The Let's Play Archive

TearRing Saga

by CVE

Part 4: Exterminating the Taurus Bandits

Chapter 2 - Exterminating the Taurus Bandits

And we’re back in order to execute the thread order of recruiting Narron to help us fight off the bandit threat.

Here are Maron’s stats for those that are curious. He could totally end the bandit threat by himself without even breaking a sweat. Silly plot requirements...

And this was the day forever to be remembered by our enemies as the day their chances to succeed got a good deal smaller.

: Raffin is going with you... Lord Runan, may I accompany you as well?

: No, I cannot take you along.

: And why is that? Even Esther is going...

: After we deal with the bandits, we must then liberate Wellt. You have responsibilities as the leader of that Liberation Army. For now you should rest and prepare for the upcoming battles. I must ask you to stay here with Kate until we return.

: As you wish...

: Princess Sasha, you have no need to worry about the prince. After all, he is the Hero of Granada. He most certainly will not fall to a mere band of outlaws.

: But Raffin...

: Raffin, we don’t have time to talk! The village of Taurus is in danger. Lord Runan, we must strike swiftly!

: You’re right, we should get going. We ride, Eugen!

Time to see what is happening in the royal palace.

: Erg... You useless slugs, letting her escape into Verje of all places! We have no choice now, we must capture the princess no matter what the cost... Bring me General Erish!

: General Erish, Maron has risen up in rebellion. Her Majesty, the Queen, has ordered his execution. If you can take his head, I shall assign the land of Verje to you.

: Is that true!? Very well, I shall crush Verje in one swift stroke!

: Count Maron is a veteran general of no small renown and his son, Raffin, is no joke, either. I’ve fought him before in the royal tourneys, but I could never once defeat him. So if you’re going, you’re on your own. I don’t want any part in it.

Oh, a reasonable soul in the evil opposing army, I wonder if we will ever recruit him...

: You are speaking out of place, soldier! Are you trying to embarrass me in front of the lord chancellor?

: we’re knights of Wellt, General Erish, not the chancellor’s personal soldiers. What reason do we have to listen to the likes of him?

: What are you implying? I told you that the queen herself has ordered an attack.

: Then bring her here. I’ll ask her myself.

: The queen has been ill from shock after the rebels made off with the princess. No one is allowed near her quarters.

: Then what are your soldiers doing, keeping watch in front of her door? Looks like you’re confining her there if you ask me.

: Erg... Such insolence! You must be a rebel, too! Guards! Throw this traitor into the dungeon!

: Hmph, it’ll be my pleasure. But, lord chancellor, I’ll tell you one thing. The trust of Wellt’s troops lies with the king and the princess. The only ones who’ll side with you are your own troops or idiots like Erish. Do you really think you’re capable of overthrowing an entire kingdom? Get your head out of your ass!

: Why, you...! Guards! Forget the dungeon! Execute this man at once!

: Think one up yourself, you useless halfwit!

: Uh, okay...

: I will return to my own land. Erish, escort me until Gram.

: Gladly my lord, Gram is on the way to Verje. But why the sudden decision?

: I am returning to bring back more of my troops. I cannot trust Wellt’s knights, as you can see. Erish, let this be a lesson to you. If you dare betray me, you can be sure that your wife and children will be the first ones to pay!

: ...

I know it might get annoying after a while, but it fits so well

And we’re back in control, ready to head into our encounter with the Taurus Bandits. First off though let’s look at the opposition present on the map.

Here is General Erish’s stat sheet. He leads a bunch of troops towards Verje, none of them higher than lvl 3 outside of himself.

And here is the boss of the bandits we are going to face. That 8 strength might be worrying but otherwise he is no big threat.

Time to begin the chapter in earnest.

Taurus village is in the bottom right of the map and destined to be destroyed by the thiefs in the bandits army if you aren’t quick enough.

The bandit stronghold itself can be found in the upper left corner together with two allied units. Interesting... Let’s take a look.

Bartz is your typical axe fighter. Hits like a truck if he hits. Stat wise he is almost as good as Garo despite being 4 levels below him. He just trails him by two in strength and three in W.Lvl (as well as one in defense) but is ahead by two in skill and even in speed. Also he is known as the Slayer of Taurus

Enteh is the first healer you get (unless you picked Lee) and is also a plot important character and as such not allowed to die without causing a game over. Stat wise she has a solid magic score to use her staffs with, as well as good agility and luck to help with her fragile nature. Her memory staff gives you the ability to save mid battle.

Our army starts in the upper right corner. But before we can do our first turn another event triggers in Taurus village.

: The villagers here were generous, and after all, it was Sister Enteh who saved my life in the first place. This is the least I can do in return.

: I see... Nothing can bend your resolve now, it seems. Very well here take this sword.

While I know this is a fan translation, there is no doubt in my mind that Shougou Kaza used the same name for the weapon that is used in the FE games. It just fits with the overall picture.

: You’re giving a treasure like this to me?

: A traveling merchan tleft it here a while ago. No one in the village has the skill to use it, but I’m sure it would be well suited for you.

: Of course! No brigand will be a match for me now!

You’ve got one guess as to what her class is. Anyway let’s see what the other new units are up to.

: But you know, you’re unbelievable. It’s good to help those in need, but you are taking the concept a bit too far. You go knocking on a brigand hideout’s door all on your own just because there was someone who needed healing there?

: That man was in grave danger, Had I been a little late, he would not have survived.

: But once he recovered, he didn’t waste any time to throw you into the dungeon. Sounds like something Yazam would do.

: Yazam...?

: He’s the big cheese of the Taurus bandits. The man you saved is the biggest, baddest and cruelest of ‘em all.

: I’m sorry... But still...

: I know, I know. “Never overlook a person in need,” one of the important teachings of Master Eisenbach. He was... the high priest at the Temple of Mars, right?

: Yes. He preaches the teachings of Mars, the god of water.

: Yeah... You know, I really admire you. You’re not that much older than my little sister, but you’re nothing like her. You’re mature, and considerate, and you fear nothing, seek nothing in return... How do you become so strong?

: I’m not strong at all! I’m...just...

: Oh, I’m sorry! Did I say something rude?

: Oh… No of course not.

: Alright, if you say so. Crap, we can’t be sitting here talking. The bandits are catching up on us. Stay behind me, Sister. This is a straight path with nowhere to hide... One wrong move and we’ll be sandwiched!

And one last conversation before we can take our first turn. You just can’t escape the

: It seems to be safe for now.

: How can you tell?

: The village is still standing.

: When the Taurus bandits attack, they pillage and burn, razing the village to the ground. They leave nothing behind.

I think this game is self aware in terms of its own game mechanics.

: Hm... Then I suppose we should show them no mercy, either.

: Of course. We shall deal the only just punishment that exists in the world. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

: What if they surrender? Should we still kill them?

: Even if we choose not to, the villagers most certainly will. With their homes destroyed and their kinsman murdered, a simple apology will not be enough. Besides, the bandits will never surrender. They know that the only thing that awaits them should they be caught is death.

: There’s no easy way out, is there...

: My good Sir Runan, these are harsh lands where people are desperate to scrape up a living. The folk here lead hard, hard lives from dawn till dusk. When there is shortage of food, men resort to banditry to feed their families. Men who have had their villages destroyed also become bandits.

: We have to protect the village to prevent that vicious cycle... Alright, we’ll send the fastest cavalry to the village first. We’ll head for the bandit’s base after the village safety has been secured.

Now let’s take a look at Julia. As you might have guessed by her receiving a Killing Edge she is a Myrmidon and an archetypical one at that. That means she has high skill, agility and W.lvl scores coupled with mediocre defense and strength.

Our army makes its way into the south towards the village and Arkis and Esther have a chat.

: Well, aren’t you a shrew. But I like that in a girl. I’m Arkis from Lazeria. What’s your name?

: I can’t believe an airhead like you is serving under that calm and collected Lord Runan. Why do you want to know my name? If that was a pickup line, then I’m afraid I’ve heard far better.

: Hahaha, is that what you were thinking? What’s wrong with wanting to know the people in your army? I may still be new, but this is my seventeenth battle. I’ve seen over a hundred of my comrades die in battle, but I remember all of their names. They were all precious companions to me. But fine, if you’re that opposed, then I won’t twist your arm. It’s just one less name that I have to memorize.

: Over a hundred...?

: What’s the matter? You look pale. Don’t tell me you’re scared.

: Wh-Why would I be... Oh, fine, you may have my name. I’m Esther, daugther to the count of Verje. But I won’t ask you to remember it.

: Esther... That’s a nice name. I’ll be sure to remember it. See you around, Esther.

: ...

The first few turns are rather unremarkable as we try to meet up with Julia in order to defend the village against the attacking bandits.

Julia herself sees the first combat of the map and damages one of the bandits quite nicely.

Narron moves in to finish the Bandit off, but not without missing and receiving damage

Meanwhile Julia moves up to initiate another conversation, this time between her and Runan.

: I see... Then you should know that the village was saved in large part because of your efforts. You have my thanks.

: ...You’re a knight from Verje? I see you took your sweet time coming down here.

: ...

: Isn’t it your duty to protect these villages? If all you do is reap taxes and do nothing in return, perhaps we’d be better off without you knight at all!

: You’re right... I have to apologize to the villagers.

: Oh? Maybe you’re a better person than I thought. I fiugred all nobles did was grow fat off the toil of their serfs, but perhaps you’re an exception. You seem to be a noble of rather high birth, but who are you?

: I’m Runan of Lazeria.

: What?! Then you’re the Prince Runan who fought against the Empire at Granada? Well... I’m surprised you’re still alive.

: No thanks to you, apparently.

: Oh, did I anger you? I’m sorry was I rude to his Majesty the prince?

: Haha, don’t worry about it. Anyway, you seem to be a skilled warrior. Do you have much experience in battle?

: No, I’ve only been a mercenary for half a year. This is only my third battle. But I do have confidence in my sword arm. My father drilled it into me since I was a little girl. My father was... Oh, this isn’t the time for flashbacks, is it? Alright, you seem like a nice person. You can hire me.

: Well, that’s great, but why?

: You’re eventually going back to Lazeria, aren’t you? I, too, have business there. But I can’t tell you anymore than that for now.

: That’s fine with me. You’re hired.

: Good! I won’t ask for payment as long as I’m fed. See you around, Lord Runan.

For the next turn we trade blows with the bandits till Runan kills the second one.

He drops a Gold Bag. These bags will give you 2000 – 4000 G when opened. For now we won’t open them though for reasons that we’ll see down the line.

Narron fails to kill a bandit but receives a level out of it. Agility and Luck is workable at least.

Kreiss finishes the job and gets a good level out of it.

Raffin murders another bandit...

...While Bartz kills the bandit that has been bothering him and Enteh.

The remaining bandis try to hurt us and receive reinforcement at the end of their turn.

Runan receives another level. I’m fine with it given the growth rates in this game.

Julia murders the second to last bandit assaulting the village.

Kreiss visits the only house that doesn’t require Bartz or Enteh for their items.

: They wouldn’t be able to do much harm if they didn’t have that base. Here, I’ll give you one of my special remedies, so do something about them, will you?

We receive a Angelic Robe MHP+ Elixier which raises one units maximum HP by 5.

Arkis murders the last bandit and receives a fantastic level.

The bandits receive some more reinforcements...

who end up causing more harm to themself than to our troops.

Runan finally meets up with Enteh.

: We are knights from Verje on a mission to subdue the bandits. Anyway, the villagers seem to be worried about you. You should return to them.

: Y-Yes...

: Sister Enteh? What’s the matter?

: Oh… No, it’s nothing… Why all the way from Lazeria...

: What?

: No... It’s nothing. I will return to the village. Thank you... Lord Runan.

Narron kills one of the bandits (getting hit again) and receives an empty level for his troubles

We mop up the Bandit reinforcement and Esther receives are rather unique level in that it raises the stats with her 2 lowest growths (15% and 18% for Magic and Defense).

The next few turns are rather uneventful as Enteh and Bartz make their way to the village and our cavaliers are receiving first aid, while the rest waits for them to return. Barts begins his house visits in the bottom left house.

: I’m thinking of leaving the village to join the prince’s army.

: What!?

: I like this village, but... I think hat maybe in Prince Runan’s army... or somewhere outsie of the village... There’s a place I can contribute more.

: Bartz...

: Well, if I can’t find any place, then I’ll just come back. Don’t worry.

: Worry? Ha, I wouldn’t worry about you. Very well... Here take this bag of coins. Think of it as a last gift from your grandfather.

: Thanks, Gramps. I won’t forget this. If I make it big, I’ll build a really nice gravestone for you.

: Just get going, you fool!

Bartz moves on to the last house we haven’t visited yet.

: You’re safe... Thank goodness...

: Hey, hey, what’s wrong Plum? Did you think I’d lose to a bunch of brigands?

: No...But... I couldn’t help but think that... If something happened to you, then I’d be all alone...

: ...

: Never... I’d never be able to bear that! I’d never be able to bear being all alone...

: Plum...

: …Elder brother?

: ...

: ...You’re leaving the village, aren’t you?

: I’m sorry.

: I hate you! *she runs away*

: Plum... I’m sorry, Plum. But I promise I’ll come back some day... I’m taking the poleaxe in the shed... See you.

: ...Elder brother...

The poleaxe is TRS version of the Horseslayer.

Enteh gains a level fixing up our battered party and then goes to visit Plum herself.

: No... I’ve become fed up with myself after all this.

: What...? Why?

: I’m only a year younger than you... but I’m nothing like you. I’m just a useless child.

: That’s not true. You’ve been trying your very best to master the healing arts because you want to help the people of your village. And now that you can use the Healing Staff, you can tend to your people in my place. The villagers are very grateful.

: I need to learn more... I want to become a pure and strong cleric like you. Please Sister Enteh, take me with you to the Temple of Mars!

: But...

: Journeys aren’t only for men. I want to spread my wings as well! I don’t want to be left here all alone, doing nothing but waiting! I want to see what the world has to offer! I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a tiny village like this!

: Plum... Very well. I suppose I cannot refuse after seeing such strong resolve. But remember, Plum, many people cannot return to their homes even if they wish to.Some day, you will realize how important this village is to you. Some day, I’m sure...

Plum is another priest that can only use staffs. If we would have selected Lee to accompany us she would have gotten a unique staff from him to make her useful outside a backup healer role. Anyway she goes off to visit Gramps as well.

: I see... I suppose you cannot turn your back to your own fate...

: What?

: Plum, take this hand mirror. Your mother left it for me to give to you when you go out on your first journey.

: Mother...

: Lan knew that this day would come... Born into a poor family, your mother was sold as a dancer into a troupe of entertainers at a young age. Her life there was harsh... She said that she thought of killing herself almost every day. Then a young man appeared and bought her freedom from the troupe. Lan fell in love with that man, and was blessed with you.

: But wasn’t that man killed in the war? I heard that my mother remarried when she came to this village.

: ...Daros was my foolish son. His wife died young, and he left his infant son with me to go work as a mercenary in Blaud. It was there that he met Lan, who was carrying you. He one-sidely fell in love with her.

: One-sidely...?

: Daros literally carried Lan into this village. We thought that an angel had descended among us...she was that beautiful. Daros worked day and night to support you and your mother. When Lan fell to a contagious disease, daros also died soon after, as if to follow her. He was never able to lay a single finger on her...

: I always felt sorry for Father. Why couldn’t Mother love him?

: It’s not that she didn’t love him. She simly couldn’t admit it. She was too deeply in love with your father...

: Huh...?

: ...Plum. This hand mirror was a gift from your father to your mother. This is the only clue you have to find out who your real father was. Do you understand what I’m telling you?

: My real father...? N-No... You don’t mean...

: Please forgive my son. The reason Lan stayed here was because she felt the need to care for the elderly, and because she loved young Bartz...

: …Grandpa. Bartz doesn’t know this, does he? Then... don’t tell him. Please... don’t tell him...

: I know. Plum. You’re a kind girl just like your mother. I knew you would understand... If you go to Blaud, you should be able to find out more about your father. Now... stop crying... I’ll always be praying for your happiness.

Lan’s mirror works the same as the Charisma skill and stacks with it.

Enteh goes off and buys a hammer.

Once most of the cavaliers have rejoined us, we start going towards the bandits hideout. Julia fight two of them and for once manages to not get hit by an axe with less than 50% accuracy... Myrmidon aren’t supposed to be axe magnets

Meanwhile, Plum and Bartz meet up for one final talk.

: Look, Plum. You have no idea how dangerous it is beyond the village walls. You’re not tough enough for a long journey. Go back home!

: ...No! You’re leaving the village aren’t you, big brother!?

: Plum...

: You’re always talking about making a name for yourself on the battlefield. I was always scared that one day you’d disappear and leave me behind. But I have dreams just like you, Bartz! If oyu get to leave, then why can’t I go with Sister Enteh!?

: Alright... I’m sorry, Plum. I thought I was keeping you safe, but... Maybe I was just being selfish.

Julia moves up and murders one of the remaing two bandits outside of the stronghold and gets an unusual level for it.

Raffin murder the last one and levels as well.

Narron baits out the boss...

... and Runan puts some more damage on him and levels up.

Here I attack him with Julia in hopes of maybe taking him out with a crit or at least damage him into killing range for the next turn.

Naturally Julia neither crits nor evades the hit of the boss (45% dammit ) bringing her into killing range for the boss, which puts my success on the verge of elimination.

Luckily for me, Kreiss manages to hit with a Javelin on a 39% chance and finishes the boss off.

I can’t really complain given how lucky I just was...

Enteh heals our troops for another level before we end the chapter by seizing the bandit’s hideout.

: It’s getting dark... Chasing them any furth would be dangerous.

: Well, we’ve struck them hard enough to make them lay low, at least for a while. Let us leave it at that.

: You’re right. We should return to Verje...

: ...Ah, Lord Runan. About Sister Enteh...

: What about her?

: She said she would be returning to the Temple of Mars, but going alone would be dangerous. I have decided to let her stay under our army’s protection for the time being.

: That’s a good idea. Getting mixed up in a battle all on her own would be the last thing she needs.

: By the way, Lord Runan... Sister Enteh is quite a beauty. I can say with confidence that she is the most beautiful lady I have ever seen in my sixty years of life.

: Do you think so? I can’t really tell...

: My goodness, Lord Runan! You must make an effort to better understand women. When you take rule of Lazeria, you will welcome a fine lady into the palace as your wife. Whether it be Lady Sasha or Sister Enteh... Your insensitivity will not win you any prizes, my lord.

: This isn’t the time to be talking about such nonsense, Eugen. We’re going back to Verje.

: Yes...

Speaking of which, let’s see how our princess is doing at Verje.

: Raffin is with them, my lady. There is no need to worry. Now it is getting cold outside. Let us go back indoors.

: Kate... You’ll always be with me, won’t you, Kate? You won’t go anywhere without me, will you?

: Of course, Lady Sasha... I shall always stay at your side.

And we are done with this Chapter. Next Time we’ll return to Verje.

New Character information



Character stats

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     15         0       7       5       8       7        1      7       4

Stat caps                      60        15      20      19      20      30       19     16      12

Growth Rates                   30% 	  0% 	30%  	 20% 	 25% 	 30% 	  50% 	  5% 	  0%

Summon (lvl 30)

Enteh is the second mandatory unit of the game. Her bases aren’t bad for a healer and her growths are average. Since her death means a game over, you should always check weaponry and ranges of all enemies as she might not survive a concentrated attack (or a single attack if you are unlucky).


Character stats

Axe Fighter -> Warrior

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     28         9       0       6      10       1        5      8       6

Stat caps                      60        20      15      20      21      30       18     18      12

Promotion Gains                +3 	 +2 	 +0 	 +2 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      22      23      30       19     19      12

Growth Rates                   90% 	 30% 	 0%  	 15% 	 35% 	 15% 	  15% 	 18% 	  0%

Mountain Fighter (starting), Charge (lvl 15)

Bartz suffers from the same problem as a lot of Axe Fighters do: horrible accuracy. While his base skill is good enough, it is his skill growth that is worrying. With only 15% he might not get enough skill to hit regular enemies later on, wasting all his power. If his skill growth comes through though, you are going to get a great fighter for your team even though he lacks skills comparision to other units.


Character stats

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     22         4       0      10      11       5        3      8       5

Stat caps                      60        18      15      22      23      30       19     17      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +3 	 +0 	 +3 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        21      15      25      25      30       20     18      12

Growth Rates                   50% 	 25% 	10%  	 45% 	 40% 	 25% 	  35% 	 18% 	  0%

Continue (lvl 8), Rising Dragon (lvl 18), Anti-Evil (lvl 25), Dragon saint (Map 30 event)

Julia can become a really great unit if her strength growth plays along. She learns great skills and has good growths and caps. If the RNG doesn’t like her though there are lots of swordmasters in this game to replace her.


Character stats


                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     18         0       4       2       3       6        1      4       4

Stat caps                      60        15      19      17      18      30       18     16      12

Growth Rates                   20% 	  0% 	35%  	  0% 	 20% 	 60% 	  20% 	  0% 	  0%

Dance (Map 14 event)

Plum is kind of a mixed bag. For once you already get a healer in Enteh who is also mandatory for a good deal of the game. In addition without selecting Lee before Map 2 and thus giving her the unique Def Wand, which lets her buff a unit so it will receive half damage for the entire chapter, she will be outperformed by Enteh as well. Still she gets access to the dance skill and doesn’t lose access to staffs so she potentially brings more to the table than a typical Dancer unit.