Part 12: Intermission 4 Victory celebration and the departure
Intermission 4 Victory celebration and the departure
There are a lot of
before the next chapter. Mostly party interaction. Im gonna leave you alone with these ones.

: Please take this time to relax and converse among your troops.
We skip to a conversation of Arkis and Kreiss continuing their story arc

: Come on, let's not ruin the mood. Now that we've succeeded in recruiting troops from Wellt, we're ready to go back to the mainland. We'll take back our country in no time.

: I see you're easily swayed. Weren't you saying the exact opposite just a few days earlier?

: Nah, I was just feeling a little upset back then. But then I remembered that the prince always has what's best for Lazeria in mind. I'm ashamed I doubted him for even a second. From now on, I'll stay loyal to him no matter what happens.

: Of course.
Another support conversation between Esther and Arkis.

: I heard from Kreiss that you have a fiancee back in Lazeria. Aren't you worried about her?

: You mean Kreiss' sister? That was just something our parents decided on without consulting us. We're not really lovers. Besides, Rina's still a kid.

: Hm, her name is Rina... And how old is she?

: Let's see... I think she's turning fourteen this year...

: Fourteen is quite old enough to be a lady. You shouldn't treat her like a child.

: You think so? I was a mischievous little demon when I was fourteen.

: Oh, really? Then I see you haven't changed much.

: Hey, now, Esther... Why are you always so...

: Well, see you later, Archis. I hope you can meet your cute fiancee again!
Next up is a sibling quarrel between Raffin and Esther.

: No need to sound touchy. Are you serious about joining Lord Runan's army?

: Why, yes, I am. Is that a problem?

: Don't be a fool. You will stay here and look after Father.

: I've already gotten Father's approval. I'm not a little girl any more, Raffin. I won't take orders from you.

: What is it with you lately, Esther? You seem to take great plesaure in rebelling against me. Have I done something to upset you?

: ......

: We may not be related, but I've always thought of you as my true sister these five years. And I'd like to keep it that way from now on... ...Is there something wrong with that?

: True sister, you say? Ha, only on the outside! Your heart is left waiting in Barge. You're going to forget all about Verge or me once you return to your precious homeland. Stop acting like you care, because you know you don't!

: Esther...
Some words between Lionel/Rionel and Norton discussing their future plans.

: Yeah, suppose you're right. Have to admit I'll miss having you around, though. Come join us once things calm down in Wellt, you hear?

: Sure thing. You better stay alive till then.

: Ha... Same to you, friend.
Followed by a continuation of Kate and Ziegs support.

: It's not sympathy. I just want to talk with you.

: My past is tainted with darkness. There is no enjoyment to be sought from a conversation with me...

: Then you should know that some women don't take kindly to quipping. If you don't want to talk, then let me sit by your side in silence. I just want you to keep an open heart, Zieg...

: ......
Another sibling discussion, this time between Bartz and Plum.

: Oh, stop putting on airs. You've been acting strange like that lately, you know? Do you have a crush or something?

: Of course not! I'm fifteen already, Bartz. I have to start acting at least a little ladylike.

: Hey, no need to be touchy about it. Here, you gotta try some of this roasted chicken. It's nice and dripping with juice, you'll love it!

: Bartz! Sigh...
And lastly some banter between Vega and Julia, hinting at their personal story arc.

: I need to keep my guard because we're in a place like this. That should come naturally to a warrior.

: Maybe so. If I had eyes as watchful as yours, I never would have been tricked by that scum of a man...

: Do you mean Lenzhenheimer? If you really did fall for his deceptions, then you are nothing short of a fool.

: As are you. You came all the way to a little island like this, not even suspecting that you were being used. What an embarrassment for the Reaper of Shram.

: !

: Oh, and one more thing. The mainland is filled with swordsmen who can match your mediocre skills. My father, Yoda, or my brother, Shigen, for example, would be able to best you in a heartbeat. Don't get cocky just because you won one match against me!"

: What!? You... Are you Yoda's daughter?

: That's right. Surprised?

: Yes... The Dark Swordmaster of Zoa is a legend among assassins like us. I suppose being his daughter would explain your sword arm... Still, you are no swordfighter, woman. I suggest you drop your blade before you stain your father's name with shame.

: Wh-What!? Why aren't I fit to be a swordfighter!?

: I sense no malice in your sword. A swordsman lacking the intent to kill may as well not carry a blade at all...
Eugen closes out the evening and the celebration for us. Next up is the actual departure and our journey towards Saura Harbor.
We receive the money the queen talked about.

: Of course. I shall protect her with my life until the return of King Ropharl.

: Well, Lord Runan, let us be off.

: All right, let's go! May Utna be with the Wellt-Lazerian Alliance Army!
The next scene triggers once we step on the Wellt Bridge and takes us to the island just of the coast of Wellt.
Ill get you next time Gadget... next time!
You already know Holmes from Chapter 1, guess he didnt have much trouble dispatching the pirates.
But that line is a classic...
Anyhow, meet Shigen. He is Julias brother and basically the swordmaster of Holmes group.
This young fellow is Xeno, the fighter of the group.
Meet our mystirious captured girl...

: Dont group us together with those idiots from Isla!

: Ahhh! Don't hit me!

: Sigh... This is useless.

: ...What's your name?

: Huh? Um... I'm...Katri.

: I'm Xeno. Pleased to meet you, Katri. That's an unusual name... Where are you from?

: I don't know... I don't even know where I was born.

: Why not?

: The lord bishop said that I was left abandoned in the forest Saria when I was little. He's the one who gave me my name. He was very good to me, and raised me like his own daughter. But he... No...!"

: He was killed by pirates...

: We were on our way to the Temple of Mars... He was going to leave me in the care of a priest named Eisenbach... He said it was to avoid disaster by a great evil...
This wont become relevant, No sir.

: ...... You have nothing left that could be a clue to your heritage?

: The lord bishop said I was wearing this bracelet when he found me. That's all he ever told me about it.

: Hm, let me take a look.

: No! This is very dear to me! Please, anything but this!

: I never said I was gonna take it away, did I? Xeno, you try.

: Holmes, I think we should leave her in peace for a while. The ship she was sailing on was attacked by pirates, and the only person she could consider family was killed in front of her eyes. We can't blame her for being afraid of us.

: Well, you're awfully kind to her, Xeno. Love at first sight?
Up last is Yuni, the group's thief.

: D-Don't be ridiculous! She's had a rough time, so...

: Hmm...

: Hey, Juni, what're you doing here? Have you finished looting the pirates' treasure chamber?

: Nope, I'm not even half done yet.

: What!

: I can't do it all on my own. Why don't you help me out for a change, Holmes?

: Look, Juni, remember that I let you on board only because you cried and begged. I won't think twice about giving you the boot if you don't make yourself useful!

: Aww...

: Xeno... ...Here. I'll let you see it.

: No, it's okay...

: Then let me see. Huh, this could sell for a pretty penny... Hm?

: Hey! I wasn't showing it to you! Give it back!

: All right, all right. Here ya go.

: I'm sorry...

: ...Xeno, I'll leave that girl to you. Take care of her.

: Okay.

: Katri, there are some pretty flowers growing on the mountainside. Wanna go see? They're really pretty.

: Really? I'd love to go! Could you take me there?

: Hey, wait! It's dangerous with just the two of you!

: ......

: What's the matter, Holmes?

: ...That girl's bracelet... I think I've seen it somewhere before. I've got this nagging feeling that I'm forgetting something very important to me...
The next scene triggers when we step on Gram Forest.

: Creepy? Do you think so? But maybe it's the legendary Staff of Morse! If only I could bring the lord bishop back to life with this...

: Hey, it could be a Zombie Staff, you know. Who wants to see an old geezer brought back to life?

: That's such a hurtful thing to say... Xeno and Shigen are nice, but not you... Is it that fun to be mean to me all the time!?

: Of course not. I just get irritated by your airheaded attitude sometimes, that's all.

: ...Fine. I'll never talk to you again, Holmes! I'll bring the lord bishop back to life myself!
the last scene pops up when we reach Saura Harbor.

: Oh, that staff. Remember that weird-looking staff we found in the stuff we took from that temple in Saria? I threw it away because I thought it was useless. But it was a Zombie Staff, huh? I could've sold it for a fair price if I'd known.

: Well, there's no time to be worrying about that. Katri said she swung the staff over a hundred times in an effort to resurrect the bishop. There's got to be a good five hundred zombies out there now. We can't even walk outside safely. That idiot...
This causes some zombies to appear on the world map before continuing the scene.

: They're too soft on her. Leaving her alone for a while'll do her good...

: Maybe we should go, too.

: Nah, we can just leave it to Xeno and Juni.

: You sure? She might get eaten by the zombies.

: Yeah, right. I don't think even a zombie would want to eat a little kid like her.

: Haha, you got a point there.

: ......

: ......

: We'll wait for a while...

: Hm?

: ...And if they don't come back, then we'll go.
And with that weve finished the talking prior to the next chapter. Next time were back to killing stuff.