Part 55: Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 1
Its time to say goodbye to the members of our army as we make our way back to where it all started: Wellt.

: Theodora and General Silva, please lead the army and go in advance.

: Mintz you serve at the rear. As the vice-captain thats only natural.

: Heh, so I'm to be vice-captain of the Black Knight Corps

: Yep. Youre my right hand from today on. Lets work together for the revival of the motherland. Can you do it, Mintz?

: The responsibility as a vice-captain is quite heavy, maybe a bit too heavy. But Ill be alright. I wouldnt dare to disobey a command of General Silva.

Is my existence so fragile?

: Sun what are you idling around for? You are a member of the Corps too, so you have to follow the rules.

: No it isnt, Frau. Actually, mother is a very kind person. But since Prince Ares death she had to bear responsibility as the captain of the Black Knight Corps so she can come off as cold sometimes. I can tell since we are mother and daughter.

: Hmph
Youre great, Sun. I must learn more from you.

: Huh, why?

: See, I depend too much on my big sisters. When compared to you, though we are the same age, I tend to look like a child.

: No thats not right at all. Youre very kind, Frau, steady and always by my side for the longest time. I only survived to this day because you were with me. Frau, it has been a blessing to have met you. I will never forget about the things we have been through for as long as I live. Parting with you is so painful. But from Canaan I will pray for your happiness. Take care of yourself, Frau.

: Wh- What, so sudden
For me, I will never forgot about you, either. Sun lets be best friends forever. So, thats a promise, right?

: Yes, I promise. We will be best friends forever.

: Please tell Count Marlon of Verje that I wish to express my gratitude.

: Sharon, Even if you lost 5 years of time in this war, it will be nice if you return after that. Raffin is an important friend of mine. I wish you two happiness.

: Yes, I wish to express my gratitude as well. By your leave, Lord Runan.

: Esther, Im sorry.

: No, its alright, really. Please dont worry about me. Just forgive me about what happened before. Im sorry, Raffin.

: Esther

The rest of the goodbyes in this part arent translated and in its stead are just black squares. Luckily its only at this point so we just skip it and move to Leeves royal palace.

: There is something Id like you to hear. After coferring with Leeves royal family and the nobles, Princess Meeve has decided to become my queen. Do you have any objections?

: What?

: Its a little soon, but the wedding is undergoing preperations. Ill allow you and your subordinates to attend. The wedding will be held in the royal hall.
*scene change*

: Nobles of great Leeve! Let it be known that the revival of the royal family is at hand. From today on I will be formally inducted as the king of Leeve with the princess as my wife. In keeping with the 700 year old tradition, I hereby vow to protect your rights! Here is the descendant of Utnas sacred blood and the descendant of Leeve, Princess Meeve. I too will have to work hard from now on as to not let the royal family line end. This is truly a great responsibility Hahaha



: Then let the ceremony begin

: I

: Duke Tatus, I definitely wont give the princess to you.

: Wh-What did you say?! Do you intend to ignore the decision of the noble houses? That would mean an open rebellion against Leeve

: Duke Tatus, All soldiers of Leeve that fought in this war are already sworn to Lord Runans cause. So who is left to punish him?

: Duke Tatus, you really shouldnt forget about the several thousand soldiers of Wellt currently stationed below the castle.
IMG][/IMG] : Nobody but him has the quality to become King of Leeve. Duke Tatus, are you confident you can win with me as your enemy?

: Dont get so angry. We will support Runan as well. If this one dares to go against us, the army of Leda will crush him under our heel. Judging from his look this probably wont be necessary though
a shame

: Obviously. Runan is under my protections he doesnt need your kind of help. Duke Tatus, even if you were to collect hundred thousand of troops, Runan still wouldnt need to even move his fingertips. But I could also just take your head right now.

: Ugh.. are you threatening me..?

: Duke Tatus, Nobles like you are the parasites that are destroying our kingdom. Iwant to change the kingdom back to its once ideal state. If you were to cooperate with me I would assign you work fitting your abilities. However I wont show any leniency to people who abuse their postion for personal gain. I will get rid of people like that even if I have to use military force.

: I- I understand. I hereby swear my allegiance to you. I wont bother the princess any longer.

: Enteh, I want to build a new kingdom with you, will you accept this request?

: From my young days, I have dreamed for a long time. Thinking back I have always liked you Lord Runan, This feeling persits even now and will persist into the future. You are the only one I believe in and want to live with.

: Dont make that expression. Meeve has met the Prince before me and the Prince loves you as well. I never even stood a chance.. I met you just too late.

: Im sorry Rishel.

: I will return to Salias Fire Temple, but if you ever have any problem I will return no matter where I am. So dont worry about anything. Meeve is my little sister. Since the day we met Meeve has always been my important little sister.

: Yes, I will believe in you no matter what.

: Meriah you are the head priest of the Water Temple now. I hope that you become a good advisor for Meeve, ok?

: Yes, but can I return to Salia every so often? I will be lonely if I cant see my elder brother

: You are still a child
Alright, come whenever you feel lonely. However at that time you must invite Meeve to come with you.

: Thats
Elder Brother really is

: You will get used to it in time. Bud, no Patricia, I want you to have the happiness a girl should have. I hope you can stay here and learn how to become the perfect woman.

: Rishel, if I become a perfect woman then

: Yes

: No.. its nothing

: Hmph
thank you so much for caring. Then
. Old man.. I have to go. Its hard for me to say goodbye to Runan. Tell him that whenever he is in trouble, I will always be there for him so he shouldnt worry about anything but living happily with Enteh.

: Wait a minute
Holmes. Are you going to leave me here?

: What is it, Runan? You
why arent you staying at the palace? Dont leave Enteh alone if youre a man.

: You dont need to worry about the Princess, the veterans will protect her.

: Doesnt that mean that Eugen is the only one taking care of Enteh?

: Of course my subordinates are included. Arkis, Kreiss you two stay here with me and protect Princess Meeve at the royal palace. Got it?!

: Arkis, Kreiss I will come back as soon as possible., Im sorry for all the trouble.

: W-What?! You still

: Commander Eugen, I will work for the both of us so can you give him a short break, please?

: Sigh... if even Kreiss asks then It cant be helped. Arkis just this once I will forgive you for your selfishness but there wont be a second time. You must remember your duty as a knight of Lazeria. Such an actions is

: Alright, alright
I understand. Really.. Commanders preaching is always so long

: What!

: Arkis, stop joking around! You have to understand the Commanders position.

: Sorry, I know that I depend on Kreiss too much. Once this vacation is over I will put my mind to it and work hard. Commander Eugen till then Im sorry.

: Yeah

: Lord Runan

: Enteh, after I have given my thnaks to Lady Leeza I will return immediately

: Yes, I will wait for Lord Runans return in Leeve.

: Maharaj?

: You are helpless, so this is the only thing I can do.

: Runan, though I dont want to say this, we have to go. If we dont, the sun will go down and itll be too dark.

: I see. Then Eugen
I ask you to take care of everything here once Im gone.

: Yeah
As you command. Leave the responsibility of guarding the princess to us.
Next stop Lazeria.

: I see.. How about you Shigen, can you cross the Arcana Desert?

: No, its me who owes you a lot. Youre truly a legendary swordsman. If my father had you with him, he might not have been injured.

: Vals skill far exceed mine
you are his son and you dont even know that?

: Eh.. really?

: Then you may not know that your father is an idiot as well. So for the present time you should replace your father and be a good lord.

: Dang.. its none of your business.

: Julia, you
youre strange nowadays. How should I say it you became more feminine. Are you feeling well?

: I wonder
I dont even understand it myself. Shigen
did I change?

: Who knows.. Though I think youre nicer this way.

: You
isnt this bad? Even if I agreed nobody would accept it.

: Its good isnt it? Because we arent related by blood.

: Hoo, dont speak so boldly. Shigen is it okay to talk about these kind of things?

: Hmph.. an outsider like you wouldnt understand

: Eww
I feel slightly dirty for typing this

: Aah.. when you return, relay my greetings to my old man.

. Aye

: Ahh
I see. Do you want to come with us?

: Yes, please.

: Hold on, is it true that youre a daugther of Arcana? I thought that city was just a legend

: I will tell you that story eventually
but for now I cant. Because I dont think youll be able to understand it yet.

: hmm.. oh well, it doesnt matter to us now. Oh thats right I forgot something important. Shigen take Attrom to Granada as well.

: When you arrive, youll understand. Right, Shigen?

: Hmph.. Indeed. The work of your father and the feudal lords
that burden will be place upon Attroms shoulders. Im quite looking forward to it.

: Well thats alright, isnt it? Im certain that Attrom will be glad.

: Isnt that different from what you said before?

: I dont know what it is, but I will go to Granada.

: You must return to Braad!

: Ah.. you said those things

: Then what? W-What you idiot.. Stop Lyria!

: L-Lyria.. You still have that thing

: But this is the dress of a great star, my important treasure

: I wont allow it! Such an appearance
I absolutely wont let you go to Oaks place in that outfit!

: But Attrom is going to go alone by himself. Then I want to become a star by myself

: Dont cry
I understand
Lets go together, because I want to listen to Lyrias songs, too.

: Yeah Its ok. I will sing for Attrom anytime. Lalala
This scene depends on doing that scene with Lyria (when the slaver dude tries to kidnap another one after you rescued Plum.) instead of Yuni. Since there is no convenient way to saveedit things Well have to content with Yunis normal scene later instead of her romance scene with Xeno because Im not replaying the entire game again.

: Hey, Narcissus

: Eek

: I was so busy that I forgot. It feels like there is something I need to discuss with you, hmm I just cant remember what it was all about

: I.. I see. Its alright, not a big deal anyway. Anyway, young master, this armor, it really fits with your image as a legendary hero. I feel like Karyuon has appeared right before my eyes. Wow
how dazzling

: Is that so.. Yeah
I didnt like it in the beginning, but after this long it has really grown on me. Yesterday too, a noisy girl in the bar came and touched me
Hmm? That Narcissus where did he go?

: I received a leave of absence. I will work at Leeves royal palace for the time being, so Uncle, please take care of Rina in the time being.

: I dont mind that, but what about Rinas feelings?

: Hahaha, I havent seen you for a while and youve become an adult already. Hohoho.. Arkis youre not bad

: Hey.. what kind of comclusions are you jumping to? We still

: There, there, Rina is our houses daughter-in-law, I will take care of her as best as I can. Now you should get back to work and you better return quickly.

: Arkis, please take care.

: Dang.. whats that.. this is
Next up on the journey is Zemsellia.

: Mel
it was a long time

: You knew
so why did you ignore me all the time
I once heard from mother that father has been killed in the war. Even though I was immature at that time, I still kep the image of the my father alive in my heart, treasuring it every moment. So when we met in the underground temple I knew you were my father right away. I was very happy and couldnt stop my tears. But father wouldnt share a single word with me
why did you do that, father?

: Before I reunite with you, there are some things I need to accomplish. Therefore, though it hurts my heart I still cant tell you anything for now.

: Something you need to accomplish?

: First of all I have to return to Mars Temple. I need to apologize to Sylpheeze. If she wont forgive me for not returning earlier, then so be it.

: Father

: Yes, for a certain period of time. I, like you, call him father as well.


: No need to make such a scary face. Come, I will tell you everything. 14 years ago a certain mother and daughter pair lived in Erial. At that time Erial was at war with Gazel, so a lot of volunteers gathered all over the country. It seems they tried hard to retake an old territory in Leda. My mother also participated in that war as a priest. One day, a sorcerer with grievious wounds was brought to the church. After the head priest examined him he declared that it was too late for him and ordered him buried in the graveyard. But my mother simply couldnt abandon that young sorcerer. She nursed him in secret. After half a year the sorcerers consciousness started to return. However even though he was concious he was bedridden for another 10 years. His body only recovered two years ago. Mother was so happy to see him walk that she cried tears of joy. And then she died, not three days after that. Maybe it was because she overworked herself.

: These kind of things
happened to father
but why didnt he contact Mars Temple?

: He didnt have the obstinacy to do that, Potentially because he didnt wanted your mother to see his miserable existence. Mother even feared he may commit suicide so she kept watch over him every single second. To live like that only to see him walk again must have been unbelievable painful.

: So Alicia lived together with father for a long time

: Yes. He was with us from the time I was four until I became seventeen last year. He stayed with me for 13 long years. So the time we spent as a family is longer than yours even though mother and I only watched him lie in his bed.

: Your mother
did she love my father?

: I can deny that with a smile. However understand a womans
No idea what they were going for with this sentence. It breaks off right at that point so what is said is up to everyone guess.

: Im sorry, Alicia. I misunderstood you and your mother too, no matter what I say I cannot be enough of an apology.

: No Mel, I think you will understand my mothers feelings. I hereby return Lord Alfred to you in perfect shape and hope we can become friends.

: Alicia you should come and live with us at Mars Temple.

: Although Im happy about the invitation, I have to decline. I still cant clear things in the past and till now some uneasiness still remains.

: Alicia
We continue our journey of conversations in Balt Keep.

: Ahh
Katri.. Im so glad
I was so worried about you
when I heard you were safe, I was so happy that I started crying. Come here
I want to see your face and hold oyu in my arms.

: Mother

: Lord Holmes, Im indebted to you. I wont forget this favor for as long as I live.

: Dont worry about it. But more importantly never make Katri a tool of war again even if you make a mistake. If something like this happens again I wouldnt be able to forgive myself.

: Of course, Ledas tragedy was caused by this foolish king. Please believe em when I say I wont let it happen again.
This part is strangen since if Ledas tragedy was caused by him then he would have to be the King of Leda that forced Tita (Gwens girlfriend) to take the form of Kranion. But then it would mean that Katri should be the priestress of Earth instead of Fire unless Blood is territorial in TRS. And if he means that he forced them to take the steps leading to things then thats quite the leap given how suicidially stupid the whole plan was. So

: I will entrust Katri to you and Head Priestress Claris.

: I dont intent to stay in one place. There are still many things I have to learn so I want to travel around the world.


: I mentioned it before, but youll become King of Salia after the current one. If Lord Lionheart becomes king, then Salia will be reborn as a great country equal to the Leeve and Canaan Kingdoms. I think thats whats best for the people of Salia. Moreover Sister Renee is a direct descendant of the Fire Temple and the head priest. If you guys had children then the problem with the royal family line would cease to exist.

: Thats alright, isnt it? I knew about your feelings already, so theres no need for you two to hide it from me any longer.
Shirou isnt allowed to have any kind of character outside of being Lions aide.

: Yes, you shouldnt worry about Katri either, I will protect her perfectly.

: Ha.. to think that youd become a babysitter.

: Yes, Ill come for sure. Please give my best regards to aunt Leeza.

: Verna I should be the one to say thank you. With your efforts, the peace treaty of Norzeria was achieved. I wish to express my gratitude in the name of both countries.

: Im very grateful, Lord Runan.

: Mahter, seeing you leave makes me really sad. Will we meet again?

: For sure. After all, Im a Pegasus Knight I can go wherever I want to.

: Rebuild the Fire Temple..?

: Aahh.. it was destroyed by the demon beasts. I want to restore Salias Holy Temple back to its former appearance. First I wanted to ask Head Priest Claris, but aunty is busy rebuilding the kingdom. Therefore

: Oh
So Im to take the place of my mother.

: I didnt mean that. I heard from aunty that you might have the potential to become a priest. Occasionally wearing priests clothes isnt bad either.

: Fufufu
Rishel wants me to dress in priests clothes in order to become a substitute for Meeve?

: D-Dont say such a foolish thing. No matter what kind of clothes you were youre still you! Im the one who truly knows how wonderful you are.

: Hmph
I didnt expect Rishel to say these kind of things. Is this what you asked from mother?

: Sage Oktobas certainly wished for you two to stay together and inherit the Fire Temple. However I cant let you play around with someones feelings like that!

: Mother

: Rishel, Im sorry. I will take responsibility as Mahters mother.

: No, aunt Claris. I understand Mahter. I understand that something like this will make her feel uneasy.

: Well its not like Im not aware of Rishels feelings
Alright already. If Rishel hopes for it so badly, then I will take on the priest clothes. But, mother please dont misunderstand, o.k.? Please remember that our future is ours to decide.

: I see, thats good. If you have anything else you desire, I will do my best to obtain it. What does Plum want to do hereafter? Do you want to become a priest for the Salia people or do you want to become the wife of the man you love?

: I dont quite understand it yet, but I want to continue on as a dancer. Father... will you allow it?

: A dancer? Alright, your dance will surely be an encouragement to the people of Salia. If thats your wish then I cant refuse it.

: Yes, thank you very much

: Bartz
In the original screenshot Plum uses the name of a different character here. Proofreading ftw.

: Bartz, you should go with Plum and call the elders from Taurus village as well. You can all live together, like before.

: Is that really true? We can all come to Salia!?

: Of course, if you are Plums older brother then you are also my son. Theres no need for you to act so polite.

: Oof.. Archduke Lion You really are a good person.

: You seem to be quite the man yourself. Viceroy Selva will leave his position sooner or later. Please lend your power to Salias revival for now.

: Yes.

: Hoo.. I hadnt noticed. Rennie, Im glad. If Bartz will protect you then I have no objections. I hope you two will live together happily.

: Big Brother, Im so glad.
This comes entirely out of left field because they havent even spoken a word with each other during the entire game. That might be because I kept them in separate armies but its still weird.

: However

: Please Xeno, dont go anywhere.

: Xeno
its a request from me. Please stay by Katris side.

: Holmes
I understand
until Holmes returns, I will stay by Katris side. So its okay.

: You dont need to protect Katri just because I asked you too.


: Did you decide to depart? The princess will be very lonely.

: No, father
Im alright. Lord Holmes, you and Lord Runan should continue to travel.

: Heh
I thought you would cry. Isnt this simply surprising? I wonder if Im not needed around any more.

: Yes, many things have happened and I have grown up. I will be alright even if Lord Holmes isnt around. I will help father to the best of my abilities for the revival of Salia. Hey General Zacharia, we will be alright, wont we?

: Lord Holmes, even General Zacharia says so, you can freely go anywhere you want, because Im alright already.

: H-Hey.. Katri

: N-Nothing at all! Damn, Katri, this person

: Yes, the people of Erial are eagerly awaiting the return of my father. Even though the kingdom has only existed for around 20 years so far, it is no doubt my homeland.

: When the Holy Dragon War ended, many cities in the northern part of the kingdom were occupied by the Gazel Empire. The tyrannical rule of Gazel made everyone on the continent take up arms and fight. This was the reason for the 10 year long Country Recovering War that happened 22 years ago.

: Ahh.. The Leda Liberation War. A lot of soldiers from all over the continent voluntarily joined this war. I heard they fought against Gazel and the Demon Dragon Kranion.

: Yes, my father, Temzin, was a soldier of the Zoa Empire at first. However he opposed Pope Gwenchaos on many points and was forced out of the organization. After that, father became a mercenary. In the Leda Liberation War, he took part in many battles with hundreds of subordinates.

: Aah, Temzin fought in the Holy War and was one of the six heroes, right? Even Yoda couldnt match him in sword skill.

: I dont know about that, but the time he recaptured Fort Erial, which was called impenetrable, was nothing short of a miracle. The people of Erial who suffered under the tyrannical rule of Gazel asked father to become their king. Even though father intended to refuse this, he wasnt able to when faced with the town peoples entreaty. The following year Erial switched to a monarchy and father became the first king.

: Hmph I see, So thats the story of Temzin who became a king from a mercenary.

: W-What the!? Samson tricked us.

: We simply helped each other to fulfill our goals.

: Hey Samson, who are you really?

: This person is my right hand and the future king of Erial.

: Ack

: He also is my daughter Katinas husband.

: What..!?

: Fufufu
He received a lot of help from you, thank you, Holmes.

: H-Hey, Samson, that is
I think

: Hmph

: Somehow Im irritated. What is with that attitude

: This time, you have my special invitation.

: Hmph.. then the next time we meet will be at my and Tias ceremony. I will send you an invitation.

: Please Alicia, cooperate with Tia to secure Ledas revival.

Yes, the revival of Leda is also my mothers desire so I will do my best. Dont worry Holmes I wont let Richard do the wrong thing.

: Alicia, you sure changed a lot from the first time I met you.

: But I dont want to return.

: Your birthplace is Veneto city, which lies north or Marl, doesnt it? You dont want to go alone or what?

I understand. I will go to Veneto city
Goodbye Holmes

: That Yuni.. what did she cry for?

: Well this may be good. I havent returned to Schramm in a long time.

: Krishna, where are you heading to?

: I will return to Istria. Not that I have anywhere else to go.

: Alright, but dont become a hinderance until we reach Istria.

: Thank you. With the Reaper of Schramm as my bodyguard there is nothing I need to worry about.

: I always protect myself first and foremost. These Aldo dual swords are my best friends.
No clue what is meant with the last part
this translation got even worse in the epilogue