Part 54: Chapter 40 The Temple of Gazel
Update 40 The Temple of Gazel
Welcome back. Time to end Gwens ambition once and for all! Fitting for the last chapter there are a ton of
to be spoken.
Meet the brave heroes who are coming along on this last map.

: With your grief as provisions, the Dark God will live in my soul. After 800 years, the King of Darkness will finally be revived!

: Then why did you get charmed by the Dark God and bundle off the human race to ruin? What could you want?

: As a descendant of Ledas royal family, Earths Priestress Tia, you must know about the fate of my pitiable wife.

: Are you talking about grandaunt Titas story? I heard she went missing when she was about my age.

: Fu, very well. I will educate you. Its a story of forty years ago. In those days, the Leda Kingdom and the Salia Kingdom had been embroiled in long lasting war. Ledas King grew irritated as the fight prolonged. When he learned that on his youngest daugthers body lied the stigma of Utna; He planned to make her a tool of war by summoning the Saint Dragon. Princess Tita begged for his mercy while crying. But the cruel king ordered the court priest to carry out the magic. She was forced to turn into the Saint Dragon. Tita was confused in the cruel war and it became impossible to return to her human form. Since then, she had lurked in the northern frontier and lived a life that felt as long as eternity. Lived and cried. The humans who were ignorant of her pitiful fate called her the Evil Dragon Kranion. And to obtain their great exploits, they hunted and tried to kill her. And when they couldnt kill Tita, they killed themselves against her over and over. I thought about it myself. If humans will kill themselves trying to kill Tita, then just let them all die. We will become gods and create this world over again. For their own ambitions, they used a pure girl. Humans who maker her suffer through hell dont have any value to live anymore.

: Descendant of brave Canaan, Princess Neyfa, the Priestress of Wind. I dont know the answer to that myself. However, no matter how much time it takes, I will watch over Tita. For forty years I have kept watching her. But I have grown old. Theres not much time left for me, but I cant rot away.

: Pope Gwen, you are wrong. Lady Tita would never wish for this crusade against humanity. If you really wish for her happiness, why dont you let her sleep quietly? At least its something that you could do for her yourself.

: The descendant of pure Leeve, Princess Meeve, the Priestress of Water. When the man you love is imprisoned and suffering, can you just abandon him? Dont you want to do anything to save and protect that person.

: I will follow that persons heart. However no matter what happened, I would never sell my soul to darkness.

: Hmph, what naivety. You have not yet known true love. Can you throw yourself away for the sake of another?

: The descendant of beautiful Salia, Princess Katri, the Priestress of Fire. Is there something you want to say?

: You are human. Even if you gain immortality, you cant change the fact that you are still human. Your heart would not change. How can you call it eternal? Because life is limited, love is honorable. You obtain your immortal body, but in the end what is it you really gain? Nothing. You lose everything. Even the one you love will fade away. So, can you still call that a success?

: Ku
Enough. Now I will use my Janura tome and take your life energy. You will become sacrifices for the Dark Gods transmigration. The first one is you, Fire Priestress Katri! Ill start with you!

: If there wasnt this iron barred window we could go save her. But its impossible to open from this side.

: Hurry Katina! If this continues, Neyfa will
And here we are ready to get started. Lets look at the opposition shall we?
They all can pack a punch but honestly arent too threatening. The dragons and mages might be the worst because the dragons ignore defense and the mages got AoE tomes.
Karla is fairlx weak herself although this is offset by good speed and avoid as well as Warp and the Dragon Mail which halves damage received. Taking her out quick might be the best bet so that she doesnt get any fancy ideas and goes after your healers. At least she has Nihil so you cant cheese her with skills (you can still murder her with Vega and Likuud if you can get him to her).
Gwen however is quite the pain in the ass. He packs quite the punch, is accurate and has a tome that heals him as well as one that prevents counterattacks. His defense is ok and he has Warp and Life and Death to make him even more threatening. So Im thankful we dont have to fight him.
Sierra takes our door keys and with the help of Plum opens the doors that hinder Runans and Holmes team. If you didnt bring Sierra and door keys (or Renee I guess) then youll have to wait till Turn 4 to do anything.
Since we do pack her however, we are free to murder things from turn one. Rennie takes out her frustration on a dragon zombie and gains an empty level from it. At least she learns Continue I guess.
We follow up on Holmes side before ending our turn.
Karla starts bothering us, Runan kills a dude with a counter attack and the first of many reinforcements spawn.
Neyfa is the next to fall.
Naturally Sennet is quite upset at this (No idea why they didnt give Holmes dialogue for Katris death since they gave it to anyone else).
For our second turn we kill a few more dudes and Sierra flies over to free Sennet.
Speaking of Sennet, he is another new unit we get this chapter. He comes with great stats (capped strength and weapon level) and the second best growths (HP: 80/STR: 55/SKL: 55/AGI: 40/DEF: 40/MAG: 0/Luck: 45/Wlvl:45) in the game for all the good that does for us in the last map. Charisma and Life or Death are nice and Earth Saint is a useless skill.
We continue to advance and get some levels on all sides. In addition I summon some golems to act as decoy who end up being useless apart from the fact they steal 10 sec of my time every turn.
On the enemies turn we kill a few guys on counter attacks and eat a few AoE tome attacks. Nothing we cant handle.
Enteh falls as well.
We send Sennet after Karla since she came too close to them and we can actually reach her this turn.
And Sierra finishes the job.
The rest of the turn we kill less important mooks.
Now the witch reinforcement comes which ended my first run. They come equipped with the Death tome which is the equivalent of a Killing Edge.

: Alright, Alfred. Do it before I change my mind.

: It was of a young priest and close to him was a beautiful girl and she was smiling. Mother told me that those two people were destined to be together. But the young man was banished due to the kings anger and the girls whereabouts are unknown. I wondered, the young priest with that kind smile, is that what you looked like when you were young? You are a pitiful one. Even though you are my parents killer, even though I hated you. But when I think about the crime my great-grandfather committed
I thought that if the Leda family was killed, we couldnt do anything. However you took the lives of girls who had no guilt or part. Katri, Neyfa and Enteh
They all had a right to live. You, for your ambitions, killed them like one would kill an insect. Gwenchaos I pity my grandaunt Tita. The man she loved does no longer exist. He is nothing but an ugly monster now. I dont have any regret in this world. So, kill me. I have nothing more to say.
Jesus, Tia, its called last words not last monologue.

: Tia, you looked so much like Tita back then. That noble and beautiful
I have gained so much power already. I will let you live a while longer. Kneel before me, who became a god. Replace my lost Tita
live as my servant
Tia is fifteen for christ sake

Gwen and Richard trade hits. No one is hurt significantly afterwards.
And Gwen finishes Richard off.

: Move.. Cmon, move
My body

. Richard

: Tia, take this. The Saint Sword of Leda. With it, Gwen cant touch you anymore. Haa
. last
. present
And the last sword revives
Suddenly a ray of sunshine shines into the underground temple somehow and Tia finds herself back in armor
And so dies the Lion Prince of Marl
Tia engages Gwen in combat.

: Foolish girl. If you stop now and obey me, I can show you mercy and you may live a little longer.

: The spirits of the three priestresses are with me. Their anger will blast your body to pieces! Take this!
Tia uses plot armor to ignore the counter block on Zahakk and puts Gwen into critical health with a backflip slash.

: Fine. The preparations were complete, anyway. The Dark God and I, together we willuse the flames of purgatory to burn this world to nothing. Remember, humans. Remember my long-held grudge, for I will finish this now. Oh Dark God Gazel, I, Pope Gwenchaos followed the ancient orders and completed the ceremony of revival! Give me power
Let me become an apostle of darkness and wipe clean this foolish humanity! Uaaaaahhhhhh!!!!
And Gazel shows his face. Why do I have the feeling that Gazel could have been Grima if this was an actual FE (or if Kaga didnt get sued).

: He is not yet fully awake. Before its too late. We must do something before the dark god can regain his fulll power. At the rate things are going, the world is doomed.

: Is his breath really that frightful?

: His breath is deadly, but more dangerous by far is his dark magic which calls forth the Black Rain. If the Black rain pours down, we will be instanously annihilated.

: What!? Is that true?

: In ancient records, it is said that there was a time when several hundred thousand lvies were stolen by that Dark Gods Black Rain. There will be no escape when the Black Rain pours down!

: What a horrific thing!

: Lord Runan join forces with your allies and defeat the Dark God as soon as possible. If we wait too long, all harships weve been through will be for nothing!!
Well Gwen is gone and in his stead is the capslock loving Gazel. Lets see what he got.
Gazel has pretty impressive stats outside of Strength which he doesnt use anyway. Hes fast, has ridiculous defense and packs quite a punch. On top of that he has the Dragon Mail which halves damage done to him. Luckily the Saints Swords work around the dragon scale meaning he only has 30 defense against us. In addition the swords halve his breath damage as well. All in all use your four important people to beat him done and let the rest take care of the reinforcements. Black Rain is also as ridiculous as it sounds with 20 Mt, 1005 crit chance and 120% hit. Then again he only uses it if we idle too much and let 20 turns pass.
Here is what happens if you do Many thanks to youtube user BigKlingy for uploading it so I wont have to waste my time transcribing things.
Rishel and Yoda are on witch killing duty so the mishap of the first try doesnt happen again. Renee takes care of the eyeballs that spawned along with Gazel and Shigen takes care of the last healer.
Rennie, Narron and co. take care of the reinforcements in the southeast.
Lets have a look at Tia. She comes with three capped stats (Magic, Agility and Wlvl) and is one away from capping skill as well. She is already stronger than our entire team and at a far lower level and on top of that she has the best growths in the game (not that she needs them). Here they are for those that are curious : HP 65 STR 50 SKL 55 AGI 50 DEF 30 MAG 65 Luck 60 Wlvl 40. She also can use every tome barring darkness tomes including the Prelude tome we got a few maps ago that can also damage Gazel. But she is good to go with her Saint Sword. Lastly she got Heaven Saint and Dragon as skills which are some of the better skills as well. All in all she could probably solo the entire game.
Alfred has growths on par with the best mages (which are still pitiful) comes with Warp and better stats than all of our mages. He also has a door key to get you out of your cells if you havent brought your own.
Sierra and Alfred double team the last mage for now.
Our lords move towards the newly appeared stairs in order to assist Tia.
After killing some more mooks offscreen, Gazel goes on the offensive and uses his breath on Tia. He is fairly accurate but tends to only hit one so nothing our mages cant deal with.
More witches are summoned to their own execution.
A couple of reinforcements die and Rennie grabs another level.
We kill the next batch of reinforcements, including the last of the eyeballs, and get more levels. From now on just assume I kill the reinforcements every turn. No sense repeating the same old stuff.
Tia eats another breath attack and Runan has a quick chat with Holmes.

: Holmes, at the ready! Wheres your usual vigor?

: Eugen
How would a geezer like you understand my feelings?

: Kah- ignoring that. Listen we need to cooperate to defeat the Dark God. If you want to cry, do it later.
Some more levels from our supporting staff.
Runan and Holmes take the next breath with Runan taking critical damage because I forgot to switch back to his Saint Sword.
Sennet and Runan have a quick chat as well.

: I understand. However, for now we need to defeat Gwen.

: Yes. I can
never forgive him. I will surely defeat him.
Holmes gives Sennet a Spd potion so that he can double Gazel.
Another level for Narron.
Runan eats another full damage breath because Im still dumb. Sennet ingest the speed potion and moves up to Gazel.
All the players are in place. Time to show this dragon whos boss.
Holmes starts off by critting his face.
Runan follows up
And Tia adds the finishing touch. To be fair she dealt enough damage to one shot the boss despite him halving all damage received. Guess the last boss should have had Nihil
She also gets a lvl that isnt all that great. Then again given what she starts out with..
And Gazel simply revives. This continues ad infinitum unless you surround him with your four units in the way I did. If you did then it goes on like here:
Our heroes are protected by a Barrier from the dragons breath
Before we attack in succession and blow him up.
Our mysterious ray of light bathes the dragon and makes him vanish. We discover a girl in his stead.

: I am Miradona. Following the fate of Emiyu, I fell into an eternal sleep in this earth. Hundreds of years ago, my blood brought a great tragedy. I never realized till now that it still causes Utnas girls to suffer. Let everything return the way it should be. The soul of Karubazan was sealed. The souls of Gwen and Tita were saved. Purify this underground temple. Utnas girls will also awaken soon and their smiles will show. Thank you, heroes. I will return to the earth in the bottom of Leeve. You will have my eternal love and thanks. A thousand years ago, humans loved me just as much. I will cherish those feelings when I follow Emiyus fate. Farewell, humans. With your courage and your love for the truth, you will receive Gods favour, that is certain.
Receive Gods favour? You are the highest deity yourself. Why cant you grant them a favour?

: Neyfa

: I
am I dreaming.. Sennet
big brother

: This is not a dream. The Goddess created this miracle. Aaahhh
Sorry I wont leave you a second time. Please forgive me and my tears.

: No, I know. I believed that my big brother would surely come to save me.

: Lets return, Neyfa, to our country. The country of our parents, the country of brave Canaan.

: Holmes
Am I alive?

: Of course, ya big dummy. Always making people worry.

: Sorry. Eh..? Holmes
Tears for me?

: Aahhh
This is sweat, how can I cry. H-Hey, not so close, arent you hot? Alright, let it all out.

: Scary.. really
so scary

: I know, I know. Alright, everyone is watching. Plus Im too clammy and sweaty for this.

: *sigh*

: Thank god. Enteh, if you were lost to us, I

: Im sorry.

: I promised to protect you, Enteh. Why did you try to run away from me, why dont you understand?

: Lord Runan

: I wont forget what happened. However, up to now you saved my life so many times. No, not just me. You saved the life of so many soldiers. I think the goddess gave different roles to everyone when he created the world. Even if we make an irreparable mistake which makes us suffer and feel sad, no one should feel that they might be better off not ever being born. At least for me, youre an absolutely necessary person. I like you Enteh. For a long time, since we were kids, Enteh was the one I loved.

: Ahh

: Archduke Glamdr.., This is good. Seems my role till here is finally over.
Apologize to him? He sold you out! You have nothing to apologize for, girl. Kaga you have issues.

: I
What should I do?

: To be saved by the Goddess
The Lion Prince of Marl sure has fallen. Really, if I was ready, I wouldnt have gone down against someone like Gwen.

: Richard

: Fu
After all this, you dont need any more troubles. Just leave everything to me, Im going to make Leda a great country like it used to be. And then the two of us will rule the world! Wahahahahah, it hurts to laugh

: Tsk, Even the bad part gets a revival

: Holmes, I dont understand. What kind of thing just happened.

: This, Runan, is Miradonas love, Utnas love and our love too.

: Hey, Holmes. Are you running a fever? Never expected to hear that from you. Almost feel ashamed.

: But its right, right? Anyway, our travels until now arent over yet. Right, Runan?

: Thats right. We persevered on the backs of many honorable sacrifices. I swear to all the lost souls, I absolutely wont let the same mistakes happen another time. And then prey for new adventure.
And so start the credits interwined with some artwork of randon units.
This brings the story to an end but were not done just yet.

: Wait, what? Runan do you mean to go to Wellt?

: Yeah, we regained Lazeria and saved Enteh. All of that was because of Lady Leezas help. At least I want to meet and thank her.

: You are a fellow of integrity, as usual. Well, alright, I might as well keep you company. We need to see everyone home as well.
Next time we come to a close as we see everyone off on our way to Wellt in the epilogue.