Part 44: Intermission 13 Love and Trouble are in the air
Intermission 13 Love and Trouble are in the air
Welcome back. Before we can finally get back in the action we have to cover the events leading up to the last route split and determine our endgame team which I will be using from this point on. But all in order. First lets cover the remnants of plot/supports coming up.

: and the road to Lazeria was covered in sandstorms almost the entire year, leaving only a few chances for trade to happen. Naturally due to these circumstances, Granada became a town of pirates.

: The relationship between Lord Holmes and Prince Runan is pretty good but how did it form in the first place?

: Our fathers were best friends so I often went to Lazeria to play when I was small. Due to my fathers personality, it was hard for me to stay in Granada, so I usually stayed in Lazeria for more than a year before going back.

: Runan and I were like polar opposites but he gave me the feeling of a younger brother I can depend on.

: Lord Holmes has the charm to attract other people. You are like a center that collects shining stars to revolve around you.

: Stop. My ears are already itching. Anyway lets hurry before the weather changes.
Another one of those? Seriously there arent even enough characters that can learn the skill to use all of them..

: Excellent. Tonight just eat as much as you like, its alright for you to take a bath as well.

: Urr
Holmes is an idiot.

: Well, well
when we reach Lazeria I will buy you some candy as a reward.

: What..!? Im not a child.
Seems like there are some unfriendly visitors in Salia

: Otherwise your mother will die.

: Now come with me. I invite you to my temple of darkness.

: Ask for his aid! With the way things are going, Lady Katri is in great danger!
Seems like everything went south. This is what happens when you leave the protagonists party

: No, its alright. But... why here?

: This room is Lord Runans room
is it not?

: Yeah, I used this room when I was a child. Mother decorated the wall and Father gave me toy swords
Everything feels so nostalgic.

: I see

: And
there are many precious memories in this room. I have this memory of when I was very young. It was only five, maybe six times, but I remember playing with a little girl whom father brought home. She was a very cheerful child and we had fun.


: But
at the same time, I feel sad too.


: Im not sure but it has been on my mind for some time now. I feel like Ive forgotten something very important.

: Something important?

: Her parents had told her that she would be reborn a horrible dragon, kill many people and bring about the ruin of Leeve, she cried while telling me. Thats why I promised to never let something like that happen to her, that I would watch over her forever. But even though I told her not to leave my side, she suddenly disappeared. I thought she had betrayed me. Thats right
the one who broke the promise was you, Enteh

: Lord Runan
you remember now, dont you?

: Its all coming back to me now. It was only for a short time but, you were an important friend. When you suddenly disappeared, Father went to the royal palace and didnt return. I later learned that he had been put into jail. At that moment I had lost everything, and I felt like it was all your fault, Enteh. Thats why I wanted to forget all about you. Enteh
I was still young back then
the sorrow was too much for one person to handle

Enteh is just a temporary name, given to me by Archduke Glamdr. When I was brought out of the water temple to live among Lazerias commoners, I was worried about a lot of things. Those mere three days I spent in Lazeria as a little girl, were the first time since I was born that I really had fun. Laughing to my hearts content
just being happy
A true friend
No, I thought I had a family.

: You were still called Enteh when you were hidden in Mars Temple.

: Yes. My real name is Meeve, but since I liked to be called Enteh more

: Why didnt you say something up until now? I thought you had betrayed me back then, Enteh. Even now, I feel the same

: Eh
? Why would you say such a thing?

: Well, arent you? You were testing me, Enteh. You kept on deceiving me.

: Thats not true!
Naturally we have to be interrupted before the situation can be defused/cleared up

: Am I perhaps being a hinderance
No, youre just fulfilling the JRPG cliché quota

: No
Our conversation was just about over. I shall excuse myself.
*Enteh leaves*

: Hmm
Lord Runan, I dont know what happened, but you shouldnt make a girl cry.

: Eugen
Could you please let me be alone for a while?

: Ah
Just a little moment ago. Runan, what on earth happened?

: I dont understand it well myself
who I am, why I returned and why I keep on going
Ive lost even these things

: Hahaha.. you mean all that stuff. If you dont know, Ill teach ya. You returned because you wanted to return if nothing else. The reason for you to keep on going, youll know once you get there. Arent those the simplest things?


: Hahaha, dont think about it so hard. Tonight Ill drink with you `til dawn. I brought first-class wine from Granada. Lets have some fun.

: Did you return to Granada?

: Yeah. Even I didnt think my old man would still alive.

: Admiral Valce is safe!? Holmes! Is that true?!

: That guy is a real cockroach, I guess its a lot of fun living your life out the way you want.

: Admiral Valce is still
Im relieved

: Thats why, Runan, we should think about life more at ease. Youll manage somehow, you know. Now lets enjoy ourselves tonight!

: Hey, no fair. Are you implying something, eh?

: Maharaj, I seem to be a bit drunk

: Children shouldnt drink alcohol. If Enteh say this, she would scold you.

: Im not a kid anymore. And this has nothing to do with Lady Enteh. Why do you have to mention her name!?

: Youre kind of strange tonight, Meriah
You really look like you are drunk.

: You like Enteh, Maharaj. Thats why you say things like that

: Wh-What are you saying!? I

: I like you, Maharaj
Between me and Lady Enteh, which one do you like most, Maharaj?

: Eh
Meriah, you.. like
me!? B-but I cant answer something like that right away

: Meanie
Maharaj, you big meanie!

: Thats it! Im out of here! The only mean one around here is you, Meriah! Youre not yourself today!
*Maharaj leaves*
Dick move, Narcissus, dick move

: ..! Meriah

: Whats wrong, Maharaj? You look weird

: Uhm
Im sorry for what happened back there
I overreacted a bit

: Eh..?

: Meriah
*fade to black*

: Im sorry
My head was just so
I could think of nothing but Meriah at that time

: And what?

: I didnt believe Lord Leon would worry this much about me

: I might have treated you cold-heartedly, Renee. I couldnt forget about the past and kept thinking of it as my sole reality. And yet, I realized my own feelings only after you had gone missing. I dont want to lose you

: Lord Leonhart

: I still cannot forget about Lan, but my feelings now are beyond doubt. Renee I promise to love you for as long as I live.

: Ah
Lord Leonheart

: Kate, youve been in low spirits as of late. I was worried

: Ah.. thats not true. Im really not

: Its Zieg, isnt it? Since he left, youve been behaving strangely, Kate


: Kate
you poor thing
I will ask Lord Runan to get Zieg back. So dont worry, Kate. Youll fall ill if you think about it

: Lady Sasha

: We really dont stand out much. We just dont get out turn.
If you had more than 3 movement I would have at least considered using you

: Yeah. I just wanna end this soon and get back to Wellt. Ive someone waiting for me, you know.

: Oho~, Ive never heard about this before. Do you own a dog, or what?

: Im talking about my gorgeous wife!

: Y-

: I see
so you participated too
I didnt notice you until now, why didnt you talk to me?
because the cellar of benched characters is too far from the frontline

: There wasnt
. anything in particular to talk about

: She is from Gram

: Im just a hunter. Excuse me, Sister Mel!

: by the next generation when you are old, but I didnt think it would ever apply to me.

: Hahaha
Couldnt think those words came from one of the six heroes either, eh? But we still cant let ourselves lose to the young ones.

: You are still in your thirties. Well need you in working condition for a bit longer. As for me, Im thinking its about time to retire. As the commander during the Battle of Balt, I sent many men to their deaths, and carried my own share of injuries.

: I do understand how you feel, but what will you do about Wellt?

: Im thinking about making Leezas son my successor.

: Then.. I knew it

: Mm.. of course only if the young man is recognized by Admiral Valce
Im confused by this..they dont have a son (unless she is pregnant
) so either the word for son/daughter is the same in japanese and its a translation error or I have no idea what they are talking about. If it is a translation error then I guess they are talking about a possible marriage between Sasha and Runan but then again we have the romance subplot between him and Enteh so Im fully confused

: Ooh, Holmes. Great timing I was just looking for you.

: Uhu?

: Return to Salia right now! It seems like something really bad happened.

: Really bad

: Gwenchaos showed up in a village in Salia. Lady Claris is requesting you assitance.

: Wha-What!?

: No, you must protect Enteh. Ill rescue Katri and Ill wager my life if I have to!
And now its time to determine our final party members. We need a total of 12 additional characters in addition to
Holmes, Runan, Shigen who are mandatory and
Rina who Ill bring along and try to make her into something decent. Below this are the stat pages of the characters that are in question so
selects your favourite 12. If you want you can also say in which team you want them in but otherwise Ill just balance those 12 between Runan and Holmes.
In addition we got a few stat boosters that need to be used. We got
1x Str potion
2x Skl potion
1x Mag potion
2x Spd potion
2x Luck potion
2x HP potion
1x Boots
1x Goddess Shield (which negates effective dmg and critical hits)
So decide
who gets which or whether youll just leave it
up to me. Till the next time.