Part 14: Intermission 5 Arrival at the mainland
Intermission 5 Arrival at the mainland
Welcome back. There are a few more
to be had before we can tackle the next map. It happens once you travel with Runan from Isla to Port Marl.
Ill divide our army between Holmes and Runan as well as load off a good deal of our money and some items (Amulet/Charm, Healing Drop, Knight Proof and Swordbreaker for instance) on Holmes party.

: Well, whatever. It doesn't concern me. Anyway, Holmes, where are we off to next?

: We're not going anywhere yet. With Runan gone, the ruffians around Wellt might start acting up. Especially that pirate... Um... What was his name again?

: Merhen?

: Yeah, that was it. We can't let a scoundrel like him run loose. We're gonna find his base and give him what he deserves. After that, we can sail to the mainland. Runan'll be worried if we don't keep Wellt safe...

: Yeah...

: Furthermore, King Guiness is a treacherous man who turned to side with the Empire during the Balt War. I am afraid that we are not welcome in Marl, milord. Still, losing precious manpower here before even confronting the Empire would be foolish... Milord, what say we wait here for Prince Richard's army to arrive?

: Prince Richard of Marl... I heard that he had fled to the west to reorganize after the king of Marl passed away.

: Yes, but after Princess Tia joined him, his army has become an unstoppable force. I have report that he is already approaching Castle Marl from the west.

: Princess Tia?

: Rumor has it that she is the sole survivor of the royal family of Ledah. She is still young, but a beautiful and brilliant commander. She was being kept prisoner in Istoria, but was rescued just recently by her vassals. She then joined forces with Prince Richard's army and has been leading the Ledah Alliance Army with him ever since.

: The Holy Kingdom of Ledah... The kingdom which fell after violating the sacred commandments of Utona.

: Like our home kindgom of Lieve, Ledah was one of the Four Holy Kingdoms descending from King Carlyon. However, Ledah was destroyed because it resurrected the Holy Dragon Cranion to use in battle. My lord, you also carry the blood of Carlyon. You must be careful not to make the same mistake.

: Indeed, Eugen. Already, the Water Dragon Muse of Lieve/Reeve was used to wipe out an entire city and slaughter thousands of innocent people. The Four Holy Dragons were created by Utona to protect mankind from the evil gods. Resurrecting them for use in war is unforgivable.

: Which reminds me, that girl named Katri was a surprise indeed. She was a priestess of the Fire Dragon Neuron... It would be a disaster if she were to fall into the hands of our enemies, my lord.

: Don't worry, Eugen. Holmes will take good care of her. Neuron will never resurface again.
I wouldnt count on that

: Let us hope as much, my lord.

: Anyway, Istoria has formed an alliance with the Empire. If the Ledah Alliance Army is fighting to liberate Marl, then we should aid them. Let's land on the Port of Marl. Waiting around doesn't suit me, Eugen.

: Yes... Then we shall continue on westward. We should arrive at Marl in about three days.
We move to the Malt Royal Palace for our next scene.

: I will lead the front lines!

: Yes, sir!

: Tia, you will wait were. I will send an escort once we secure the castle town.
Meet Tia. Unfortunately she wont join us for a long time

: Marl is my homeland. I wish to secure my palace, and formally invite you in as an honored guest. Perhaps as a woman you may not understand, but please, Tia, you must show me deference...

: ......

: Albert, focus your offense on the left wing! Keep sending in troops to overwhelm the castle town!

: We cannot stop them, my lord!

: But Lord Ronald, why hasn't the Empire sent reinforcements? They have reached the coast of Senay, but they are sitting there doing nothing!

: That is an expeditionary force led by Prince Barca. Barca is no fool. He knows better than to rush blindly into danger.

: What?

: Ha... The biggest fool is King Guiness. He himself cannot handle the ambitions he carries. His greed has led to the destruction to his own nation. He must atone for his sins.

: Lord Ronald, that is...

: Yes, if my father hears me, I will be executed. Ha, but my fate was already sealed when I helped Tia escape. She is an unaccountable girl... Richard may think he is using her, but she is the one holding him in the palm of her hand. He will soon follow the same fate as mine...
Lets see whats happening inside the town.
Meriah here is an awesome mage, as in she gets really strong personal tomes.
: The men are all excited and saying that they'll fight alongside him, but nah, they'll probably just get in the way.

: I see... Maybe I should help as well...
: Come, now, what can a little lass like you do on the battlefield?

: I'm the granddaughter of the Great Sage Mios. I have a little confidence in my magic.
: Then tell me, can you bear to kill another human being? Or have you killed one before?

: Well... No, I haven't.
: Then do yourself a favor and stay out of the way. Leave the fighting to the men... They're foolish enough to enjoy it. They never think twice about how other people feel... Both my good-for-nothing husband and foolish son ran out to get themselves killed in battle.

: Oh... I'm...
: You said you were on a trip to search for your brother. Then you should stay here until the battle subsides. You know, I always wish I'd had a daughter like you instead of a foolish son. Then I never would have had to suffer like this...

: I'm terribly sorry...
: Oh, no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to complain to a guest. Now, I'll prepare something for you, so how about we sit down for dinner?
Some more scenes inside the castle.

: Perhaps the Empire's occupation forces might strike at us from Senay?

: Exactly. We must prepare for an attack from the east. We will first secure the castle's defenses, then meet the Lazerian army.

: Lazerian army, milord?

: I don't how he managed it, but a boy from Lazeria has gathered troops from Wellt. He is claiming that he will liberate his nation from the Empire. He seems to be little more than a naive fool, but he may prove to be of some use to us...

: He is merely a boy of seventeen, but I suppose I must pay my due respects. Sigh...What a bother.

: You mustn't be rude, Prince Richard. I think he is an honorable man to fight for his people at such a young age.

: Ha... Who knows what his true motive is? You will be stabbed in the back some day if you look too hard for the good side in people, Tia.

: Then I will have no regrets. I pity those who cannot trust in their fellow human beings.

: Hahaha... You truly are naive. But perhaps that's what I like about you.

: !

: No need to get upset. I've sent an escort, so he should be arriving shortly. We will see what he's like once we meet him. But I have no doubt that he is simply a boy shining in his father's fame. He is no hero that the rumors make him out to be.
Now that weve landed inside the town, Lets see what is going on one more time.
: My husband and son fought to protect our women and children from the Istorians during the invasion. I said they were fools, but still, I can't deny that I feel proud of them at the same time. They both said that they were fighting to protect me. Remember, lassie, the reason you should fight is to protect those dear to you. Don't forget that.

: I left the church to look for my brother, Rhysuel. I thought the Empire's surveillance would have loosened a little by now...

: You left without telling Lady Rene? She must be worried sick about you.

: I left a letter for Rene. I told her not to worry.

: Meriah... You should...

: I've made up my mind. I don't want to hear your lecturing!

: Sigh... But what are you doing here at the port?

: The roads have been closed down by the Empire, so I figured the safest route out would be by sea. But I couldn't find a ship headed for Lieve, so I've been staying at the local inn.

: Meriah... Are you going to fight...?

: I can never forgive Garzel... They took my grandfather, and now my beloved brother... Lady Meveh, I... I've chosen not to hide any more! I will find my brother and fight against Garzel!

: Meriah...

: This is Meriah, one of the Priestesses of Water. She's my cousin. Take care of her, Marc. She's a mage like you, so you can teach her what you know.

: Hmm... A mage, you say?

: "Yes, but I'm no ordinary mage. I can use the powerful spells of light passed down from the Temple of Water. Like this Starlight spell..."

: What use is it to pride yourself in your spell books? A spell book is useless once its uses have been depleted. You need to hone your skill and magical power if you want to become a fine mage.

: I-I know that much! You don't have to talk down to me like that!

: Now, now, what's the matter? Are you fighting already? You're like a pair of children...

: Enteh, I don't have the time to be babysitting little girls like her!

: Wha-...! Wait! Ergh, what's his problem!?

: I wish to keep this girl under our protection for a while. I promise I will look after her, so if you would be so kind...

: Are you...a mage?

: Yes, pleased to meet you, Lord Runan. My name is Meriah.

: Enteh, would you mind telling us a little more about her?

: Yes... She is the granddaughter of the Great Sage Mios of Lieve...

: What!? Then is she descending from the clergy of the Temple of Water?

: Yes! Are you aware of the attack on the temple led by Garzel two years ago?

: I have heard much about that incident. Rogues from Garzel sacked the temple, killing the Great Sage and many of the clerics... I thought that his entire family of priests had been wiped out.

: No, I was rescued by my brother and escaped. I fled to Brahd, where I hid in a church run by my cousin for a year. But I haven't heard word from my brother ever since the incident, so I'm very worried...

: So you left the church on your own to find your brother... Eugen...

: I understand, my lord. Love for our brethren is something which we all share.Very well, Lady Meriah, if you are from the Temple of Water, then you must be a powerful magician despite your age. We will accept you in our ranks if you will fight for us in return.

: Good... Meriah, you'll need to follow my commands, but I promise I won't send you into the front lines. Is that all right with you, Enteh?

: Yes. I'm sorry for the extra burden. Thank you very much, Lord Runan.

: Thank you, Lord Runan, Lady Enteh! And you, General Eugen!

: The prince has been expecting you. Would you please come to the castle with me?

: Yes, glady. We were intending to meet with Prince Richard and Princess Tia of the Ledah Alliance ourselves.

: It is an honor to be invited to the mighty Castle Marl.

: Sir Runan, surely there is no need for such fabricated pleasantries in these turbulent times. After the Balt War, I have been in battle almost every day, fighting tooth and nail in the front lines alongside my troops. Seeing a mere boy carrying himself like a hero makes me sick to the stomach.

: Are you talking about me, Prince Richard?

: Oh? I was half expecting you to go cry to your advisor. You seem rather confident of yourself, Sir Runan.

: Prince Richard! One more insult out of your half-witted mouth, and I shall...!

: Silence, Eugen! Why do you try me, Prince Richard? What is it that the Lion King of Marl fears so? Istoria, your hated enemy, has allied itself with the Empire. With Castle Marl recaptured, the Empire will be sure to send forth its troops. Marl will not stand a chance against joint attacks from the north and east. In order to advance toward Balt, we of the Wellt-Lazerian Alliance need this land of Marl as a midpoint. Do you understand, Prince Richard? An alliance is the only path we have left to victory.

: ...... Indeed, it is true, Sir Runan. We have no other choice. With the battle with Istoria fast approaching, we have no men to spare to confront the Empire. An alliance with your army would be exactly what we need. However, I have been betrayed both in Balt and in Marl. Many of our precious troops were lost, and I have been cursing my foolishness ever since. Thus, I felt the need to test your trustworthiness. I shall apologize for my prior insults. Forgive me, Sir Runan.

: Of course. Your cautiousness is all the more proof of your sincerity. Both you and I have been fighting under extreme conditions with a scant number of troops. I understand your wariness, for a single move of your ally could determine your fate.

: Well, well, I see the rumors about you are true. You are a fine leader for your age. Lord Runan, I would like you meet Princess Tia, the leader of our army.

: Yes, that is what we came here for, after all.

: Lord Runan, Princess Tia is a direct descendant of the royal family of Ledah. She is a lady of the highest rank to us lords of the nations in the west. I trust you will treat her with the utmost respect.

: ...I understand.

: Lady Tia, this is Lord Runan of Lazeria.

: Pleased to meet you, Lord Runan. I am Tia, daughter to Duke Trente. I understand that you have accepted an alliance with our army. You have my most sincere thanks.

: Princess Tia, what you do plan to do after you conquer Istoria? Will you rebuild the Kingdom of Ledah?

: You are being disrespectful, Lord Runan! Watch what you say!

: Hold, Richard. Lord Runan, I do not wish for the destruction of Istoria or the reconstruction of Ledah. I have one thing... There is just one thing which I absolutely must accomplish, and I am uniting the people under that cause. The battle with Istoria is merely a stepping stone toward my goal.

: What is it that you wish to accomplish? Will you tell us?

: To destroy the Theocratic State of Garzel and defeat Pope Gwenchaos. That is my mission...

: Defeat Gwenchaos? You?

: I must do this, otherwise I will have to live the rest of my days in fear. I have chosen a path to challenge my fears, rather than to run from them.

: That should be quite enough, Lord Runan. The princess is very exhausted.

: Princess Tia, Gwen is a hated enemy to me as well. Is there anything I can do to help your cause?

: Thank you... But I am sure we are fated to meet again. So until then, I will be praying for your success. May Utona be with you, Lord Runan.

: The Emperor himself has entrusted this division to me. I cannot be sitting in comfort while my generals are risking their lives up front. Now, is everything under control?

: Yes, we have secured both the highroad and the coastline.

: Reports say that Prince Runan of Lazeria is leading the Wellt Army toward Lieve. They have already landed in the Port of Marl.

: Yes, sir. However, his army is but a ragtag group consisting of fresh recruits and volunteer soldiers. They will be no match for the Imperial Army.

: Have you no recollection of the humiliation we suffered in Granada? Do you not remember how many troops we lost to the ragtag group of which you speak?

: If I may object, your highness, our difficulties in Granada were due to Admiral Valce's strategies. With him gone, what can a mere boy of seventeen years possibly accomplish?

: Do not underestimate Prince Runan. His father was a hero who defeated the dragon Cranion alongside my brother. And his mother is a member of the royalty of Lieve, carrying the blood of Carlyon. After many years without a competent king in Lieve, the people praise Prince Runan as the Hero of Granada, and believe that he will liberate their kingdom once and for all. And now, the youth has returned to the mainland leading a legion of Wellt's troops numbering in the thousands. Can you not comprehend the threat he poses, Chamos?

: Yes... It is as you say, sir. My apologies.

: Apology accepted. Now, patrol the front lines with the utmost caution. We are building a legion at Fort Senay, but we still need time. You must hold this post until then. A small number of reinforcements should be arriving within a few hours.

: Yes, I shall keep the enemy at bay with my life!

: I appreciate your bravery, but if you find yourself unable to hold them off, then you must retreat to Fort Senay. Both you and your troops are invaluable citizens of our Kingdom of Canan. You must not throw away your life in vain. Understood, General Chamos?

: Yes, your highness! I hear and obey!
And thats it for the talky part of the chapter. Next time we return to killing stuff