Part 48: Chapter 34 The Sword of Canaan
Chapter 34 The Sword of Canaan
Welcome back. Today we are going to face the hardest challenge yet and what might be the hardest map in the game. So there will be plenty to cover therefore lets get started.


This dude is Ernst, the Sword of Canaan and a massive pain in the ass as this map will show.


Seems Est is still upset about us killing Barbossa (who was the Shield of Canaan)

Lets talk about the enemy on this map. For starters there is this asshole that stands more or less behind the boss and is quite a pain in this chapter.

Est herself is useless but that doesnt stop her from attacking Runan on sight and killing herself on him since even with a charm a single attack of him is enough (I learned that the hard way) so position yourself carefully and talk to her before she does anything foolish.

Of these two infinitely respawning units the dragon riders are by far the more threatening. They have great range and power and their spawn cannot be blocked unless you have a very tanky flier and even then its risky.

There are also a ton of those running around all with defense scores in the twenties thx to their shields. Not shown are the 2 cavalary spawns since they are largely non threatening.

This leaves us with the boss asshole himself. He has Narrons class which means the absurd caps and promotion bonus (for this game at least). He hits like a truck and has an avoid of almost 90 meaning good luck hitting him with anything behind on their skill score. Should he use his shield sword and proc Mighty Guard he could achieve a defense of almost 70 if he wanted and a respectable 50 even without his shields. On top of that he can also leach HP with Sol, has a 30% chance of critting and doubles almost your entire team.
The easiest ways to deal with him are unfortunately on Holmes team in form of Rishels tome and the bow Arvanrast (both 3 range weapons). Therefore we have to duke it out the old fashioned way.

Rebecca start off with conjuring up some golems to create some target practice in the No-Fly-Zone, I mean just look at the number or archers and ballistas

Sierra goes under the profession of dragon killer for this map and gets and empty level

Attrom kill the cavalary spawing to out right and Lionel occupies it to stop the spawns.

Attrom, Sun and Narron block the tank armada from advancing.

This is where I split the teams in half having Runan move towards Est and send some help along to clean up the side. Rina should be able to get some levels in this less dense area.

The priest starts his work

Rina gets attacked and retaliates for pitiful damage and a great level.

Some more skirmishes happen and the first batch of reinforcements spawns in their respective positions unless blocked.

Sun grabs a level from fighting a tank and still refuses to gain strength.

Vega kills the cavalry that was attacking Rina with a Dragon proc.

Sierra repositions herself to not become a victim of the archers on top of the map and resumes her dragon killing duty.

Another tank dies and another bad level as a result.

The golems continue to get hit instead of my dudes performing admirably.

After another failed attempt to get further than this I decided that I needed Sierra to kill the ballistas as they were becoming a real nuisance to my non tanky members.

Better than nothing I guess.

Our frontliners kill a few more tanks and Sun continues to amaze me in her inability to gain strength at a decent pace.

Priest is still a gigantic asshole

Zach can still tank up these lesser dudes.

Runan murders a unit he was supposed to weaken for Rina and Rennie picks off a great level from killing a dragon that went after one of the golems.

At the end of the turn were almost through the tank barricade. Sun occupies another spawn point.

The breakthrough might take a bit longer as long as he lives.

More dragon spawn and they start to get dangerous as Sierra is almost done mopping up the ballistas.

Vega meanwhile takes his new weapon for a spin. Base 80% crit is quite good I hear.

Runan crits another unit he was supposed to weaken

Narron gets another good level despite how far he already got. Keep on trucking

If you want to stay in the team then get strength please.

Rebecca heals Rennie for an ok level.

We kill the last tanks and ballistas and have finally broken through the chokepoint.

Runan clearly doesnt want Rina to get any experience. Still at least he gets an ok level from it.

Luckily we finished killing the ballistas as one of the dragon riders breaks through and one shots Enteh. Thank god I had put a charm on her (this time at least

And this is the story of how everyone on my team critted to prevent Rina from getting kills.

Her levels get slightly better at least.

Zach kills one of the spawning siege weapons but gets in range of the boss.

We area approaching the boss on the western team while the eastern team has a few more enemies to deal with (and talk to Est). Lastly Sierra is back in position to resume her dragon slaying ways.

The healer does his thing and Ernst puts a dent into Zach.

More reinforcements spawn.

We cleaned them up and Narron tries to make his way through to the healer to silence him for good.

Finally one dragon survives and I can get Rina some experience.

And it was worth it

Runan makes her way over to Est to prevent her from killing herself.

And were back to our regular dragon killing with Sierra.

I forgive Narron for this since he was so good to us so far.

And now he starts running away while people block Narrons path. Asshole

Zach gets a level and a recruitable character appears.

Haggar or Hagaru sucks major ass. He is a wood shooter like Thomas (who?) meaning he got a whooping 3 movement and the disadvantages of being an archer. Even worse while his special weapon has 20 mt and up to seven range it also is completely useless because after using it you can no longer move for the entirety of the map! Who thought this was a good idea?

I decided to promote Rina since it didnt look like she gets some more xp and she probably wont reach lvl 30 anyhow even with Elite in what little remains.

He attacks us and shows his uselessness by inflicting almost no damage on Zach.

Rennie continues on strong while getting a level from killing a tank.

And the Physic asshole makes sure he remains undisturbed

Sierra continues to burn through her tomes and murder the never ending stream of dragon riders.

Business as usual and Mintz finally made it over to recruit Hagarus worthless ass.

The Big bro here is most likely a direct translation of aniki since I cant find any source stating they are related.

90% of my army is probably underaged! Bad Mintz, bad!

Since he was rooted down anyhow I tried to burn away a shield use of the boss but he sucks to much to ever hit him without a severe case of luck

So Narron had to do it.

We pick up a few more levels until we find us in quite a bind

You see Sierra literally burned through all of her tomes and now is incapable of stopping the spawning dragons who will without a fault go after Enteh and oneshot her. I know this because it happened once where the boss activated his dmg reduction ability and I wasnt able to finish him off.

So its all in on my part. I need to hit (only a 60% chance even with Vegas sky high skill) and I need a crit on top of it (luckily I got 80 % of that) and lastly Ernst has to activate neither Mighty Guard or Sol.

I was lucky and could finish it with Runan and Rennie following up however if Rennie missed or didnt crit she would have died to Ernst. I really dislike the amount of luck needed on this mission if you dont have the right pieces present.

Rennie got an ok level but honestly Im just glad to have this behind me.

Before finishing the map I give Rina another level. Not the best but servicable. But now we got a few more words to cover before were done for today.

And why didnt you stop her

And thats it for the chapter. Next time we are going to retake the castle. Ill add Hagarus stats later for those interested