Part 30: Intermission 9 Making sense out of TearRing Saga
Intermission 9 Making sense out of TearRing SagaBefore facing the Dragon Kranion in the next map, lets summarize what has happened so far at the time of the game and before. I can try and piece things together as good as I can but I cant promise youll be better off afterwards since information is scarce and the translation changes so much that trying to piece together information about the same place can be quite challenging. Still here we go.

This is the world map of the game. It is an island continent on the Moraton Sea. Some names may be different from the once I used since I at least tried to stick with the one that showed up first to not make it too difficult for the readers to follow. The Continent consists out of the the four Kingdoms of Canaan, Reeve/Lieve, Salia and Leda. To the north lies an unnamed continent where the Emiyu race originated from and to the far east lies the continent of Jugd, which, seeing as this was supposed to be an official game in the series, at least in Kagas mind, would probably have been the continent of Judgral e.g. the place where FE4 and 5 took place.
Prior to the beginning of the game, every Kingdom has been conquered by the Zoa Empire, with Granada being the last to fall after a year of resistence by Runan, Holmes and his dad Admiral Valce. Valce died and Runan and Holmes fled to the Kingdom of Wellt where the game began. First of lets explore the whole mythos surrounding the world, e.g. the Goddess Utna and the Emiyu race.
Goddess Utna
Here is the information the Wiki has on her:
According to legends, Utna is a sacred goddess following a white dragon and the daughter of Earth Goddess Miradona. In truth she was a slave sent to the Dark God's Altar as a sacrifice for Gerxel. Before she was killed, she heard a voice from the white dragon Miradona. She was given Miradona's blood to drink, as well as Emiyu blades and rings to aid humanity. After escaping from the altar, she fell in love with the hero Garruon and aided him in his quest to vanquish the Zoa Empire. Afterwards, she became the Empress of Reeve and gave birth to four sacred dragons - Muse, Rakis, Neuron and Kranion. When Garruon died, her four children became the priestesses of their own temples and Utna herself hid away in the underground temple underneath Shiero Mountain.
According to this information, Utna is a benevelont goddess that protects humanity, which makes sense from the information we got from the opening crawl and our Alliances name.
Still there are some new names that have come up in her history so we ought to check out her mother Miradona.
Earth Goddess Miradona
Once more here is the wiki entry about her:
Miradona, the Earth Goddess, is the mother of Utna. After the ancient Emiyu race became extinct, Princess Miradona traveled to the continent of Lieberia to the south along with her four followers and slept within Lieberia's ground for several hundred years. Kalbazan, the young elder of the Zoa tribe entered the temple where Miradona, a gigantic white dragon slept, thinking she was the fabled Dark God Gerxel and drank from her blood, becoming Gerxel himself. Later, Utna was sent to the temple to be sacrificed to Gerxel, but Miradona saved her and gave her blood to drink, as well as Emiyu treasures to save humanity.
Miradona is the princess of the Emiyu race and was sent away to Liberia to sleep because a rebel faction inside the Emiyu clan might have obtained her power otherwise. Apprarently her blood transformed the elder of the Zoa tribe into the Dark God Gerxel/Gazel which is worshipped by the Gazel church/Theocratical State of Gazel.
Next up is the Emiyu race.
Again I start off with the wiki entry to them:
The Emiyu race is an advanced civilization of dragons that existed thousands of years before the beginning of TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. The Emiyu possessed immortal flesh, could harness advanced magic and had lifespans of several thousands of years. However 1500 years ago, humans started appearing and the Emiyu race began to die out. The king of the Emiyu declared that humans were the rightful sucessors of the world and decided to seal his race's power by sending them to sleep deep within the earth. To prevent rebel factions from obtaining his daughter's great power, he secretly sent her away to another continent to sleep. So the princess of the Emiyu, Miradona, left for the continent of Lieberia along with four servants. She slept within the Shiero Mountain and guardian beasts were created to deter trespassers. 500 years later, Kalbazan of the Zoa tribe ignored this threat and drank from Miradona's blood to become the Dark God Gerxel.
The Emiyu are this games manakete and since this was supposed to be a follow up game possess more or less the exact same traits as their Fire Emblem kin. However they needed a different name since the name Manakete is trademarked by IntSys. Anway this basically confirms what I said above and rounds out the mythology of the game.
Lets start looking at the past and present of the locations in the game. Well start with the big bad empire.
The Zoa Empire
The Empire started out as a nomadic tribe, the so called Zoa tribe. Once the Kingdom of Reeve/Lieve was established by immigrants on their homeground about a thousand years ago and their Principalities Lazeria/Razelia, Liberia, Zemseria/Zemsellia, Norzelia were founded the Zoa tribesman felt endangered and launched an attack on Reeve/Lieve. However they were struck down in five years by Reeves acting official Denoas. This defeat created a desire for revenge and led the leader of the tribe Kalbazan to enter the forbidden temple and become the Dark God Gerxel/Gazel by drinking from Miradonas blood.
As we know from the opening crawl Gerxel/Gazel was defeated was slain by the hero Garruon and the goddess Utna. Most tribesmen integrated into the Gazel Church/Theocratical State of Gazel afterwards.
About 20 years before the beginning of the game, they threatened Liberia once again and King Bahanuke of Canaan declared war against them. This war lasted 17 years and at its end stood a peace treaty between the Kingdom of Canaan and the Gazel Church/Theocratical State of Gazel. The combined power was renamed the Zoa Empire and started to conquer the entire continent.
Up to this point in the story they are still in possession of most of their territory but had to retreat due to the effort of the Utna Alliance army.
Seeing how the Zoa Empire was only recently formed, we cant really say who is a native of the Empire but for the sake of simplicity we are going to file the people of the Theocratical State of Gazel under the Empire.
Important People

The Kingdom of Canaan
The Kingdom of Canaan lies to the northeast of the continent. It maintained a peaceful relationship with all the Kingdoms on the Continent until the end of the war with the Theocratical State of Gazel when it became part of the Zoa Empire and started to conquer the other kingdoms.
From what weve see there are two factions, those want embrace the merge with the Theocratical State of Gazel and those that want Canaan to be free. Most soldiers weve met were thinking of themselves as soldiers of Canaan first and then as citizens of the empire. Canaan is currently the main seat of power for the Zoa Empire.
Important People
King Bahanuke: The current king of Canaan and emperor of the Zoa Empire
Ares : Eldest son of Bahanuke and sworn friend of Duke Glamdr. One of the six heroes. Died at Norzelia

Julius : Youngest Son of Bahanuke. Openly opposes the plan of his father and refues to take part in them.

The Kingdom of Reeve/Lieve
As stated in the story of the Zoa Empire, the Kingdom of Reeve/Lieve was founded by immigrants from the continent of Jugd(ral) about thousand years before the game began. It clashed with the Zoa tribesmen and was conquered by the zoa Empire after the Tragedy of Norzeria, where Duke Glamdr and Princes Ares of Canaan passed away.
It is still in the hands of the Empire.
Important People
Denoas : Reeve/Lieves acting official at the time of the conflict with the Zoa Tribe.
Glamdr: Father of Runan and Duke of the Principality of Lazeria/Razelia. One of the six heroes. Died to Muses breath in Norzelia.

The Kingdom of Salia
The Kingdom of Salia lies in the middle of the continent. It was conquered by the empire at an as of yet unknown time. It is known for its Pegasus Riders and the Erial Mercenaries.
Currently the grip of the Empire is loosening due to the rebellion led by the Duke of Selba Lord Lionheart. As of know only Archduke Ahab, who has been installed by the Empire remains before Salia is free once more.
Important People
Ahab: Current Duke of Salia

The Kingdom of Leda
The Kingdom of Leda was once a prosperous land. After a war with the Kingdom of Salia and the breaking of the ancient commandment by unleashing the Dragon Kranion it ceased to exist, being razed to the ground by Kranion.
Today only a monster filled wasteland remains with Kranion reappearing every ten years razing the old lands.
Important People

Now that weve had the four kingdoms that make up the continent of Liberia, lets have a look at the other locations.
Home of the Granada privateers led by Admiral Valce. It was the last stand of the rebellion against the Empire prior to events of this game.
Currently still in the hands of the Empire.
Important People
Admira Valce : One of the six heroes. Father of Holmes and Captain General of Granada. Died in order to help Runan and Holmes flee Granada.

Kingdom of Marl
The Kingdom of Marl is a small kingdom bordering Salia to the west. It was recently freed from the Empires grasp by the efforts of the Leda Alliance Army led by Prince Richard and Princess Tia. It is known as the birthplace of the Utna Alliance Army.
Important People

Kingdom of Wellt
A small Island Kingdom to the south of Liberia. After the disappearence of their king, the Chancellor Kodder tried to usurp the throne. This coup detat was stopped by the arrival of Runan and his Lazerian Knights who, together with Princess Sasha managed to stop Kodders ambitions. It remains an ally of Lazeria up to this point.
Important People

The Kingdom of Barge
The Kingdom of Barge was detroyed five years ago by the Zoa Empire. Most knights of Barge became mercenaries.
Important People

And thats basically it. Just tell me if you want to know some more things about people and I will try to answer it to the best of my abilities. Hopefully this cleared up as much confusion as it created.