Part 11: Day 11: Ekkill

Alette and Oddleif spend the day along with others in your caravan treating wounds, most of which came from the archers at the gates. "I overheard from one woman that the city has been sending carts with food around," Oddleif tells you.

"Keep your sword down until we need it," you tell Iver. "We'll make a deal unless they're looking for a fight." Early the next day, you spot another cart leaving the gates of the city. After they've thrown their scraps to the refugees, you approach.

Hey, free route into the city! Besides, if we wanted to take the cart by force, we would've done it earlier.
He nods. You follow him back up to the gates, where they open the doors for you. A man clad in black approaches as you step inside.

The man orders his guards to get the doors closed again before more refugees notice.

He eyes Iver and shrugs with exaggeration, as if simply stating the obvious.

Once again, we come to a crossroads.
Do we fight for Ekkill to reclaim Frostvellr?
Do we cut out a life of our own inside Frostvellr?
Do we go back outside and take our chances outside the walls?
Voting ends in 24 hours.