The Let's Play Archive

The King's Dilemma

by That Italian Guy

Part 8: Conclusion

Reign of King Harald V, Dilemma 5, Resolution

Vote Results posted:

Votes Aye, bets 2 Power(s), gains 0 Coin(s).

Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 4 Power(s), gains 1 Coin(s).

Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 4 Power(s), gains 4 Coin(s).

Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 4 Power(s), gains 1 Coin(s).

Votes Nay, spends 5 Power(s), spends 3 Coin(s).

The Nays have it!

Vote Outcome posted:

Envelope opened: -

Resources and Stability change:

With only a 1 drop for Influence and with a +4 to Morale due to Momentum, the Stability marker has reached the top of the scale! This means King Harald V's reign has come to an end - his most powerful vassals, once thought of as allies, have taken the opportunity to capitalize on their newfound fame to force him to abdicate, and have someone of their own crowned King.

Chronicle stickers:

No changes.

The end of King Harald V's kingdom.
Now it's time to talk a bit about the scoring system - the very basics are simple:

Houses - Final scores posted:

Hidden Agendas

Hidden Agenda: Moderate(2), 7 Agenda Points
Open Agenda(s): N/A.
Final Power: 8 (second), 1 Agenda Point
Final Coins: 7
Total: 8 Agenda Points

Hidden Agenda: Extremist(14), 14 Agenda Points
Open Agenda(s): N/A.
Final Power: 6
Final Coins: 13 (third), 1 Agenda Point
Total: 15 Agenda Points

Hidden Agenda: Opulent(4), 14 Agenda Points
Open Agenda(s): N/A.
Final Power: 14 (first), 2 Agenda Points
Final Coins: 15 (second), 4 Agenda Points
Total: 20 Agenda Points

Hidden Agenda: Rebel(4), 19 Agenda Points
Open Agenda(s): N/A.
Final Power: 6
Final Coins: 16 (first), 3 Agenda Points
Total: 22 Agenda Points

Hidden Agenda: Opportunist(1), 4 Agenda Points
Open Agenda(s): N/A.
Final Power: 6
Final Coins: 9
Total: 4 Agenda Points

Prestige & Crave
1st place: House Daucus, gains
2nd place: House Cyfoeth, gains
3rd place: House Gambol, gains
4th place: House Pinchay, gains
Last place: House Lethe, gains
I have updated your House's Sheet with the Prestige/Crave score and updated the Alignment tracker with the Agendas you've picked so far. I've also marked down Achievement progress for the Houses that have managed to do them! These will remain secret until they are complete and will be revealed together with the bonus they provide then.

New King's reign - Setup posted:

First thing first, we're going to set the Chronicle Aging - this means that each Chronicle Sticker gets a checkmark ticked on its left side. This is a way to keep track of how long each sticker has been around - after the 3rd sticker has been placed on the same row, the new one will overwrite the oldest sticker (the one with the most checkmarks; the leftmost, in case of a tie).

Then, we apply Resource Legacy - we count the amount of positive/negative stickers for each Resource, and we move them up or down on the tracker according to this. NOTE: the facing for each token (black or white) is determined randomly at the start of the King's reign, and it's not influenced by their facing at the end of the previous kingdom; Momentum doesn't accrue during this phase (so if you have 3 negative stickers on the same Resource, you only move it 3 downwards). Also, the Stability tracker always starts in the middle spot.

Then, we apply Power Legacy - we check the signatures on the stickers attached to the Chronicle area of the Realm board. For each Positive sticker signed by a House, that House starts the next game with +1 Power; for each Negative sticker signed by a House, that House starts the next game with -1 Power (it may even happen that a House starts the game with no Power at all!). This has been updated in your House's sheet, in the Chronicle Legacy effects cell.

Then, we assign Open Agendas - we check the signatures on the stickers attached to the Chronicle area of the Realm board. The House who signed the most recent Positive Chronicle sticker for that Resource receives the corresponding Positive Open Agenda token; we repeat the process for Negative Agendas (a resource may grant both a Positive and a Negative agenda in case there are multiple stickers on the same Resource). These are the Open Agendas for now:

As long as a House has 1+ Open Agenda assigned, they will either receive extra points if their resource is the highest (3) or second highest (1) if the Agenda is Positive; or they will lose points if their resource is the lowest (3) or second lowest (1) in case of a Negative Agenda. Ties count as the same position for this.
Each House can only be assigned up to 2 Positive Open Agenda tokens and up to 2 Negative Open Agenda tokens during a single game. If a House is assigned more, at the end of this step, they must choose which 2 they want to keep, and discard the rest. The Open Agenda tokens discarded in this way are not assigned to any House during this game, and can be put back into the box.

We would then check Story Legacy (cards that have a "star" symbol on them and that provide that bonus at the start of each Reign as long as they don't get covered) and Achievement Legacy (provided by completed House Achievements), but we don't have any right now. So, without further ado...

Hidden Agendas & Picking Order posted:

The House with the least Prestige is the first to picked, while the House with the most Prestige is the last. During the first game, The order is based on the "nobility" of the House itself, determined by the "House Number" on your House Sheet (the highest the number, the highest the nobility). The picking order for the reign of King Harald V is:
  • First Pick: House Lethe, Dukes of Natar
  • House Gambol, Dukes of Solad
  • House Pinchay, Dukes of Gamam
  • House Cyfoeth, Dukes of Coden
  • Last Pick: House Daucus, Dukes of Olwyn

Current House Roles posted:

- Foreman/Sitting Councilmember: Blastinus (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: Omobono
- Treasurer/Navigator: Jossar

- Sitting Councilmember: Danaru (also Treasurer)

- High Scholar/Sitting Councilmember: oldskool (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: megane
- Treasurer/Negotiator: Bellmaker

The current Sitting Councilmember for each House has 48h to submit their tiered preference for Hidden Agendas through PM/Email, putting all six in a scale from Tier 1 (want most) to Tier 6 (want least). You will be assigned the first available Agenda available according to the picking order. NOTE: one Agenda is removed at random before the first House picks.

We also need to vote for the Name of the next King! Everyone is invited to submit their name of choice itt, the most popular will become the next puppet King! The time window is the same for the Agendas. If I get everything before the 48h window, I'll run the update then.