Part 11: Chapter 7 Liberation of Wellt
Chapter 7 Liberation of Wellt
Today were making our way into the capital to end Kodders reign. After we spend a virtual eternity slaughtering the lands gladiators of course.

: I sent in a small number of troops through the back gate on the eastern side of town. The gate was wide open without a single guard on watch. Kodder is much too careless for his own good. Hahaha!

: .... This is bad...very bad. The east gate is equipped with a drawbridge. Kodder must be scheming to lure us into the castle and raise the drawbridge to cut off our line of retreat. This is a trap my good Sir Eugen...

: Haha...ha
Do you speak the truth, Count Maron

: Eugen, the team you dispatched is in danger. We have to go meet them inside the castle!

: Yes... At once, my lord!

: Berom, start by taking care of the forces inside the town. Leave non alive!

: I will stand guard here, so you may return inside the palace, my lord.

: Good. ..Hm? Where has Roger gone?

: He is on watch further down south with his knights. He should be reporting back shortly.

: Very well. Keep an eye on that man, he bears distrust towards me. Order him to meet the enemy as soon as he returns.

: Understood, my lord!
So, despite their elaborated trap, there are no enemies present at the starting position of our castle troops. In fact we can leisurely stroll over to the arena and near houses and enemies wont arrive till turn 4. Anyhow lets look at what we have to deal with.
Here are Kodders stats, although he instantly retreats of the map once the above conversation ends.
There are three tanks present on the map and apart from the obvious recruit both tanks have rather annoying weapons: the first one brings a repeater bow which always shoots twice and the other one has a Gatling Bow which always shoots 4 times. It goes without saying that things can get nasty real quick if you let them do as they please. Luckily for us, their speed really sucks so at least you wont get riddled by 8 arrows.
Berom himself is a pure gimmick boss. His swordbreaker will break any sword he gets attacked (and not killed) by without question. Once youve realized that though youll just send a spear or axe wielding unit against him and he goes down like a chump since the breaker itself doesnt have that much power to be a threat.
There is also a Physic asshole in the bottom left corner of the map. We have a much more important thing to do first though.
The funny thing ist hat his promotion kind of worked against me in this map. Since his defense is so sky high, he cant be hurt by enemies and in a rare instance of competence the AI of this game will utterly ignore such units, meaning my plan to use him to bind people didnt work as intended.
Raquel goes and visits the house outside of the town.

: The castle town is heavily defended by Kodders troops. I used to be a blacksmith in the town, but I got sick of the troops attitude and moved my shop way out here. Ah yes. Ive got a little somthing for you. This is a sword I made myself. Itll cut through mail like soft butter. Here, take it. Im sure itll be of some use.
Another anti-armor weapon for the pile. I think we are up to 5 now (Hammer on Bartz, Rapier/Estoc on Runan, Kate and Mahter and this Armor Slayer)
Meanwhile the rest of our team is cruising into the city towards this chapters main attraction.

: Kodder, the bastard
Im just a hunter and he tells me he wants my archery skills, but this is what I get stuck doing. Aw, man... Bartzll laugh his ass off, if he sees me like this...
It should be obvious what weve got to do with him.
Maharaj goes and visits one of the houses.

: Sounds just like something Kodder would do. But this is the battle thatll decide Wellts future. We gotta have you guys winning no matter what. Here, take this key. Thisll lower the drawbridge for you!
And we obtain the bridge key incase we wanted to retreat and meet up with our troops outside of the castle. Given that there is no enemy presence here and we have Narron and Raquel in our other team Ill promptly forget about using it and move onwards to the arena. Anyhow we visit the last house.

: If that happens, try again with a different weapon equipped. That sometimes works.
This basically tells you that since you use your own weapons in the arena, theyll be taken into consideration when the RNG decides on an opponent for you. If I would send Vega with Schramm equipped into the arena, I would face endgame equipped opponents thatll ruin your day quickly.
Esther ist he first to arrive in the arena.

: This is where warriors from around the world gather to test their mettle and win fortunes! Itll cost you 390G to participate. But the winner will get 840G as reward money.
You get some rudimentary information on whom youll be fighting prior to accepting
And once youve accepted it you get a chance to watch their stats and Equipment and will more often than not curse as you spot a gimmicky weapon or a shield and start mashing X to get out of the fight unharmed (apart from losing the money, unless of course you use safestates). Anyhow lets skip ahead a bit and watch esthers level throughout the arena (and one from a random enemy creeping up).
All around horrible level to the point where I consider benching her from now on as both Arkis and Kreiss have better stats almost across the board while being 4/5 levels lower.
While Esther wastes my time in the arena the 2nd team begins moping up their part of the map.
Bartz goes and has a talk with his buddy in the tank.

: Oh, trust me, I can tell by your smell.

: Oh, dammit... As if youre one to talk.

: What are you doing here, anyway? I thought youd become a hunter in Lot.

: Well, yeah, but I was conscripted into the army to protect our nation, by Kodder, no less. And, uh... Well, this is what Im doing now.

: Pathetic... Thats just pathetic, partner.

: Since when am I your partner?

: Look, just come with me. I can guarentee itll be better than this crap youre doing now.

: Hey, thanks, man. Youre gonna let me out of this box?

: Sure thing, partner. Except...

: Except what?

: Except only after we win this battle.
Lets make a short story even shorter. Thomas really sucks. Horrible growths, 3 movement and a pure archery class make for a bad mix.
At least he is able to kill the archers weakened by Raquel that are unreachable for our melee troops.
Runan joins in the killing and gets a nice level...
and Enteh follows suit by patching up our units.
Maharaj kills one of the approaching enemies while waiting for his turn in the arena.
Narron meanwhile tries to make a compelling arguement to let him solo everything.
Physic asshole undoing some of my work.
An opposing mage tries to fry Vega which he doesnt find that amusing
as such we find ourselves in possesion of a new tome.
Mel gets a a bad level from healing our arena participants.
And Sashas arena career is off to a great start. Lets see if it stays that way.
I cant really complain. Strength is always nice and the rest werent too bad either. Additionally she picked up Gale and Elite as well. Also she has a Flute in her inventory...
Her speed is just insane for a level 10 unit. She definately is some competition for Mahter.
Bartz finally hits the last tank with his Hammer and continues to disappoint me. Although its strength at least.
Maharaj pulls out his personal tome and gets a mediocre level out of it.
Zieg gets a horrible level as well (because given his growths I can have some semblance of expectations from him).
Raquel meanwhile gets a decent level fighting the archers on the walls together with Thomas.
Before starting her career in the arena, Kate goes and visits the fighting school.

: You might think that youre something on the battlefield, but arena matches are a different kind of fight. If you dont want to lose your life while chasing after the reward money, you should take some time to learn here! Ah, so you wish to train? You look like you might have some talent. Very well, lets begin your lessons right away. The first thing you must remember when fighting in the arena, is to properly assess the strength of your opponent. .... Alright, you can now call yourself a fine gladiator! With your newly acquired skills, becoming the champion of the arena is longer just a dream! Ill be looking forward to hearing your name reach far and wide in the arena some day!
Arena Fighter gives a 20% bonus to Hit and Evade while fightig in the arena. Anyhow, lets see how she fared.
All in all she got some solid level ups.
Enteh gets another good level from healing.
Back in the original timeline (as obviously most arena screenshots are not happening till only the boss remains), Roger and his men arrive on Turn 10.

.. Mel
Please be safe
Naturally he charges Zieg like a moron
Thankfully Mel is right around the corner and Stopps him before Zieg completely kills him.

: The Liberation Army rescued me. Im safe and sound, so you dont have to listen to him anymore!

: Thank goodness... You have no clue how worried I was... Mel, no hesitation lies in me now. I will do justice to Kodder. Stay by my side, Mel... I dont want to be seperated from you ever again!
Roger has good base stats (although he is already promoted and thus has already received his bonuses) and terrible growths. Still he is a nice alternative in case your Cavaliers turn out to be shit. Should Mel die, then Roger will leave the party.
With their captain gone, the knights charge and die and Ziegs hand.
Nice levels..
and Mel still doesnt like me and gets bad levels.
Narron begins his hunt fort he Physic asshole and Roger talks to Runan.

: Now come with us, Roger. Let us fight together to defend what is just!

: Count Maron... You would forgive a wretch like me?

: If you still have your dignity as a Paladin of Wellt, then you must not have forgotten your loyalty to the royal family. I command... No, I ask that you offer your skills for the good of Wellt.

: Yes... It would be my pleasure... You have my deepest thanks, Count Maron!
Another day, another level from healing. Im happy about every point of defense on a plot essential character.
Maharaj finally begins his arena career.
Not a bad haul, although I would have loved some more magic.
Narron finally murders the Physic asshole and thus only the boss remains. His level isnt that good put with his promotion he is pretty much set anyhow. He also learnt Blazing Wind.
Mel still loves her one stat level ups. At least its the right stat this time.
More defense!
Last but not least, Vega starts his arena adventure.
Two decent and two bad level. Could have been worse. Time to go and finish off the boss.
Like Dommes before him, I reduce him to 1 HP with Raquel and in this case finish it with Runan without giving him a chance to use his sword breaker.
Our last level for the map is a defensive one. We capture the castle on our next turn.

: And
We got that son of a bitch himself, too.

: Youre the traitor, you sorry bastard! You can leave this pile of filth to me, prince. Ill tear him apart and feed him to the crows!

: ...Who are you?

: Oh, sorry. Im Lionel of the Kingsguard. I was about to be executed by Kodder, but one of the guards helped me out. Ive been waiting with some other troops who didnt take kindly to Kodders tyranny for a chance to retaliate. And since you made such a huge commotion downtown, the palaces defenses became lax, giving us a perfect opportunity to attack.

: Norton!? What are you doing in the Liberation Army? What was all that crap you have me about politics not concerning you when I tried to get you on my side?

: Ha... Ive always been on the princess side. You would never understand...

: Is that so...

: Chancellor Kodder, do you have anything to say for yourself?

: Ah... A-Are you the good Sir Runan? P-Please spare me. I had nothing but the kingdoms well being in mind. I only played the role of a villain to unite our people under a single ideal! We cannot confront the Empire if our countrymen are divided!

: Do you claim that your actions were not driven by schemes of self-gain?

: I swear it! Indeed, I have not laid one finger on her Majesty the queen. I shall forfeit my position as chancellor to Count Maron if the queen wishes it so. I will return to my land and repent for my deeds, so please, good sir, I beg you to spare my life.

: It is not I who will choose your fate. Count Maron, what is your decision?

: We shall determine Kodders fate after the king returns...

: I must say this is rather lenient, but I have no right to object the new chancellors decision. Well, Kodder, you should be grateful for Chancellor Marons generosity!

: Count Maron... I will be forever in your debt...

: Do not mistake me, Kodder. Once King Ropharl returns, I can guarentee that you will be sentenced to death for treason. Until then, you will be imprisoned and put under strict surveillance. There is no escape, Kodder.

: Erg...

: Guards, throw this man into the dungeon. Keep watch over him at all times! Now, Lord Runan, please follow me. I shall lead you to the queens chamber.

: Could this be a blessing from our dear Utna

: No, if only I had thought of coming earlier, I wouldnt have put you or Sasha through such hardship. My humblest apologies, Lady Liza.

: Lord Runan... with Duke Glamdr gone, I understand that Lazeria has fallen under Imperial rule. How can you be so considerate towards a nation leagues away from your overrun home? You have grown strong, Lord Runan. When we last met, you were still a charming boy of ten years, but the fine young man I see before me now, is a striking image of Glamdr the Hhero is his youth. It brings back many fond memories...

: Lady Liza..?

: Oh, excuse me. Now what do you plan to do next, Lord Runan?

: I will return to my homeland and challenge the Empire once more.

: Challenge the Empire?

: If I may interrupt, your Majesty, our incentive for coming to Wellt was to borrow troops and funds for the upcoming struggle against the Empire.

: Eugen, thats...

: There is nothing to be ashamed of, my lord. We are fighting not only for ourselves, but for the well-being of the entire continent. No one could possibly refuse to cooperate.

: General Eugen is right, Lord Runan. My dear husband, King Ropharl, also left for battle to protect our world. It would be my pleasure to ask that you accept our finest troops into your ranks. And I, too, shall give you my full support so that you may recapture your homeland and bring an end to the darkness that is haunting our continent of Liberia.

: You have my sincerest thanks, Queen Liza!

: However, due to Kodders wasteful expeditures, we have only 20000G remaining in our treasury. It is but a trifle, but i shall donate it all to your funds.

: But...

: Please take it. Our people would wish the same.

: Very well... if you insist.

: And now, as for troops...

: Count Maron already provided us with a vast number of troops and others have joined us in our travels. If we have your permission to take them, that is all we ask.

: I see. When will you depart...?

: Knowing that Wellt lies in Count Marons good hands, we wish to leave as early as tomorrow morning.

: I see. Sasha will be disappointed...

: What are you saying, Sasha? I cant take you along, of course not!

: Lord Runan, at least let me accompany you as far as Balt! I must find my father. Ive already made up my mind. Im going with you whether you like it or not!

: ...Lord Runan. Please, I ask that you grant Sasha her wish. She has always been a stubborn one, and she will not take no for an answer.

: But Lady Liza...

: To tell you the truth, I am the one who want to go to Balt. Ropharl is alive in the forest of Saria. The people of Saria... my homeland... They would never leave a good man like him to die. Sasha, go with Lord Runan. Your journey will be filled with hardships, but you are my daugther. You will be able to overcome anything that stands in your way.

: Yes, mother! I promise I will bring father back home. So... until then...

: Come now, tears already? You will be a burden to Lord Runan like that, Sasha. You carry the blood of a Sarian warrior in your veins. You must never lose. You may be a woman, but you must never let that be an excuse for weakness. A harsh world awaits you, so you must be independent and be able to fight for yourself. Do you understand, Sasha?

: Y-Yes... Mother...
Character information
Character stats
Wood Shooter
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 30 10 0 6 7 1 15 6 3
Stat caps 60 20 15 20 20 30 18 30 12
Growth Rates 30% 10% 0% 35% 45% 20% 40% 10% 0%
Continue (lvl 30)
Thomas is completely horrible. First off he has bad growths and 3 movement. In addition to that he is an archer and as such cant counter. He also doesnt have any promotion to redeem him in anyway and learns a single skill at lvl 30 which he most likely will never reach. Lastly Anti-Armor weapons are effective against him as well. If I had to say something nice I suppose he has nice starting defense and strength... but still youre better off not using him.
Character stats
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 29 10 0 14 11 3 8 9 8
Stat Caps 60 22 15 22 22 30 19 21 12
Growth Rates 65% 20% 5% 20% 20% 25% 20% 15% 0%
City Fighter (starting), Gale (starting), Big Shield (starting), Life or Death (lvl 18)
Roger has decent base stats but his growths are kind of bad. His skills however are kinda nice. When comparing him to other cavaliers just remember that he still got the Paladin promotion bonuses added to his stats.