Part 63: Chapter LV - It is the most important Remnant in all of the world.
It is the most important Remnant in all of the world.
Chapter XXXIX: Oh dear... I'd already gotten up to 263 fishies, even...
Kosmosfest Staff: Okay, the job's real simple. I just need you to find a girl and bring her here to town.
Just any girl, or do you mean someone specifically?
Kosmosfest Staff: See, everyone in town's getting ready for a big celebration called the Kosmosfest. It's an ancient festival that's been held for hundreds of years. However, for some reason this year's Cosmos Maiden hasn't made it yet. Folks in town have started wondering if she's okay, but we're so busy getting things ready that we don't have time to go look for her.
Look, aren't they cute? I've been counting the killifishes! There sure are a lot of them, though... I'm a little tired!
Sounds tough. Good luck!
ThanksI'll do my best! Augh! I lost my place! Oh dear... I'd already gotten up to 263 fishies, even...
1...2...3... Aww, come onnn, guys, quit moving around so much, okay?
...You the Cosmos Maiden?
Hey, how'd you guess? My name's Sheryl. Ever since I was little, I've wanted to be the Cosmos Maiden... I can't believe they picked me! Lucky, huh? *giggle* Oh no, I almost forgot! I can't do this now, I've got to get to
Chapter XLV: This
is the power of Marions blessing?
is the power of Marions Blessing?
This is what the city map for Nagapur looked like before the Gwayn devastated it.
Music: Life Without Remnants
This is what it looks like afterwards.
Its okay. Im here.
Market Lady: All we could do was stand and watch while our town went up in flames
Thereve been a lot of cases of kids going missing from town lately. My niece being one of them
Thats terrible...
Ive been doing some searching of my own, but no luck. Dammit! I cant open up shop with this hanging over my head.
Gwayn-Gazing Man: The town would have been destroyed by the Conqueror if the Gwayn hadnt done what it did.
You mean, worse than it was?
Gwayn-Gazing Man: I want to believe
No, I do believe that the Gwayn was trying to protect us from them.
(Thank you.)
Waiting Qsiti: As long as I live in this town, Ill never be able to forget what happened. This town is absolutely desolate now. So many people have left in fear of the same thing happening again.
I cant blame them.
Waiting Qsiti: Im not one of them, though, I was born here. This is my home. No one could ever get me to leave, no matter what happens.
Ive traveled here with my friends from Ghor through the Heroic Ramparts. Its hard to believe the state of this town.
This store sells the last of the item types.
Shards are the heavy hitters of the Item Arts. They are AREA-EFFECT attacks, like Caustic Blast. But they are also very expensive to use look at that one which costs 740 G per shard. Thats 74,000 for a full inventory of them. Some can range as high as 1,400 G per (140,000). Youll be wanting a whole lot of G if you plan on making these a staple of your arsenal.
Except you cant really anyway. They are only sold in Nagapur, nowhere else, and even then, you cant even get access to all the shard types until almost literally the end of the game (although many types will be available about halfway through Disc 2).
We have no one in the party currently who can use Shards except NG+ Rush, so well have to wait before we see those.
Trendy Girl: Isnt that exciting?
Bartender: Tranquility and silence transform memories into beasts.
Trendy Girl: Did something bad happen to you in the past?
Pub Regular: Barkeep, you going to stay here and run the pub? Im going to leave town with my family. But before I go, I wanted to tell you something. That old man who looked familiar to me
Pub Regular: I finally figured out who he is. Hes the previous lord, Oswald Hermeien! But I guess it doesnt matter now.
I never thought the Gwayn would be capable of anything like this. I thought it was the strongest of them all. Well, I suppose it proved its powers. I just didnt think it would happen like this
Never thought the day would come when Id be working for you.
Jager hangs out in the bar for his personal chats.
What in the God Emperors up with this!?
Ever since the Duke of Ghor became chairman of the Congress, the people of Ghor Castle have been acting so pompuous! I doubt the duke will be in charge for long, though. That yama cant fill the shoes of our Lord Hermeien!
Yeah, the power-hungry, meglomaniacal, whacko shoes. Thats a real shame.
Waitress: Many lost their lives in the Gwayn debacle, and the pub has lost a lot of customers, too. And the ones who do come here all look so solemn. Though there is a silver lining to what happened. Ever since Lord Hermeien passed, that black-hooded gang hasnt been around. Now this place will be a perfect spot for those to mourn in peace.
Alright, lets just get on with the sidequest.
Yeah, maybe a big party might help lift everyones spirits!
Kosmosfest Staff: Although that doesnt mean this is going to be a wild party. Were going to pray quietly along the Calm Shores for world peace. Speaking of which, I have a task for you. To make this festival a success and to ensure the maidens safety, Id like for someone to rid the Calm Shores of monsters.
Ive killed monsters before.
Kosmosfest Staff: Not just one or two I want you to defeat them all. Will you do it for the festivals sake?
Im on it!
Kosmosfest Staff: I knew I could count on you! I want you to head to
Fornstrand immediately. The festivals success lies in your hands.
Accepted quest: Kosmosfest
Music: Breakers on the Shore
Sheryl! You remember who I am!
Im kinda nervous, but I can do this! Once you defeat all these monsters, Im going to start the festival!
Kosmosfest just started, but there are a bunch of monsters in the area and the Maiden cant concentrate. Time to take some action!
This mission is pretty straightforward, just kill all the enemies in this zone (no need to clear all of Fornstrand, just this one map).
If you watch the videos, you might notice that I tend to spend a bit of time comparing each battle command with each union. Im not doing that because Im worried about using the wrong battle command and getting steamrolled. Usually, its because Im trying to maximize the number of battle commands that each union gets, because that increases how fast they learn and upgrade arts.
They just keep coming!
tire of this fighting
class changed to Adept Paladin!
Nimble Moulinet!
At the time of Kosmosfest, the water at Fornstrand glows and sparkles.
I hit BR 41 here.
I missed that chest the first time I was here. It has some G and Charm Recipe #6.
class changed to Lordly Mysticknight!
class changed to Lordly Paladin!
Confuse IV!
Nimble Devils Due IV!
Nimble Cascade Strike!
Nimble Cascade Strike II!
That seems to be all of them, so lets head back.
- Video: Kosmosfest
Once all the crabs are dead, a Death spawns to be the final encounter. Ive been trying to run more of these fights on Turbo, so I didnt turn it off here.
Paralyze means you cant use Combat Arts.
Discharge is one of the Oculuss special arts.
X-Ray vision is another.
Woah! Chill
chill guys, just
This isnt much of a miniboss.
And done.
Restore II!
Restorative Tincture II!
Countless lights gather together to become one Remnant. The Remnant itself doesnt do anything. It cant fight monsters or bad guys.
But this Remnant that is left here has a beauty that awes and inspires people. This Remnant
You really think so?
If it werent for this magnificent piece of art, the world would be a place of war and nothing but war. The Syltique tells us
Tells us that theres so much more. The world has its horrors, but it also has good and beauty.
I never thought about it like that before.
And the Syltique fades away again until next year. I do think Sheryls comments here are interesting. Remnants were created by unknown beings for unknown purposes. Most of the ones weve seen are used as dangerous weapons. When I posed the question of most important Remnant to the thread, most of the answers I got back were also basically the ones which can be used to control or ones which sustain life on the planet.
Whatever created the Remnants didnt make all of them just to wage wars. There are some which are merely objects of art.
Music: Life Without Remnants
Kosmosfest Staff: This festival is important because through it, were trying to convey that war is meaningless and unnecessary.
I know everyone will realize that. And when they do, the world will be a peaceful place.
Kosmosfest Staff: Or no one will realize that and the world will fall to pieces.
I wont let that happen! I cant!
Kosmosfest Staff: Im just kidding, Sheryl.
Kosmosfest Staff: Here, take this.
Reward: Sapphire Crystal x2, Snowy Crystal x2, 5000 G.
If you ever need assistance, Rush, dont be shy to ask for my help. You can find me in the guild. My goal now is to tell the entire world about those poor fishies! If theres a war, those fishies will die!
Theyre so adorable, but Im exhausted from counting them all! There must have been a hundred of them!
Completed quest: Kosmosfest
The Kosmosfest was a huge success. The Syltique taught us that the world wasnt created so we could fight each other.
Lets pick Sheryl up.
Kosmosfest's Cosmos Maiden. Absent-minded or empty-headed. Wishes to rid the world of war.
Class: Master
Initial BR: BR 41
HP: (563)
Str / Int: (31 / 43)
Union Name: Sheryls Friends
Current Arts
Evocations: (Mystic Missile III, Flash Arrow III, Silencer II, Eclipse II, Snare Shot)
Future Arts
Hexes @ BR 51
Lotions @ BR 63
Recruitable after completing two quests. She doesnt seem all that impressive, only knowing Evocations at the start, so I never bothered on my first playthrough. Her stats arent exactly wowing me either. By the time you can get her other arts, you should have better Hex and Lotion users already. I smell the aroma of bench-warmer. Still though, since she starts out knowing Snare Shot, she can immediately learn the Whiteout Arcana, which I guess is something. Still, if youve been using Evocations on your units, some of them should also be this far by now.
Tags: Mystic, Arcana, Worthless
She starts out at BR 41, which is why I suddenly wanted to pick her up after gaining all that BR from component collecting and Yvalock hunting. Her STR and INT are unimpressive, so shes probably not going to see much use, but she starts out with Snare Shot, which is all she needs to learn the arcana Whiteout. She is going to temporarily replace David as the leader for a bit, though.
The same sun shines through the blue skies, causing shadows behind the buildings. My town was not rich, but there was an abundance of happiness and joy. I wish I could go see it with my own eyes once more...
Is everything all right?
Sheryl can be found near the entrance to Nordenalm.
Sure, no prob.
Props, man. Thats chill.
Id actually intended to equip it onto Rush, but I forgot. Jagers not a bad choice either. I can craft something as good or better for Rush anyway. Now were off to do the main plot next. And possibly a sidequest as well in the same update Im not sure yet.
New Arts Summary
class changed to Adept Paladin!
Confuse IV!
Nimble Moulinet!
Nimble Devils Due IV!
class changed to Lordly Mysticknight!
class changed to Lordly Paladin!
Nimble Cascade Strike!
Nimble Cascade Strike II!
Restore II!
Restorative Tincture II!
Discussion: Most of the thread had quite a different idea of what the most important Remnant in the world is trying to interpret it literally.
Was Sheryls answer a good one?
Next Time: This power he sent
its eating away at me
from within!