Part 24: Intermission 7 Runan returns
Intermission 7 Runan returns
Welcome back. It is time to finish up Holmes part of the story for now and get back to our other squad thats resting in Senay. For that Holmes has to return to Braad

: What? N-No, you idiot! We're not like that! Give us separate rooms!

: Oh? I'm sorry, I thought you were siblings.

: ...... O-Old man...

: ......
Time to see how Runan is faring after a night of partying.

: Then we need to be off as soon as we can. Waiting will only give the enemy more time to strengthen Balt's defenses.

: Indeed. However, there is just one thing that is bothering me...

: I know... We have no adequate defense in the north. If we leave Senay unguarded, the Imperial forces stationed at Fort Selba might attack us from behind. But that might be a risk we have to take...

: Lord Runan, if I may suggest a solution...

: Another one of your schemes, Eugen? Very well, let's hear it.

: Are you familiar with Lord Lionheart, the former Duke of Selba?

: I've heard of him. A fierce warrior known as the Wolf of the Grasslands, he led an army of but a hundred men to face down an entire Imperial legion. Although he eventually lost Castle Selba to the Empire, he's still putting up a strong resistance to this day.

: Exactly. My plan is to send a messenger to Lord Lionheart to offer to attack Castle Selba together. While the Imperial forces in Selba are busy fending him off, we may slip away and attack Fort Balt."

: So you're suggesting that we use Lord Lionheart?

: Well, if you insist on putting it that way... We shall give our apologies after we successfully capture Fort Balt.

: ...All right. Send a messenger to Lord Lionheart requesting a joint attack on Selba."

: Yes, my lord. Then my plan it is!

: No. We're going up north with half of our troops. We will recapture Selba with Lord Lionheart, then move on to Balt!

: That would leave me isolated, surrounded by enemies... Erg... What shall I do...
Lets see how Lionheart takes up our message. Apologies for the lack of screenshots but for some reasons the patch didnt translate this part or the text boxes dont show things. Still its the last thing thats covered in the script Ive been using so I can still cover this.

: Hm... A message from Lord Runan requesting a joint attack?

: Yes, my lord. Lord Runan has already captured Senay. He is marching north with half of his troops, so he wishes to join forces with us and recapture Selba.

: Can this Runan be trusted? I hear he is still a boy of seventeen.

: Well, rumor has it that he held his own when meeting with Prince Richard. He seems to be quite an individual.

: Held his own against Richard, you say? Interesting... I would like to meet this brave young man.

: Then shall we attack Selba?

: Well, we have joined the Utona Alliance, so we shouldn't be fighting alone forever. Rennie still hasn't returned, and I have a score to settle with that vile Carnel... But the problem is Archduke Ahab. He might attack Braad in my absence. We don't have nearly enough troops to afford to leave some behind to defend the city..."

: What about Sir Holmes, my lord? I shall go ask him myself if you would allow it...

: You're right, Holmes is the only one we can ask. Could you go to the inn he's staying at and try to negotiate?

: Yes, immediately, my lord!
(Scene switch)

: All right, no problem. If Runan's involved, there's no way I'll say no. You can leave the city to us.

: Thank you very much, Sir Holmes!

: Be careful. We'll be praying for your safety.

: Yes, thank you. We shall be praying for yours as well!
(Scene switch)

: Holmes agreed? Very well, now that we can leave Braad in his good hands, let us march towards Selba! Shirou, tell the troops to make preparations for departure immediately."
Next time we initiate the Pincer Attack on Duke Carnel.