Part 47: Errata Update 2: Anyone who has fighting skills like yours doesn't need a personality!
Errata Update 2: Anyone who has fighting skills like yours doesn't need a personality!So in all the game, there's only one quest I actually just forgot to do. It's wayyyyy back around Update 9; we can explore the abandoned mana-sucking device to see what was going on.

They must have been trying to create something by mixing human mana with lesser spirits.

Most likely, the lesser spirits they were using went out of control when we intervened.

I mean, you knew it was going to be okay, right?

So you can refight the Golden Mage Knight(s) two more times. Before you fight him the second time there's some unvoiced dialog.

Third fight footage, my 9999 attack vs his massive hitpoints.

Even with 9999 attack the damage numbers aren't too far out of line.

That would explain why he seems to be unable to leave Magnus Zero.
He said at the beginning that this world is shaped by our own minds.

The Coliseum has a final level of single matches, where you fight your other party members 1v2, 1v2, and then 1v1. My character has a superweapon and they have fixed stats so it's not too hard now.

MC: At last, the dust has settled on this Grand Master battle, and the winner is none other than Jude Mathis!
Congratulations, Jude! You've finally reached the top.

MC: Don't you worry, champ!
Anyone who has fighting skills like yours doesn't need a personality!

MC: Now to reward our victor with a legendary weapon, selected to perfectly match his fighting style!

MC: I would imagine! And now, I present you with the legendary...
Teepo Mittens!

MC: Is there a problem?

MC: Ah, I didn't realize you preferred gloves. I was hoping that you'd be... smitten!
Bam! That's how it's done, Jude! You see? The crowd loves a little levity!

There's different conversations for each combatant possibility:
MC: At long last, this day has arrived! Queen Milla has firmly dominated her Grand Master opponents to come out on top!
Congratulations on your hard-earned victory, Milla! I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that your performance was truly... stimulating to watch.

MC: Now to reward our victor with a legendary weapon, selected to perfectly match her fighting style!

MC: Queen Milla, I hereby present you with...
The Fangirl!

Fan? As in... a fan? That does not sound especially effective.
Nevertheless, I will learn to master it if I must.
MC: Well then, Queen Milla, I shall leave you to fantasize about the exciting possibilities of the Fangirl.
I know that you've given me plenty of exciting possibilities to fantasize about myself!
And on that note, I think I'll end this interview before I say something I shouldn't.
MC: Alvin has vanquished all comers to claim a triumphant victory in this Grand Master battle!
Congratulations, Alvin! You finally did it!

MC: I'm glad you asked! It is my pleasure to present you with...
The Squid on a Stick!

What am I supposed to do with a squid?!
MC: Oh it's not just a squid, Alvin. It's a Squid on a Stick!

MC: It's extremely relevant! The presence of the stick makes all the difference!
Try eating a popsicle without a stick sometime, and see how far you get!

MC: I'm glad you've come around! Enjoy your Squid On A Stick!

MC: Elize Lutus is our newest Grand Master champion! She may be small, but she packs a big punch!
Congratulations, Elize. It was a hard-fought victory, but you earned it.

MC: Now to reward our victor with a legendary weapon, selected to perfectly match her fighting style!

MC: And now, the perfect weapon for Queen Elize...
The Foxtail!

MC: You don't like it?

MC: Ha ha ha, by all means, go on and have a blast!

MC: The master tactician Rowen J. Ilbert has done it again! None of his Grand Master opponents stood a chance!
Rowen, you were the oldest fighter out there today, but you shut out your younger rivals with superior tactics.

MC: Such modesty... Now then, without further ado, I would like to present you with your legendary weapon!

MC: Master Rowen, I hereby present to you...
The Pointing Stick!

Even at my age, this world is full of surprises.
MC: We hope you'll enjoy using it. Point at things to your heart's content!

MC: Thanks to the power of perseverance, Leia Rolando is our new Grand Master champion!
Congratulations, Leia! All your hard work really paid off!

MC: Now to reward our victor with a legendary weapon, selected to perfectly match her fighting style!

MC: Queen Leia, I hereby present to you...
The Gimme-Dat!

MC: The Gimme-Dat is the Gimme-Dat.
It's part Gimme, and part Dat.

MC: I'm sorry, but I don't know what else to tell you.
And... we're done.

And that really is all folks!