Part 53: Chapter 39 Path to the Gazel Temple (Part 2)
Chapter 39 Path to the Gazel Temple (Part 2)
Welcome back. Time for Runan to follow Holmes and arrive at the Temple of Gazel. But first lets have some sibling talk. Well more like Karla telling Zieg their lifestory
so prepare for


: It has been nearly 30 years. At that time the northern frontier of Leda was invaded by Gazel. Although the Leeve Kingdom wasnt involved, people were secretely frightened of the Zoa Empire. We, who were born into a noble house, lived a comfortable and carefree life. However, one day, soldiers suddenly broke into our pavillion. Seven people of our family were taken, because our mother was from an ancient Zoan family. Just because of that reason our parents and siblings were brutally tortured to confess that they were minions of Gazel and then they were publically executed in the plaza. All the people gathered there, raised their hands and shouted with joy Kill the betrayers, kill the Zoans! Our parents and three elder sisters died burning at the stake while suffering. I still remember it clearly.


: I was seven and you were four at the time. By the law of Leeve children under twelve years were not allowed to be executed. Therefore we were thrown into the royal dungeon and received awful treatment. Because we were born as Zoa children we became slaves for five years.


: When I turned thirteen, once again many people gathered in the plaza, this time to see my execution. All those laughing and grinning faces
though I had suffered so much already.. it was mortifying. That time Gwenchaos appeared and broke me out of the execution tower.


: In Gazel I was trained as a sorceress. At that time, there were many refugees who escaped there. Pope Gwen said, although he wasnt a Zoan citizen himself. The hatred he and the rest of us felt towards the pagans who had forgotten the old commandments was the same. To rehabilitate the Zoan people, we can only revive the Zoa Empire. The only ones who can do this are us. If we refuse, the Zoan people and their descendants will be foreever despised by the pagans without being redeemed.


: When I was fifteen years old, I fell in love with a swordsman and had a boy with him.
Kaga what is it with you and fifteen year old girls

: But the following year, there was an order from Pope Gwen, that I was to approach the King of Canaan myself. Leaving the man and the son I loved so much and approaching an withering old man was painful. However I endured it and carried out the plan.

: Having cajoled the king and killed the queen, Canaan moved the way the Pope wanted it to. Abducting the daugther of Prince Ares and killing his wife also happened because of Pope Gwens instructions. So why did I do these things? Zieg do you understand now?

: To help me out of the oubliette prison under Leeve.

: Yes, I made King Bahanuke invade the Kingdom of Leeve to rescue you. Therefore three years ago when I knew you had been freed, I couldnt hold back my tears.

: That was the effort of Archduke Glamdr, that not only myself but other Zoan people were rescued. However I wish to express my gratitude towards my elder sister, for not forgetting the grudge of our people.

: Yes, your body was tortured for 25 years as you lived your life as a slave. Not an inch of your body wasnt brutalized. I still cant believe that you survived through all that.

: It was the anger towards them and the prayers to Lord Gazel that sustained me. I will have my revenge for sure and kill the people of Leeve one by one. That thought alone made me survive those 25 years.

: Zieg, I also cant forget the absolute hatred I felt in that execution tower. Just because we were born as Zoans, we were despised and treated as mere insects. If the Supreme God Gazel is revived, the Zoans will finally be liberated. For that day Ive sworn to become a martyr. To protect the children of Zoa
For that reason, I threw away my husband and son

: Elder Sister
I am sorry
I was wrong
Im a soldier of Zoa
I wont lose my way again.

: I must return to the altar. Zieg please set your defences here. As long as Gazel revives, the Zoan will be liberated. I cant allow them to obstruct the ceremony. Do you understand?

: I understand. I will defend this passage even if it costs my life. Leave it to me, elder sister.

: Yes, You and I, fron our youngest days, have suffered continuous hardships. But the liberation will soon come. Zieg if we could have another chance, another life, let us live it happily, as a normal family, as brother and sister.

: Elder sister
And Karla warps away to become a nuisance on the final map. Meanwhile we got Runan and co waiting, having their own thoughts

: We divided into smaller groups to search the labyrinth, but they should rejoin us sooner or later.

: Eugen, Im worried about Enteh. Even if itS just us two let us move forward.

: Yes, sir!
What to say about this map. I guess a designer loved the Deep Dungeon so we can see fuck all and have to navigate a maze while dealing with the enemies.
Well the enemies barring Zieg are only nuisances so its not too bad. Lets get this show on the road.
Would have loved if you started gaining that a little earlier miss.
And Sierra goes dragon hunting since she is 1 magic short of killing the healer guy.
Well thank you for killing yourself on her and thanks for the level.
We grab another key (not that I need them since I bought enough and have Narcissus deployed as well.
Their turn goes bad for them.
If I had to describe Lionel I would say rock solid. Not amazing in anyway (well maybe movement) but not bad either.
Also another door key.
We kill another dragon and Sierra goes into delivery service duties by grabbing two door keys from Runan.
Some reinforcements spawn on both sides.
Some good levels and more reinforcements to murder.
Global nukage finally allows Sierra to geet rid of one of the healers and she even gets magic out of it. Quite the miracle.
More dead reinforcements and more levels.
They double up on the reinforcements in response to that including annoying witches.
We also grab another door key from on eof the chests. I ignore the other chests because Narcissus was too slow but the only things were really missing is maybe the Wisdom Proof to promote Meriah but I thinks thats a little too late anyhow.
The reinforcements die as quickly as they spawned.
More reinforcements and two witches form the last room die on their respective opponents. Lionel also tries to bait the other witches to do the same as their predecessor.
However a much bigger fish takes the bait.
Might as well reel him in.
And this ends the map. Some more words to go though.

: I was foolish to trust such a person. I am truly sorry.

: where the God of Darkness, Gazel, lies in slumber.

: The evil god, Gazel. For more than a hundred years he ruled the lands while residing in the body of Karbazan,a soldier of Zoa. After that he was defeated by the combined powers of the hero Karyuon and the goddess Utna, and was sealed away here in the underground temple. That pope, Gwen, is trying to revive this God.

: Using the priestesses as sacrifice

: Yes. It was recorded in an ancient scripture that when the Evil God takes the life of a priestress, his power will increase little by little, I have heard. If four priestesses are sacrificed, then the Evil God will regain his full power and the world will be plunged into darkness.

: Lady Claris, if the Evil God revives, in what manner should we fight him?

: to put an end to the Evil God we need the Sacred Sword of Utna. That is the only way. He will not be wounded by ordinary arms.

: The Sacred Sword of Utna? That would be the sword Karyuon the hero used to put an end to Kazaban, the Divine Emperor, is it not? But does that kind of thing really exist? I thought it to be fiction, but

: Does the general know of the legend about the birth of the four kingdoms?

: Yes, although only generally
After the rule of the Evil God perished, the hero and the goddess were married and their ideal kingdom became a reality. Four daugthers were born to them. They were named: Leeve, Canaan, Leda and Salia. At the time the Goddess left the lands, she divided them equally; The kingdom, the Sacred Sword and the bracelet between her four daughters
. And thats about it?

: Yes
Since then, the Sacred Sword was divided into four, to defend the royal families. The one which Lord Runan holds, the Sacred Sword of Leeve, is one of those swords.

: Oh

: If these four Sacred Swords, which were handed down through the royal families of each kingdom, become one, the power of the Goddess will likely return. However for now we only have Leeves
With only this we will not be able to fight.
Lady you should also know about Holmes

: Lady Claris, I will walk the road that I believe in. Beyond that darkness is where Enteh is
No matter what, I cannot stand idle!
Join me next time when we finish the game.