The Let's Play Archive

TearRing Saga

by CVE

Part 58: Character and Skill Data part 1

Recruitable Character Information


Character stats

Knight Lord -> Lord

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     22         6       0       6       8       4        4      7       5

Stat caps                      60        20      15      20      20      30       18     19      12

Promotion Gains                +3 	 +3 	 +4 	 +3 	 +3 	 +0 	  +2 	 +3 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        23      19      23      23      30       20     22      12

Growth Rates                   60% 	 30% 	15%  	 30% 	 30% 	 30% 	  40% 	 25% 	  0%

City Fighter (start), Continue (lvl 7), Rising Dragon (lvl 15), Awareness (lvl 35), Charisma (Promotion)

Runan is one of the main lords of the game and as such a mandatory unit. Luckily for us he is pretty damn solid. He got great caps and reasonable good growths (given that growths aren’t all that high in this game) and gets a unique weapon later in the game. His plot promotion is decently paced (a little more than halfway through the game) as well. We could certainly be worse off concerning our lord.


Character stats

Cavalier -> Commando Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     22         5       0       6       7       3       3       4       7

Stat caps                      60        19      15      18      18      30       16     18      12

Promotion Gains                +3 	 +2 	 +0 	 +2 	 +1 	 +0 	  +3 	 +2 	 +0

Promotion Caps                 60        21      15      20      19      30       19     20      12

Growth Rates                   60% 	 25% 	 5%  	 30% 	 25% 	 35% 	  35% 	 22% 	  0%

Blazing Wind (lvl 16), Continue (lvl 25), Re-Move (lvl 38)

Arkis is a solid cavalier. His and Kreiss’ promotion allow them to retain their stats even when dismounted (with the exception of move) so that they won’t suffer from maps that put disadvantages on horseback units. He is necessary to recruit his lover later in the game, so in case you want to recruit her, you should train him.


Character stats


                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     35        11       0       4       10      1        11      6       4

Stat caps                      60        19      15      16      18      30       16     18      12

Growth Rates                   85% 	 40% 	 0%  	 25% 	 30% 	 10% 	  20% 	 30% 	  0%

Continue (starting), Seafarer (starting), Life or Death (lvl 28), Charge (lvl 29), Awareness (lvl 30), Blazing Wind (lvl 31)

Garo is severly hurt by his lack of promotion and his horrible caps compared to the better units in the game. He only really serves as a crutch early in the game or in case the RNG really hates you. Otherwise he should be a constant benchwarmer for most players.


Character stats

Cavalier -> Commando Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     24         7       0       5       5       4        5      5       7

Stat caps                      60        19      15      18      18      30       16     18      12

Promotion Gains                +3 	 +2 	 +0 	 +2 	 +1 	 +0 	  +3 	 +2 	 +0

Promotion Caps                 60        21      15      20      19      30       19     20      12

Growth Rates                   65% 	 30% 	 0%  	 30% 	 20% 	 20% 	  30% 	 25% 	  0%

Gale (lvl 19), Geomancy (lvl 25), Awareness (lvl 37)

For Kreiss the same applies that was already said for Arkis. Both of them are the typical Red and Green Cavalier archetypes known from the FE games. As such they usually turn out alright and usuable. As with Arkis, Kreiss is also necessary to recruit his sister (which is the same person for as Arkis lover)


Character stats

Lady Knight -> Arrow Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     22         6       0       8       8       2        6      5       4

Stat caps                      60        19      15      20      20      30       18     18      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +1 	 +0 	 +1 	 +0 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +3

Promotion Caps                 60        20      15      21      20      30       19     19      12

Growth Rates                   55% 	 25% 	10%  	 35% 	 25% 	 25% 	  40% 	 18% 	  0%

Continue (starting), City Fighter (starting), Earth Saint (lvl 18), Re-move (lvl 27)

Kate is all out average, which isn’t necessary a bad thing in this game. However she is held back by her promotion which gives pitiful gains and therefore has low caps. She is perfectly usuable but won’t become the star of the show no matter how blessed she ends up.


Character Stats

Princess -> Pegasus Knight -> Dragon Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     18         2       2       3       6       6        2      4       4

Stat caps                      60        17      15      17      18      30       17     17      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +3 	 +6 	 +2 	 +4 	 +0 	  +0 	 +1 	 +3

Promotion Caps                 60        20      21      19      22      30       17     18      12

Promotion Gains                +5 	 +3 	 -6 	 +3 	 -1 	 +0 	  +2 	 +4 	 +0

Promotion Caps                 60        23      15      22      21      30       19     22      12

Growth Rates                   40% 	 20% 	20%  	 30% 	 50% 	 40% 	  30% 	 15% 	  0%

Charisma (starting), Gale (lvl 8), Elite (lvl 10), Continue (lvl 15), Re-move (Promotion)

Sasha is an interesting case. She is kinda like the trainee character in the Sacred Stones in that she starts out rather week but has 2 promotions to make up for it. She also is one of the few units who learn Elite which increases EXP gain and will therefore level faster and higher than many other characters. Her promotion is also unique in that it actually reduces caps e.g. magic and agility when promoting the second time. The decrease is minor (or in case of magic means she won’t use magic swords) but may annoy some people.


Character stats


                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     25         0      13       9      11       3        3      12       5

Stat caps                      60        15      22      20      22      30       20      18      12

Growth Rates                   35% 	  0% 	15%  	 10% 	 10% 	 20% 	  10% 	  5% 	  0%


Lee is the first mage you can get and the only mage to actually be able to use staffs. However he can't promote and will learn no skills and has this games trademark bad growths. He will never be an excellent unit unless you're really lucky but he can be solid and save you the hassle of bringing an additional healer in a pinch.


Character stats

Axe Knight -> Sergeant

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     27         8       0       6       7       3        7      8       5

Stat caps                      60        20      15      19      19      30       18     20      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +2 	 +0 	 +2 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      21      21      30       19     21      12

Growth Rates                   75% 	 25% 	 5%  	 25% 	 20% 	 25% 	  35% 	 28% 	  0%

Blazing Wind (starting), City Fighter (starting), Mountain Fighter (lvl 12), Plains Fighter (lvl 18), Frontier Fighter (lvl 24)

Ezekiel isn’t bad by any means unfortunately there are people who can do his job better than he. Still his caps are decent and his skill layout gives him a constant boost on almost every map. He is also necessary to recruit a rather mediocre character whom’s only benefit is that she comes with a silence staff.


Character stats

Cavalier -> Gold Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     22         6       0       3       5       6        4      5       7

Stat caps                      60        19      15      18      18      30       16     18      12

Promotion Gains                +8 	 +6 	 +0 	 +7 	 +7 	 +0 	  +4 	 +5 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        25      15      25      25      30       20     23      12

Growth Rates                   60% 	 35% 	15%  	 25% 	 20% 	 25% 	  30% 	 22% 	  0%

Elite (starting), Blazing Wind (lvl 12 and promoted), Re-move (lvl 16), Continue (promoted), Big Shield (promoted)

Narron may start out weak, but holy crap look at those promotion gains. He promotes into possibly the best class in the game given its caps and gets these gains in addition. He also got Elite so leveling him will be a breeze as long as you are careful. His other skills aren’t bad nor are his growths. He can become an absolute beast as long as the RNG doesn’t hate you and even then he’ll probably turn out decently enough.


Character stats

Bow Fighter -> Bow Master

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     19         4       0       5       8       1        2      6       4

Stat caps                      60        19      15      20      20      30       18     17      12

Promotion Gains                +4 	 +3 	 +0 	 +1 	 +1 	 +0 	  +1 	 +3 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      21      21      30       19     20      12

Growth Rates                   60% 	 25% 	 5%  	 50% 	 40% 	 40% 	  25% 	 15% 	  0%

Charge (lvl 15), Continue (lvl 30), City Fighter (promotion)

Ruka suffers from the same problem as all archers do in these games. He can only kill a single unit per turn due to his lack of counterattacks (unless the A.I. is moronic). He will get a unique Hand Bow granting +30 Crt and can be used (by sacrificing him) to make one mediocre character less sucky. On the bright side his stats caps aren’t too bad although his strength score is worrying. There are better archers in the game if they strike your fancy.


Character stats

Cavalier -> Paladin

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     21         4       0       4       4       5        4      3       7

Stat caps                      60        19      15      18      18      30       16     18      12

Promotion Gains                +3 	 +3 	 +0 	 +4 	 +4 	 +0 	  +3 	 +3 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      22      22      30       19     21      12

Growth Rates                   50% 	 30% 	15%  	 30% 	 35% 	 45% 	  25% 	 18% 	  0%

City Fighter (starting), Life or Death (lvl 14), Elite (lvl 20), Gale (lvl 28)

Esther can potentially be a really good character if you find the time to train her. Her caps are pretty decent and she gets Elite (although rather late but it should still help) so she will level decently. Her Skills are helpful as well and her growths are pretty good. However she is the 3rd (or 4th cavalier if Narron is selected) and isn’t that much better (or worse) than the others.


Character stats

Commando Knight -> Dragon Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     27         8       0       8       7       2        7      9       8

Stat caps                      60        21      15      20      19      30       19     20      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +2 	 +0 	 +0 	 +2 	 +0 	  +0 	 +2 	 +0

Promotion Caps                 60        23      15      20      21      30       19     22      12

Growth Rates                   55% 	 25% 	10%  	 35% 	 25% 	 25% 	  40% 	 18% 	  0%

Re-move (starting), Gale (lvl 17), Continue (lvl 24)

Raffin is a pre-promote and while this usually spells doom for the unit in question in terms of long term viability this is not the case for Raffin due to the way promotions work. In a change from Fire Emblem, promotions in TearRing Saga do not affect the exp gain of the unit. So a lvl 6 promoted earns the same experience points for actions like a lvl 6 unpromoted unit would. As an added bonus Raffin will promote again. His growths aren’t too bad nor are his caps. He can use both spears and swords while dismounted as well. Depending on how the RNG treats him he can surely last through the game.



Character stats

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     15         0       7       5       8       7        1      7       4

Stat caps                      60        15      20      19      20      30       19     16      12

Growth Rates                   30% 	  0% 	30%  	 20% 	 25% 	 30% 	  50% 	  5% 	  0%

Summon (lvl 30)

Enteh is the second mandatory unit of the game. Her bases aren’t bad for a healer and her growths are average. Since her death means a game over, you should always check weaponry and ranges of all enemies as she might not survive a concentrated attack (or a single attack if you are unlucky).


Character stats

Axe Fighter -> Warrior

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     28         9       0       6      10       1        5      8       6

Stat caps                      60        20      15      20      21      30       18     18      12

Promotion Gains                +3 	 +2 	 +0 	 +2 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      22      23      30       19     19      12

Growth Rates                   90% 	 30% 	 0%  	 15% 	 35% 	 15% 	  15% 	 18% 	  0%

Mountain Fighter (starting), Charge (lvl 15)

Bartz suffers from the same problem as a lot of Axe Fighters do: horrible accuracy. While his base skill is good enough, it is his skill growth that is worrying. With only 15% he might not get enough skill to hit regular enemies later on, wasting all his power. If his skill growth comes through though, you are going to get a great fighter for your team even though he lacks skills comparision to other units.


Character stats

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     22         4       0      10      11       5        3      8       5

Stat caps                      60        18      15      22      23      30       19     17      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +3 	 +0 	 +3 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        21      15      25      25      30       20     18      12

Growth Rates                   50% 	 25% 	10%  	 45% 	 40% 	 25% 	  35% 	 18% 	  0%

Continue (lvl 8), Rising Dragon (lvl 18), Anti-Evil (lvl 25), Dragon saint (Map 30 event)

Julia can become a really great unit if her strength growth plays along. She learns great skills and has good growths and caps. If the RNG doesn’t like her though there are lots of swordmasters in this game to replace her.


Character stats


                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     18         0       4       2       3       6        1      4       4

Stat caps                      60        15      19      17      18      30       18     16      12

Growth Rates                   20% 	  0% 	35%  	  0% 	 20% 	 60% 	  20% 	  0% 	  0%

Dance (Map 14 event)

Plum is kind of a mixed bag. For once you already get a healer in Enteh who is also mandatory for a good deal of the game. In addition without selecting Lee before Map 2 and thus giving her the unique Def Wand, which lets her buff a unit so it will receive half damage for the entire chapter, she will be outperformed by Enteh as well. Still she gets access to the dance skill and doesn’t lose access to staffs so she potentially brings more to the table than a typical Dancer unit.


Character stats

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     26         6       2      13      13       5        5      9       5

Stat caps                      60        18      15      22      23      30       19     17      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +3 	 +0 	 +3 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        21      15      25      25      30       20     18      12

Growth Rates                   55% 	 30% 	 5%  	 35% 	 35% 	 15% 	  35% 	 20% 	  0%

Heaven Saint (starting), Rising Dragon (lvl 15), Gale (lvl 35)

Vega is an amazing unit. He usually is stronger right of the box than Julia, unless you are really lucky with her growths and comes with his personal Killing Edge which also reduces damage done to him by 50%. In addition he got a better strength growth, at the expenses of a lower Skill and Speed growth. He also learns fewer skills than Julia. However since Swordmaster are some of the strongest units in this game it’s not like you have to choose.


Character Stats

Pegasus Knight -> Dragon Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     22         6       8       7      11       5        4      5       7

Stat caps                      60        20      21      19      22      30       17     18      12

Promotion Gains                +5 	 +3 	 -6 	 +3 	 -1 	 +0 	  +2 	 +4 	 +0

Promotion Caps                 60        23      15      22      21      30       19     22      12

Growth Rates                   45% 	 25% 	15%  	 35% 	 30% 	 55% 	  35% 	 20% 	  0%

Gale (starting), Re-move (starting), Earth Saint (lvl 15), Continue (lvl 25)

Mahter is your first flying unit of the game. She comes with a good base strength and decent skill and agility. She retains the usual weakness to bows and wind magic, so be careful around them and dismount if you can’t get her out of their range. Her growths are a bit worse than Sasha’s and she won’t learn Elite. But still, her incredible movement tends to be an quite and asset for a while and with some luck on level ups, she can turn out amazing.


Character stats

Bow Master

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     24        12       0       16     16       8        7     16       5

Stat caps                      60        22      15      21      21      30       19     20      12

Growth Rates                  40% 	 20% 	25%  	 35% 	 35% 	 55% 	  30% 	 15% 	  0%

Forest Fighter (starting), Elite (starting), Continue (starting), City Fighter (starting), Anti-Evil (lvl 16), Awareness (lvl 31),

Raquel is an interesting character. She is a pre-promoted archer, who vowed that she wouldn’t kill humans. As such her primary use, if she is used, is to soften up targets for training purposes or as a specialized anti-monster unit. Her stats are good and she comes with Elite making leveling her not as much of a problem, despite her vow of non killing. Still, she is at the mercy of RNG since she won’t promote anymore and has the usual problem of being an archer, which means she won’t counter alot.


Character stats

Dark Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     31        13       8      11     12        8       10     11       7

Stat caps                      60        22      15      20      20      30       19     21      12

Growth Rates                  80% 	 55% 	35%  	 55% 	 55% 	 30% 	  35% 	 35% 	  0%

Awareness (starting), Life or Death (starting), Elite (starting), Continue (starting), Frontier Fighter (starting), Re-move (lvl 14)

Zieg is utterly amzing. He has great starts all around and some of the best growths in the game. Unless you are seriously unlucky he will turn out great no matter what you do. Furthermore he can use cursed weapons without fear since he is immune to their negative effect.


Character Stats

Mage -> Sage

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     20         0       6       6       7       4        3      7       4

Stat caps                      60        15      19      20      19      30       18     17      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +0 	 +3	 +3 	 +4 	 +0 	  +2 	 +2 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        15      22      23      23      30       20     19      12

Growth Rates                   45% 	0% 	20%  	 30% 	 35% 	 35% 	  30% 	 10% 	  0%

Continue (lvl 19 Mage), Heaven Saint (lvl 20 Sage), Charge (lvl 39)

Maharaj is the second mage (or first if you skipped Lee) you get in the game and he is decent. Biggest problem is going to be his abysmal Magic growth, which means he is going to fall behind in the damage department unless you are lucky. His personal tome, while nice, also loses out to the personal tomes of later units. Still he is the first unit you get that targets magic defense and he can turn out decent with a bit of luck. His skillset is okay, although you won’t be able to get Charge without grinding him up.


Character stats


                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     22         2       6       6       8       8        3      6       7

Stat caps                      60        17      18      18      18      30       18     17      12

Growth Rates                   35% 	 15% 	20%  	  20% 	 35% 	 15% 	  25% 	  15% 	  3%

Re-move (level 14)

Mel is your first and only Troubador in the game. While she has access to swords, her low cap and growths for strength, coupled with her low defense should make it obvious that she shouldn’t be on the frontlines. Her mount is a great help, although slightly dimished due to the Far healing Staff having a map wide range, making it less important to keep up with the army in the long run. She is also the first person with a movement growth although you have to get seriously lucky to have any merit from that. As a special condition she will leave your army if Roger should die and vice versa.


Character stats

Armor Knight -> Iron Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     34         8       0       7       4       2       12      6       3

Stat caps                      60        20      15      19      17      30       18     24      12

Promotion Gains                +0 	 +2 	 +0 	 +0 	 +0 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +3

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      19      17      30       19     25      12

Growth Rates                   75% 	 40% 	 0%  	 30% 	 25% 	 15% 	  25% 	 20% 	  0%

Life or Death (starting), City Fighter (starting), Big Shield (lvl 25 or Iron Knight lvl 12)

Norton is your first Armor Knight of the game. He is the typical archetyp: A slow brickwall. His most obvious problem is his severe lack of movement. 3 movement is not only pitiful it’s a giant pain in the ass if you want him to do anything. His growths are decent though (although his promotion is shit outside the horse) and his base stats are alright I guess. Sill seeing how people like Narron get Big Shield as well (without having a weakness to certain weapons) and you have access to shields anyhow it tends to be too bothersome to get him up to speed (outside maybe using the arena). Not a big fan of him (or most armor knights to be honest).


Character stats

Wood Shooter

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     30        10       0       6       7       1       15      6       3

Stat caps                      60        20      15      20      20      30       18     30      12

Growth Rates                   30% 	 10% 	 0%  	 35% 	 45% 	 20% 	  40% 	 10% 	  0%

Continue (lvl 30)

Thomas is completely horrible. First off he has bad growths and 3 movement. In addition to that he is an archer and as such can’t counter. He also doesn’t have any promotion to redeem him in anyway and learns a single skill at lvl 30 which he most likely will never reach. Lastly Anti-Armor weapons are effective against him as well. If I had to say something nice I suppose he has nice starting defense and strength... but still you’re better off not using him.


Character stats


                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     29        10       0      14      11       3        8      9       8

Stat Caps                      60        22      15      22      22      30       19     21      12

Growth Rates                   65% 	 20% 	 5%  	 20% 	 20% 	 25% 	  20% 	 15% 	  0%

City Fighter (starting), Gale (starting), Big Shield (starting), Life or Death (lvl 18)

Roger has decent base stats but his growths are kind of bad. His skills however are kinda nice. When comparing him to other cavaliers just remember that he still got the Paladin promotion bonuses added to his stats.



Character stats

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     17         0       7       4       8       5        1      7       4

Stat caps                      60        15      20      19      20      30       19     16      12

Growth Rates                   40% 	  0% 	35%  	 10% 	 55% 	 40% 	  60% 	  5% 	  0%

Summon (starting)

Katri is another mandatory character for Holmes chapters. She is almost identical with Enteh. She has slightly lower base stats and slighty better growths. She also starts out with the summon skill. Biggest difference it obviously her ability to turn into a dragon at will. It’s a great panic button should soomething go wron but since the length of the transformation is random you shouldn’t rely on it too much or you’ll end up turning back amidst enemies who’ll turn you to shreds on their turn.



Character stats

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     18         1       2       7      12       7        0      6       5

Stat caps                      60        16      15      20      25      30       18     15      12

Growth Rates                   35% 	  0% 	20%  	 45% 	 40% 	 35% 	  25% 	  5% 	  0%

Steal (starting), Picklock (starting), Frontier Fighter (lvl 12), Continue (lvl 28), Charisma (lvl 35)

Juni is your first thief. She can open locks and chest as well as steal as befitting of a thief. Her lack of a defense and strength growth means she should never see combat which kind of is a problem since steal isn’t a seperated sskill and must be activated in combat. As such you’ll always have to take a risk if you want to steal something which is quite annoying especially since you can’t guarentee that it activates.


Character stats

Fighter -> Hero

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     24         6       0       7      9        4        4      6       5

Stat caps                      60        19      15      20      20      30       18     18      12

Promotion Gains                +3 	 +3 	 +0 	 +3 	 +2 	 +0 	  +2 	 +2 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      23      22      30       20     20      12

Growth Rates                   65% 	 35% 	 5%  	 50% 	 40% 	 30% 	  30% 	 22% 	  0%

Sea Fighter (starting), Blazing Wind (Fighter lvl 12),Anti-Evil (lvl 20), Rising Dragon (lvl 30)

Xeno usually turns out to be a good unit, he has reasonably good growths for this game, learns decent skills and has decent starting stats and caps as well as a good promotion.


Character Stats

Mage -> Sage

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     19         0       7       6       7       6        2      5       4

Stat caps                      60        15      19      20      19      30       18     17      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +0 	 +3	 +3 	 +4 	 +0 	  +2 	 +2 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        15      22      23      23      30       20     19      12

Growth Rates                   35% 	0% 	30%  	 35% 	 45% 	 30% 	  35% 	 10% 	  0%

Life or Death (lvl 15 Mage), Geomancy (lvl 12 Sage), Heaven Saint (lvl 30)

Meriah is the second mage you get. Her personal tomes are absurdly powerful and her stats are more or less the same as Maharaj starting out. Her growths are distributed better as well (a stunning 30 magic growth... Why is this good ). Her skills are interesting... You have to decide whether you want Life or Death (Wrath in newer FE games) or Geomancy (Luna in the newer games) since you can’t get both the normal way. You may be able to teach it through skill houses later in the game but at that time she will compete with other units for them. Barring some major misfortune Starlight alone is usually a good enough reason to at least try to use her and it makes her almost fail proof by how absurd it is.


Character stats

Lady Knight -> Arrow Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     24         7       0       9      10       7        6      8       4

Stat caps                      60        19      15      20      20      30       18     18      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +1 	 +0 	 +1 	 +0 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +3

Promotion Caps                 60        20      15      21      20      30       19     19      12

Growth Rates                   55% 	 25% 	10%  	 35% 	 45% 	 25% 	  35% 	 20% 	  0%

City Fighter (starting), Charge (lvl 15), Re-move (lvl 32)

As said in the update proper Sharon is Kate 2.0. She has the same bad promotion, same-ish growths (although a bit better) and just one difference in learnt skills: She learns Charge instead of Continue/Earth Saint. If your Kate hasn’t turned out well you can replace her with Sharon and roll the dice again.


Character stats

Armor Knight -> General

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     35         9       0       8       6       5       12     12       3

Stat caps                      60        20      15      19      17      30       18     24      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +2 	 +0 	 +3 	 +2 	 +0 	  +2 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      22      19      30       20     25      12

Growth Rates                   90% 	 35% 	 5%  	 30% 	 35% 	 35% 	  20% 	 30% 	  5%

Life or Death (starting), Big Shield (starting), Awareness (lvl 26), Continue (lvl 31), Charge (lvl 38)

Billford is the second armor knight of the game. He has the same shortcomings as Norton in that his movement is atrocious and there are no defend maps. His promotion also lacks the movement bonus Norton has (although it’s better in every other area). Still he got better stats than Norton, better growths and better skills. And if you are really lucky he might get enough movement to become viable given that he is one of the few characters with a movement growth.


Character stats

Black Knight

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     32        11       0      12      11       2       10      9       8

Stat caps                      60        22      15      22      22      30       19     22      12

Growth Rates                   85% 	 30% 	 5%  	 25% 	 20% 	 20% 	  25% 	 30% 	  0%

Life or Death (starting), Charge (starting)

Mintz is another cavalry unit with a great personality. Statwise he is a prepromote with middling stats and middling growths. He has nice caps but you can’t be sure he will reach them. Furthermore he only has 2 skills, although the others can be learned from skill trainers so it might not be that much of a disadvantage. The skills he learns are both great though. Given that our cavalry (in the form of Esther) has been lacking so far we will certainly get some use out of him at least until Holmes and Runan meet up once more.


Character stats

Bow Fighter -> Bow Master

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     21         6       0       6       8       5        3      6       4

Stat caps                      60        19      15      20      20      30       18     17      12

Promotion Gains                +4 	 +3 	 +0 	 +1 	 +1 	 +0 	  +1 	 +3 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      21      21      30       19     20      12

Growth Rates                   55% 	 40% 	 10%  	 30% 	 55% 	 35% 	  40% 	 18% 	 10%

Charge (starting), Elite (lvl 9), Geomancy (lvl 19), Continue (lvl 34), City Fighter (promotion)

Rennie can turn out utterly amazing. Sure she is an archer and thus cannot counter kill like the other units can but there are some really nice bows in this game that upset this balance a bit. She learns great skills has good growths (given this game) including a 10% movement growth!. Her base stats are nice and elite will manage she can catch up quick. Barring some real misfortune she tends to turn out amazing.


Character stats

Spear Knight -> Sergeant

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     26         8       0       6      11       3        5      9       6

Stat caps                      60        20      15      19      19      30       18     19      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +2 	 +0 	 +2 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      21      21      30       19     21      12

Growth Rates                   85% 	 30% 	 5%  	 30% 	 20% 	 45% 	  25% 	 30% 	  5%

Life or Death (starting), City Fighter (starting),Awareness (lvl 17), Arena Fighter (lvl 21)

Lionel is probably the best character you can choose from a statistical point of view (if you already picked Narron of course). He got decent growths (almost better in every stat than Ezekiel's) a better weapon class (spears trump almost everything in this game as they tend to be more accurate and powerful than swords) and can use them indoors. In addition he has a movement growth so he might even gain a point or two. Also he learns two good skills in Awareness and Life or Death.


Character stats

Bow Hero -> Hide Hunter

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     29        11       0      10      11       6        7     10       5

Stat caps                      60        22      15      22      22      30       20     21      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +1 	 +0 	 +1 	 +0 	 +0 	  +0 	 +2 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        23      15      23      22      30       20     23      12

Growth Rates                   65% 	 30% 	10%  	 35% 	 35% 	 35% 	  35% 	 25% 	  0%

Picklock (starting), Sea Fighter (start), Rising Dragon (lvl 16), Continue (lvl 32), Charisma (Promotion)

Holmes is the second lord of the game. He has great stats from the beginning although he is limited to bows until promotion. His growths are the same as Runan although his promotion is far worse. Luckily he already has pretty high caps and as such it isn’t too limiting. Skillwise he comes with picklock meaning you’ll never have to field a thief to open doors or chests, only to steal. The rest of the skills are shared with Runan as well. Since he is mandatory there isn’t really all that much to say.


Character stats

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     25         7       0      12      14       5        5     10       5

Stat caps                      60        18      15      22      23      30       19     17      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +3 	 +0 	 +3 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        21      15      25      25      30       20     18      12

Growth Rates                   60% 	 30% 	 5%  	 45% 	 40% 	 30% 	  30% 	 22% 	  0%

Continue (starting), Sea Fighter (starting), Arena Fighter (lvl 21), Rising Dragon (lvl 28), Gale (lvl 38)

Shigen continues the trend of great swordmasters in this game. His growths are good as are his starting stats although like usual he could use more strength. He comes with a decent skill set and his personal sword Dullahan basically means that he is immortal. Not a bad choice to field any time of the day.


Character stats

Axe Fighter -> Warrior

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     31         9       0      10      13       4        6     10       5

Stat caps                      60        20      15      20      21      30       18     18      12

Promotion Gains                +3 	 +2 	 +0 	 +2 	 +2 	 +0 	  +1 	 +1 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        22      15      22      23      30       19     19      12

Growth Rates                   95% 	 35% 	 5%  	 35% 	 40% 	 15% 	  35% 	 25% 	  0%

Frontier Fighter (starting), Gale (lvl 14), Awareness (lvl 20), Continue (lvl 29)

Samson is better in every imaginable way than Bartz. While he has one less movement he is better in every other aspect. He actually starts with decent speed and skill mitigating the usual downside of axe users. All of his growths with the exception of defense (by 5%) are better as well and he comes with great skills as well. Unless your Bartz turns out really good you tend to replace him with Samson.


Character Stats

Mage -> Sage

                               HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Agl 	Luk 	 Wlv 	Def 	Mov
Base stats                     20         0       7       7       7       5        3      7       4

Stat caps                      60        15      19      20      19      30       18     17      12

Promotion Gains                +2 	 +0 	 +3	 +3 	 +4 	 +0 	  +2 	 +2 	 +1

Promotion Caps                 60        15      22      23      23      30       20     19      12

Growth Rates                   35% 	0% 	25%  	 30% 	 25% 	 40% 	  40% 	 11% 	  0%

Charge (lvl 16), Continue (lvl 32)

Alicia only differs from the offer mages by her personal tome. She got slight worse growths than Meriah and fewer skills although bother her skills are potent on a mage. Her personal tome is Brenthunder which is a brave weapon with mt 12 and range 1-2. She tends to be better than Maharaj because of her tome alome but can’t really compete with Meriah.

Characters from Chapter 13 onwards are found in this post.

Skill List

Charisma Increases accuracy and evade of all allies within a 3 square radius by 5%.

City Fighter In city maps, raises accuracy and evade by 10% and boosts movement by 1.

Continue When activated, the user performs a 2-hit attack on the enemy (Activation is determined by user's (Agility)%.

Seafarer In sea maps, raises accuracy and evade by 10% and boosts movement by 1.

Blazing Wind When activated the user KOs the enemy (enemy must have low HP and range of attack must be 1. Activates based on (User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3%.

Elite Doubles Exp gain.

Re-move The user can use up left-over movement after attacking.

Anti-Evil Increases user's battle stats when fighting monsters.

Arena Fighter When fighting in the arena, boosts accuracy and evade by 20%

Awareness Negates all Skills other than Mug, Steal and Elite.

Big Shield When activated, the user's Defence is increased by 20 for one of the enemy's attacks.(User's Level)%

Charge When used, activates 2~5 rounds of battle. Can only be used if the user's Speed is greater than the enemy's.

Dance When used, has a good chance of allowing an ally to move again.

Dragon Saint When activated, the user performs a 5-hit attack on the enemy.(User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3%

Earth Saint When activated, the user performs a critical hit that negates Terrain effects.(User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3%

Forest Fighter In forest maps, raises accuracy and evade by 10% and boosts movement by 1.

Frontier Fighter In frontier maps, raises accuracy and evade by 10% and boosts movement by 1. Also prevents taking damage in swamps.

Gale If the user is faster than the enemy, they will always strike first in combat.

Geomancy When activated, the user's attack negates the enemy's Defence/Magic. (User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3%

Heaven Saint When activated, damage done to the enemy is used to restore user's HP. (User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3%

Life or Death As user's HP goes down, their critical rate rises. (100 - [HP x 100 / MHP])%

Mountain Fighter In mountain maps, raises accuracy and evade by 10% and boosts movement by 1.

Mug User can steal an item from the enemy. However it reduces the Accuracy and Avoid of all allies within a 3 square radius

Picklock User can open normal doors or chests without keys.

Plains Fighter In plains maps, raises accuracy and evade by 10% and boosts movement by 1.

Rising Dragon When activated, the user performs an attack that does triple damage. (range of attack must be 1)(User's Skill - Enemy's Skill) +3%

Song Restores HP of allies and may allow them to move again. Range of effect grows from 1 to 4.

Steal During battles, the user can steal an item from the enemy. Chance of success is equal to: (User's Speed + Skill)%

Summon User can use special staves to summon allied monsters on the field.

Transform The user can change form into one of the units adjacent to them.

Warp Teleports user to a traversable square on the map, and allows them to perform standard actions afterwards.