Part 38: Intermission 11 Japanese Love Comedy and a history lesson
Intermission 11 Japanese Love Comedy and a history lesson
Welcome back. Before we can head into the next chapter we are once again confronted with a giant wall of
(almost 700 screenshots to transcribe...). As such Commentary will be sparse on my part.


: Idiot. Why are you always doing stupid things like that? Am I going to have to drag you home by the ear?

: Kyah!!

: Tsk... sorry. So what are you here for?

: Holmes, I needed to give this to you, Here you go...

: Hmm..? Hey, this is Salias ring. Why are you giving this to me?

: I dont want to leave all of you. However father and mother were imprisoned for a long time and became very weak. Until they become healthy again, I want to stay by their side.

: Noble setiment, I can understand that. However, isnt this ring important to you since the time oyu were very young?

: This ring is all I had since I was a little girl. Its my only treasure.. ThatS why, Holmes, I want you to take this ring as my replacement on the team. I want you to carry it.

: Hey... what a silly thing to do...

: Please Holmes,. If you dont I have a feeling well never see each other again. I just have a bad feeling...

: But if you part with this, you will be unable to protect yourself. If something happens to you, what am I supposed to do?

: Holmes, I still believe in those words that you told me before...

: Ah...

: Now, Im starting to cry. Alright, Ill take Katri back to the village. Gotta say Holmes, Youre quite a dolt.
And we now got her ring. Unfortunately Holmes cant turn into a dragon with it. Anyway time to go further. There is still alot of ground to cover.

: of their majesties , not to mention our princess. I have thus made preparations for a banquet in my residence. It is not a welcome worth of such heroes as yourself but please participate with all your comrades.

: Then I shall be your guide. This way please.

: Yeah, youre no good. You guys stink of blood so youre out.
Man Holmes, thats a bit harsh isnt it ?

: !

: He-Hey!

: . Hooolmeees.... Mature woman can be good toooo... want me to be your partner?

: Wa-wait! I dont like drunken woman! Dont come closer!
IMG][/IMG] : Why are you blushing like that? You really only know how to use your mouth...
*Holmes runs away*

: Xeno is...

: Eh?

: Lonely without Katri, right?

: ...

: So why didnt you say so? Why did you leave her in Salia?

: But Katri is... I cant say it...

: Xeno, you big idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot!

: Juni?
So I was wrong. There is actually a follow up to Sierras backstory (as well as Shigens) here.

: Heh, I see what you mean. Me too, when I was a mercenary for Gazel, I didnt even dream that a day like this might come. At the time I believed in the Zoans future and the only thing I thought about was praying to Gazel.

: Yes...

: Until I became 15 years old, I was raised by Yoda and didnt know anything about the Zoans suffering. Thinking that my parents were on the Gazel priestdom, I left Il Island on nothing but a whim. But in Gazel I witnessed the Zoans tragic reality with my own eyes and changed my mind. In every country, innocent people get captured and put to death only because theyre Zoans. I wanted to save such people and became a warrior for the Zoans.

: Us Zoas magic warriors were, for the captive Zoans at least, something like gods... You saved me from the stake, so I entrusted everything to you. For someone like me, who lost her family, you were the only hope remaining. Despite that, to flee and betray the pope... I could never have imagined doing something like that.

: Thats how it was... I urged you to flee with me, but you just called me a traitor and ignored everything I said.

: That time I was brainwashed as a Gazel witch and was unable to oppose the popes words. But ever since you left, I kept thinking about what you said... that the world now is wrong, but that the way the pope does things is even worse. I want to free the Zoans my way, you said...

: Yeah, and I still think that way.

: So I thought to bet on you one more time. I thought to try my best alongside you.

: My father, after being used by Gwen, was killed, it seems. Gwens goal isnt freedom for the Zoan people. When I realized that, I fled from Gazel and returned to Il Island.

: Shigen, I wont doubt you again. Ill follow you anywhere. So... forgive me for doubting you...

: Aah
Im a little bit tired. Attrom, did you listen?

: Yes.

: Ooh..? Attrom youre crying? Did my song move you so much?

: Gi-Give me a break, you stupid girl! Why should such a bad song make anyone cry!!
*Attrom runs away*

: Im bad then. But Ill feel annoyed.. Hmph.. I wont let you hear my singing anymore.

: Lord Holmes, where is that girl from?

: I heard she is from Taurus, on an island of the coast of Wellt. I dont know all the details.

: ...

: Selbas viceroy, Lionheart. And may I know your name?
They throw so many titles at Lionheart that I have no idea whether its always the same and just a fucked up translation or whether he really hold all these titles...

: Y-Yes, of course. But why me?

: Your dance, who did you learn it from, if I may ask?

: Yes, I learned that dance from my mother. It turns out that several years ago, my mother was a dancer in this town of Braad.

: This towns dancer... May I hear your mothers name?

: Her name was Lan. She died a few years ago, but this hand-mirror is my mothers memento.

: As I thought, its....

: Eh?

: Lan was my wife. That hand-mirror is a present I gave her.

: Eh? Eh?

: Fifteen years ago, I went to Salias old castle to do battle with Archduke Ahab. Lan was left in the pavillion with the servants, because she was with child. However when I returned from the fight., I found that the pavillion was invaded by brigands and that Lan was gone. The servants, though trained mercenaries, were unable to stop them and she was captured by force. I desperately looked for her. For the past fifteen years I desperately looked for her.

: Aahh...

: Plum, please tell me, why did Lan not return? If she was alive, why didnt she inform me? Did Lan betray me?

: Thats not it. Mother said her love was eternal. She love you father. Please, please believe me, believe her...

: Do you, Plum, think of me as your father?

: Y-Yes, of course...

: I see. Thats all I need to hear. Plum come here...

: Sir Lionheart... father.. *sniff*

: What? Oh right, yeah. Elder, I owe you a lot. Thank you.

: No, its nothing, a trivial thing like this is no problem. Please come here again anytime.

: Heh, just let everyone in Braad know that Im very thankful. Alright, lets move out.
And on we go. Still more than enough ground to cover.
And out of nowhere, return of the

: Aargh, what the? Sir, just who are you?

: Me? Im an ordinary citizen, living around here. Im not a suspicious man at all, so be at ease.

: Hm... is that so?
There is a choice here but given that Im going to show of both of them one after another it doesnt really matter. For now we are gullible and accept the milk.

: Yes, here you go. Drink as much as you want.

: Youre not worried, Holmes? Junis a girl, you know!

: Eh, really?

: Ive had enough! I wont ask you anything anymore and go look for her alone!

: that Xeno, whats he gettin so worked up for?

: Hm? No, I dont think so... I havent seen girls like that.

: Hm? That dress is Junis, Im sure...

: Hey, dont just look around however you please! This is not a place for brats, get your ass out of here already! Or Ill make sure youll regret it!

: Where is Juni? The girl that was wearing this dress!

: No-nothing, really. Lets go back, Juni. Here...

: Ok. Eh.. Wha? Why am I wearing this? AAAAhhhh! Dont look this way idiot!

: Ye, so you should change... argh..

: Enough, just go away!

: Shes been crying since she came back, ya know? Saying stuff like I hate Xeno

: ...

: I kinda understand how you feel, but you have to do things in a cetain order. Especially since she is still a kid... A little kindness you see...
Please dont go there

What the heck are you saying? There are some things you shouldnt joke about!

: Hey, Xeno...

: Holmes, its your fault this time.

: Yeah, my bad. I didnt want to pick on him, but I just couldnt help it. Ill apologize to Xeno later. Whatever happened between those two, anyway?

: About that, I heard the story from Xeno and Juni. It turns out it was nothing more than a misunderstanding. I explained things to Juni too, so theres nothing to worry about.

: I see. Its ok then, but man...

: Its ok, nevermind... Im glad you were safe.

: Yes... I was so ashamed... Im really sorry...
Now lets look at the alternative where Juni has a brain.

: Hmm... Looks like she has a few loose screws. Conning her will be a cinch. Pretty lady, pretty lady, whats wrong? Are you lost?

: Eeh, you mean me~? Who are you si~r?

: Me? Im an ordinary citizen, living around here. Im not a suspicious man at all, so be at ease.

: Im gla~d. I was lost and didnt know what to do.

: I see, I see. I thought so. By the way, pretty lady, youre a good singer. This old man here fell in love with your voice.

: E~h, you really really mean ir?

: Yes, youre such a good singer that you mgiht even become the continents top star! Wouldnt you sing in my theater?

: Top star? Me, a top star?

: Exactly, just wear this nice dress and sing while dancing.. Im sure a huge crowd would gather and fall in love with your voice.

: Yes! I will do it! I will do my ve~ry best!

: Lyria is a good and honest child. She just doesnt know how the world works.

: Take proper care of her then. Or she is going to fly away like a kite whoms thread has been cut.

: I know that! The priest entrusted Lyria with me, Im not asking for your help!

: That Attrom... whats he getting so worked up for?

: La la la~

: Hm? No, I dont think so... I havent seen girls like that. La la la~

: What? This song is... Im sure its Lyrias.

: What? D-Dammit!! H-Hey, this is no place for brats, get your butt home already! Or Ill make sure youll regret it!

: Hey, where is Lyria? The girl that was singing this song!

: W-Whats wrong? I came to save you!

: Save.. who? Eh? Me? Why?

: You dont get it yet? That man deceived you, Lyria. Look at your clothes.

: But this is the top stars dress! Look! Isnt it pretty? See here and here, its so....

: Ugh... I got it., so change into your clothes already!

: E~h, why? If I sing with this dress, I can become a great singer.... why cant I wear it?

: Dont cry. Enough, lets just get back! If you dont listen to what I say, Ill take you back to the church!

: Oh.. youre such a tyrant. I got it. Im going to change, so wait a minute....

: Lyria! What are you doing!

: Eh? Im changing as you told me to...

: Wait until Im outside before doing it! Come on, what are you thinking!

: So weird, Attrom you got all red, like a boiled egg...

: Hmm
this is suspicious. Well, thats ok. You kids should just have fun.

: Holmes, are you jealous? I understand that you are lonely without Katri, but dont vent on the young, ok?

: Why should I...! (Am I jealous?)
And onwards we go. We are halfway to our destination.

: Yeah, about Katri
Its that...

: ... I see. Thats good. I feel relieved too.

: And Katri told me to tell you something. She wants Priest Law to come to Salia, no matter what. Looks like the royal couple wants to express its thanks as well.

: I see. Well, Ill be content with just hearing the offer.

: You mean you arent going? Katri is going to be sad.

: I shall go visit someday, but I cannot do it right now. Until Katri gets used to her parents and they obtained a real parent-child relationship, Im better off not going.

: I see. Youre right. Youre one heck of a guy. Totally different from my own parents.

: ... Sir Holmes,my body has recovered, so could I join you on your travels? I cannot fight but I can always be a conversation partner...

: Of course you can! Priest Laws knowledge will surely come in handy. Ill have a mountain of things to ask, so get ready!

: Understood. I shall do my utmost!
Remember the history update i gave a long time ago in the thread? Time to relive this once more in the games own words.

: More than a thousand years ago a group of immigrants from the eastern continent of Yugd sailed over to this continent. They continued their colonisation along the Lieve River. Ribelia, Zemsellia, Norzelia and Lazeria; They built these four powerful city-states. Then, one hundred years later these four countries were unified and, based in the Lieve riverbank territory, the Republic of Lieve was founded.

: Oh, the base of todays Lieve Kingdom.

: Yes, and then these immigrants power expansion began to be feared by the indigenous Zoans, living in thenorthern mountain area. They originally were simple shepherds, but since they believed in the primitive god of destruction, Gazel, they were extremly aggressive towards foreign culture. They attacked Yugdian settlements whenever they could, plundering and destroying anything and everything.

: Hmm, so the Gazel cult was the native religion of the Zoans.

: The god Gazel incinerates non-believers and cowards with its purgatorial flames; HeS the god of a selected people cult, who allows only the Zoans to exist. The great minister Deadpolist was the leader and conducted the clans education and sacrificial rituals.
Obviously you cant be an evil cult without them...

: tch... even sacrificial rituals...

: The man who became the head of the Lieve Republic, Denoas, started the Zoan extermination and in only five years conquered all the Zoan Clans. He massacred all his enemies mercilessly and the Zoans feared him as the incarnation of the devil.

: Hmm....

: Driven back to the northern swamplands, the Zoans burned with the desire for revenge as well as the desire to take back their lands. Karbazan, a young clan leader, planned to infiltrate the ancient Gazel cathedral and, after countless sacrificies, managed to obtain the evil gods power. Karbazan then transformed into a giant dragon and the counterattack against the Yugdans started.

: A giant dragon? So this is the evil gods original form, the drak dragon...
I think I dont have to comment on the fact that Kaga really likes his evil dark dragons...

: Yes. Karbazan, who became the evil god, attacked the Lieve domain and in just one year the republic was annihilated. Karbazan, the continent in his hands, formed an absolute monarchy with him as god, and ruled the Zoa empire for the next one hundred years as the evil god emperor.

: I see. This is the era of the evil god empire also known as Liberias dark ages, right? The ones who destroyed this empire and freed the people were the hero Karyuon and the Goddess Utna.

: Yes. Karyuon, the leader of the rebel slaves, fought many hard battles to save the people. And the one to fall in love with him was the one said to be born from the Earth Mother Miradona, Utna. She fought alongside Karyuon for more than three years and they brought down the evil god empire. Mews, Rakis, Neuron, Kranion; the four holy dragons were goddess Utnas servants, born in order to protect humanity. Furthermore, the holy sword the goddess gave Karyuon had an immense power and even supposedly the immortal drak dragon was slain in a single blow.

: The so called Holy Sword of Utna, Holy Sword Karyuon, I see... And now we reached the birth of the four holy kingdoms, but Im kinda tired... le me hear the rest later...
Alas, no rest for the wicked

: According to the myth, Utna was reborn as a human and became Karyuons queen, but what does history say?

: Karyuon became its monarch. It is a historical fact that Utna became his wife. Because of Emperor Karyuon and Empress Utna, the state became known as the Holy Lieve Empire or Lieverant. That graet empire spanning almost the entire continent... In the forty years he was emperor, Karyuon upheld quality and philanthrophy, and governed justly over the continent. The empire rose to unprecedent heights and, after achieving all this, the emperor died, at around the age of sixty. Empress Utna made their four young daughters into the priestresses of the four shrines and cut off her ties with the outside world, disappearing in the underground shrine of Mt. Elo. After that, the senators, following the will of the emperor, returned the empire to a republic. However with the emperors death, people whose human ambition and greed were suppressed could finally release it. Nobles and senators, after long battles, took the four shrine priestresses and, using them as symbols, divided the republic into four states. Behind the myth, the story of the four holy kingdoms birth was truly human in the most pitiful sense.

: Hmm... Well, reality is always like that...

: Lieve, Canaan, Salia and Leda. These countries, named after the four maidens, were once called shrine kingdoms and now holy kingdoms. Sharing the blood of the divine ruler Karyuon and goddess Utna and revered by the people all over the continent; it is needless to say that Katri is a priestress directly descending from them. In the shrine kingdoms era, the priestress descendents acted both as ministers and as rulers. They were clerical states, but they then divided into royal houses, handling the worldly affairs, and priestly houses, in charge of ceremonies. They were thus called holy kingdoms. Of course marriage connections continued to exist in between houses. Except in the initial period, the four kingdoms cooperated in governing the continent. Yet from around one hundred years ago a dispute concerning territory between Leda and Salia started. Both countries entered into a full-scale war approcimately 47 years ago. It went on and on, for seven long years, until Leda, seeing itself at a disadvantage, broke the ancinet dictates and summoned Kranion.

: The Leda-Salia seven year war and the magic dragon Kranion... Looks like this story is getting longer. Lets stop here for today.
One last stop for us but the
just wont stop

: the holy dragon, wielding absolute strength, could not be stopeed and after destroying Salia, drove Leda to destruction as well.

: Rumor has it, that Kranion moves according to Pope Gwenchaos will. Is that really true?

: It is thought that there is some kind of connection beween the senators and the pope, but the truth is still unknown.

: Kranion is Ledas guardian holy dragon, right? Then the earth priests house daughter, or the Leda royal house daughter, as priestresses of the holy dragon should have created it...

: 40 years ago the Leda royal house daughter vanished withut a trace. Her name was Tita, she was a princess said to be wise and beautiful. She was fifteen years old at the time.

: Hmm, so what this means is... That Princess Tita turned into Kranion and is rampaging even now? Now that I think about it, that girl... Princess Tia should be a descendent of Leda as well. Hmm... Im getting more and more confused...

: This is what I once heaerd from Elder Eisenbach, but Gwenchaos belongs to the earth ministers house, it seems. He studied under the 10th generations great sage Moses and, alongside Eisenbach, he was an excellent young man called one of the four sages of the continent.

: This is surprising. Why did that man become Gazels pope?

: After the destruction of Leda, a large-scale revolution broke out in Zoa valley with Gwenchaos as its leader. He led the repressed Zoans, conquered the earth shrine and built the Gazel Theocracy in the former northern Leda. After that they captured Ledas former domain and other cities, thus forming the current Gazel Thoecracy.

: Zoa Valley was the land where the Zoans where exiled, they say, but isnt that kind of weird? The people of Canaan are descendents of the Zoans and Karyuon was Zoan himself. Zoans being discriminated against just doesnt make any sense!

: On this continent, loosely speaking, there are five races. One is the Lieveans descending from the Yugdians. The 2nd are the Canaans descending from the Zoans from the mountains. The 3rd are the Salians, descending from the grassland and forest people. The 4th one, the Ledans, are a mixture of the first three. The people of Wellt too, like the Ledans, are a mixed blood race. These four tribes share their belief in the absolute goddess Utna, and in different quantities, their blood is mixed as well, nullifying racial differences. Language and culture too present little differences. But the 5th race, the ancient Zoans, are pure-blooded Zoans. Even after the empire fell and the evil god perished, they stubbornly kept their belief in Gazel, refused to mingle with others and kept hoping for the evil god to return.

: Shigen said that his parents are ancient Zoans too, if memory serves correctly. Priest Law, why cant they jsut abandon the evil god?

: The cause lies in their tragic history. The ancient Zoans, just because their ancestors were vassals of the dark dragon empire, were confined to Zoa valley and Il island, with no escape. They could not help but to turn to the evil god Gazel for salvation.

: Really? So Il island too was an exile for the Zoans?

: Exactly. 35 years ago and insurrection broke out in Zoa valley and the prisoners on Il island revolted too, with a swordsman named Yoda as their leader. To surpress them, Lieve sent many military expeditions, but they just kept losing to Yodas swordsmen and eventually Lazerias famed warrior, General Glamdr and Granadas pirate admiral Sir Valce left for Il island. Even Yoda could not do anything against these two commanders. The generals took the Zoans under Yoda into custody and pleaded to their king for their freedom.

: I see. As expected of my old man. So thats how those three became friends. But there is one thing I just dont get. The 5 story-tower, where the ancient great sage Moses is supposed to live... Its deep on Il island, but why should a thing like that be in the Zoans exile?

: The tower of Moses was once a prison. Its conditions were so terrible that the great sage Moses visited it to offer salvation and stayed to live there afterwards. The Lieve guards could do nothing to him and while they left him alone, pilgrims and ascetics from many lands starteted to visit and began calling the prison the Tower of Moses.

: Hmm.. I see. But what kind of guy is this Moses? It cant be that he lives since the era of myth, right?

: Not even I know that. To find out the truth we would need to visit the Tower of Moses and meet him directly Im afraid...
So anybody still awake? Anyway well stop here and engage in a bit of naval warfare the next time.