Part 56: Epilogue - Part 2
Epilogue - Part 2

: I heard about the current situation from Head Priest Claris. I received the notification. I know about everything now although I worried so much back then but knowing Katri was safe and sound is such a relief. This is all thanks to you. I thank you sincerely as Katris foster father.

: Priest Law, there is one thing I want to hear about

: Yes,what do you want to hear about?

: Do you have the memories about the time we stayed in Granada?

: Ye
No, I went to Marls church a long time before.

: I though so

: Lord Holmes

: No its alright. Apart from that Priest Law, Katri cried so much for not being able to meet you. You should go and see her soon.

: Yes, though it hurts me just as much, now is not a good time. I still need more time

: Hey, please stop joking. There is no way you would forget me, would you?

: Hey,Runan, who is this fellow?

: I dont know
such a plain guy

: You guys.. Rememberrrrrrr

: Yes
And Maerhen gets send home with a meta joke about him using the regular bandit portrait (or one of them).
Time for a massive history lesson again

: About the myth of the Emiyu God, I investigated on it a lot but I didnt believe in that fact

: Whats the myth
Holmes, can you tell me the details?

: Alright, its a bit long but I will tell you everything I heard from Morse. Things started some 1500 years ago. The princess of the Emiyu, an ancient race came to the Liberia Continent together with her four followers. They were an advance race that ruled over the earth for hundred million of years. It was told that they possessed and immortal body and advanced magical power that extended their lifetime thousand of years. However when the human race was born and learned the way to use tools, that races time came to an end.


: The King of Emiyu entrusted to the newly born, human race, the next age. The Emiyu race themselves sealed their powers and chose to sleep eternally by assimilating themselves with the earth. However there was a party opposed to this course and they started a revolt. The king feared the revolution would try to use the great power that slept inside the princess and decided to have her sleep in another continent.

: The Emiyu Legend is an ancient legend that circulated around the world. However this all seems unbelievable to me.

: Well, please listen until the end. The princess was brought to the middle of the Liberia continent and the Emiyu created a temple deep down ounder Shiero mountain, which became the place for the princess sleep. And then, to prevent the local citizens from invading the temple, they created the magic beast for protection purposes. They also spread rumors that if anyone dared to trespass on the Holy Temple, they would incur the wrath of god. Afterwards they left to the north of the continent.


: The Zoans, who are the natives of the northern part of the continent have their faith in the Evil God Gazel. The followers gathered those savages and told them about the existence of the Calamity of the God of Darkness. Afterwards the Zoans came to the Emiyus underground temple and worshiped it as Gazels temple.

: So the Emiyu made up the God Gazel, that god is nothing more than an illusion

: Something like that. About 500 years later a big war happened between the Yugudo and the Zoans who crossed over to the continent. Originally the barbarous Zoans began that war to plunder but the Yugudo people overwhelmed them with their advanced civilization. The soldiers that kept resisting were corned in the marshland of Pantana.


: These soldiers intended to get power from the Dark God so they broke into the Holy Temple, but in the fight with the temples guardians they suffered severe losses. Only a single soldier was able to reach the Room of Sleep. That young man, the leader of his tribe, Karubazan still believed that the figure sleeping inside the temple was the Evil God Gazel. To acquire the great power he drank from the Evil Gods blood. And then he obtained immortality and a power that was far beyond humanity.

: So this is the true origin of the Evil God Emperor Karubazan.

: After he received that body he claimed to be the Evil God Gazel himself and led the Zoans towards the elimination of the Yugudo people. Then he declared the foundation of the Zoa Empire and took the name of Dark God Emperor for himself. Afterwards in order to have a monopoly on the power of the god, he sacrifcied many female slaves on the Evil Gods altar.


: This went on until the 47th girl was sacrificied, who in her despair cried out for help and waked the Emiyu Princess from her sleep. Princess Miradona read the girls heart and was so shocked to find out her blood was stolen by a man. She was taught to avoid contact with the human race as much as possible as otherwise it was believed that it will lead the human race towards ruination. Miradona used up her last bit of life force to fend of the evil beasts and rescue the girl. After that she dropped one drop of her blood into the girls mouth. Once the girl woke up Miradona handed her the Holy Sword and the Bracelet of Protection and requested from her to save the human race.

: So Goddess Utna was a human girl who became a god through the blood of the Emiyu race.

: It seems that way. Utna escaped from that underground temple and fought the Emperor together with a young Zoan. She entrusted that young man, Karyuon, with her fate and the Emiyus Holy Sword. Karuzuban was immune to normal weapons but he could be hurt by the Holy Sword. In the end he was cornered inside the underground temple and received a blow through the heart by Karyuon. Peace once more returned to Liberia and Karyuon founded the nation Leeveranto and became its emperor. He built his ideal kingdom together with his Queen, Utna. It was said that they had 4 daughters and lived together happily ever after. Even though it differs in many ways from Utnas fairy tales, this is the truth that was recorded in Liberias Book of Genesis.

: The truth.. Liberias Book of Genesis
This entire rambling is completely unecessary. Nobody gives a fuck whether the stupid dragon we murdered got his power from being a god or because he gobbled up some alien blood. And if you want us to care dont bring it up in the damn Epilogue. Also when the hell did Holmes meet Morse... we were with him the entire time and Morse wasnt home when we came knocking. And since the game bugged out I got no idea what the little lady said at Morse tower but it surely wasnt this damn long
I think this was supposed to be the tie into the rest of the FE universe and he simply left it even after he got sued. Fucking wall of

: Because we were helped by many people, we could come back here. We may never be able to make up to them. I wont ever forget

: Yes, When I heard from Mel, I couldnt believe it. But it was true.. You came back safely
Since this is our return trip Mel couldnt possibly have arrived and told her beforehand but if I continue to get hanged up on this small things Ill probably ruin my hands even more from typing this shit.

: Sorry, Sylpheeze

: No, dont say anything! You are safe and thats good enough.

: Sylpheeze

: Its like a dream to meet you again

: Mother seems so happy
Things in the past are just trivial to her

: Thats because she always believed in Lord Alfred. Mel
I want us to become a couple like these two, as well.

: Yes, me too

: Yes, my sick mother is waiting in Verje.

: What!? Then why did you come and fight in our army?

: My mother wished for me to become a splendid knight like my father. I guess it was only a hope after all

: Is Narronss father a knight as well?

: I dont know, I heard he was a general in Canaan but know nothing else.

: Is that so

:Then.. excuse me, Lord Runan.
Narrons father is Ernst I believe who was a massive pain in the ass when we fought him. Im not entirely sure but given that he was sporting the same class as Narron (which nobody else had) that seems likely. This also means I had Narron assist in the murder of his own dad

: No, its not Lady Sashas fault. Because my heart was weak I close my eyes. I wish to express my gratitude to Lady Sasha.

: Raquel

: Please come to my hut to play and cook together with me again

: Really!? Yes, I will come for sure! Thank you, Raquel.
And after a sheer endless journey throughout the entire continent we arrive back at Wellts royal palace. Still quite a few
to go though.

: Yes, I will return to being just a simple hunter. I have a total of seven younger siblings so food can become quite the problem

: Is that so
It would be bad if you are overworking, yourself.

: No problem, If Bartz didnt took me in that time then my luck would have probably run out by now. Im satisfied with the way things are.

: You were helpful, I will remember your hard work.

: Heh.. Holmes, its rare for you to say such nice things

: You dont need to say that. I wasnt of much use after all. It is only because of Lord Runans power that the kingdom is safe.

: Even with that, you will continue to serve as the prime minister in the future. I wont forgive you if you retire.

: Haha.. this is most troublesome indeed. Since the king returned I was hoping to finally retire.

: I guess I will think about it. However, its impossible for now. I need you to work at my side.

: As you wish. The kings orders are absolute.

: Is Leeza in good health?

: Yes, she is waiting in the royal palace, believing in your safe return. After she heard the news about your safety she had and intolerable happy appearance. Your majesty, please go and meet her immediately.

Youre an asshole to your own daughter Maron/Merlon

: Oh, alright. But dont drop your jaw when you see my proud, beautiful wife.

: Holmes is not allowed. I wont let a man who doesnt know his manners step in to my house.

: Damn, do what you want.

: Lord Runan and Lady Meeve, Lord Holmes and Lady Katri, Roger and me, we will all be together until death do us part.

: Hey Mel, we still

: Both of you too, I will pray for your happiness. We will also work hard. Then, Roger, lets go.

: Hey

: I want to report my homecoming to fathers grave, sorry for my selfishness.

: Ah
Im sorry, I didnt notice

: Father will not forgive me. I dont have the qualification to continue on as a knight.

: Kate

: Aah
There arent any reasons form e to go to the royal palace either. I dont like troublesome places like that.

: I see. If Holmes says it like that then very well I will go alone.

: Your majesty, please dont say a thing like that. You are the pride of Wellt, everyone in the country understands that so you dont need to be ashamed about anything.

: Leeza
you are a good wife. Im proud of you. Will you help me hereafter?

: Yes, your majesty. As long as I live I will walk together with you.

: Sasha, thank you, you are my pride.

: Aah

: Tonight, lets pray to the Goddess. We will express our gratitude for those that lost their lives and thank her for this happiness.

: Lord Runan

: Today I came to once more express my thanks to you. We will also start on another journey again. Some day I will return and visit once more.

: So Lord Runan is already leaving..?

: You returned after such a long time. There are probably many things you want to talk about to your parents, so I will excuse myself for today. I will come and visit Sasha again, together with Holmes like always.

: Yes, we will wait so you must come for sure.

: Yeah.

: What will Holmes do now? Will you return to Granada or will you go to Salia?

: If I return to Granada then father will be serious about his retirement. I dont want to make it that easy for him.

: Be honest. You really worry about Admiral Vals, dont you? Therefore why dont you return to Granada.

: Hmph
Im not as softhearted as you so stop saying these things to me.

: Then will you go to Salia? Katri is waiting for you after all.

: Wh-who says that she has anything to do with me
Changing her attitude so suddenly, whats with that Lord Holmes? Shit, it makes me angry just recalling that.

: Youre still angry about that? However, Katri was really strange, does she suddenly hate Holmes?

: She was possessed by Gazel, she changed ever since that time in the underground temple.

: Thinking about it, Katri, her look was also somewhat strange

: If thats the case, then Enteh is in danger as well since she was manipulated by the Evil God too.

: Holmes dont say such unpleasant things. Enteh didnt change at all.

: No, she suddenly became obedient. The Enteh that I know, isnt lovely to that degree.

: Enteh is always lovely, I know that best.

: How can you know that? Women are very hard to understand

: Hey Holmes

: What? You were the one that brought this topic up.

: Hmph

: Hahaha

: This reminds me, we used to fight a lot over these kind of trivial things in the past.

: Because were quite the opposite of each other. Then again we made peace with each other quite fast as well. We learned how to accept each other.

: I like Holmes. In painful and sad time you are always there to rely on. For someone like me who doesnt have siblings you are like an elder brother.

: Its the same for me. You may be different from me but you sure are a reliable one. It feels like I have a little brother I can rely on.

: Its been a long time since we had a talk like this. Somehow this makes me feel like I returned to my younger days.

: Hey Runan, the promise we made to each other a year ago, do you want to accomplish it now? You said once this war ends we should go on a journey together.

: Yeah, I also want to wander freely.

: Then, lets go. Lets start by gathering everyone again.

: However

: Is Enteh on your mind? Dont worry, of course she is coming with us. Lets go to Leeves royal palace and meet her. We might have to take her quietly though.

: If Enteh comes, then what about Katri?

: That fellow has nothing to do with this, shit

: Holmes should be more considerate, no matter what, Katri is still a girl.

: To be honest, after Katri said those things, I also reflected a bit, I might have been a bit harsh

: Because Holmes doesnt consider his partners feelings. But sometimes thats your good point as well.

: Anyway, lets board the Sea Lion. Once we leave the port Ill think about it for a bit.

: Katri.. I wonder if she wants to go?

: Its gonna be alright, if you ask her honestly.

: Will you come with me? Saying that makes me feel a little uneasy.
Shigen out of nowhere

: Ummm
thats a little

: Then right now, do you really, absolutely want to throw her away?

: Ummm
thats also a little
Hmm..? Why is Shigen here?

: Fuu
did you finally notice? Katri, Holmes has something to talk about with you.

: K-Katri came too?

: I-Idiot, How dare

: Holmes!

: Hey Katri, was my medicine effective?

: What medicine?

: The magic words I taught Katri. Lord Holmes, Im alright by myself, please go to any place that you like. Didnt you say those magic words taught to you by me?

: Yes, I did, because Shigen said those magic words would make him comfortable. I tried my best to remember them. But did they really work? Holmes looked so angry
I was so worried

: It has worked already, hasnt it? Right, Holmes?

: Ugugu
So Shigen is the one behind all that, huh. Unforgiveable
Hey Shigen!

: All tasks in Leeve can be completed without you two, so you dont need to come back for a while. Thats what Eugen said.

: Hmph, in other words, you two can go on a journey or anything. As expected of the old man, his senses are sharp.

: General Eugen sympathized with my feelings. Because I didnt have anything to worry about concerning the kingdom, he told me to go and travel with you if I wanted to.

: Eugen, that kind of thing

: There is one more thing. Please stop calling me Enteh hereafter. Use Meeve instead.

: Didnt you like to be called Enteh?

: General Eugen talked to me. Apparently he hearded this from Archduke Glamdr, but the name Meeve is the one my dead mother decided on. It means Sea Birds flying freely over the ocean and just like the name says she wished for me to grow up free and healthy.

: Meeve
so in the Yugudos alphabet it means seagulls or sea birds

: Yes. When I heard this story I couldnt stop crying. My mother loved me so much. Mother had a presentiment of my fate when she gave me the name Meeve. I didnt know a thing. I hated that important name so much because its the sam as my country. Im so ashamed.

: Yeah, I also like Meeve more, its a perfect fit for your personality.

: Having two or three names is really complicated. Just stick with the name your parents gave you.

: Eh..? Is that so? Should I also return to Maria?

: I-Idiot. You are Katri. I dont permit any other name than that.

: Im glad. I also like the name Mr. Priest gave me the most.

: I also like Katri, the name that is

: Meeve
it certainly gives you the feeling of big and wide. I hope you can spread your wings like a seagull can.

: Yes, together with Lord Runan.

: Hey, the name problem is done, isnt it? Can we go already

: Ack
Julia came as well.
Lots of turns were wasted trying to bring out potential out of other characters than the powerhouses. Since I used savestates at the beginning of the chapter this time doesnt include resets I suffered either. Still that was quite some playing time. What follows is a list of our characters and their stats but its formatted badly and presented with white text on a transparent screen which only hurts our eyes so I just skipped it. I can post it if people want to though.
And with that we come to a close. I will have one more official post where I give my opinion on things and summarize it but for know I have to let the stumps I used to call hands rest from all this typing.