Part 23: Chapter 16 The Floating Eyeball Massaker
Chapter 16 The Floating Eyeball Massaker
Welcome back everyone. I apologize for the downtime between updates but this chapter was the most boring and rage inducing slog immaginable. But more about that once we start the map. First of all we head towards Memel cave via Liguria Keep.

Nothing we didnt already know for about 12 chapters by now.

The Power staff is pretty nice, raising one characters strength by 10 for the entirety of the chapter its used in. Just imagine it on Narron or one of the sword masters

Time to start the chapter. Its called Monsters from the Darkness.

Fuck you Holmes...

Here is our glorious opposition fort he day. The general monsters are fast little fuckers that will double almost our entire team while being able to two shot about half of our team as well. On the bright side they give pretty nice experience points and dont have the best hit. In other news however they can split themselves, cutting their Hp in half and spawning a new one besides themselves. Even with abyssmal hit if they throw enough punches at you, you will go down.

As fort he Queen Ant Its pretty beefy in its own right, Can oneshot about half of our team, will revive once upon death and can spawn up to four lesser enemies on its turn. Lots of fun. Given our team composition I have to take things exceptionally slow taking quite a bit of risks to finish the map. Luckily both monsters are weak to bows so Holmes can wreck them if he desires.
Presentation wise its going to be lots of level up screens seeing as the monsters barring the boss dont have any animations.

Holmes takes first blood, as Samson missed it on his turn.

While slowly advancing, Sun starts wetting her Blade. By the end of this map she will have gained 17 levels... the power of Elite.

Meanwhile the boss isnt fucking around and starts up the swarm production.

Katri turns into a dragon and starts Operation roadblock, while Attrom, Yuni, Frau, Sun and Plum start going the long way around the swamp to reach the chests and fight in a more controlled enviroment.

Alicia start of the leveling gallery by killing a weakened eyeball, thats trying to reach her past the roadblock.

Katri covers her for the opposing turn.

Axe-units finally start to gain some strength

Screw you

Sun and Alicia kill off some weakened units hanging around.

Plum gains a level from dancing while we slowly move up.

Holmes certainly seems to have a good time killing monsters

Sun baits an Eyeball into attacking her and gains a good level from it.

Were slowly advancing further.

More strength! Also he learns Gale here. Unfortunately everythings ridiculously fast so it doesnt come into effect.

Could be better...

We almost arrived at the first treasure chest

Team Exploration picks up a few more underwhelming levels.

Alicia fries another eyeball.

Sun now got Elite in addition to this great level. Let the leveling avalanche begin.

We grab our first chest which turns out to be a Knight Proof.

Sun needs some strength but otherwise Im fine with this given that these are her reduced stats.

It doesnt seem to end

More strength and a great level for Alicia as well.

No comment

Yuni start heading into the swamp fort he chest.


A great level for Attrom wins me over.

Were slowly getting towards the boss.

Another promotion item.

Team roadblock starts moving as well.

Two decent levels and two empty levels in a row

Frau and Sun start clearing up the enemies to the north. Samson takes the southeast and Attrom takes the southwest. The result are a shit ton of levels.

Things look much nicer now but dont make the mistake and let your weaker units get too close to the boss. He can still spawn more full HP enemies which, as mentioned before, will ruin their day. We clean up some more so another barrage of levels incoming.

Holmes learns Rising Dragon here which is pointless until his promotion given that it can only activate in melee range.

Ive had enough of the bosses bullshit and burn him and his minions to death.

He revives and summons more minions which I miss on the next turn

Afterwards I reteat since I dont know how long the transformation is going to last.

We grab another promotion item from the chest to the north.

This has been going on for entirely too long and that ass is still spawning new stuff

Some more levels from cleaning up the mess. Sun has made up for her two empty levels earlier on.

Yuni tries to get ot the last chest of the map since I need Holmes for distraction purposes and to ruin the bosses day.

Attrom kills an eyeball and receives the wrath of Queen Eyeball in return.

And Suns murder spree comes to a close for his map.

Here I make a grave miscalculation as a hit by the boss would have killed Holmes resulting in a game over. I was lucky he dodged and finished off the boss for good.

We pick up a Gatling Bow here.

And we finally get the item we need to finish this hellhole. I cant decide whether this was worth it for the repair staff (the levels are a different matter).

One last cutscene for now.

And thats it fort his chapter. Next time we have an intermission and a return to Runans squad.