Estelle.
Really...that would be nice, but...

Karol goes up to one of the blastia on the ground.

...It's not working.
It doesn't have a core. It's just the body.

Why would they do that?
Because that was the path we chose.

It's been a long time, Elder.
So you were the cause of all of this commotion outside! You've returned to us.
These children are humans who are travelling with me.
Hmph. This is...blastia, is it not?
Yes. It's my bodhi blastia that I use.
Hmmm. I thought that earth-dwellers had stopped using blastia like us...
Do you not use the blastia here because it uses a special formula, too?

Blastia is made by crushing apatheia, and processing those pieces with technology to produce cores, and through the absorption of aer...
Hold it! Cores are made from crushed apatheia?!
Indeed, that is what the stories say. It appears apatheia was too powerful in its original form. Even without that power, it is a stone more valuable than any precious gem. This it why its power was restrained by breaking it into pieces and carving formulas into it, and thus its numbers were also increased. Our legends tell us that cores were always produced in this way.

...A bit ironic, huh?
Yeah... The apatheia that comes from Entelexeia, who hate blastia, is necessary to make the very blastia that they hate...
Maybe Phaeroh didn't tell us about apatheia 'cause he felt uncomfortable talkin' about it...y'think?
Elder. There are many things I'd like to ask you about.
We're trying to find out what sort of role blastia played in ancient times. And if blastia ever brought disasters to this world, we'd like to know how they might have been stopped. Myorzo must still have some folklore, right? Perhaps you could tell us what you know.
Hmph. Very well.

Hey there. Where are you goin'?
I was in the middle of my daily walk. I'll return to my house before too long.
Apatheia, blastia, aer disturbances, Entelexeia... It looks like everything's connected.
We might see even more connections once he's told us the Krityan folklore.

The Elder's house is the large building with a differently colored roof than all the others.

Before we go there, let's do the usual "new town" stuff.

There's a wonder chef in the bottom right:

And a shop in the top right, where I stock up on weapons and other stuff:

Combo Plus: Adds 1 more hit to a regular attack combo.
Super Chain 4: Able to link base to altered artes.
Status Guard: Reduces the effect of magical ailments.

Super Chain 5: Able to link altered to arcane artes.

Super Chain 5: Able to link altered to arcane artes.
Extra Combo 1: Press the attack button at just the right time at the end of a combo to inflict an extra hit on the enemy.

Change Style 2: Changes artes depending on the distance to the enemy.
In Step: Increases the advancing distance during a Critical Guard.
O.L. Boost: Increases the duration of Over Limit.

Taunt 2: Taunt with the right stick to fill the Over Limit gauge.
OVL Taunt: Taunt during Over Limit to recover HP.
OVL Taunt 2: Taunt during Over Limit to recover TP.

Run: Decreases the amount of time needed to escape.
Coward: Avoids surprise encounters.
Member Taunt: Over Limit gauge fills more quickly when taunting near an ally.

Happiness: Occasionally increases EXP earned. (Only for characters with this skill set.)
Happiness 2: Occasionally increases LP earned. (Only for characters with this skill set.)
Happiness 3: Occasionally increases the amount of Gald earned after a battle.

Charge Hold: Maintain a charged Mighty Charge even after a missed attempt.
Recover: While staggering, prevent being knocked down by pressing the guard button.
EXP Share: Earn bonus EXP without taking part in battle.

Chain: Altered Arte skill.
BA Force: Increases the effectiveness of Burst Artes.
FS Bonus: Recovers HP every time a Fatal Strike hits an enemy.

Revenge Spell: No casting time if a novice spell is used while staggering.
Athenor: Altered Arte skill.
Condition Guard: Reduces the effects of certain physical ailments.

This increases the success rate of cooking.

There's also another warehouse to clean up near the town center.

Actually, we are...
Krytian: I heard you specialize in cleaning up warehouses... How about it? Would you lend us a hand? We will, of course pay you for your efforts.
Um... All right! Leave it to us!
Krytian: All right! Thanks a lot!

It's not very eventful and easier than the last one we did.

Items from this warehouse:


We get an extra 2000 Gald for getting all the items in one run.

Thank you! Brave Vesperia is at your service!

And that's about it. Let's go to the elder's house.

Watch the cutscene!

Do you think we should really just go in?
He's the one who told us to wait for him here.
I guess the Krityans really are different.
They don't seem ta be in any great rush ta get things done, that's for sure.
I know. They certainly are weird, aren't they?
Actually, you're kind of like that too, Judith.
That's funny. I don't see that at all.

W-welcome back.
I've kept you waiting. Now, please step this way if you will.

This is the very means by which the lore of Myorzo is passed on.
But,'s just a wall.
Judith. Use the nageeg as you touch the wall, and repeat these words: ...City of dreams veiled in mist, reality's extension.
City of dreams veiled in mist, reality's extension...?

What's happening?
We Krityans possess an ancient power known as the nageeg that reveals the stories hidden in objects. These murals appear only when this power is joined with the proper incantation.
Th-this painting is kind of creepy...
"The Kritya. Stewards of wisdom, founders of the mighty Geraios, and ancient sages. Our misbegotten wisdom has sown only the seeds of ruin. The blastia we created granted us blessings, but also blighted the aer, lifeblood of this world."

You think this is showing a disturbance in the aer?
It looks more like the aer is trying the planet.
Hmm. It is said that a great mass of aer threatened to swallow the very planet whole.
"The blight grew ever stronger and brought forth a cataclysm..."

"The world united to challenge the Adephagos, and banish the loathsome power which created it."
Hey, could that be the Entelexeia?
It does look a bit like monsters and humans fightin' somethin' off together.

The fact that we are all still here today is evidence enough of that.
So then is this painting showing the Adephagos being brought under control?
Hey, what's the last thing it says there.

"The world's prayers... Life faded from the Children of the Full Moon..."
"Our world was preserved. But the story shall remain here for generations to tell of our sin. 240th year of Asule."
What's that supposed to mean?

Our ancestors created the blastia which led to the downfall of their entire civilization. They then chose to abandon the blastia and sever their ties with the outside world.

Estelle runs away.

Let her go.
This is all the lore of Myorzo.
Thanks. You've given us a lot to think about.
You know what's helpful? There's this magic cucumber that'll turn any dish into a gourmet meal...
I think we'll pass. Could we trouble you for a place to rest a while? I feel we may need to impose on you until our friend has calmed down.
Hmph. You are free to use the house next door. No one lives there right now.
Thank you. Okay, let's be going.

Skit: The Legend
Everything the elder said is true, isn't it?
His interpretation of the murals might not be perfect, but with all he told was very convincing.
We knew this was a global problem once we talked to Phaeroh. He granted us time because he knew how we'd react when we saw this.
He probably wanted ta show us humanity ain't cut out ta handle the situation.
And to make us give up on Estelle...
...So, everything's just going according to Phaeroh's plan, then? I will NOT let that happen.
Never... I won't give up on her.

Before we leave and rest at the not-exactly inn, there's a Specific and a Treat hidden in the back of the elder's residence, which are always useful.

Going to rest gives us another cutscene, of course.

Watch the cutscene!

If that legend's true, then maybe the power of the Child of the Full Moon... ...isn't the only thing to blame for bringing up the Adephagos.
But what about the "hearing the world's prayers, life faded from the Children of the Full Moon" part?
Maybe they averted danger by killing the cause of the Adephagos, the Children of the Full Moon.
B-but, wait...

It might not be just the Hermes blastia. That legend made it sound like all blastia disturb the world's aer. Right, Rita?

I think that means the only thing that's different is how much aer each formula uses.
Even the blastia we're using?
Bodhi blastia are special, but all blastia utilize aer in a formula. They're all the same... And formulas need aer to work. The Hermes technique, the Children of the Full Moon... They're probably only part of the danger.

That's what I was worried about.
I didn't want to admit it...! Blastia couldn't be bad... The people who used them for evil were the bad ones. That's what I always believed... But...I was wrong.
So does that mean we have to stop every blastia? Like the people here in Myorzo did?

Barrier blastia, aque blastia... Bodhi blastia, too.
Yeah, you're right... I couldn't take on a really tough monster if I didn't have this.
I wish we could use blastia without worrying about consuming aer... But I guess that's just a dream.

What's that?
All things exist due to the sublimation, reduction, formation, and dispersion of aer. Some think that a still undiscovered theory could freely manipulate those essential mechanisms of aer. Formulating that theory is the ultimate goal of current magical research by mages around the world.
So that's the Rizomata Formula?
If it's found, manipulating aer will become so much easier. Of course, we need a formula to reconstruct aer from power that was originally converted from aer... But Estelle's power is actually directly manipulating aer. Estelle is the closest thing to the Rizomata Formula. If we can use a formula to interfere with and neutralize Estelle's power...
I don't really get it, but...

So by that logic, if we could control the excess of aer, we could prevent provoking the Adephagos.

Now you're really dreaming...
I will figure out this formula!

Yeah, you do that...

For a walk. All this talk about savin' the world, the ultimate goal of magical research... This conversation's a little much for ol' Raven to keep up with.

Yeah. For now, we have to find whoever is making the Hermes blastia. Otherwise it'll be too late, just like Phaeroh said.
But how are we supposed to find whoever that is?

Cores are made from apatheia, after all.
So Flynn and Nan and their friends...
I wonder if we'll have to...fight them...?
That's kind of up to them.

Suddenly, a big rumble from outside!

What was that?


Something's written here... Warp blastia...?
So in other words, someone used this to leave Myorzo?
It looks that way.

What could a functional blastia be doing here?
It appears that someone's left the town.
Estelle... where's Estelle?
Wait, and where'd the old man go?
Huh? You don't think...both of them used this?
Hmm... The blastia in our town should have all lost their cores back in ancient times...
A core was probably brought in from outside the town. It should require adjustment to function properly, but Estelle's an exception to the rules. If she can interact directly with aer, she might also be able to reconstruct aer to fit the core's formula.
But why would she...
Elder, could you get everyone to help us search to see if our friends are in town?
Hmph. Very well.
Let's look for them, too.

Skit: They're Gone!
I never should have left Estelle alone. Maybe I couldn't have done anything,
but I should've stayed with her. She was so depressed...
You're not responsible for this. Beating yourself up over it won't bring her back.
I know...
And what happened to Raven?
He was acting a little strange.
Do you think they're working together?
I really doubt they'd both disappear at the same time.
But why just the two of them...?

...Don't make me start questioning your loyalties, Raven...

We can ask around town to see if anyone's seen either of them, but...

They seem to be gone.

Going back outside triggers the next cutscene.

I wonder what could've happened to them.
Anyway, let's go back to the surface and look for them!
Perhaps the two of them went on a walk?
A walk that involves leaving the town without saying anything to us? Not a chance!

Yuri thinks of something at this point. Short flashback!

And words like conviction and resolve don't mean much to a dead man...

And another!

Ah well, just when things were gettin' good.

I've got a bad feeling about this.
Hurry! We have to follow them!
I understand how you're feeling, but please try to calm down.
What! Aren't you worried?!
Of course I'm worried. That's why we should calm down and think rationally, right?
Oh, right... Yeah. I see... I'm sorry.
Got any ideas?
Ah, yes. The master of Myorzo might have some idea.
He's an Entelexeia, after all. Maybe he felt the flow of aer from the blastia.
Did you hear it? Could you tell us where it was?

It's not too clear, but a desert town...I think it's Yormgen.
That's the town in the Sands of Kogorh, where we met Duke before.
Let's head there now.

Everyone except Judith and the elder runs off towards Ba'ul.

I am.
You don't need to shoulder such a burden. Haven't you suffered enough?
Thank you, Elder. But I'm not suffering anymore.

For some reason, we get some Dragoon Boots from that scene. I dunno, but I'm not complaining.

Aerial Guard: Able to guard in mid-air.
Aerial Magic Guard: Able to use Magic Guard in mid-air. Stay in mid-air during the effect.
Step Away: Avoid staggering when hit during Backstep.

Now, off to Yormgen! Well, not exactly. This is a Tales game by Team Symphonia, so of course an optional scene unlocked just now back in Myorzo.

So we just head back in and rest at the empty house again, and...

Watch the cutscene!

I should be asleep too, for that matter...

Yuri gets up and follows Judith outside.

The only thing they eat is aer. Any aer that doesn't become an apatheia gets metabolized and makes them this size.
And they can live on just that?
Aer contains all the necessary ingredients for life.
Huh. That's a little trick we humans can't do.

It takes time. Many, many times the length of a human life.
So, that's why they keep to themselves, even though they're all part of the same group.
Yes. Humans knowledge can't compare to the knowledge the Entelexeia accumulate over their lives.
But even though they're smarter than humans, they don't use magic.
The Entelexeia have no need to rely on magic to defend themselves. Unlike humans.
Okay, but magic can be used for other things besides self-defense..
I guess they had no desire for power other than to protect themselves.
So they had a totally different set of values.

...And the two sides had to come together somehow to defeat the Adephagos in the past... Man, you gotta wonder how crazy that must've been.
I don't know... Ba'ul's still young. He wasn't alive during those times...
Even so, he's been around more than a hundred years already, right?
Heh, yeah... But that would only make him around 20 in human years. ...I imagine Phaeroh would know about the events of that era...
I wonder if he'd be willing to tell us about it.
We won't know until we ask. ...Shall we meet with him so you can ask in person?
We will soon enough. We haven't solved any of Estelle's issues, so he'd probably just yell at us again.
You're right...

Next time: What happened to Estelle and Raven? What's going on in Yormgen? Who's behind the plan to gather up Apatheia? Stay tuned!