Part 17: Intermission 6 Another celebration and Holmes departure
Intermission 6 Another celebration and Holmes departure
Sorry for the delay in updates. Work and having to write a paper is kinda killing my mood for transcribing things but I should be back on track in about 2 weeks when I meet the deadline for the paper. Anyhow before tackling Map 11 weve got some more
to go through.
Well start with the celebration of Runan squad after their victory last time.

: May I help you, Sir Mayor?

: I am representing the city council of Senay. I have come to inform you of a very important decision that we have made.

: Good sir, I am exhausted after fighting nonstop today. Pardon my bluntness, but would you please get to the point?

. Ah, forgive me. We have decided that Senay, too, shall join the Utona Alliance.

The Utona Alliance? I'm afraid I don't follow.

: Hahaha, come now, prince. Princess Tia and Prince Richard's Ledah Alliance has united with your Wellt-Lazerian Alliance to form an army to stand up against the Zoa Empire. It is the birth of a new union under the protection of Utona, the Goddess of Light. The Utona Alliance shall gather forces from around the continent to battle the heathens from Zoa who worship Garzel, the God of Darkness. Why, the announcement was made just this morning.

: I haven't heard any such report...

: Oh? Prince Richard held a most magnificent speech at Castle Marl earlier today.
All of you good men and women who believe in the righteous goddess, Utona! Join our cause to bring an end to the Empire's tyranny once and for all!'

: I see... And Senay would certainly not miss a chance to curry favor with a new and rising power.

: Hahaha... It is as you say.

: However, Senay has no military. We sought out volunteers from our mercenaries, and these two answered the call of duty. Please accept them in your ranks.

: I am Sharon, formerly a knight of Barge. I am overjoyed at the creation of the Utona Alliance, and am fully prepared to fight to the death to reclaim my country. Please allow us to join your alliance!

: I'm Billford, a knight under Lady Sharon. I'm more than ready to take on the Empire and reclaim what's ours. Count us among your ranks, prince.

: Now, Prince Runan, we of Senay have prepared a banquet to celebrate the brave warriors of the Utona Alliance. Please take this time to relax and rest yourselves.
Understatement of the year.

: But Eugen said you had potential, and he certainly doesn't say that about people very often. There's no need to feel pressured. Just keep strengthening yourself, at whatever pace feels right for you.

: Yes, I'll do my best! Thank you, Lord Runan!
This establishes a support between Narron and Runan which unfortunately is Narrons only one

: You have feelings for him, don't you?

: What? That certainly wasn't a question I'd have expected from you. Why do you ask?

: You're making a big mistake, Kate. Zieg isn't trustworthy. I'm pretty sure Lord Runan feels the same way, too. You can tell by the way he uses Zieg.

: Don't talk about Zieg like that! We can trust him! You just don't know him well enough.

: Then you do, huh? You think you know what he's really like?

: ...I definitely know him better than you or Lord Runan.

: Ha... I guess you're a woman, too, huh? You're tricked just like that by a guy's appearance.

: So are you! You're suspicious of him just because he used to be a knight of Garzel! Have you ever thought that he might have been forced to become a dark knight against his will? Some things can't be helped... Things that can't be understood by well-off people like us!

: Whoa, no need to get so upset. I'll apologize if I struck a nerve there. Sorry, Kate.

: ...No, it's all right. Just leave me alone...

: Could I have a little wine, too? I want to see what it tastes like.

: Absolutely not! You must not drink until you are old enough, Lady Sasha.

: ...Please?

: No. I would be the one to be scolded by Queen Liza if I allowed such a thing. I am under strict orders to look after you.

: Aw, you're no fun, Kate! This is no different than when we were back at the castle!

: What? My wyvern... Garuda is here?

: Yes, he's flying right above us as we speak. He's anxious to see you.
I would have thought that having a wyvern/dragon circling above town would cause someone to worry but apparently thats happening all the time nowadays.

: Garuda...
Is a Yes or No kind of thing a) necessary and b) so hard to translate even if you arent literal?


: You always looked best in that outfit, Raffin. It was certainly enough to make me fall for you back then...

: Sharon, you've done so much for me, and I'm very grateful. But... I've chosen to cast away my true self until we reclaim our nation. So...if you could wait just a little longer...

: I know... I made the same choice. But still... Being all alone on a night like this is too much to bear.

: Sharon, I'll get us some wine, so wait here. Let's spend this night celebrating our reunion, just the two of us.

: Yes... Together, only the two of us... Just like the days long past...
Thats it for Runans squad for now. Lets see whats happening in other parts of the world.

: Dammit all to hell! You're all just a bunch of useless idiots, you know that!?

: But boss, we were up against the Wellt Army! They're more than a match for pirates like us.

: The Wellt Army? You sure about that?

: Positive, boss. Looks like they've left for the mainland, though.

: Huh... Then that means there ain't nothin' but a handful of soldiers left in Wellt right now. Hey, this could be a big chance! All right, boys, let Yazam in Taurus know about this! We could take over the entire country if we're lucky!
Never change Holmes

: For Utona's sake... He's the captain of the Isla pirates! How many times do you have to forget his name?

: Oh, right. And what were you saying about him?

: We found his base. He's hiding out in an old port on the west coast of Wellt. So why don't we go over there and kick his ass?

: Great! All right, it's been a while since we've flown our flag of the mighty lion. Let the Sea Lion set sail!

: Let's go down to Saura and rake up some loot!
Anyone remembers the boss of chapter 2? He wants another trashing... First of all we have to get off the insland and towards Castle Wellt to pick up out newest recruit.

: Even on a clear day like this, we can't see as far as Isla...

: Katri...

: What is it, Xeno?

: Do you want to see your parents, Katri? You don't resent them for abandoning you?

: I've never resented my parents. If they're alive, then I would give anything to meet them, even just once. I want to be embraced by them... I want to feel my parents' warmth.

: ...You've lived a life without hardship, Katri. You don't know how fortunate you are for being able to think like that.

: What about you, Xeno? Do you hate your parents?

: Until Admiral Valce rescued me, I was a slave, owned by a wealthy family of nobility. They used to force me to work day and night, without even giving me enough to eat. The family's children bullied and made fun of me to no end, and one day, I lost my temper and smacked one of them across the face. The master of the household pressed a hot iron against my back as a punishment, shouting to me that I wasn't human, that I was just an animal whose only worth was to work for him until I died. I felt so enraged, and yet so powerless... That was the first time I felt true hate for my parents. I cursed them every day for bringing me into the world, only to throw me away to suffer.

: "Xeno... I'm sorry... I don't know how to say this, but... I have no doubt that your parents loved you. You have such beautiful eyes, and such a kind heart... They must be gifts from your father and mother. I can't believe that parents like that would abandon their child. Something terrible must have happened to force them to abandon you. So, Xeno, let's find them! Let's find both of our parents. And once we do, we can help them... We can save them from the harsh lives that forced them to abandon their children.

: ...You're really an odd girl, Katri. The words that come out of your mouth... They're like a soft melody that cleanses the hearts of those who listen. Katri... Do you think we can stay friends?

: Of course! I like you, Xeno. I would never leave you even if you told me to. I want you to always stay by my side...

: ...If we were still children... But... It's not possible, no matter how hard we wish...

: Well, he's sixteen, right? I was wondering about my parents when I was his age.

: Really? So you asked Yoda about your real parents?

: Yup. And you know what he said? He told me flat-out that my father was a dark swordsman, and that my mother was a witch, both pure-blooded Zoans from Garzel. I mean, I'm glad he didn't try to hide the truth, but geez, that was a little heavy for a fifteen-year-old kid, you know?
Yoda sounds awesome

: Hahaha! Come on, you should expect no less from Yoda. But, hey, I wouldn't care even if your parents were ogres or zombies. We're ourselves, after all. Who gives a damn about our parents!

: You really are twisted when it comes to your parents. You still can't get over the fact that your mother left you?

: Of course I've gotten over it! Sure, I was in shock when I was still a kid, but now I just feel sorry for her. I'm surprised she lasted a full five years together with my old man. He wasn't exactly the most responsible man around when it came to family matters.

: Your mother left when you were three, right? You must remember at least a little of her.

: Yeah, I do... I couldn't forget even if I tried.

: You don't know where she went after that?

: No idea. My old man would never tell me. But she was still young when she left... She's probably remarried by now. Wherever she is, I just hope she's happy...

: Roger!? What are you doing back in Wellt? Well, all right... Go ahead, you can pass.

: So you have come to aid our country as an ally of Lord Runan. You have my most sincere thanks, Sir Holmes.

: Nah... No need to thank us...

: Our queen wishes to express her gratitude as well, but she is currently ill. She has asked to thank you on her behalf. Again, you have our deepest thanks.

: Nah... Don't worry about it...

: Now, Sir Holmes, please follow me. We shall provide you with some troops of our own.

: Hey, Katri, come with me. I want to hear what you have to say.

: Huh? ...Why me? I don't know anything about soldiers.

: Just come. Say whatever comes to mind. Don't worry, I'm not actually expecting you to say anything useful...

: Okay...
Before we pick up Lionel, lets see what Katri and Holmes have to say about the others.

: A monk, huh...

: My name is Lee. I am a bishop in the service of Count Maron. I may not be handy with a blade, but I have magical skills to offer.

: What do you think, Katri?

: ......

: Hey, are you listening? What's the matter?

: Huh? Oh, I'm sorry... I was just remembering the lord bishop who raised me like his own daughter...

: Are you good with the axe?

: I sure am. I'm Ezekiel, expert of front-line combat!

: What do yout think, Katri?

: He's strong, and he seems like a very nice man. But...

: Are you a hunter? What's your name?

: "I am Ruka, from a village north of Gram. I didn't volunteer so I would be stuck here guarding the castle! Please, take me with you!

: He certainly seems motivated. I wonder what's driving him so much...

: Sorry, kid, I'm the only archer we need. Besides, can you really pull a bowstring with those skinny arms of yours?

: I'll do my best! You're my idol, Sir Holmes! Please, take me with you!

: Well, let's see...

: What's your name?

: Y-Yes! I am Narron. I'm still an apprentice knighted just a few months ago, but I promise I'll do my best! Please take me with you!"

: What do you think, Katri?

: He seems like a very nice person. I think I could be good friends with him. But...

: But what?

: I don't think he would last long under you... He looks like the type who would get picked on...

: You're the guard we met at the gate.

: I'm Lionel, a Spear Knight of Wellt. I'm good at swift attacks with my lance. I won't let you down.

: What do you think, Katri?

: He seems like a nice man...

: ...Is that all?

: Yes...

: Hmm...
We pick Lionel and are on our way.
Some random schmucks get in our way and I use them to level our troops a bit. Here are the results

Could be better
Alright, I guess.
Next stop. Temple of Mars!

: Mother... I'm sorry I caused you so much worry.

: No, it's all right as long as you're safe. And Roger...

: Forgive me, Lady Sylpheeze. I should have come for Mel much earlier, but I couldn't muster up the courage...

: Don't worry, Roger. My father had no objection to the two of you. All we ever wished for was your happiness.

: Oh, Mother...!

: Mel, this is a present for you in celebration of your happiness. This is a powerful staff that can boost the magical power of its target. Here, I'll put a seal so that only you can wield it. Use it to protect Roger from magical attacks.
Lady, youre doing it wrong

: Thank you, Mother!

: You have my deepest thanks, Lady Sylpheeze...
The magic staff boosts Magic by 7 for one chapter. Obviously I wont use it for defense purposes but to nuke people
Last stop: Verje!

: I was so close, though! It we only had a little more time...

: Enough rubbish, just run! I don't want to be a hindrance to the rest of the group.

: Yeah, yeah... Whoa! Hey, watch it! Look where you're going!
Meet Leteena whoms recruitment is bullshit and since we now dont have Ezekiel needs some death related tricks to have her stay with us once recruited.

: Archis! You're the one who crashed into her first! Are you all right, miss?

: Y-Yes...

: You...!?

: Hey, Kreiss, what're you doing!? I'm gonna leave you behind!

: Go on ahead without me. I'll catch up later.

: Fine, you said it!

: ...Is this all you were carrying? Would you like to me escort you home...?

: No, I'm fine. Thank you very much...

: I'm Kreiss, a knight of Lazeria.

: Thank you, Sir Kreiss. Well, then, I must be off...

: Yes, Elette...

: Don't hesitate to ask if you need me to go along. I'd be happy to accompany you.

: Excuse me.

: Yes? ...Hello, can I help you?

: I found this brooch earlier today... I believe the lady to whom it belongs lives here.

: Oh... Yes, this is Leteena's. Please wait a moment, I'll call my sister...

: ...Thank you.

: No... I should have noticed it earlier, but I only found it after you had already left. The townsfolk told me where you live...

: Yes, you just have to ask where the blind girl lives. It's no secret, after all...

: ...... Your sister mentioned your name, Leteena. My name is..."

: Sir Kreiss... You told me earlier.

: Oh, right... I'm sorry...

: Why are you apologizing? I don't appreciate sympathy.

: Oh... No, that's not what I...

: I'm sorry, but it's time to go to church. Good day, Sir Kreiss!
Thats it for now. Next time we encounter far less words and more murder