Part 164: Storylines and Campaign ending
Storylines and Campaign endingA conversation on Discord has reminded me that, while most of the scoring is left voluntarily nebulous in the rules, some things are (kinda) specified and since everyone should be familiar with the game at large by now, it's time we have a small break down of these rules.
Once we reach the end of a Storyline, we'll unveil one out of seveal special Ending cards for that Storyline. This card has a few features:
- A white/black sword symbol representing a value for Cohesion and Dissent , that will count during the Grand Finale of the Campaign.
- A Narrative Event outcome for one of the Houses. These story events are sometimes mutually exclusive: if a House unlocks theirs, it may mean another House will never be able to unlock theirs!
- A Majority Signer Bonus: the House that has signed the majority of cards for that Storyline receive a Bonus. This is not specified and it's different based on the Ending card. The random example in the manual has the MSB for the made up card as "+3 Crave ".
Let's talk a bit about the Grand Finale of the Campaign as well. Sometimes, a card from the Dilemma deck will ask us to attach a Mystery sticker; there are several Mystery stickers, but once we have attached 6 of them to the appropriate section of the board, our campaign is ready to end. At that point, we'll be ready to open the Envelope that contains the full rules for the Scoring system; both the Prestige and the Crave scores marked on your House screen during the various games will be crucial; the Cohesion and Dissent values that were revealed on the Ending cards as a consequence of your decisions will also affect the end result of the campaign.