Part 1: Chapter 1 Landing at Port Saura
Chapter 1 Landing at Port Saura

Im sure that Dark God will never show up again, no sir.

Lets start a new game.

Some more recent history of the world this game plays in. Pretty basic stuff e.g. Empire hell bent on conquering everything, some young heroes/nobles and their ragtag band of companions destined to stop them.

Meet our heroes for now, Holmes and Runan.

So that means he wont be our Jeigan after all.

Meet Eugen, Runans chief advisor of sorts.

Thus we arrive at our destination in the Kingdom of Wellt.

A bit late for that, isnt it?

Really? What happened to not be mistaken for outlaws?

Anyone still awake? After all that

Meet our fellow band of fighters: Runan, Garo and two yet unknown cavaliers.

Just as we want to start the game for real, these two walk in from the bottom left corner.

Kate and Sasha seem to be in a hurry fleeing from something...

Now with us finally in control for the first time in the game, lets have a look at our current units.

We start with our Lord Runan. To any veteran Fire Emblem player this instantly looks familiar, so those of you that read this might want to skip ahead, while I cover the basics for any new readers.
In the top left you can see general information for the character you are watching. Topmost is the title by which that character is known e.g. the people know Runan as the Scion of Lazeria. Following underneath the title is the units sex and name, followed by his HP and lastly his class and level information.
In the top right you can see his combat stats with his currently equipped weapon the Rapier. Attack is damage done to enemies (which gets subtracted by their defense to get the damage value). Range explains itself. Hit and Critical are the odds of hitting and critting an enemy without any avoid. Defense is the number that gets subtracted from a succesful opposing attack. Speed determines whether you can double enemies or not.
In the lower left we can find Runans stats.
Strength affects how much damage you do.
Skill affects your skill activation rate as well as the odds of hitting and critting.
Agility determines your speed and in part your chances to avoid attacks.
Defense determines how much damage you negate.
Magic affects all things magical (e.g. damage as well as defense).
Luck plays a part in calculating evasion and crit rates.
WLv. determines what level of weapons you are capable of using.
W.P. shows generally how effective ones unit is supposed to be
The 3 symbols right under the stats show what type of unit the knight lord is (Infantry), what kind of weapons it uses (just swords) and if the character in question has any skills. Runan starts with the City Fighter skill which gives him +10% Evade and Hit as well as +1 movement when fighting inside cities/on city maps.
The bottom right shows Runans current inventory e.g. his weapons and other items. So far he only posesses his Rapier.

On the next page you can find support information as well as information to promotions (since Runan is a main lord he gets a plot promotion and as such no information is given). Lastly there is a small window on the bottom right, whenever the unit has to talk to someone specific on the map to trigger something special (e.g get a conversation, recruit people etc.). Here it shows that Runan should talk to Sasha.

The next page shows your levelup history. It creates a graph showing how much the RNG hates or favors certain units.

Turning yet another page reveals this certain window. Here the game tallies how many enemies of a certain type you killed, with which weapon you killed and on what terrain you killed. Get these numbers high enough and the unit in question receives boots to Hit, Evade and Crit when fighting certain enemies/on certain terrain/ with a certain weapons.

The last page shows what kind of terrain a unit can move in and at what cost.

With all that being said, lets take a look at our other units. Kreiss is fairly balanced with a slight edge towards strength from his initial stats. As usual with Cavaliers he can use lances as well as swords.

Kreiss supports with his fellow Cavalier as well as his Lord. He can be promoted to Knight-Captain once he reaches lvl 10 and has a Knight Proof used on him.

Arkis on the other hand has stats favoring Skill and Agility.

Other than that the same things apply that were already said before.

Garo is our Crutch character for the early game. He hits fairly hard (if he hits) and is damn fast too, given our current status. He comes with the Continue skill allowing him to get off two attacks without retaliation from the enemy inbetween. It activates according to (Agility)%. He also comes with Seafarer which does the same as the City Fighter talent of Runan just in this case for Sea Terrain/Maps.

He has no promotion and as such can, without the use of a certain item, attain a max level of 30. He also doesnt support with any of our guys.

Lets have a look at our allies in form of Sasha and Kate. Sasha is rather weak initially but actually has two promotions instead of one, which gives her a good and non-random boost. Keep her around your guys and possibly feed her a kill if possible. Her skill is Charisma which grants units up to 3 spaces around her +5% to Hit and Evade.

Kate is a bit stronger right of the gate, wielding both bows and swords. She also comes with a Wooden Shield, an item which grants +4 defense when equipped. It breaks after being used four times.

With all that out of the way, Runan takes his first turn of the game and visits one of the houses.

Not outlaws obviously

And as such we acquire a stat up item right out of the gate. This one, as the name suggests, raises one characters Weapon Level by 3.

Meanwhile Kreiss visits another house.

Arkis follows the example set so far and goes of to say hello to another villager.


Herbs are your standard healing items, healing 10 HP à pop.

Garo just heads down the street for now, and Kate and Sasha move towards the city.

Finally our enemies show themselves.

Lets have a look at our opposition. In short they suck. The only possible threat would be Luz, but we have a Rapier which is effective against armors (and horseback, so even the cavalier is just an afterthought). That one Bowman will drop his herbs when slain.

Runan visits another house while waiting for the drawbridge to lower.

On the first glance this looks like a regular Iron Sword, but if you examine it further (by equipping it and looking at your stats) youll see that it raises your crit chance by 1%. This is because once a weapon has reached 50 kills, it will increase its crit chance by 1% for every additional kill with that weapon up to a maximum of 49%.

Garo visits the house highlighted.

In a what if scenario, Arkis visits the house with the blue roof.

We could learn the Seafaring skill here if we wanted but neither of our units really needs it at the moment so decline to return at a later point.

Instead Arkis moves further down south and Kreiss visits the last house in the port.

The charm negates one fatal attack and then breaks. Handy if the RNG screws with you, but relying on it is obviously a bad idea as your folks should not die in the first place.

Sasha and Kate flee towards the city with the enemies in pursuit.

Were still stranded, waiting for the bridge to be lowered so we just end our turn.

The enemies slowly gain on our damsels in distress.

For our next turn we look at what kind of goods the shops on this map have to offer. Nobody really needs anything, but its nice to know in case we return here.

The opposing cavalier reaches Kate...

...and engages in a losing combat.

Finally the drawbridge has been lowered and we can enter the fight.

Thank you Captain Obvious.

First order of the day is getting Runan to talk to Sasha.

Kreiss and his noble steed murder our first enemy of the game.

Arkis isnt going to let that one slide and kills the attacking spearman with a critical on his counterattack.

A bowman attacks Kreiss and gets a spear back for his trouble.

Runan finishes off the injured Bowman...

... who drops his herb.

Kate murders another spear guy.

The boss takes a stab at Runan, but misses and gets scratched in return.

The bowman suffers from his abyssmal skill score and fails to hit Arkis.

Arkis softens up the bowman

while Garo softens up the boss.

Runan kills the boss with a fierce stab to the crotch.

Our first levelup of the game. Skill and Speed... I can live with that.

To finish things off, Sasha kills the remaining bowman.

With that we jump cut to the Wellt Royal Palace.

Another cut, to Verje this time.

And were back at Saura to finish this wordy chapter.

And after much words Chapter 1 has ended. In Chapter 2 well head over to Verje.
Character Informations
Character stats
Knight Lord -> Lord
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 22 6 0 6 8 4 4 7 5
Stat caps 60 20 15 20 20 30 18 19 12
Promotion Gains +3 +3 +4 +3 +3 +0 +2 +3 +1
Promotion Caps 60 23 19 23 23 30 20 22 12
Growth Rates 60% 30% 15% 30% 30% 30% 40% 25% 0%
City Fighter (start), Continue (lvl 7), Rising Dragon (lvl 15), Awareness (lvl 35), Charisma (Promotion)
Runan is one of the main lords of the game and as such a mandatory unit. Luckily for us he is pretty damn solid. He got great caps and reasonable good growths (given that growths arent all that high in this game) and gets a unique weapon later in the game. His plot promotion is decently paced (a little more than halfway through the game) as well. We could certainly be worse off concerning our lord.
Character stats
Cavalier -> Commando Knight
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 22 5 0 6 7 3 3 4 7
Stat caps 60 19 15 18 18 30 16 18 12
Promotion Gains +3 +2 +0 +2 +1 +0 +3 +2 +0
Promotion Caps 60 21 15 20 19 30 19 20 12
Growth Rates 60% 25% 5% 30% 25% 35% 35% 22% 0%
Blazing Wind (lvl 16), Continue (lvl 25), Re-Move (lvl 38)
Arkis is a solid cavalier. His and Kreiss promotion allow them to retain their stats even when dismounted (with the exception of move) so that they wont suffer from maps that put disadvantages on horseback units. He is necessary to recruit his lover later in the game, so in case you want to recruit her, you should train him.
Character stats
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 35 11 0 4 10 1 11 6 4
Stat caps 60 19 15 16 18 30 16 18 12
Growth Rates 85% 40% 0% 25% 30% 10% 20% 30% 0%
Continue (starting), Seafarer (starting), Life or Death (lvl 28), Charge (lvl 29), Awareness (lvl 30), Blazing Wind (lvl 31/needs Super Proof to reach past lvl 30)
Character stats
Cavalier -> Commando Knight
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 24 7 0 5 5 4 5 5 7
Stat caps 60 19 15 18 18 30 16 18 12
Promotion Gains +3 +2 +0 +2 +1 +0 +3 +2 +0
Promotion Caps 60 21 15 20 19 30 19 20 12
Growth Rates 65% 30% 0% 30% 20% 20% 30% 25% 0%
Gale (lvl 19), Geomancy (lvl 25), Awareness (lvl 37)
For Kreiss the same applies that was already said for Arkis. Both of them are the typical Red and Green Cavalier archetypes known from the FE games. As such they usually turn out alright and usuable. As with Arkis, Kreiss is also necessary to recruit his sister (which is the same person as Arkis lover)
Character stats
Lady Knight -> Arrow Knight
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 22 6 0 8 8 2 6 5 4
Stat caps 60 19 15 20 20 30 18 18 12
Promotion Gains +2 +1 +0 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +3
Promotion Caps 60 20 15 21 20 30 19 19 12
Growth Rates 55% 25% 10% 35% 25% 25% 40% 18% 0%
Continue (starting), City Fighter (starting), Earth Saint (lvl 18), Re-move (lvl 27)
Kate is all out average, which isnt necessary a bad thing in this game. However she is held back by her promotion which gives pitiful gains and therefore has low caps. She is perfectly usuable but wont become the star of the show no matter how blessed she ends up.
Character Stats
Princess -> Pegasus Knight -> Dragon Knight
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 18 2 2 3 6 6 2 4 4
Stat caps 60 17 15 17 18 30 17 17 12
Promotion Gains +2 +3 +6 +2 +4 +0 +0 +1 +3
Promotion Caps 60 20 21 19 22 30 17 18 12
Promotion Gains +5 +3 -6 +3 -1 +0 +2 +4 +0
Promotion Caps 60 23 15 22 21 30 19 22 12
Growth Rates 40% 20% 20% 30% 50% 40% 30% 15% 0%
Charisma (starting), Gale (lvl 8), Elite (lvl 10), Continue (lvl 15), Re-move (Promotion)
[i]Sasha is an interesting case. She is kinda like the trainee character in the Sacred Stones in that she starts out rather week but has 2 promotions to make up for it. She also is one of the few units who learn Elite which increases EXP gain and will therefore level faster and higher than many other characters. Her promotion is also unique in that it actually reduces caps e.g. magic and agility when promoting the second time. The decrease is minor (or in case of magic means she wont use magic swords) but may annoy some people.