Part 9: Intermission 3 Returning to Gram Forest
Intermission 3 Returning to Gram Forest
As we return to Gram Forest we are greeted by a series of conversations full of

: ...Unbelievable. A man as powerful as Master Eisen...

: Has there been any movement at Castle Wellt?

: Kodder has strengthened the palaces defenses and has also sent a sizable force to the Wellt Bridge. Having lost such an important point of defense to the enemy may cause some trouble...

: There is no need to worry about that, Count Maron. I have a secret plan.

: A secret plan, you say?

: Yes. Just wait and see...
Onwards to have another look at the dealings inside Wellt Castle.

: Oh, Im on your side. I was asked by the Liberation Army to check on you.

: Liberation Army...?

: Yeah, an army to liberate Wellt. I heard their leader is a little girl named Sasha, or something like that. Pretty funny, eh?

: Oh... Count Maron has stood up at last! I am sorry for suspecting you. Please tell him that I am fine. Also could you give this Pegasus Flute to Sasha?

: Sure, no prob. Is that all you need, though? I could help you get out of this place if you want.

: No, if I leave the castle, nothing will remain to supress Kodder. But, if its not too much, may I ask that you free the hostages kept prisoner in the dungeon level?

: You got it. *Narcissus leaves*

: Dear Utna... give Sasha strength...

: That is none of your business, soldier. I want to see the hostages. Handem over, punk!

: E-Excuse me?

: Oh, I mean... Ahem... Bring them to me. Are you telling me that you cannot follow my orders?

: O-Of course not, my lord! I shall bring them at once.

: .... Sigh... Why do I have to disguise my handsome self as an ugly geezer like this?

: The hostages are here!

: A-Ah, yes good work! I have no further use for you. Begone!

: Yes, sir...

: Hmm, now you are a beautiful young lady...

: ! Dont you dare touch me! One step closer and Ill...

: Whoa, whoa, hang on!

: Phew, sure was hot wearing that thing. ...So, how was my disguise? Shocked that I was really such a nice looking guy?

: Wh-What?... Who are you?

: No time to explain now. We gotta get out of here.

: Yes... I suppose I have no choice but to trust you.

: By the way...

: Yes?

: Are you single?

: !... *slaps Narcissus*

: Ow... Guess not...
And back to the Gram Forest for a support conversation to finish things off.

: Youre doubting me? Fine, I will show you proof of my identity. Take a look at my back!

: !... Th-this is... terrible... Are these... lashings..?

: Thats right, I was captured by Gazel troops and taken to a valley in Zoa to work as a slave. It was hell there... Even woman and small children were chained and whipped and worked like animals. I couldnt take it and stood up to protect the children. The result is what you see. As you can tell, it was a whip with barbs, which raked through my skin and tore away my flesh. Its amazing that I survived at all.

: Thats... Thats just terrible...

: But because of me my brother was tortured too. I heard his voice crying in pain... I couldnt take it any more... I begged for forgiveness and became a dark knight of Gazel in order to save them. Laugh at me all you want... My loyalty, my pride as a knight... I lost it all on that fateful day...

: Im sorry for suspecting you... I have heard rumors about what happens to countries overrun by Gazel, but I never thought it was this bad... Im ashamed of myself...

: No, Im the one that should be ashamed. Kate, was it? Please keep this a secret... I dont want the others to find out about me...

: Of course. Zieg, if theres anything I can do for you, dont hesitate to ask. I want to help you....