Part 15: Chapter 9 Soldiers of Canaan
Chapter 9 Soldiers of Canaan
Welcome back everyone. Last time we were confronted with a lot of words and got a new recruit out of it. Lets take a look at her
Meriah has decent all around growths and two amazing personal tomes. The one she starts with, Sunlight, is an absurdly powerful and accurate tome. It has 20 mt and almost 100 hit. There is exactly one weapon in the game that outhis this tome and she gets it on level 1 with 50 uses. On the downside it has 12 weight meaning you wont double anything with it baring some serious surge in speed. Oh right I forgot the last thing, it also passively raises her avoid by 30 while equipped. Suffice to say Maharaj can go and stuff it because this tome literally makes almost every mage. Her second tome is quite different but in no way less absurd. In fact even the later mages have personal tomes that trump Maharajs tome quite hard.
Long story short: Barring some serious bad luck she tends to be able to carry herself pretty nicely.
Lets get this party started. This map is called Two Paths
Here is a shot of our opposition. Lets look at them in detail.
The boss is quite a handful. Decent stats a pretty powerful shield and a Silver Sword to wreck your day.
Next up is a Killing Edge and some guys to fuck Norton up because he isnt screwed enough by having 3 move (hes still coming though, odds be damned).
Next up is probably the most dangerous unit to our strongest characters, Zieg and Narron, Even with their beefed up stats they do not want to confront effective weaponry without preparation.
To finish things off we have the requisite Physic asshole and the archery department: the tank has a weapon that attacks 4 times and the archer a brave weapon.

: Hadn't we received word of an Imperial camp stationed near here? Wouldn't it be dangerous to continue on our own?

: It is too late for that, milord. Hostile forces are approaching from up ahead!

: Damn, they found us! We need to hold out until we can rendevous with the rest of our troops!

: Well, well... Talking down to the priests of Garzel, are we? It was your king who revived the teachings of Garzel that the people of Zoa had forgotten for so long. The people of Canan are the direct descendants of Zoa. And now, we of Garzel and you of Canan have joined forces to establish the Empire that the people of Zoa have been yearning for for eight hundred years. How else would you rid your nation of the filthy immigrants from Lieve, after all? It seems the soldiers of Canan are discontent, but have you lost your pride as men of Zoa after being abused by the hounds of Lieve?

: Preposterous! Not one person in Canan would wish for the resurrection of the Dark Empire! What is Garzel? It is the dark god whom our faraway ancestors worshipped when they were but savages roaming the hills. It is an evil god who desires young maidens as sacrifices and brings nothing but disaster in return! The only fools who would worship such a heinous deity in this day and age are you, the insane priests of Garzel!

: Very well, then, may I take that comment as an act of transgression against the Emperor himself? 'Twould be a pity to see you sent to the prison camps in Zoa...

: Erg...

: The Emperor has commanded that those not following the teachings of Garzel be reeducated in the prison camps. Do you wish to be cast away to the Valley of Zoa? Don't worry, I will assure you that your family will be sent along to keep you company... Hahaha...

: Erg... F-Forgive me... I was speaking out of place... Forget what I said earlier... Please...

: Hmph, so long as you know your place. My army of magicians will be arriving soon. You will lead your troops and defend the front lines until my forces are prepared. Retreat is not an option! Tell your troops that those who dare retreat shall be sent to the prison camps along with their families! Understood, General Chamos?

: ...Very well... I shall do as you say... So I pray you to not banish me to that living hell...
There is a familiar face in the desert to the south.

: The old fart said there was supposed to be a landmark somewhere... Where is that blasted Guild Key...
Narcissus is your typical thief. Sky high agility and mediocre stats for the rest. He has a personal mechanic that Ill discuss later on.
In our first turn Ill secure the forest for extra avoid and let the desert troop catch up to the troops seen above while Zieg, Narron and Sasha head throw the desert towards Narcissus to protect his ass till Runan has time to recruit him. Meanwhile Raquel goes and visits the house.

: Secret Shops look like ordinary houses on the outside, but show the residents the Guild Key, and they'll lead you to a hidden room. I used to have the Guild Key, but I lost it in the desert to the south. Perhaps a perceptive thief could find it, but it would probably take a good ten years. I gave up hope long ago.
On turn 2 Narcissus takes some time to whine about his situation.

: A good-looking guy like me can't dry up here... Then I'll just be a good-looking mummy...
The mages have caught up and we prepare to face the initial rush.
Meriah sees her first combat and blasts a guy with her Fire tome.
Narron on the other side of the map is in no joking mood and one hit kills the tank with a crit.
Some reinforcements appear in the south-east corner. Luckily for us cavalry cant traverse the desert so they are confined to the road and Narcissus and Sasha are safe for the moment,
Meriah gets her first level. A bit underwhelming but speed is quite nice if it gets high enough to ruin people with Sunlight.
And I was in such a good mood
More reinforcements.
Runan skewers an armor knight on his rapier.
Meanwhile Maharaj doesnt want to let himself get shown up and receives a defensive level from frying an enemy.
Raquel gets another amazing level from setting up kills fort he weaker members of our team.
Since they cant hurt Narron the enemies reinforcement goes after Zieg, which turns out to be a bad choice overall. They die and Zieg gets pretty bad level (for him at least).
On the next turn we get some more enemies to slaughter, this time in the form of dark mages.
Narron just wants to wreck shit and overkills an enemy for an amazing level.
On the other side of the map Raffin kills one of the remains of the enemies vanguard and gets an acceptable leve from it.
Meanwhile Enteh patches people up across the map for a one stat level with the the only stat that really counts for her.
In this turn the last of the enemies reinforcement arrives and what a reinforcement it is. Witches are one of the first big asshole moves the game pulls on you. While their stats are pathethic it is their warp skill that causes trouble. Warp allows them to teleport themself to any tile on the map and then move and attack. I hope you dont have a weakened unit standing around somewhere because they will kill them.
Another level for Meriah. Speed is important so it could certainly have been worse.
Zieg gets another underwhelming level.
the witches start their suicide mission by warping into our army. Luckily for us I knew they were coming and we are all at full health.As such they are free exp.
And because I dont like them Ill bust out the Starlight tome to shoot them to the moon.
Our southern defense troops all get level. Narrons is the only decent one
We continue with the minimalistic levelups. This time Plum gets it through healing.
No Speed or Magic means its a bad level
Narron gets his last and worst level of the map. Still it ensures enemies will continue to ignore him even if he isnt carrying a shield.
It makes up for her last level and she caps speed at level 17. Not bad considering she only has a 50% growth. Anyhow with almost everyone dead there is something happening at the enemies castle

: You... You demon! Have you no heart at all!?

: Hahaha... We are the chosen people of Garzel. Do not liken us to you pigs of the lower world.

: ...That's it. My patience has come to an end, Bishop Dagon! I will protect the lives of my troops, even if it will cost me my own! Attempt to interfere, and I will not hesitate to cut you down!

: ...Do you dare turn your blade to me, Chamos? Fool... Very well, I have no further use for you. Die!
Well so much for our boss. Dagon is still the same he was when we fought him at the Temple of Mars. Black hole continues to remain dangerous and Hellfire isnt to be underestimated. Luckily for us he remains on the castle instead of using warp murdering our units left and right.
Runan finally made his way through the desert and starts to talk to Runan.

: Narcissus, you were searching for the key to the Thieves' Guild. Have you found it yet?

: No... I just need some water...

: Then go find that key. Bring it to me, and I shall give you something to drink.
Eugen is the one you shouldnt piss off.

: L-Look, old man... I'll find your damn key... So just gimme some water first...

: Hm? Is that how you ask someone for a favor?

: S-Sir Eugen... Please...spare me some water...

: Hmph, very well. You should be grateful for this. Now go find that key!

: Hm? Is that how you ask someone for a favor?

: Gulp, gulp... Phew! I feel alive again! Thanks, old man. I swear I'll repay you some day.

: Really, now? Perhaps you are more honorable than you look. Very well, Narcissus. You may repay me be becoming my personal errand boy.

: Oh, crap...
Narcissus first order of business is picking up the guild key two spaces to the right from his starting position. The guild key has five uses and loses one whenever you enter a secret shop and buy something there.
In other news Meriah kills another dude. More speed is awesome. Defense and HP are a nice extra.
Rememver when I said Narcissus had a special skill? He can mimic other units.
Hell turn into the uint complete with weapon access (as in can use the same weapons) and units type. In this case he gets Sashas access to lances and her movement and flying type. His stats will adjust as well although he will always be worse than the original unit. Still its a nice thing to do to make Narcissus more combat viable after he did his thieving duty. Transforming lasts at least 2 turns.
Raquel starts to fight the boss and it ends in a draw with the difference that I have reinforcements
Just because I didnt want to miss I went with the overkill and dropped a Starlight on his head. I also get rewarded with a great level and Dagons Hellfire tome.
I need nothing more from a cleric level.
While Im on my way back to the secret shop I have Narcissus take the shape of our strongest warrior for now. He is quite a bit weaker than the original Zieg but then again more than half our army is weaker than this imperfect copy.
Ill arrive at the Secret shop e.g. the house from the start with the guild key in my possession.

: Now, follow me. The hidden room is this way...
Ill buy 2 Far Healing staffs and a Thunder Sword. The Main Gauche is a weak sword (mt 2) that raises abvoid by 20.
Ill empty out Narcissus inventory and get ready to capture the castle.
Time to end the map.

: Our healers are tending to his wounds, but I'm afraid he won't last long. He wishes to speak with you. Shall I grant him an audience, my lord?

: Yes, I'll go talk to him. Show me to him, Eugen.

: Yes, my lord.

: Of course. We will guarantee the safety of those who surrender. That is Lazeria's military code. You have nothing to fear, general.

: Ah... I see... You have my thanks... Lord Runan... Please...take this...

: What is this... A steel shield!?

: Please save Canaan... Please country...

: But a general of Canaan, the very backbone of the Empire, begged me to save his country... What's happening?

: The Empire is not an invincible monolith, my lord. King Bahanuk of Canaan spent twenty long years to unite the five kingdoms in the Zoa region and build the Zoa Empire, but the alliance with Garzel was only established two years before. Furthermore, there are rumors that the now aged Emperor Bahanuk has become infatuated with a certain princess as of late, and it is she who is holding the Empire's reins. It is only the hard work of the talented Prince Barca and Prince Julius that has held the Empire together thus far.

: That's right... The Three Stars of Canaan... My father used to tell me about them as a child.

: "The eldest heir to Canaan, Prince Arless, and Lord Glamdr were sworn friends, testing each other's mettle time and time again on the battlefield. The Treaty of Norzeria was only made possible through their efforts.

: But... Muse then burned the treaty to ash...

: Yes, my lord... Lord Glamdr and Prince Arless were brutally murdered, along with thousands of Norzerian citizens.

: Eugen! Who was the one who resurrected the Holy Dragons of Lieve!? Who was vile enough to use the sacred Dragons to massacre innocent people!?

: That I do not know. The people of Zoa believe that their beloved Prince Arless was backstabbed by Lieve, and the people of Lieve think that the attack on Norzeria was the Empire's doing. This bitterness and hatred... It is what everyone has been fearing.

: Everyone...? I wonder...

: What do you mean, Lord Runan?

: Someone who benefits from the conflict between Canan and Lieve... Who could that be...
We get the Steel Shield Chamos was carrying before we head into the next scene.

: Narcissus has fled, my lord! Forgive me, I should have kept a closer eye on him...

: Haha, that's no big deal, is it? Narcissus always said that he wanted to be like a falcon, free to soar the skies. You can't keep him caged up.

: Hmph, he is no falcon, my lord. He is nothing more than a crow, a vile and sneaky crow who snatches others' food for himself!

: You're rather harsh today, Eugen... Is something wrong?

: Er... I am ashamed that I let him out of my sights. He ransacked our treasury before running off. He has taken exactly half of our funds...

: Half of our funds!?

: Fear not, Lord Runan! I shall swear to you that I will hunt him down and reclaim our precious funds. We will behead that rascal as stated in our military code, so until then...
calm down Eugen, He took like 1000G...

: Eugen, I want you to capture him, but don't execute him! I will decide his fate.

: Yes...
One last location to check before finishing this Chapter. Lets see whats happening at Senay.

: I beg of you, if you could only wait a little longer, I promise I will have the taxes paid.
Thats one fabulous looking dude

: Prince Barca acknowledged Senay's autonomy, but he commanded that the taxes being paid to Lieve be given to the Empire!

: Yes... But Lieve never asked for so much... Prince Barca said that the same amount would suffice...

: ...What are you trying to say?

: O-Oh, no, nothing...

: Are you implying that I am embezzling money from you?

: N-No! Never...

: One word to the prince, and I shall massacre every last one of your people. How about if I start with your family?

: H-Have mercy...

: Now go collect the taxes you owe me!

: Y-Yes... At once, my lord...
Another member of Zoan nobility shows up.

: Lord Carnel... You were here?

: My post is in the dull backwater of Selba. I would go mad if I didn't come down to breathe some city air once in a while. I must say that I envy you, Count Pavlov. There seems to be much profit to be made in the city.

: Ah, yes, the city of Senay... Hmph, I cannot trust those dirty merchants. They claim to have no money, yet they manage to keep a group of useless mercenaries wandering the streets. They are merely hiding their riches from our eyes. There is still much profit to be reaped from them.

: What will you do with the riches you earn?

: Make a hefty donation to the Garzel Church, of course. I do care for my safety, after all...

: I see. So you will become a servant of Garzel as well.

: Now, now, are you one to talk, Lord Carnel? I have heard the rumors about you. I hear that you are draining the villages around your post of their valuables. Not only that, but you have been turning women and children over to Garzel as well. Am I right?

: Hmph, I know not of what you speak. Foul rumors, all of them.

: There is no need to put on airs in front of me. The bandits attacking the villages around your post are under your command, are they not? There is nothing to fear, Lord Carnel. Prince Barca is all but powerless. The Garzel Church will rise to become the new power.

: Well, I see that you are no fool, Count Pavlov. Very well, I shall tell you why I came. I have a little favor to ask from you.

: A favor? What is it? I certainly cannot refuse a request from you.

: I would like you to keep a certain rebel imprisoned for me. We captured her earlier last week, but keeping her on my premises is much too risky. I would like to keep her here for the time being.

: A rebel, you say? One of Lionheart's minions... Why do you not save yourself the trouble and kill her off?

: I would never be so foolish! I am not ready to die yet.

: Ha... Pathetic. What makes you fear that band of sewer rats?

: You have no idea... You do not know the viciousness of Lionheart...

: Hmph, very well. I shall take care of the girl. I will torture her to get the location of Lionheart's base so we can crush him once and for all. And she shall face death if she chooses to remain silent...
We move to a nicer room.

: Argh...! You bitch! How dare you spit in my face! I shall teach you to defy me, woman! Take that! And that! And that!

: Count Pavlov... She's fallen unconcious.

: Pant, pant... Then throw more water on her! Don't let her pass out!

: My lord, she will die if you beat her any further. We should call it a day and continue in the morrow.

: Phew... Very well. Throw her into the dungeon, and report to me when she regains conciousness. Also, prepare a stake in the courtyard.

: A stake, my lord?

: Yes, we will publicly burn the girl alive when she wakes up. Hahaha... That will be a sight to see indeed!

: Hm? ...Who are you!?

: You fool! This is Count Pavlov's private quarters. Leave at once!

: Hold, black knight. I have a task for you. Take this girl to the dungeon level. Hand her over to the prison guards and they will take care of the rest.

: Huh? All right, fine... Leave it to me.

: ! ......

: What happened? Why were they beating up a little girl like you?

: ...... You don't know anything, do you...

: What's that supposed to mean?

: Never mind... I'm exhausted. I need to rest...
(Rennie sleeps for a while)

: ......

: Did you sleep well? Looks like my herbs helped a little... At least your fever seems to be gone.

: You... You stayed here in the dungeon with me...? You stayed by my side the whole time?

: Yep. You were sleeping on my lap for about an hour, though.

: O-Oh...

: Whoa, whoa, don't worry. I haven't done anything to you.

: Oh, no, that's not what I was thinking... U-Um... Thank you...

: I'm Mintz. What's your name?

: Rennie... From eastern Selba...

: Lennie, eh? That's a nice name. Anyway, this is no place for a little girl like you. I'll let you escape after reporting to the general, so you're gonna have to hang in there a little longer. Got it?
And thats it for this Chapter. Next time we have to go and kick some nobles asses.
Character Information
Character Stats
Mage -> Sage
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 19 0 7 6 7 6 2 5 4
Stat caps 60 15 19 20 19 30 18 17 12
Promotion Gains +2 +0 +3 +3 +4 +0 +2 +2 +1
Promotion Caps 60 15 22 23 23 30 20 19 12
Growth Rates 35% 0% 30% 35% 45% 30% 35% 10% 0%
Life or Death (lvl 15 Mage), Geomancy (lvl 12 Sage), Heaven Saint (lvl 30)
Meriah is the second mage you get. Her personal tomes are absurdly powerful and her stats are more or less the same as Maharaj starting out. Her growths are distributed better as well (a stunning 30 magic growth... Why is this good
). Her skills are interesting... You have to decide whether you want Life or Death (Wrath in newer FE games) or Geomancy (Luna in the newer games) since you cant get both the normal way. You may be able to teach it through skill houses later in the game but at that time she will compete with other units for them. Barring some major misfortune Starlight alone is usually a good enough reason to at least try to use her and it makes her almost fail proof by how absurd it is.