Part 13: Chapter 8 Thriller!
Chapter 8 Thriller!
Welcome back everyone. Today we head over to Isla to meet up with Holmes before we continue our journey to the mainland. Before heading there though, I bought some weapons for our squad.

This map is called the Holy Dragon Neutron for those interested in the names of the maps.

We move on to see a scene with Katri.

Well time to start the map in earnest. Lets look at our opposition.

Short version: They suck hard. This map is piss easy unless you are really unlucky. As such try to give as much experience as you can to Xeno or other underleveled units you brought. The gold mummies are basically experience Pinatas as they give almost a full level without being any challenge what so ever.

Xeno is a great unit with good growths and is usually worth raising.

Yuni is your first playable thief. She can steal stuff of people but that means she has to fight them which is obviously a risk. For this map she will be content running around and opening treasure chests.

Katri is plot cleric number two. As such you cant let her die. Still she doesnt die too easily for reasons well see later on.

Juni starts pillaging the chests right next to her. The Iron Shield gives 7 defence for 4 hits.

Xeno starts murdering the zombies that start next to him.

Sasha becomes Junis bodyguard, which in hindsight wasnt necessary and resulted in her getting a ton of levels due to Elite and Zombie suicide. Prior to turn two we get another scene with Holmes and Shigen.

So yeah, Katri just turned into a giant fuck off dragon. She will go Berserk and not care whether she attacks friend or foe, so basically the only way you can screw yourself in this map is rushing to her aid. Kind of a dick move but yeah.

With her transformation comes an increase in stats, two breath moves and access to Dragon scales which means that apart from some special weapons she will be invincible as it raises her defense by 40.

She starts taking her anger out on the poor zombie close to her.

Vega meanwhile gets a bad level cleaning up some other zombies. Yuni grabs the second chest which is a

A zombie attacks Sasha which triggers her Gale skill (you will always attack first if your speed is higher) and she gets an amazing level out of it.

Xeno gets a great level as well.

Once two turns pass, Katri will transform back into her human form.

However by using the Ring of Saria in her inventory we can now transform at will into the dragon for a random amount of turns and can control her as well.

Meanwhile Xeno and Runan have a talk

A couple of turns later a ship arrives at the western coast.

for the next three turns the shipll spawn pirates along the western coast before going away.

They are a slightly bigger threat then the zombies but nothing to worry out short of the thieves stealing your treasure. As such we go after them with extreme prejudice. Julia levels from it and gets strength which automatically makes it a good level

Sasha is still killing zombies that attack her. More strength

The second wave of pirates spawns.

Juni loots treasure chest number 3

Narron kills one of the pirates and receives a nice level. I think in his 12 levels he got 6 or 7 points of defence on a 22% growth.

Zieg hunts the last of the thiefs and gets another amazing level out of it.

Xeno gets a decent level as well.

Julia seems content with a typical myrmidon level.

After loading off the last of the pirates and giving us a flimsy excuse their leader runs away.

Raquel gains a level while setting up a kill.

And Kates gains one from finishing off the weakened pirate. Dammit Kate you need to get some better levels given that your promotion is ass.

After dealing with most of the pirates some healing is necessary which results in this level for Plum

Juni plunders another chest. The Thunder sword will go to Sasha asap as she has the best magic score of the sword users.

An average level for Sasha from killing yet another Zombie.

Xeno begins to chat with Katri.

Some more free exp spawns for a couple of turns in the lower right corner of the map.

Vega gets a really good level from killing part of them.

Julia, Vega and Sasha play border patrol and wait fort he zombies to arrive while the rest of the team struggles with the terrain and moves at a snails pace.

Somehow I have the feeling that Julia doesnt want to catch up with Vega (although he has quite a headstart).

Xeno! I told them you had good growths

The border patrol continues to get some levels.

Juni pilfers the second to last chest for a Thunder Shield which reduces damage from Thunder tomes only.

Sasha grabs her last two levels of the map (making her our highest leveled unit at lvl 15). She is now 1 point away from capping speed.

Julia I know you can do better than that

Runan kills another unit for a defensive level up.

Xeno seems to like getting speed.

Katri gets her only level of the map though healing some of our battered troops while we hunt down the last zombies. I dont mind any level with defense on plot centric characters.

Juni grabs the last chest. Now its just up to Runan to hunt down the last gold mummy for another level and then haul his ass back to visit the fort.

Turns out it wasnt really worth the effort

Couple of turns later we finish off the chapter.

It strkes me as a cruel and dangerous thing to have teens in their puperty turn into dragons when scared.

We move to a conversation between Julia and Shigen.

We get another inside look at the plans of the glorious pirate leader.

"You're doing all this for us..."

Did anyone else hear the 4th wall shatter? Anyway thats it for this chapter. Next time we re going to split our troops into two teams before we go on. Since Im gone over the weekend and dont know whether I have internet access or not, the next update with the voting information may be delayed till Sunday. Should I have Internet access though, it will go live tomorrow. Till next time.
Character information
Character stats
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 17 0 7 4 8 5 1 7 4
Stat caps 60 15 20 19 20 30 19 16 12
Growth Rates 40% 0% 35% 10% 55% 40% 60% 5% 0%
Summon (starting)
Katri is another mandatory character for Holmes chapters. She is almost identical with Enteh. She has slightly lower base stats and slighty better growths. She also starts out with the summon skill. Biggest difference it obviously her ability to turn into a dragon at will. Its a great panic button should soomething go wron but since the length of the transformation is random you shouldnt rely on it too much or youll end up turning back amidst enemies wholl turn you to shreds on their turn.

Character stats
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 18 1 2 7 12 7 0 6 5
Stat caps 60 16 15 20 25 30 18 15 12
Growth Rates 35% 0% 20% 45% 40% 35% 25% 5% 0%
Steal (starting), Picklock (starting), Frontier Fighter (lvl 12), Continue (lvl 28), Charisma (lvl 35)
Juni is your first thief. She can open locks and chest as well as steal as befitting of a thief. Her lack of a defense and strength growth means she should never see combat which kind of is a problem since steal isnt a seperated sskill and must be activated in combat. As such youll always have to take a risk if you want to steal something which is quite annoying especially since you cant guarentee that it activates.

Character stats
Fighter -> Hero
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 24 6 0 7 9 4 4 6 5
Stat caps 60 19 15 20 20 30 18 18 12
Promotion Gains +3 +3 +0 +3 +2 +0 +2 +2 +1
Promotion Caps 60 22 15 23 22 30 20 20 12
Growth Rates 65% 35% 5% 50% 40% 30% 30% 22% 0%
Sea Fighter (starting), Blazing Wind (Fighter lvl 12),Anti-Evil (lvl 20), Rising Dragon (lvl 30)
Xeno usually turns out to be a good unit, he has reasonably good growths for this game, learns decent skills and has decent starting stats and caps as well as a good promotion.