Part 27: Chapter 19 Recapturing Salia Village
Chapter 19 Recapturing Salia Village
Welcome back. Last time we captured Balt Fortress (or whats left from it) and met Lady Claris who asked us to go with her to Salia Village, which unknown to her is currently under attack. Well Time to get started.
The Chapter is called a Chance Encounter.

: I can feel something
the village.. Salia village has been attacked!

: The village? Lady Claris please stay here. Well go and see what happened.

: Please do. There is something important waiting for you in the village.

: Ah, wait
please! Lord Loffaru!
Here is an outlook on the monsters of this chapter. We got some Gargoyles to the north which are quite fast and have a chance to crit but wont hit hard otherwise. We got some gold mummies which are harmless and are only there to give someone good xp. Lastly we got some ogres which are virtually the same as the one last chapter. This leaves the human opposition.
There are some mages around with their annoying magic which has a range of 3 and good power.
Some Dark Soldiers with the powerful but inaccurate Devil Spear.
Some annoying summoners.
And the boss who has a Physic staff and a powerful AoE tome which is usuable every two turns and has a reach of 5.
Joining us as a guest unit is Loffaru himself. His class has the same caps as Narron and can use all weapons making it the strongest in the game. Unfortunately Loffaru is the only one with that class and his base stats and growth arent that good making the class go to waste. Still he is in no immediate danger since he can take out the monsters and soldiers swarming him by himself as long as his sword is intact. Still we want to get there asap as otherwise we lose valuble experience.
Rachel, Raffin and Shirou are going after the summoner with the Gargoyle Staff seeing how Raffin is fast and Raquel and Shirou deal effective damage against them. My cavalry is bating the mummies out so Rennie can farm them in the mid while the rest makes a beeline for Loffaru or stays out of harms way if they are Kate and Sharon.
The mages try to annoy Zieg, who has already capped Strength, Speed and Skill last chapter and is only 2 off capping magic as well.
Loffaru killed about the entire northern force on counter attacks.
Narron is killing one of the mages and Rennie picks up an ok level from one of the experience pinatas.
Meriah however gets a great level from frying an ogre.
Narron plays the bait for the mummies so Rennie has an easier time farming them. Although I really miss Plum in this instance because being restricted to murdering a single one in a turn can be quite annoying. Still that placement wasnt the smartest.
The summoners do their thing and spawn some monsters.
Raffin gets a bad case of worm investation
Loffaru kills another 2 dudes on counterattacks.
The boss puts the hurt on Rennie and Narron punishing me for my stupid placement.
Enteh fixes her right up though.
Raquel and Maharaj get rid of a few monsters on their own. Meanwhile Sasha visits one of the houses.

: I beg of you, Please save the village from Garzels Mage Warriors!!
Samson or Bartz are going to be delighted once the two teams meet again.
More summons.
We fend off the counter attack of the enemy and Runan crits an ogre for a nice level.
And in good old tradition enemies continue to jump on Loffarus blade.
Im lucky I guess
Sasha gets rid of another mage. Level still isnt good though.
Stop with the almost pure luck levels or I will start going into Britney Spears songs and nobody wants that
Raffin fails to kill the mage here (although since I needed a crit its okay I guess..)
And this is why I needed to kill that mage. The boss loves to heal the summoners.
Another wave of summons.
Mages still try to annoy most of the cast although luckily most dodge them.
Two gold mummies kill themselves on Mintz. That wasnt the plan
Runan crits another ogre.
Strength please. You got the Salia tome for a reason.
Another mage bites the dust.
Sasha can convince her father to stop hogging all the xp and have a talk with her.

: Father

: Hey, when are you going to stop crying? Everyone will laugh at you!

: But, but... I though you might have died in battle, that I couldnt see you anymore... I was so worried.. so Im happy to stay just like this. Your chest is so big and warm.

: I have to thank Runan for this. Sasha?

: Yes?

: No, its nothing. From now on I will fight alongside Sir Runan as well. Why dont you go back to Wellt for now? Liza is waiting for you, isnt she?

: I do not want to! I wont leave you. I will come even if you forbid me from doing so!

: Hahaha! I knew you were going to say that. You are Lizas daughter after all. The Salia warrior blood is boiling, I see! Well, fine then. I will talk with Sir Runan about it.

: Really? Thank you father!
Sasha gets a nice stat boost from this conversation.
Runan continues his critting rampage and kills of the second to last mage who isnt a summoner.
Narron takes on the last one.
Loffaru visit the building he came from.

: If you fight against them you wont leave the fight unscathed. If you use this staff your comrades wounds should heal. I hope you will find it useful.
The Physic staff comes at the right time given that the old one is about to break down.
He heals the summoner to the top right for the second time.
We kill a few more of the monsters and get the typical level for this map out of it.
Runan crits some more (or activates Dragon for triple damage) and gets one good and one bad level from it.
Loffaru comes over to have a talk with him.

: Glamdrs son, that short boy, who would have though that hed grow this much. Meeting you again fills me with happiness.

: Yes me as well. Seeing your Majesty in good health... nothing could make me happier.

: Sir Runan, Please take this.

: This is?

: The prized sword of the Kingdom of Wellt, Mainstar. It can cut through any armor and has the power to heal your wounds. Im sure youll be able to use it to its fullest, Sir Runan.

: The prized sword of the Kingdom of Wellt... I cannot possibly accept such a precious treasure!

: Of course you can! If wed asked, you would have stopped Kodders ambitions and protected Sasha and Liza, wouldnt you? As a warrior and as King of Wellt I am heavily indepted to you, Sir Runan. As a man you should understand a warriors feelings. Please accept this without hesitation.

: Alright then. I will accept your kindness.

: Prince Runan, first we have to regain the palace. After that you have to fill me in on the whole story.

: Yes, your Majesty Loffaru!
We receive said sword from this conversation. Its an effective weapon against armor and works like a Nosferatu tome with 12 might.
Sasha visits the last house of the map.

: It has a tremendous power but using it to its full potential will be quite difficult. It would be great if your allies could use it but...
Another flame tome for Meriah.
Speaking of her. She roast a Gargoyle.
Raquel brutally murders another gargoyle with a crit for 73 damage and gets a mildly useful level from it.
The remaining summoners havent given up yet.
Shirou gets attacked and gets a good level from it.
Raffin copies that good level.
Raquel and Raffin double team the summoner to finally get rid of him.
Rennie still doesnt like me and gets no strength.
Narron gets rid of the bosses personal guard and is one away from capping strength.
We start to get rid of the last allies of the boss and still receive shitty levels from it.
Loffaru crits a skeleton...
and Narron gets rid of the last summoner.
Raquel continues to be amazing
Zieg and Narron kill the last skeletons.
Enteh heals Narron up and grabs a defense level up.
Now only the boss remains. Be careful when engaging him as he is partially bugged in the patched version. His battle quote can crash your emulator. You can be lucky and skip the dialogue before the bug occurs or you can take the safe route make a save state and load it in an unpatched rom to kill him.
For this second run it didnt occur so I can enjoy the good level for Narron without having to switch around roms.
Time to finish the chapter.

: More important Lady Claris... His Majesty Loffaru is...

: Prince Runan, Im allright. My body is healed and I will fight with all my power.

: Seeing his Majesty figure makes the young soldier rejoice. Please teach us immature ones.

: No. Because of my error many soldiers lost their lives, whereas I lived. As a king, I am ashamed. I thik I owe an apology to the people of Wellt. I shall bring down the empire even if it means my life! I have endured shame and lived on only for that day!

: King Loffaru, At this moment, as the leader of the Alliance Army, I ask you to take command of all forces. I will be honored to help you with all my might as one of your generals.

: I cannot do that. Im only the general of an defeated army. The commander should stay the same. Sir Runan that position is yours.

: But...

: If youll excuse me, I have many things to talk about with the other generals.

: His majesty must suffer greatly under the weight of the lost lives of his soldiers.

: Indeed. I can understand his feelings. For now we should leave him alone.

: Lady Claris, why would the Gazel Priestdom attack such a remote village.? Do you know anything about that, Lady Claris?

: Yes. I shall tell you everything. Lord Runan you are aware of the incident one year ago when the Holy Dragon Muse destryoed the city of Norzelia, are you?
No he isnt... Its just where his father was fried....

: Yes, of course.

: My father Octobas and Eisenbach the Elder have fought against Pope Gwenchaos in order to stop Muse from slaughtering any more. In their effort they managed to recover the Ring of Lieve and rescued Princess Melve.

: Princess Melve? But Ive never heard of a princess in the royal family of Lieve with that name...?

: She is usually not known, but she was the last daugther born between the King and Lady Elena. Since she was born with the Holy Traces of Yutona she was quickly entrusted to Noble Nalis of the Water Sanctuary. It was forbidden to have her leave the sanctuary under any circumstances.

: She must have been misrable... To be segregated to the Sanctuary just because of the Holy Traces of Yutona.. just what you would expect from King Badohm.

: Any king would have done the same. Just because of one Holy Dragon, Two of the Holy Kingdoms of the continent were erased in the blink of an eye. Fearing the resurrection of the Holy Dragons, everyone on the continent shares these feelings. In reality even here in Salia, because of the birth of a princess with the Holy Traces of Yutona, the royal family died out.

: But Lady Claris, the power to transform into one of the Holy Dragons should be a power given to the 4 maidens by the Goddess Yutona to protect mankind from the God of Evil. Following Kranions example and embracing fear... Is that not a mistake?

: Yes if used properly, the form of the Holy Dragon is a force of justice. However, the priestress controlling the Holy Dragon is a girl less than 20 years old. If she is used by evil men than the Force of Justice will be warped into a God of Destruction. To be honest the City of Norzelia was destroyed for Muses sake..

: Then Princess Melve is...?

: Yes. Gwenchaos killed one of the 4 sages, Lord Maios of the Water Sanctuary and snatched the princess and the Ring of Lieve. Then using the dorment magic power of Princess Melve, he awaked Muse who lied dorment in her body. After attacking the city of Norzelia Lady Melve regained her senses und understood what she had done. She used as much power as she could to resits Gwenchaos magic power, but as long as he had the ring, she could not stand against him.

: Poor thing... I thought Muse was my fathers mortal enemy but Gwenchaos is the only one who deserves to be hated for what happened.

: Father and Elder Eisenbach fought against Gwenchaos, and in exchange for my fathers life the ring and the princess could be recovered.
Lord Eisenbach told me that he might not be able to withstand an attack by Gwenchaos and entrusted me with the Ring of Lieve. Gwenchaos must have gotten ahold of the information and attacked the village in order to retrieve the ring from me.

: Lady Claris, now I finally understand why Elder Eisenbach was killed when the Sanctuary of Mars was attacked. Princess Melve was hidden in the Water Sanctuary and when Gwen came to take her...

: Yes. When I heard that Elder Eisenbach was killed I realized that sooner or later this day would come.

: But there is still one thing I do not understand. Where is Princess Melve now? Was she captured by Gwenchaos during the battle at the Mars Sanctuary?

: Lord Runan, have you not realized it yet?
No. He is a complete moron.

: Eh?

: I understand. Let us continue this conversation later.
Anyone surprised? No? I thought so.

: Im sure Prince Runan would understand. Be brave and ask for his help.

: Yes...

: Thats good. Then let me give back the Ring of Lieve to you, Lady Melve.

: But thats...!

: Instead of me carrying it, it is safer for Lady Melve to be its bearer. Prince Runan will surely protect you.

: ...

: Lady Melve, you talked about this once. When you were a child you saw the outside world for a meager three days. From that time you ket thinking about the young man you met. My father told me that Lord Glamdr pitied you and, ready to be marked a rebel, brought you to Lazeria. But in the end the King came to know of it and you were brought back to the Water Sanctuary, were you not?
I smell a romance subplot...

: Yes.

: Lord Runan does not remember anything from that time?

: No.

: Really? Dont you think Lord Runan might have noticed and just pretended to not know?

: But why...? Why should he pretend to not know? When we first met, if he had really relaized who I was, we could have talked about everything. I would have been spared these cruel thoughts...

: Lady Melve, try to be brave. For the sake of yourself and the Ring of Lieve.
We got two last conversations in Braad and then we are done with the chapter.

: Once we defeat him Salias restoration wont be a dream any longer.

: No, I will not become king. Governor of Selba is enough.

: But except Ahab, youre the only remaining member of the Salia royal family, right? King Dagnel and his cousin Lord Robert were killed by the young Prince Ahab. The Princess disappeared and Lord Robert only had 3 daugthers... If there is someone capable of protecting the country during the following riots, it can only be you. After all you are the brother of Lord Robert who fell in battle. You share the same blood as the king, being his cousin and Claris believes in you, her departed husbands brother. Cmon take the Salia throne! Everything will end well! Youre going to be happy!

: Holmes, youre really eager to make me King of Salia. Care to tell me the reason?

: Hey, it got nothing to do with me. Im just an adventurer, an outsider, you see?

: Just an adventurer, hmm? Well so be it. I put the knights in charge of the defence of Selba but I alone should be enough for the city itself. Thank you for all your help. Now go and do as you please. Youre just an adventurer so you need to go out and do some more adventuring. Hahaha!

: Tch, whats up with this guy? His personality is worse than I thought...

: Old caslte Leda. I heard that the cave in Mt. Erial opened up, so we can finally get through Leda Valley.

: Leda valley?

: A long time ago, The Leda Royal Palace was there, but today its only a wasteland filled with magical beasts. But if we want to get our hands on the Duklion we have to go there.

: Ok. Lets go Holmes. Ill do my best too. I want to see Atrrom happy.
Join me next time as I make my way through random encounters and a wasteland filled with monsters.
Character Informations
Character stats
Kings Knight
HP Str Mag Skl Agl Luk Wlv Def Mov
Base stats 41 17 2 16 13 12 13 15 7
Stat Caps 60 25 15 25 25 30 20 23 12
Growth Rates 50% 15% 0% 20% 15% 30% 15% 15% 0%
Life of Death (starting), City Fighter (starting), Big Shield (starting), Charge (lvl 32), Anti-Evil (lvl 37)
Loffaru comes with the best class in the game. It can use all weapons and has the best caps together with Narrons Gold Knight. Unfortunately Loffarus stats and growths are not that good. Still he can last through the game especially seeing how our cavaliers sans Narron and Sun have turned out.