Part 4: No matter what path you choose in life, you can't erase these past 5 years.
Congratulation all, you made the right choice. I’m not particularly impressed, but good job anyways. While it’s mostly a cosmetic difference at first, it has some other consequences we’ll see shortly.

Let's go, Joshua!

Right! I've got your back!
Pat: Nooo! Shoo! Shoo! Leave us alone!
Estelle: Chew on this!
Gotta admit, that was pretty slick.
Luke: Estelle?! What are you doing here?!
Pat: Joshua! You're here, too!

Get back, you two! These monsters aren't playing around!

We'll take care of them!
This is basically the theme for any fights that don’t merit a special theme, but aren’t just normal random encounters. It’s also pretty jazzy.
We need to protect Pat and Luke, but his is actually super easy. You can all but ignore them.

The Felines don’t do much damage, so there’s plenty of ways to skin ‘em.

Now, right now, the next Feline is getting a Strength +50% bonus. This is pretty much the same deal as Critical, except it doesn’t work with healing. We could let him get it, or...

We can heal ourselves, preventing them from getting the bonus. Probably not necessary, but still fun.

Do you have a pulse? Congrats, you won.

Yeah. I'm glad everyone's safe, too.

By the way, that was great timing the way you blitzed those monsters, Estelle.

You really think so?
Pat: Is it safe now...?
Luke: Oh man! That was awesome! You really showed them, Estelle! Not bad for a girl!

You little twerp!
Estelle bumps into Luke.
Luke: Ow! That hurts! What are you tryin' to do to me?!

What's wrong with you?! You even dragged poor Pat all the way up here against his will...
Luke: Ow! You're hurting me! Stop it! I said stop it, you violent she-devil!

So this is the thanks I get for saving your neck, huh? Looks like it's time to give you some of my SPECIAL discipline!
Luke: All right, Estelle, I'm sorry! Everything was all my fault!
Pat: U-um...Estelle? Shouldn't we forgive each other like they teach at school?
Forgiveness is for chumps.

Estelle, behind you!

...It's something with teeth, isn't it?
It always is.

(I'm not going to make it in time...)
Music Stop.
And then Cassius Bright out of nowhere!


Dad, you came!
Teach us your ways, Cassius.

You must always prepare for unseen danger by sharpening your senses.

That's part of what it means to be a bracer.

D-Dad?! Wh-what are you doing here?

I just happened to be in town and heard the whole story from Aina. I'll give you points for your quick thinking and taking action to come after the children... But, you failed to follow through completely.

I really messed up, didn't I?

It's a good thing you showed up when you did. I'm sorry. I should have been watching her back.

That just means that you have room for improvement. Constantly working to overcome your weak spots is the key.


So how about we head home, everyone? Can you boys walk?
Pat: I-I think so...
Luke: That was...incredible, Mr. Bright! You were like a gazillion times more awesome than Estelle!

Ha ha ha, of course I was! I'm her father! All right everyone, let's file on out of here!
Cassius is the best dad.
Luke: I'm with you, Mr. Bright!

Who's the glory hog now...? I mean, I guess I should be thankful that Dad saved my behind... But why does he have to go and take all the credit like that?!
Because he’s Cassius Bright.

That's just the way he is.

After all, he is Cassius Bright.
You see, Joshua gets it.

Dad is just unbelievable... The second we get back to Rolent he says, [I'll leave the reporting to you,] and takes off for home. The sheer nerve, I tell you...
If you can’t pawn work off on your kids, why even have them?

There's no need to make a mountain out of a mole hill over it. At least the boys came back safe and sound. Anyway, I think that's all there is to report.
And here we go. Note that we got some extra BP for the mission. This is because we were super smart, and timed our charge with Joshua. Throughout the main game, and some sidequests, we’ll get extra BP for satisfying certain conditions during a mission. A lot of the time, said condition is to make the right decision in a pinch.
Since getting max BP (368) means never fucking up ever, it’s not actually necessary to get up to Bracer 1st Class. Instead, it gives you some bonuses in SC if you transfer data.

You did well for your first assignment. From the details of your report alone, I believe I can commend you both for a job well done. You should be proud of yourselves.

Y-you really think so...?

I know so. In fact, you'll do even better on your next job. If anything else comes up, I would appreciate your help again.
If you need someone to wander around aimlessly while lives are in danger, you can count on us.


... How about we head home, too?

I guess we'd better... I've still got dinner to prepare.

Would you mind holding on a second? A letter arrived for your father just a little while ago. Unfortunately, since he went straight home, I never got a chance to give it to him. Do you think you could deliver it instead?
Received Letter to Cassius

I wonder if it's more work-related stuff...

I imagine so. The letter appears to be from one of our foreign branches.

One of the guild's foreign branches...?

As I'm sure you already know by now, Liberl isn't the only country where the Bracer Guild exists. On top of that, your father is widely known all across the Zemuria Continent, so we can expect these kinds of letters from time to time. If you two would be so kind as to make sure that he gets this letter, I would really appreciate it.
Of course. But first, as always, procrastination!

Ridge: It looks like you had a pretty rough first day. Was everything all right without Cassius being around?
Everything was alright because Cassius was around 

You better be serious. You don’t joke about free food. There are lines that you just don’t cross.

Damn it Elissa! We’re through.
Pat: I wonder what would have happened to us if you and Joshua hadn’t come. Luke may be saying those things, but I’m sure he’s really grateful to you, Estelle. Please don’t get too angry with him.
You’re all right Pat.
Luke: I just wanted to say I'm grateful that you saved us. And... I hate to admit it, were pretty cool, Estelle.
Damn straight!
Luke: Not as cool as your dad, of course.
Eh, I’ll take it.
Luke: I've made up my mind! I'm gonna be a bracer, too!
Yeah, good luck with that
Fate: Of all things, I heard that Pat and Luke took off to the tower north of here. I also heard that you rescued them as they were being attacked by monsters. You did well. That's just what I'd expect from Cassius' kids.

Yeah...uh, well...
Fate: What's wrong?

To be honest, Dad was the one who saved us all in the end.
Fate: Ha ha, you kids are still young. You'll continue to grow and mature. Yuni came back, too, and so all I can say is: I'm just glad that everyone's safe.
Well, that was fun. Let’s head home, shall we? Can’t give Cassius too much of a break.

Hey, Joshua...


... Do you think...I'm really cut out to be a bracer?

... Well, you seem to have inherited your father's skill with a staff... And your nosy personality doesn't let you ignore someone in distress...
Joshua may not be the greatest at consoling someone. Luckily, he cut himself off before he called her dumb too.

Really? You think so...?

Sure, but why are you asking? Are you still thinking about what happened back at the Tower?

Yeah... Because of my carelessness, Luke almost got caught in the middle of a dangerous situation. If Dad hadn't come when he did, he could have been seriously injured. I guess I'm just worried about whether or not I'll be able to stay on top of things in the future...


That kind of talk doesn't sound like the Estelle I know.


If we fail today, then all that's left to do is take back our losses tomorrow, right? Overthinking and worrying about things that haven't happened yet is definitely not like you. Isn't being a bracer what you've always dreamed of? How can you expect to succeed if you let something like what happened today discourage you?


...You're right...

This isn't like me at all!

I don't think a serious expression really suits your face either. You laughing like a big ditz is far more natural for you.

Hey, what's that supposed to mean?! You're gonna see my 'angry expression' if you keep that up...

Ha ha...okay. I admit that last comment was pushing things a bit.

I'll overlook it this time... And...thanks for cheering me up.

I don't know about you, but I'm sooo ready to get home and eat. My stomach just started growling like a bear.

(Maybe 'glutton' is closer to the mark than 'ditz'...)
I like this scene. Although we’ve mostly seen Estelle as her gung-ho, whack first, ask questions never self, this scene helps ground her, making her come across as a more realistic person, instead of just an amusing stereotype. The game is generally pretty good about this. While none of the characters are going to reveal deep seated truths about the human condition (except for Cassius, who tells us all that mustaches are cool, but you could never pull it off like him), the writers know how to flesh them out enough that they’re more than just one-note, repeated endlessly.

We finished reporting to the guild like you told us to.

Good work, kids. The details of your reports will be reviewed at each branch and will affect your pay and rank advancement in the future. Please make sure that you always remember to do it.

Don't worry, we will.
We may forget a lot of things (like super-important tests), but getting paid? We can remember that.

And before I forget, I got that copy of the Liberl News you wanted. There was this letter for you at the guild, too.
Handed over the Liberl News and letter.

A letter, huh...?

Well, I'm going to get cleaned up and start dinner.

Oh, and, Dad.

Um... Thanks for coming when you did today... You really helped me out back there.

I see you're being rather gracious today. Papa is happy! How delightful that my daughter has finally understood what a great man her father truly is!

There's no need to hold back, Estelle! Come and jump into your father's loving arms!
There’s only so many ways to say Cassius owns before you repeat yourself. So I’ll just repeat myself, Cassius owns.

In your dreams!

I swear, the men in this house have one thing in common: they never know when to shut up...
Estelle leaves.

Should I be thanking you, Joshua?

I didn't do much. I just gave her a push in the right direction. Estelle's a resilient girl to begin with.

Yes, she is, but she still has a long way to go. She'll run into more than just a few stumbling blocks in this line of work.

And overcoming those obstacles is what will teach her to stand on her own two feet.

There's that soft side of yours talking again.
It’s a miracle the Bright household hasn’t burnt down before.
Estelle's Voice: I guess I shouldn't have gone in expecting to make a perfect meal in a single try... No, wait! Cooking is supposed to be about passion! Exploding eggs are passionate, right?! Now, once more...!
The only heat Estelle needs to cook is BURNING SPIRIT!

That daughter of mine can sometimes be a little too...'passionate'.

I think I'll go help with dinner. We don't want the curtains to catch fire again.
Okay, scratch that, Estelle’s definitely burnt down the house before.

But at this rate, there's no telling when we can expect to have a bite of food ready on the dinner table.

Ha ha...

All right then, let's see what this letter is all about, shall we?
Cassius cuts the letter's seal.

Hmmm...a message from the Erebonian Empire...?
Music Stop


Dear Cassius: You suck
- Erebonia.
I do not!

This new dish is what I call, [Estelle's Egg-Splosion Over Rice]! Be sure to savor every last morsel.

I will. Your cooking this evening is excellent.

My compliments to the chef.
I have no idea how that ended up good, but I really want to try Egg-Splosion Over Rice. Actually...
Okay my house burnt down, bad idea.

Hmm-hmm. This is raw talent at its best! Today certainly has been a busy but great day nonetheless. We qualified as junior bracers, had our first real assignment...

...and I didn't even lose my eyebrows making dinner this time!

Not to mention the food being delicious. For a first attempt, this dish is actually quite edible.

At first I thought I might have to pitch it out the window when you weren't looking, but it seems that technique won't be necessary tonight.
It’s been rumored that Cassius can pitch a bad meal out the window in under a second. Years of training have refined it to a science.

Sometimes you're just so despicably rude, Dad. Don't you know how to be humble and just say something tastes nice?

All right then, how about this? Boy, I never thought I'd be able to eat something wonderful like this before I had to leave on business. You made a splendid meal, Estelle.

Thanks, Dad...

Wait... Business?

Are you really leaving again...?

Yes. Something unexpected came up. This time, I'm going to be away for a while.

H-hold on a minute! You're leaving...when?

Tomorrow morning.

What?! I don't care what kind of job you're doing! That's just too soon!

It's about that letter, isn't it? Was there some sort of incident?

Oh, it's nothing like that... just a simple investigation. I'll have to visit a number of places, so it'll take me about a solid month before I'm through.

That being the case, please take good care of the house while I'm away.

You always use some vague excuse like that and take off for who knows how long...
Sorry Estelle, Daddy’s gotta take care of some business.
Sorry Estelle, Daddy’s gotta help out some friends.
Sorry Estelle, Daddy’s going to go play poker and drink.
Wait that last one’s true.

We have to accept it, Estelle. A bracer's job is to help those who come to us for help.

I know, I know...but what are you going to do about all your jobs here at the Rolent branch? You've already accepted a few of them, haven't you?

Oh, only about 5 or 6. So I was thinking, and... How about the both of you handle them for me instead?

What...? Are you really asking us to do the work that you're supposed to be doing?

That I am. I'll have you do the ones which I think you can accomplish. And I'll ask Scherazard to handle the difficult ones. So, what do you say?

You're okay doing these too, right Joshua?

Yeah, no problem. Looks like a good way to get some experience as a bracer.
If you choose the other option, Estelle will just ask Joshua’s opinion, instead of saying yes then remembering Joshua a second later. What we chose seems to fit her character better.

Then it's settled. I'll stop by the guild and let Aina know about the change of plan before I leave.

All right. I'm starting to feel more determined than ever! We'll have to bust our tails with these jobs so we don't tarnish your name while you're gone!

Oh, Estelle, my beloved daughter... Papa is so proud...

Oh, my dear Lena, who art in heaven, can you see your daughter now? Our little Estelle has grown up to be such a lovely young woman!

Face it, Dad, you're getting old. If people lose their trust in you at this age, you might as well just throw in the towel forever.

I'm only helping you out because I'm your daughter, and I have a duty to pay you back for the last 16 years.
Estelle’s smug is approaching critical mass here.

I-I'm only 45! And what's more, I'm very likely the most active member in the entire guild!
Y’know, 45 is actually a pretty reasonable age for Cassius. You’d expect him to be either like ~35, or 60 because JRPG.

Not bad for a pair of comedians.

By the way, Dad. Which flight will you be on tomorrow? The one headed for Grancel or the one headed for Bose?

I'll be on the one headed for Grancel. My flight departs at 10 o'clock in the morning.

That means I'll have to get up a little earlier tomorrow.

I'd better set my alarm clock just in case.
And then Estelle forgets to set her alarm, and sleeps all the way until the following night.

Are you still awake, Joshua?

You'd better hold off on the liquor or Estelle will get mad again.

This is just my way of lifting my spirits before I travel. How about yourself? Would you like to join me for a drink?

I'll pass. Actually, what I should be saying here is: don't offer alcohol to minors!
I don’t know why characters in JRPGs always turn down liquor because they’re a minor. Who turns down free liquor, minor or no?

I'm not like Schera, who would jump at any chance to enjoy a drink or ten.

Ha ha...that's because she holds her liquor much better than I do.


There's something really serious happening, isn't there?
Yeah, my bottle is empty

There's no conclusive evidence, but there appears to be some sort of movement within the Empire...

The Erebonian Empire...? That sounds pretty suspicious.

This movement doesn't appear to be overt, but that's what has me worried... I intend to do a little probing at the Erebonian Embassy to see what turns up.

Understood. I'll make sure to look after Estelle while you're gone.

Don't you spoil that girl, you hear me? Now that she's become a bracer, she needs to learn to look after herself.

Estelle will be fine. She's got good instincts, and despite being a bit rough around the edges, she has talent with the staff as well.

There's no doubt in my mind that she'll be a first-class bracer someday.

Yet at present, she's like a babe in arms who knows nothing about the realities of the world around her. At some point in time, she'll have to choose which path to follow in life.

And, Joshua... The same thing can be said for you, too.


It's already been 5 years since you became a part of this family, hasn't it? How time does fly...

Yes... It sure does seem that way.

About what you said back then... Are you sure you won't reconsider taking those words back?

...For me, keeping my word is what defines who I am. If I can't do something as simple as that...I don't know how I could live with myself.

I know this may sound stubborn, but I can't take back what I said. I'm sorry...

There's no need to apologize...

But, I'd like you to remember this. No matter what path you choose in life, you can't erase these past 5 years. Estelle and I will always be your family. No matter what may befall you.

(Nods head)


This isn’t the end of the prologue. This is the start. I have no idea what twilight zone we were in before.
Also the update is being broken into two parts, because even though I'm under the character limit, the forums still won't let me post it.