Part 51: Chapter 37 The Sacred Sword of Leeve
Chapter 37 The Sacred Sword of Leeve
Welcome back. Lets not waste any time and chase after Enteh. We begin in the town of Rimne.

: But with the allied armys victory, Rimne was freed at last. That is all thanks to you, Master Runan. Everyone here is greatly indebted to you.

: If you mean Lady Meeve, then yes shes been back here. However, she said she was going to the Water Temple
We tried to stop her, but she wouldnt listen to us.

: So shes at the Water Temple after all
In that case, well have to head out after her!

: Please wait, Master Runan. The Water Temple has long been in ruins, but recently, Gazels magicians appear to be milling around. Hence we tried to stop Lady Meeve, but

: Oh
Great Goddess
Thank you for protecting this young lady

: Anna, where is Lady Meeve?

: Well
She came back at one point, but
Deep in thought, she said that she had to get to the Water Temple at all costs.

: In the south is the Water Temple, under the protection of the royal family of Leeve. In the east is the Wind Temple, under the protection of the royal family of Canaan. In the west is the Fire Temple, which used to be under the protection of the royal family of Salia. And in the north is the Earth Temple, which used to be under the protection of the royal family of Leda. Moreover, its said that in the depths of those four temples is an altar wherein Gazel, the god of old, sleeps.
Well, we knew all that already

: Hand over the maiden of Rakis/Lakis! Ill give myself up in her place.
So you came alone to the bad guys demanding a hostage exchange without anything to stop them from taking you?

: Oh ho! So youre trying to tell me that you came all this way out here to save Princess Neyfa?

: R/Lakis was crying
Just as I used to
Do you really take pleasure in making the same mistakes over and over again?! I beg of you! Release the maiden of R/Lakis!
So you went from trying an exchange to plain begging? This goes south quick.

: Cackle
Very well, you can ask the Pope directly. Ill take you there myself.

: Stay back! I wont let you do as you please!
Too bad you handed over the ring that turned you into an unstoppable dragon

: I cant let you do that! Take this!

: Uugh

: Heh heh heh
Got myself quite the prize. Im sure Pope Gwen will be pleased.
And so ends the story of the Brave Rescuer Enteh and we are back to our regular scheduled program of Damsel in Distress Enteh.

: Perhaps it would be best to stock up on weapons and accessories in town first.
Well, lets buy some stuff before we head out.
Seems I found a use for the Holy Blade
Ill use the newfound money to buy two Far-Healing Staffs and a few door keys. Unfortunately the weapons one can buy are trash which is weird since this is the last shop youll visit.
Time to get this show on the road.

: She is but unconcious. There is no threat to her life.

: Is that so. Then I shall taker her to the altar. With this, all of the preparations have been completed.

: As you wish
What shall we do about the pagans that invaded the temple?

: Leave them to the Zombie Dragons. Amongst them, there is a special one on which I placed the scale of the Holy Dragon. Khehehe
. Those pesky insects are in for a surprise

: Oh
? A zombie dragon with the scale
.? This will be a sight worth watching.

: You will protect the sacred sword. I will not have it stolen by them.

: Yes, leave it to me , your Eminence.
And Gwen peaces out.

: Lady Claris!? Why are you

: I heard that Miss Enteh had returned so I made haste here, but it seems I was too late. I cannot feel Lady Entehs presence inside the temple.

: Eh-
then Gwenchaos

: Perhaps
Gwen abducted Katri at Salia village, now it seem slike he kidnapped Lady Enteh, too.

: Lady Claris, Enteh entrusted this Ring of Leeve with me. Do Lady Claris understand the meaning of this?

: The Ring of Leeve!?
So Lady Enteh entrusted this ring to Lord Runan

: She only left this ring here, and took off without a word. What in the world does it mean?

: Is Lord Runan familiar with the tale of the Sacred Sword lying dormant within the wall of the Water Temple?

: Ive heard it from my father before. After Karyuon destroyed the Evil God, the Sacred Sword was left inside the Temple of Water. Though it has now rusted completely and lost all of its power as the Sacred Sword

: When the crest on the Sacred Sword and the ring are combined, the sword will once again receive the power of the Goddess and be revived. Miss Enteh knew that and entrusted the ring to you.

! Then because of me, Enteh
Are you saying she gave up this precious ring for me and is trusting me to acquire the Sacred Sword?

: Miss Enteh needs help. She has known her fate sincer her young days. Having but a single wish close to her heart, she has been able to endure an eternity of torment, all by herself. Lord Runan, that ring is Miss Entehs heart
Please return it to its rightful owner by your own hand
Here is what we have to deal with: We have to wipe every enemy off the map which is quite a nuisance because the Summoners are durable enough that Sierra cant snipe them (Damn your magic growth girl
) and their summons are quite durable on their own, wasting your ressources before the final maps. In addition to them we have the room full of dragons, a few witches and the boss and his two cronies.
Here is the buffed dragon in question as well as Nebka and his cronies. Being able to heal and deal damage if the situation calls for it makes them quite nasty. The boss has good damage but most important revives upon death like the one in the Temple of Fire did. He is also positioned behind a bridge so we have to kill the summoners for the keys.
So lets get going.
Lionel uses his excellent movement and the Salia Lance he got from Verna to take care of the closest mage and gets a meh level although he is lacking defense.
Nothing much happens for a turn ort wo other than Sierra sniping two witches, Lionel killing another mage, the summoners amassing a defensive wall and Runan heading off to play with the dragons.
Despite looking dangerous, Runan is completely safe, since, with the Main Gauche equipped (it raises avoid by 20%) he cant be hit. Even better the breath weapon of the dragons does friendly fire and will slowly kill off them off while Runan just laughs. It wastes a bit of experience but Id rather waste that then coming up short on great weapons for the cast members Ill be using in the final.
Narcissus only comes along to plunder the chest throughout the map. Runan is necessary to distract the dragon since quite a few members of our cast can be one shoted should a dragon manage to hit them.
LetS start the monster extermination. Rennie getting a good level is quite pleasent.
And Sierra knows how to ruin my mood just fine.
While things look just fine on Runans part, I start to get annoyed at the summoner and the summons that try to set up some kind of obstacle course.
Rina still gets amazing level though
And Sierra ices the last witch.
Now things get ridiculus as the summons refuse to attack me making it even more of a slog. Luckily I have the solution for that
Global nukage
Too bad her growths left me hanging as well or it would have cleaned up all the summons instead of just softening them up. Still now we have to cut like a hot knife through butter.
We cut a path through the monsters, gain some good levels and strike down two of the summoners themselves. Now only one is left to annoy me
Runan takes a more proactive stance for the last few dragons and begins cutting them down with the Mainstar.
Physic assholes and summoners
Slowly but surely we are getting to the core of things. This time the path is filled with meh levels though
Dammit all
Just a matter of time now
Go to hell
I hope it look a long time to die and you were in horribly pain, jerk 
Great levels though.
Narcissus is grabbing a few more treasures and we are finally done with this part of the map.
Sierra hands over a bridge key to Lionel who opens the way to the boss while Sierra opens the way to another treasure chest.
The boss also falls easily in from of Vegas 93% chance to crit. At least before he revives.
Then he gets shot in the head by Rennie for an empty level :confutoot:
Sierra hits one of the cronies to force the AI to heal itself rather than double team and potentially kill one of my members present.
It works out. Meanwhile Narcissus is grabbing the last of the Master Weapon trio.
Narcissus is grabbing the last chest as well (this shot is from an earlier recording where I let the dragon come to close and fry Narcissus, suffice to say I remedied that) and a Mag+ potion is always welcome given how that growth has worked out for us.
Time to grab the sword to end this map.

: the crest of the sword and the ring, it will awaken as the Sacred Sword. Now, Lord Runan. Please try pulling out the sword with all your might.
And we get basically the same sequence that Holmes got for his sword.

: Even the dragons flame will have its power halved as long as you hold this sword.
And so we cut down the dragon and end this blasted map.

: Yes
then lets head into the underground tunnel. I will guide you to the altar of the Evil God.

: But Lady Claris

: Until now, I have lived by my fathers dying wish. Important girls are forced unto the battlefield, spending each day living in insecurity. All to stop Gwens ambition. I must see it end. Its my duty to. Lord Runan, Lord Eugen, I beg of you. Please allow me to accompany you to the altar.

: As long as its Lady Claris wish, we have no objections. Is it alright with you too, Eugen?

: Of course. Head Priest Claris is a person of strong courage and virtue. If we are to increase our company, there is none more reassuring.

: Thank you very much, Lord Runan, Lord Eugen. Lord Holmes and his company from the Temple of Fire shoud just about reach the altar now
We should make haste.
And next time we have the last Holmes chapter before the final and deal with a different damsal in distress.