The Let's Play Archive

TearRing Saga

by CVE

Part 43: Intermission 12 – The Tower of Moses

Intermission 12 – The Tower of Moses

Welcome back. Today we’re going to climb the Tower of Moses because Krishna stole our stuff and we can’t cross the desert towards Lazeria due to a coincidental sandstorm.

: So Moses really lived up there?

: That’s all right isn’t it? I heard that this place has a lot of unusual treasures… as they say no pain no gain, right?

: You really are a true thief, aren’t you? Some day you’re gonna face divine punishment.


Anyway the Tower of Moses despite his grand name and all really is just a filler dungeon. We have to climb up to the top through five random maps facing an assortment of monsters, whom, while decently strong (at least 2-3 of them), are also pretty boring recolours of stuff we’ve already seen.

As I’ve said nothing to write home about. If you’re interested in the treasures just make sure to get rid of the thiefs asap probably through liberal application of the warp staff and Sierra. But frankly most of the treasures are underwhelming since they are completely random.

Anyway Sierra uses her superior mobility to take out the thief and then enters a slugfest against the boss granting her a level. Speed is nice since it helps the activation rate of continue. Still I would really like some magic.

The rest of our team goes the old fashioned way taking out the monsters Sierra skipped. Billford even triggers his movement growth! Now we look at a 5 move genral on promotion

Holmes takes out the zombie dragon, grabs a decent enough level and loots the chests. Probably the best random chests I got while climbing it as well. I’ll spare you the 10 turns it takes to ferry Holmes to the stairs.

Floor 2 has more chests, more of the same monsters and two experience pinatas.

The dragons fall easily to the effective damage of Raquel’s and Holmes’ bows. Level could be better but I shouldn’t complain she turns out amazing so far.

We continue slaughtering our way through the opposition and Sierra gains another level. Defense is good, right?

What amazing treasure! A Tier 1 weapon

Attrom takes my wrath out on the dragon closeby by activating three of his skills and criting his face off. The level is a bonus.

Anyway we kill the last few stragglers and pick up a couple more levels and head up to the third floor.

Floor 3 features a straight line to the next floor and a room full of monsters if you want to fight. Obviously we are going to murder them

Holmes approves and gets a great level.

Since I was kinda tiring of the opposition I unleashed the Yoda on them…

He demonstrates that he is not to be fucked with by activating the Rising Dragon skill and criting on the attack, hitting the damage cap of 99. Suffice to say the dragon died pitifully.

Rachel and Shigen gain a level each and Yoda continues his slaughter.

Billford however challenged Yoda by doing the same as him and hitting the damage cap as well.

Billford levels up as well and Yoda continues to murder monsters without getting touched.

Attrom meanwhile forgot to level up while watching him in awe. Since we’re done here we move on to the fourth floor

Floor 4 has our Eyeball friends so let’s just skip right to the end and present the levels I got while murdering through their duplicating brethen.

Some decent levels and some considerably less so.

we also manage to pick up rather useless treasures. But hey, at least they aren’t tier 1 weapons…

Finally we arrive at the last floor (with fighting at least). As you can see it’s more of the usual with only the mages packing a real punch (hitting for approximately 30 on our non mages). We also see a familiar face..

Krishna is still as useless as she was before. At least she is safe in her room because the thieves didn’t even try to open the door (I also sent Sierra to make sure she stays unharmed)

Yoda once against starts the slaughter.

Holmes and Raquel each gain a level from murdering the dragons. Holmes' is obviously much nicer.

Many more levels of varying quality follow as we clean up the initial room.

More importantly Shigen hit lvl 20 so it’s time to promote him

This makes Shigen stronger than Yoda on a stat basis but he still lacks quite a few skills which means Yoda would probably still mop the floor with him.

We grab another level for Holmes and some decent and some useless treasure.

Anyhow, we finish the last enemies and grab the last level for Billford who will promote (if the thread so desires) in the next fight. Let’s see what Krishna has to say…

: My principles say: Don’t forgive the traitor. Live happily with your loved one in the other world. Oops… return the Dacryon and your item bank as well. Goodbye Krishna…

: Holmes!!

And that’s it. She does indeed rejoin us here but not because of Holmes giving a damn. Since she is completely useless she can warm the bench I suppose.

Anyway at the top of the tower a singular conversation awaits us but first we loot the place of it’s non random treasure.

The Goddess Shield negates effective damage and critical hits against the wielder. It’s surpremely powerful.

Prelude is a tome that can be used by Meriah and a promoted Rishel or Maharaj. Tia used this tome back on Map 21 as well.

: The sage went on a journey to a parallel world, he won’t return for a while. You guys don’t seem to be bad people, but what do you want here?

A patched game will freeze here (or at least mine did) so you’ll have to pop in an unpatched one to proceed. You can basically ask her to revive somone with the Dracryon or to leave the place via teleportation. Since none of our guys died we just teleport out of here.

Next time we will have a few more and possibly the last vote of the LP.