Part 17: Day 18: Fasolt

After that crushing victory, I don't mind parting with a few men.
You gather a handful of warriors to send back with the frightened villagers. With the path already cleared behind you, they shouldn't find too much trouble along the way, but you'll miss their strength in battle.
-15 Varl

This is where I draw the line, though.
"Not from what I've seen," he says, but taps the toe of his boot on the ground and returns to the caravan.

Another tiny village! Let's take a breather.

I wouldn't mind a couple days without combat. That last wave of enemies did a real number on Bersi and Griss.

I promote Mogr, for a simple advance of one point each in Strength and Armor. Bring the Pain promotes - at Rank 2, the initial hit does +1 Armor damage, and makes Return the Favor hit for 3 Armor damage on each counterattack.

You know, with the rate he burns through Willpower, and with my over two months of supplies in stock, I think I'm actually going to buy this for Hakon. That'll bring him up to a total of 7 starting will, or up to 9 with ideal morale.

And so we hit the road once more!

Day 19 sees us in good spirits, but we are not alone on the road.

Ludin forces his way into the conversation.

Ludin's head swivels in your direction, eyes wide. He seems uncertain whether to be insulted or threatened.

We've got a job to do--

The words stick in your throat. Why did you say Ridgeheim? You meant Grofheim. Mogr gives you a perplexed look. Something is weird.

You can't explain exactly what just happened. You're getting that tingly feeling, like before. Like the dream. Ludin's inane barking pulls you back.

This shuts Ludin up for a moment. You can see the battle raging in his head. He looks desperate for safety, but he didn't expect to flee like a coward. He expected you to come along. He glances at his men.

Ludin's unexpected flip-flop catches you like a swift kick to the shins. Mogr can't contain a chuckle.

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