Part 47: Intermission 14 ancient and not so ancient history
Intermission 14 ancient and not so ancient history
Welcome back. Today we have some more talking to get to before we can shelf Holmes team until the final maps and get to Runan. So lets get started.

: In the age when the dark god ruled, there was one slave swordsman. He led the people to freedom and fought against the dark god Garzel.

: The flame of the rampaging evil god burnt up the people in despair. The Hero used up all of his power in the fight. While his body was consumed by the flames, he prayed to the Goddess: Give me the power of the light that pierces the darkness.

: Suddenly a beautiful girl appeared with a white dragon and the evil flames dissipated. The girl smiled upon the hero: You, the courageous one, the beautiful soul. I entrust this sword to you. In my place defeat the dark god and his minions.

: The girls name was Utna, the daugther of the Great Earth Mother Miradona. The huge dragon and the small goddess. The Hero, having obtained the goddesses love, slayed the dark god.

: The hero became King and lead his people to prosperity. Eventually the hero died but his love should remain eternal.

: You dont believe in the legend of Karyuon?

: Theyre just useless stories. These stories about the legendary heroes, they were made so that the current rulers could justify themselves. Theyre just a product of fantasy. Look at the nobles, from their birth they can live a luxurious live and not have to work one bit. Because they are the descendants of the founder, they dont need to have either the necessary abilities nor do they need effort. They can just relax. It is easy to lie to the common people. If they believe in the hero, they will believe that the descendants are also great. If that Karyuon really existed then he was just a man that depended on a womans love. But even if you understand that we still cant overthrow peoples ideas in a moment.

: Its true that a majority of the stories about the heroes was made quite a bit after their lives. However these inscriptions have stood the test of time for 700 years, they have been designed to only tell the truth. I believe that the love between Karyoun and Utna is eternal and immortal.

: Im sorry. I got carried away. There area no doubts in me concerning the love between Karyuon and Utna. Its just
you got issues Holmes

: Yes I understand. Anyway, shall we go Lord Holmes? Ahead is a near endless underground passageway. It might take us several days to reach the Evil Gods altar.

: Ive prepared my mind. Head Priestress Claris, let us take the stage from here. You must return home.

: Why?

: If I can be honest here, youre a nuisance. If we have to worry about you we cant fight satisfactorily.

: Is that so
very well I will return to Salia. Please save Lady Katri.

: Leave it to me. However I have one last request. Will you hear it?

: Yes.

: Runan and Enteh
please watch over them.

: Certainly. Its quite a long tale, but I shall tell you all that I can about the events that transpired. 14 years ago his Highness Ares and Lady Serene were killed.

: I remember it well. We were away fighting against Garzel, but we were mortified once the news reached us. Lady Serene was dead and her two children were missing. It broke my heart to imagine my borthers grief.

: About the two infants thoughThe truth is that their nurse took them with her and fled the mansion.

: What?! Then the babies were saved!?
You know this for half the game already
Youre an idiot Barca

: Correct. The nurse was killed during the pursuit but the infants were saved by a travelling swordswoman.

: So why didnt she tell anyone she found them? Didnt she realize she gets a reward if she reported it to the palace?

: The nurse told the swordswoman the identity of the rebels. That is why she fled Canaan without telling anyone.

: What do you mean by that? Is there some connetion between the rebels and the Kingdom of Canaan?
Metal Gear?

: Yes
the person who attacked Ares mansion and murdered Lady Serene was Karla, Bahanookes royal consort. Karla broke into the mansion with the intent to kidnap Lady Neyfa, but Lady Serene blocked her path and Karla murdered her.

: What? That woman killed my sister
! I cant believe it
Neither can I
I mean evil stepmom is such a cliché

: Karla is a witch from the Theocracy of Garzel. When their defeat to Canaan seemed imminent, Garzel sent her to us in hopes of tearing Canaan apart from the inside.

: What are you saying? That this woman deceived father?

: Karla made the king into her slave, slowly bending her to her will.

: But Reshie, why on earth would Karla try to kidnap Lady Neyfa?

: For the Gazel ceremony
she was to be sacrificed to revive the evil god

: What!? They are actually trying to revive the dark god?

: Yes Im sure of it. Whats more, Lady Neyfa has been

: What? You dont mean
they captured her?

: It pains me to say this, but she was attacked by Gwenchaos at the Temple of Wind and taken captive.

: Huh? But you were with her! What the hell happened?
Are you even listening? The head honcho of the bad guys came and took her. She is only an NPC what choice did she have?

: Please forgive me

: Right. The swordswoman who fled Canaan took the children to her hometown and raised them as their own. She was Katina, daughter of Temzin, King of the Ariel Mercenaries.
She is also Samsons wife. No idea how he fits into all this and neither did the writer since there isnt a single word about him.

: Huh?! Temzin? Wasnt he an old friend of Ares? And his daughter saved our brothers children?

: She lied and said that they were orphans rather than telling her father the truth. Thus the children grew into fine young people under Katinas care. However when Neyfa turned 15 last year, an accident occurred. The Holy Dragon Rakis, which slumbered inside her, awoke and burned dozen Istorian soldiers alive. Soon after she went mute from the shock. Afterwards Lord Sennet began to ask questions regarding her birth. Garzel was growing stronger with each passing day. Afraid that she could no longer protect the children, Katina told Temzin the truth and asked for his help. Worried Temzin consulted the Sage Eisenbach, who in turn contacted me. When I visited Ariel, the children had already learned the truth from Katina and were in a state of shock.

: I see
Im not surprised

: However Lord Sennet said that he would move heaven and earth to protect Lady Neyfa and that he could not forgive anyone who could cause his sister grief
whether they be from Canaan or Gazel.

: So Sennet declared war on Garzel to protect his sister? How like his father! Ares defended you as well, to the point of quarrelling with father. He did so to protect you, heir to the Grand Duchy of Sofia, from Karla after you were orphaned.

: My mother, the Kings former consort was murdere by Karla
. I witnessed her death by accident , but the king passed it off as a childs tale. I know that Karla holds a grudge against me but that is to be expected
King: Hohoho you say your mother was killed brutally by dark magic? Nonsense probably just an imagination
Everyone is an idiot in this game

: Come on! Arent you a little bit overdramatic? More to the point, is this why Sennet came to Canaan with the Ariel Mercenaries?
Youre a douche

: Hes heading up the northern frontier to the Temple of Garzel, accompanied by the Ledan Royal Army. But he lost many soldiers while battling monsters and the Garzel troops. He obtained new troops from northern Canaan, thus his main force is now comprised of Canaan solders and citizens. Their ranks are growing with each passing day.

: What would you have us do, Reshie? Shall we fight as well?

: I do not know how to proceed. I came here to seek counsel. I thought that you might know the appropriated course of action.

Reshie, permit me to ask you one thing. What should we do about Father... I mean the Emperor?

: The Emperor is under Garzels thump. Nothing we do will change that.

: Do you mean to bring him down yourself? Reshie, you would kill our father without the slightest hesitation?!

: With all due respect but MY father was the Grand Duke of Sofia. The Emperor murdered him and is thus my enemy. Why would I hesitate to kill him?

: Is that so? Im sure that Sennet is aware of that as well.

: I do not think that we can stop the Emperor without cutting him off from Garzel.

: Reshie please bring word to Sennet. Ill take care of the Emperor and Karla.

: Wait Julius! That is my job! I wont just let you do as you please!

: I cant allow you to bear the burden of killing your own father. Im already branded a traitor and Ive been prepared for this for quite some time. I knew it would eventually happen.

: No Julius! It is I who has brought shame to my brother. I want to atone for all the mistakes I have made. WhatS more the future of Canaan is in my nephews hand
. Im willing to put my faith into Sennet. Julius, surely you can sympathize with me.
Damn they are really eager about killing their father

Fine, do as you wish. At the moment our only concern is preserving our brothers honor. So what would you have me do?

: I want Sennet to be able to negotiate peace with Leeve on equal footing. Leeves royal palace is our trump card. I want you to do your damnest to hold the palace until we can get Sennet into Canaan Castle.
You seem like a nice loyal enemy. Go get yourself killed by enduring a siege for quite some time since Sennet is off rescuing his sister

Are you serious? Very well. I shall defend LeeveS royal palace to the death.
No you were such a rational and level headed individual

: Sorry, Julius.. But Ive ordered Ernst to defend the outer wall. So you can concentrate to guard the interior. As for me I will return home at once.
So one sacrifice isnt enough you have to throw them at me in double

: Then let me accompany you part of the way.

: You know, brother, est seems to be missing. What couldve happened?
Runan and co killed her father figure and you leave her without guard/watchman? How incompetent can you guys be?

: Now that you mention it, I wonder where she is
After all of this it is time to go and kill dudes next time. Till then.