Part 52: Chapter 38 Path to the Gazel Temple (Part 1)
Update 38 Path to the Gazel Temple (Part 1)
Welcome back. Its time for the last Holmes exclusive chapter of the game (Map 40 will have both Holmes and Runan). We have to make our way to the temple of Gazel.

And Karla ports away.

The other half of our team finds itself behind closed doors in the top right corner of the map. Also notice Kate being surrounded by skeletons without a weapon and remember that we didnt train her so we need to act fast or she is going to get slaughtered.

In addition to the monsters we got a few soldiers and mages as well as the boss but neither is really all that threatening if youre careful.

Holmes opens the first door and Shigen slaughters the mage inside for an ok level.

Rishel and Yoda take care of the rest of the enemies in the vicinity.

As for saving Kate, well we still got Renee and her Foehammer staff, so say goodbye to the monsters on this map (For those that dont remember the staff instantly slays monsters up to her current magic score).

And with that Kate is safe for now.

Leonheart gets a great level after killing a mage on a counter attack and the enemies get some bewitching support.

Renee continues to make the best of her situation and sends Sasha over to kill the dragon.

Raquel weakens the enemy mage because I forgot that she doesnt kill humans

The next two mages die to a combination of Rishel, Plum and Holmes.

The witch ports over and tries to attack Raquel only to end up cleaved in half by Billford.

Renee sends over King Ropharl to deal with a mage for now.

His daugther however is arguably better at it.

Holmes gets a great level from killing another soldier and Plum gets the only thing that matters from healing the king.

On the next turn we open the door to Kate and murder more of the opposition.

More witches die and Sasha brings Kate back under our control.

After killing yet another witch we move Kate over to Holmes to have a talk as well.

The king gives us his last level up and it turns out underwhelming.

Anyway after all this talking the boss has to die. Raquel weakens him

...and Renee ports Holmes over for the finishing blow. He caps skill in addition to his already capped strength with that level.

Only thing left to do is head for the exit.

But only after we cleaned house.

Surprise, the douche from the beginning is still a gigantic douche. Are you ready for his amazing reasoning?

Im sure the people of Leda will love you after selling out the rightful queen and everything they stand for in their Alliance. Wait Im pretty sure youre going to have a rebellion on your hand post haste, you moron.

And with that were done with Holmes path for now. Next up is Runans way to the temple and the grand finale.