Part 49: Chapter 35 The Royal Palace of Leeve
Chapter 35 The Royal Palace of Leeve
Welcome back after another long pause on my part. Still I should be getting this done by the time my exams start in September. Anyway its time to recapture the palace of Leeve from Julius.

: There is still some small contigent of soldiers left beneath the castle. They will return to the barracks soon.

: I see. The main portion of my army was annihilated in the last battle. The people who survived are injured and tired. If they are made to fight theyll become a hinderance.

: Lord Julius wants them to live and return to their homes safely.

: Theodora, I have a request for you. Will you hear me out?

: Yes, if its something Im able to do.

: I want you to return to Canaan and see the situation. There hasnt been any information from my elder brother. I want news about Sennet.

: However Lord Julius

: Dont worry. I wont be defeated. You should know me better than that.

: Yes, I know, I know. But

: Runan said if we give up the castle they wont chase us. As soon as the soldiers are prepared, Im going to withdraw to Norzeria.

: Is that true? Can I believe your words?

: Dont make me repeat myself. If I dont know the situation in Canaan then I cant retreat even if I wanted to. All we can rely on is your report.

: I understand. Then I will make haste. Lord Julius, please wait for me in Norzeria. I will definitely return without fail!

: I wanted to avoid fighting beneath the castle, but we dont want to involve the citizens.

: Prince Julius refused to surrender the castle. We can only regain it by force.

: Prince Julius
why wont you understand?
And with that we can finally start fighting. However lets first look at what the opposition looks like.
The regular soldiers are pretty much not a threat unless you are already severely hurt and the physic asshole is in an unreachable place (barring Sierra and a flyer) which is annoying. But the biggest problem by far is Julius. He is quite a beast with his Canaan Lance and moves on top of it. You can fight him head on which will gain you the Canaan Lance as a reward or you can use the round-about way I used and will demonstrate here which is far safer unless your units are gods themselves (his goddess shield prevents effective damage and critical hits and Nihil prevents skills so you have to beat him in an old fashioned beatdown. The Canaan Lance also heals the damage it deals).
For now we wont step forward aggressively but rather stay in the lower half of the map and wait for the soldiers to come to us as to not to provoke Julius.
There is one more thing to say about the city though

: I have nothing to give to you so get out of here as soon as possible. Dregs like you crashing in and out of my home is a stain to my family name. Never come back again!
Everyone is an asshole.
We slowly move our armies forward until something happens in the northeast part of the map.

: I know I was ordered not to talk about this, but it seems thats his intention. However, dont worry. All of us veteran soldiers will stay here. Even if His Highness ordered us to retreat, we cant let him die alone.

: In the last battle the veteran soldiers were injured and exhausted. There is no reason for young ones like us to withdraw!

: You must survive. Live and support the motherland. If you understand His Highness feelings then dont die in vain in a place like this!

: I cant! Ill stay here! I want to fight alongside His Highness! See, everyone here feels this way!

: Foolish
however you fill me with pride, men. May the Goddess forgive us, we who began this fight.
The general is the only one to take notice of and at most a mild threat.
We advance on the utmost limit of Julius range. Do not go after the ballista. Julius will reach and destroy you if you do (I tried it with Sierra and payed for it.)
The enemy starts the aggression with their brave bow.
Some more reinforcenments spawn from the north and in the other corner something happens in the arena.

: Hey, hear me out. Why dont we use this chance to raise our flag?

: You idiot, its the other side. The liberation armys victory is easy to see. On the other hand the Canaan Army is just a bunch of cowards. If we present their heads to the liberation army, well be rewarded. Even having a place in the government wouldnt be a dream anymore.

: Ho ho, thats not a bad idea. Ok, lets do it!

: Its decided then. Ok, everyone! Find the Canaan Army and let there be no one left breahing.
With this the gladiators start pouring out of the arena which also kicks off the first step of our tactic.

: I see. I will hold the off myself. Pass orders to the soldiers in town to keep withdrawing.

: Yes sir!

That I have no choice but to use the Lance of Canaan like this

: Did they know we came to liberate their country? Is that why they revolt?

: Gladiators who put their life on the line for prize money do not suddenly start fighting for the sake of justice. Most likely they know well be victorious and rush to arms, thinking what they can gain from it.

: What they can get out of it? What would that be

: Like scavaging the corpses for valuables or trying to sell the commanders head of one side to the other. Bluntly put, they are hungry hyenas, making the most out of the opportunity.

: Kh-
what a horrible bunch

: Be that as it may it doesnt change the fact that for now they are allies. Lets workem hard and reduce our own casualties. We should just watch the spectacle until either side falls.

The gladiators are more capable than the soldiers but thats all the good things I can say about them. Well that and the number that will eventually come out of the arena.The bad thing? All of them have Mug which makes your Hit take a huge dump for everyone in 3 spaces of you. Oh Joy...
Nothing much happens for a turn or two before Julius flies over to our new friends
This gives time for Sierra to burst down the ballista and
that level
Lets visit another of the charming people living here.

: I dont know whether your purpose I sliberating the motherland or what, but Id like you to refrain from starting a fight inside town. Itll just cause us a heap of trouble, ok? We cool? Whether its your win our the empires win itll just be a change in leadership, I wont gain a thing. If you want treasure just go somewhere else where they got more money. Just hurry up and get out of my sight!
Arent they just lovely
Lets see some more

: Anyways, they oughta at least show some gratitude.

: You got it. Anyway, the guy from last night, that was hardly any fight at all. When I drove him into an alley and beat him up he just started crying for his momma as he died.

: Haha, what a masterpiece! About that, what was your killcount last night? Mine was four.

: Tsk, its my loss. I only killed three. If I would have known this, I wouldve gone out and killed some more.

: Hey, hey whats up with this bar? Dont you know the first thing about service? Thisll just not do. We are the brave men wholl save the country! When you bring out the booze, how about being a bit nicer, eh?

: Dont talk like youre some kind of heroes! You just enjoy killing people, dont you? You just depend on numbers and attack the weak. And yet you dont feel pain in your hearts? Somethings wrong with you! You think of killing as just a game!

: What did you say?!

: Nn! Hey, there are guys from the allied forces here, its bad news to start a scene

: Pah! Ill remember this!
Julius meanwhile starts murdering the gladiators.
We also start fighting the soldiers now that Julius is occupied. We get a decent level for Rina and Rennie.
More gladiators spawn and we continue to fight the soldiers giving Vega another level.
More and more fighters come out of the arena and Rina picks up another level involving strength.
We take a break from the current program to bring you a newsflash about assholish ciztizens.

: spouting stuff like give these pitiful lambs a loving hand
, when in reality she betrayed the great town of Leeve and cooperated with the empire. I saw it with my own eyes, Prince Barka of the empire went into that place. No doubt about it! Youre from the Utona allied army, right? Tell Prince Runan that when you liberate this town to take that eyesore sister and those shabby kids to jail. Oh and when you do, you wont forget who reported this and reward me, eh?
Thank you man from the JRPG Stasi
And another one for good measure.

: Just nonchalently barging in uninvited. As you can see my house is poorer than the others. Did you ome here to ridicule me like the other wealthly people do? Or will you force me to fork over some gold? I helped you out before and got nothing out of it. I refuse and now get out!
Julius draws dangerously close to our group while pursuing the gladiators so I have Rebecca summon up some golems to be killed instead.
Which he precisely does. I also may have overkilled on the golems but better safe than sorry.
Also this archer has 100% evasion against both my flyer and Sierra from having all those mugging gladiators around

However Rennie has sufficient skill despite being affected by one gladiator to hit and kill him just fine.

Frau murders the physic asshole with a pretty lucky crit and hit.

However more importantly our delaying strategy made Julius used up all of his lance on gladiators and golems meaning even with his great stats he is now infinitely less threatening due to having a shitty slim sword. Time for us to hunt him down.

However first of all we visit the church to see this evil sister that one dude was talking about.

: We were protected by Lord Barka, so we managed to survive until now. But because the empires army lost, the citizens came here and took all of our food. Since yesterdy the children havent got anything to eat. Please save them, these pitiful lambs

We donate 3000 gold here which uncurses all weapons (of which we have none but Im not an asshole like the citizens
: May the Goddess bless you all.

Now the problem starts that Julius goes after our golems and our foot soldiers simply cant catch up meaning were on a Benny Hill chase to end his chapter. *cue music*

Narron does some damage and Julius heals himself.

This goes on for so many turns that Ill spare you and ends with him cornered and out of a weapon.

: We wont give chase if you withdraw now. Please return to Canaan!
: Hmph Being pitied by a child. The three binary stars of Canaan really have fallen. Alright I deal with you last. Think you can win against me?

And after taking way too long to achieve victory it is finally done.

What is wrong with you? Sennet basically conquered half the continent and you havent even met him. This makes no sense 

Runan still refuses to get good levels so I also let him choke on stat booster while giving chase because I need him to not be a liability.

: Lord Julius

: Will you give me Lord Julius remains? I want to bring him back with my own hands and reunite him with the soils of his beloved Canaan.
: I see
I have no problem with that. I will give you his remains. Please give him a proper burial.
: Yes, you have my utmost gratitude, Lord Runan. Well then, I beg my leave

: That woman
she cried
: Yes
: Lord Runan, please cheer up for we are victorious. Now let us return to the royal palace with pride.

: Hmm, they might want to flannel Lord Runan into protecting their positions. Even though they have hidden themselves until now. What shameless people.
: Even if that is the case, we cannot affor to not see them. Please let the representatives pass.
: Yes sir!

: You are Duke Tatus, arent you? I didnt know you were safe and sound.
: Yeah, I managed to escape the eyes of the empire somehow and hid myself near the castle. However, these last two years were a series of hardships. Because warriors like you are worthless, even we had a hard time. Ill expect you to not let this kind of thing happen again.
Everyone is an asshole. Every. Single. One.
: All things considered, you dont seem to have lost that charm of yours. That smooth oily skin; I could use its greasy abundance even in my cooking.
Thank you, Eugen. 
: Nh-
you insolent bastard! We are just
: Duke, what is it that you want from me?
: Oh, thats right. I have something of great importance to tell you. Since Princess Meeve is returning home, the Kingdom of Leeve can be restored at last. In this matter Lord Runan
I, as the Lord of Leeve, hereby request Princess Meeves had on marriage and to be accepted into the roxal family. Of course, only if my lord has no objections.
: Has the princess given her consent to this?
: Of course, she said she will leave this matter to me.
: Is that so
: Then, I trust that you do not object, Lord Runan. I request the princess to be waiting for me by the throne then.

: Be nice to her, please.
: Lady Meeve, this is Prince Runan, son of Glamdr, archduke of Lazeria. He succeeded in recapturing Leeves royal castle and wishes to have an audience with her Highness.

Stop with these ellipse already. 
: *Cough* The princess expresses her joy of Milords loyalty to the royal family. Whne she is instigated as the Queen, she will be respectful of the current state of rulership, as well as of the royal family and the nobles. I also wish to express our gratitude to you and, as the groom of the hereditary royal familiy, it is my sincere hope that milord endevours his loyalty.
: My humblest of apologies to her Highness, but I must refuse.
: What..!? Lord Runan
what did you just say..!?
: I said that I refuse!
: Th-Then
Are you saying that you do not wish for me to marry the princess?
: Yes, as it currently stands, I cannot accept it!
: Wh-
! How impolite!
I understand your plight. Then let us agree that this conversation never occurred. But, Lord Runan, the people of Leeve are fondly expecting the day you become their king. For the sake of these people, please espouse the throne of Leeve.
: Lady Meeve we cannot have that. I have said this before, but there are many people of more suitable class than that of a noble to succeed the throne. If we ignore this and make Lord Runan king, the tradition of our country will be lost.
: When I first came to the Royal Castle of Leeve, I understood only partly what this war was about. The citizens are greedy and self-absorbed, they no longer possess sympathy in their hearts. The like of which isnt seen in any other town, the people here are engulfed by plentiful riches. They made a grotsque sight. I thought to myself about the rulers of the Kingdom of Leeve. As long as we dont drive out the parasitic scum, the foolish nobles, Leeve will not have any future. Therefore I followed the views of my elders. If I were with Lord Runan, I could abide by my uncles wishes and put an end to the tyranny of the nobles, changing the people of this country.
: Gh
What are you saying
: But alas
My selfish wishes are but a nuisance to Lord Runan. After I make sure that Norzeria is at peace I will return to the Temple of Water. However, Lord Runan, I have one last wish I would like you to hear. Please dont desert Leeve. I beg of you, Lord Runan

So many
and many more to come

: You fool

: To think that you always make things look so good. Surprising for someone who is his fathers murderer.
: K-..Karla!? Why are you
: I saw what you did earlier. Id have though that King Bahanukes murderer would be Prince Julius. It doesnt matter though, its all the same to me.
: What did you say?!
: With this, the Kingdom of Canaan too shall come to and end. Ares, burned by the flames of Muse, You shall be punished with execution for the sin of killing your father. And the remaining one, shall himself be destroyed while regretting his actions. Hehehe
The three binary stars of Canaan shall drop to the ground., and thus the sun of Zoa shall rise. All according to Pope Gwens scenario. Everything proceeds very well indeed
: Kh-
damn witch
so you tricked me
: Hmhmhm
Take comfort in the fact that the one doing the honors of your execution will be none other than I

: Pft, miserable man.

: Hehehe
Now that I think about it, it really is the kid from that time. Did you come here to avenge your mother? Splendid. Since you did all that together I shall end all your lives here
: Karla! The only one to die here today will be you!

: In order to break the dark magic of Zahak, you need the divine magic Prelude or the Sacred Swords of Utona.
: Temzin? So you came too
long time no see. Has it been 20 years already, I wonder?
: Karla
When you were but a lass, you were called the jewel of Zoa. And now youre a warrior and kill people. You fool
No should I perhaps say it is pitiful. Fate is a cruel mistresss
: Does someone who threw away his clan because of a woman and threw away the pride of Zoa like trash really consider himself to have the right to condemn me?
: I heard you threw away your husband and children for the sake of Zoa. Though you were led on by Gwenchaos it must have been a painful experience
: Indeed its easy to lose hard when oneS honor is bent
Ill let pass what happened to day and will take my leave now. The resurrection of Gazel draws near. You should enjoy this throughly while it lasts.

: N-No way

: I come with brother Sennet. Father
like this
: Sennet
you came
: Uncle Barka
I am here.
: Sennet, youve sure grown up
You look so much like my brother when he was young
: Uncle the priest will see to your wounds. Please, speak no more
: No
its alright
Im beyond saving
: Uncle, please dont give up!
: Sennet
I leave Canaan to you
The future we always dreamed of
By your hands
: Aah
: Uncle
Ill never forgive you

: I am. Is marriage such a trifle to her that she would marry purely for the sake of the country? Does she want me to marry into the royal family and become just like Tatus?
: Lady Enteh has held back many tears. I think this particular matter has caused her much grief.
: Maybe Ive been a little rude to her. I want to talk to her about this, but I cant seem to find the right words.
: Being born into the royal family, she had a miserable childhood. Lady Enteh has no say in how the kingdom is run, so she take sher duty as princess seriously, as if her life depends on it. As a child born into one of the Four Noble Houses of Leeve, you had a privileged upbringing. With the tax obtained from your subjects, you grew up in the lap of luxury, Lord Runan. I think she holds a grudge against you because you are not concerned about the kingdom. Then again
what do I know
: What a spiteful thing to say. Ill have you know that I bear the responsibilities of being Viceroy of Lazeria.
: And if Tatus becomes King hell give your title of Viceroy to another noble.
: No way! He cant do that to me
: Such is the authority of the King. He holds absolute powr over Leeve, as Im sure you know. If that incompetent fool becomes King, the entire kingdom will be engulfed in chaos. As a young noble, surely you know how much corruption went on in Leeve during the last Kings 40-year reign?
: Well, yes
He persecuted many innocents Zoans, turned a blind eye to the nobles tyranny and continually betrayed the trust of the other kingdoms. Thats what got us into this war.
: Precisely. It is always the powerless who suffer the most. Lady enteh knows this all to well. So she has solicited you for help. As a woman the word wedding holds a special meaning for her. Do you know what it means for her to be strong when shes alone with a nobleman?
: I get it, Eugen. Really, thats enough chatter

: Verna! So youve come.
: Yes, I just came from Canaan. Lord Sennet has finally won back Canaan Castle and the people are rallying behind him. He has publicly declared the demise of the Zoa Empire. And thus, he has requested peace negotiations in Norzeria, as were promised by you.
: Very well. Eugen, were going to Norzeria. Prepare our warriors at once!
: Yes sir! Right away!
: Hm. I think I shall come along too.

[i]And with that were done. Next time we enter peace negotiations with Sennet.